100 Kinks Challenge|Exploring...

By khaliaawritez

151K 284 78

Summary: A gift from me to you all, since somewhere during these two weeks I reached more than 50k+ Reads A 1... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
anybody still read this?

|Chapter 4|

11.5K 16 3
By khaliaawritez

Warnings: Strip Club, light bondage

Tom wasn't one to settle down with a nice witch or even a wizard. He always enjoyed playing with them, but after one time they often grew boring. Besides he simply found he didn't have the time for a real girlfriend or even boyfriend, he preferred the later.

Though occasionally female's found their way in his bed, when he was in a good mood. Yet he felt that nothing or no one could truly satisfy him in the way he wanted. Most of them enjoyed being tied up, yes. But he found they still couldn't quite handle him.

Maybe that is why he was here... maybe that is why he was mingling in between muggles, even though he didn't like them and considered them far beneath their species. He had to admit that it had its advances coming to places like this.

Sitting on a barstool he looked towards the stage, where soon people would be dancing and selling their body away, to whoever wanted them. Just a simple one night stand, nothing more. Tom took a small sip of his drink, feeling the liquid warm his insides a bit.

The waiting was maybe the worst part Tom thought, as he saw how waiters swayed their hips, and males grabbed onto them, laughing and groping them, clearly being drunk. Tom sneered at them all in disgust.

A warm laugh sounded next to him and Tom glanced sideways, seeing a handsome black-haired male standing next to him. Those green eyes were gleaming and the male smiled brightly at him. "First time here?" The male asked him above the noise from the catcalls and whistles.

"Yes." Tom replied, checking the male over again. He was dressed in very little, a small black short, with holes in it even; it outlined his body perfectly, since Tom could see the male was hard. The white shirt he wore did nothing to hide his body either; the texture was so thin that Tom could see through it.

The black-haired male had piercings on both of his nipples and then he finally met those green mischief eyes once more. "Don't worry; the dancers are pretty good here I heard. I bet you will enjoy yourself." With that the other left, leaving Tom to stare at his backside.

The male knew how to move and Tom wasn't surprised when he got up on the stage. He chuckled lowly; the dancers were pretty good right... the boy was one of them, selling his body for money. Tom turned his stool around, facing the stage, eyes watching hungrily as the music changed.

It was much slower than first and the green-eyed male swayed his hips, as those hands went from his thighs over his stomach and over his chest. Their eyes met and Tom grinned at him, the male returned it with a smile and a wink.

It was over far too quickly for Tom's liking, as the male swirled around the pole one more time and landed on his knees in front of the cheering crowd. The dancer was only wearing a red slip now as he made his way through the crowd, green eyes focused on him. Tom put one hand in his pocket, feeling the muggle money inside it, and his lips turned upwards in amusement, as the dancer approached him.

"Enjoyed the show?" The male whispered into his ear, leaning into his personal space. Normally Tom wouldn't like it that a completely stranger would do something like this, but this time he moved his free hand around and pulled the male in between his legs.

"Can't you tell?" Tom whispered back huskily, knowing that his erection was straining against the male's stomach now.

The male laughed and pulled him up, taking him to a more private room.

Back then Tom had believed it would be a simple one night stand, he never thought that the muggle could capture him so utterly and completely.

Harry was simply divine and Tom quickly wanted him to be his and his alone.


Many nights Tom found himself returning at the club after that first meeting and several weeks passed. Strangely enough he didn't grow bored of Harry or the black-haired male's body. No, instead he craved it more every time he left the club.

To know that he was lusting after a simple weak muggle and he was spending way too much money on him as well. Something must be utterly wrong with him. Yet Tom couldn't stop it either and he stood near the back as Harry danced on the stage, this time an angry sneer was on his face, as he noticed how everyone looked at Harry, looked at what he had started to considered his.

Every time he came here, these feelings of pure anger only intensified. His mind was screaming, raging, wanting nothing more than to pull Harry off that stage. To never let anyone see that beautiful body that was his.

Tom gritted his teeth as the spotlight increased and Harry threw off his shirt, throwing it into the crowd, which went wild. No, this was it. Tom couldn't deal with this anymore.

