|Chapter 5|

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Warnings: Torture, sadistic Voldemort, Blood and Gore, pure torture, muggle device

This was not how it was supposed to end. This could simply not be happening. In a way Harry could only hope that all this was one terrible nightmare...

Yet he knew that it was not. Green eyes closed as he tried to move his hands or arms. Yet they remained firmly tied on his back, his wrists bound to his elbows. All the blood inside his body was rushing to his head, since he was tied upside down.

His ankles were in chains that were tied to two poles spreading his legs wide, only increasing the pain in his muscles and upper legs.

The small cell had only one door and no light source at all.

So Harry couldn't recall how much time had passed. Had only a few hours passed? Or had maybe days passed since his friends had escaped with Dobby. Harry let out a small sound at the reminder of Dobby's big eyes in shock as they disappeared with a loud pop, leaving him behind in Malfoy Manor.

He had been trying to reach out to the house-elf, only to feel ropes wrap around his feet, making him stumble and fall. It happened so quickly, but at least Harry was certain that his friends were safe, as they disappeared in front of his eyes...

The door creaked open, bringing Harry from his thoughts as he closed his eyes tightly, turning his head away from the blinding light that filled the dark cell.

The throbbing in his scar already letting him know who was entering the cell. He kept his eyes firmly closed, even as he heard the door close once more. His heart was beating loudly against his chest, pumping blood through his veins that immediately went to his head.

"You still do not wish to speak?" Voldemort questioned him softly. Stubbornly Harry remained quiet. He had already put up with the Cruciatus curse, multiple times during the time he had been captured. Harry guessed it must have been longer than one week. He simply couldn't let Voldemort know what they had been up to.

"Surely this position you find yourself in is highly uncomfortable." Voldemort hissed and the voice sounded closer, yet Harry kept his eyes closed, not wanting to look up at his captor and let him see just how awful he felt.

Silence filled the room and Harry breathed in deeply and finally opened his eyes, looking up at those red slitted eyes that were gleaming down at him in a rather sadistic and pleased way.

"Muggles," Voldemort practically spat the word with loathing in his voice. "Do have some intriguing torture method; even I can admit this, Harry." Harry tried to ignore the dread in in his whole body at those words.

"I didn't think you would stoop so low, Tom." Harry rasped out. This as expected earned him a kick to his head and Harry let out a pained groan, as he swear he saw stars and the pain in his head increased.

"You know, Harry. People died from hanging upside down like this." Voldemort continued on as if he hadn't been interrupted or kicked his prisoner at all. "It usually takes around 8 till 10 hours however, it is quite painful death."

Harry gritted his teeth together and didn't reply, knowing that he shouldn't provoke the other, while he was in such an awful situation.

"Sometimes they would even go so far as to cut the person in half, slowly." Voldemort hissed out and Harry's eyes shot up to look at Voldemort, who seeing his fear-stricken look started laughing, clearly enjoying the pain that Harry was in and the fear that must have showed ins his eyes.

Harry quickly pushed his fear away and tried to calm down his breathing, not wanting to give Voldemort the satisfaction. Yet it wasn't easy considering it felt like his lungs weren't working properly and he could still feel slight dread inside him.

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