He let his magic run free and the spotlight gave a loud blast and it became dark on the stage. The music stopped as well as the radio got on fire. People screamed, but then the club owner got up on the stage and told them all to calm down.

Tom's dark eyes were fixed upon Harry, as he made his way of the stage, his body tense all of a sudden. As the black-haired male made his way through the crowd, to him, only to him, Tom thought possessively in his mind, a blonde male grabbed Harry's wrist and pushed his body up against Harry's.

If Tom had been furious before, nothing could prepare him for this. The blonde male screamed and Harry wide eyed jumped back as the blonde fell to the ground, letting out a pained scream... Green eyes looked around and found his, Tom noticed they turned furious for one second.

Harry quickly made his way over to him and pulled him away from the main room and into a familiar room, shutting the door behind them. "What the hell do you think you are doing, Tom!?" Harry screamed at him.

"He was touching you!" Tom screamed, not even realising in his anger that Harry knew it had been him who had done it.

Harry's lips thinned and the green eyes glared at him. "Magic should not be used like this!" Harry snapped.

Tom opened his mouth, as Harry's sentence finally hit in and his eyes widened. Harry knew about magic? Knew about him being a wizard? Had Harry some relative who was either a witch or a wizard then?

"Like seriously, Tom. I am doing my job. You can't go around destroying stuff and hurting those that touch me!" Harry continued on, clearly angered as well.

That was really the last straw. Tom took one step closer, pulling the other body flush against his chest. Harry froze and glared up at him and Tom merely grew more aroused at seeing those emerald eyes so full of defiance. "You know about the magic community... but you are not a wizard yourself, otherwise we would have attended Hogwarts at the same time." Tom muttered softly. Harry was now 23 and he had just turned 24. Even one year younger, he would have recognized someone like Harry instantly.

"My mother is a witch..." Harry snarled. "I may not be able to use magic, but I can feel it. It clings to you, surrounds you, like pure darkness."

Tom hummed and slowly started to push Harry backwards, to the sole bed inside the room. "Tom!" Harry screamed as the male hit him against his chest, but Tom ignored it.

He merely moved his hand and Harry's hands were tied together on his back. Green eyes widened briefly in shock, but then Tom pushed Harry down on the bed.

"Let me make this clear..." Tom whispered softly as he hovered above the other male. There was a dangerous edge in his voice that slipped through. "You are mine and I will never allow anyone to touch you ever again."

He saw Harry's pupils dilate slightly at his words and it made Tom feel pleased. "You can't exactly own a person, Tom." Harry muttered back softly.

Tom's lips curved upwards. "Really?" Tom asked him as he leaned down and sucked hard on Harry's neck. "I do own you, Harry. You will stop working here."

Harry snorted, ignoring the stirring deep down inside his body, and Tom pulled back to look at the male underneath him. "And what will I get in return, big bad wizard?" Tom sat back up, straddling Harry's legs and his hand moved over Harry's chest, a possessive look in his eyes.

"Me, of course." Tom grinned as he pinched Harry's nipple, the piercing cold at his touch.

Harry let out a small gasp, but recovered quickly. "And what if I don't want you," Harry said back. "Who would want someone as arrogant and possessive as you, after all," Harry shifted and pushed himself up, as Tom silently let him. Their breathing mingled, as they regarded each other. "Do not think that I have not seen the way you look at me, every time your eyes grew darker and you got more jealous." Harry whispered against his lips, emerald eyes gleaming as Harry smirked.

Tom pushed him down. "I am not jealous." He snarled into Harry's face, but Harry was merely smiling up at him. "I have no reason to be jealous, since you don't belong to then, now do you?"

"You don't want them all to see me, or touch me, Tom. That is pure jealously," Harry stated as his smile turned into a grin again. "I feel honoured really. You know my mother knows some people from the wizarding community. I heard about you, before I even met you."

Tom had a difficult time to hide his confusion at Harry's words. He knew he was kind of famous in the wizarding world after all. Being the last heir to one of the founders and having real proof for it. Well unlike Smith as well, but she wasn't getting any younger and she had no children, meaning that the Hufflepuff line ended with her.

Tom instead had no plans on dying. He had already achieved immortality and he would live forever.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, heir of Salazar Slytherin, only parselmouth being alive, top of the class student, head boy and even prefect of Slytherin." Harry eyed him as he summed this all up, then the green-eyed male shook his head slowly. "In other words, Mr. Perfect. Though I find this a little hard to believe..."

"Then tell me, why would you find this so hard to believe?" Tom asked in a soft voice that almost sounded hiss like.

Most people knew they were in trouble if he used this kind of voice, but Harry either ignored the warning signs or was simply a foolish muggle after all. For the male had the nerve to laugh. To laugh straight out to his face.

When Harry finally stopped laughing, he still had a grin on his face that Tom hated to admit looked good. "It's too good to be true," Harry stated, as he sat back up again. "And I think I am one of the few who has seen your more darker side," Tom didn't move even as Harry's face moved past his and he could feel Harry's breath against his ear. "Haven't I, my Lord?"

That whisper undid Tom completely. Only his followers knew that they should address him like that in their meetings. For someone who was apparently a squib, Harry was pretty well informed. Tom glanced into those green eyes. "Who?" He questioned coldly.

Who in his ranks had told Harry about him? Harry grinned at him. "I must say he is nice fuck... though I prefer you." Tom placed his hand against Harry's throat and pushed him down, seeing the male's breath hitch.

"Who told you?" Tom hissed furiously. A traitor in his midst, he needed to find out who it was. "Legilimens." Tom said softly, as he made his way into Harry's mind.

Memories played out in front of his eyes, many memories of Harry having sex with many males and Tom wanted to kill them all for daring to touch him at all. None of them were important; he needed to know who had relayed this information to Harry.

Finally he stumbled upon a memory that got close. Short blonde hair and silver eyes. Draco Malfoy...

Tom gently pulled out of Harry's mind, seeing a pained expression on Harry's face. "Fuck that hurt..." The male underneath him groaned.

Tom knew he hadn't been exactly gentle when he ripped into Harry's memories, but now that he knew who it was, his anger was slowly ebbing away. Though he did make a mental note to break all of Draco's fingers before torturing and killing him.

"That was unnecessary..." Harry muttered and green eyes blinked a few times as he started to focus again. "I hope you are not planning on killing him. He has done nothing wrong."

Tom snorted. "Hasn't he? He shared his secrets with a mere stranger in a night club." He stated softly.

"He was drunk every damn time, Tom. Give the male a break. Besides muggles would no doubt not even believe his words..." Harry snapped back, glaring up at the other.

"Hm... nope, I will deal with him later on," Tom whispered as he leaned down more, covering Harry's whole body with his own. Harry's eyes narrowed even further. Tom merely smiled down at him. "I am quite intrigued, that even knowing who I am from one who I thought I could trust, you still dare to glare up at me like this."

"Well, let's see... if you wanted to either hurt me or have me dead, I would already be long buried deep beneath the ground," Harry stated. "Also considering that you kept coming back and grew jealous and possessive of me, I think you aren't that fond of the idea of losing me."

Tom hummed softly, smirking down at him as he gently traced his fingers over Harry's cheek. "You would have been a Gryffindor or maybe a Ravenclaw, the way you use your mind." Tom said and then pushed his lips against Harry's, giving the other no time to reply.

Tom let one hand slip in between them, rubbing Harry's half-hard cock through the thin short he wore. A soft moan escaped Harry's mouth, which Tom eagerly swallowed down. Tom pushed his tongue inside Harry's mouth, completely dominating the other male.

Harry struggled against the ropes that held his hands tied down on his back, but Tom instead had other plans as he was roughly turned around. Small hisses came from the other's mouth as those sinful lips kissed his neck, shoulder and back, slowly inching down. Harry shifted and glanced over his shoulder, seeing those dark eyes watch him, but for one second he thought he saw a red gleam in those eyes.

Tom became silent, but his eyes were burning and Harry knew he was seriously playing with fire here. Tom Marvolo Riddle was dangerous, his instincts had been right from the very start and that is exactly why he had approached the handsome male.

Harry felt his slip disappear, as Tom smirked down at him. "No more holding back now." Another wash of magic went over him and Harry gasped as he felt his hole being stretched and it felt like something wet or slick was inside of him.

Tom straightened and opened his trousers, pulling his already aching cock out and Harry's green eyes watched with lust growing in them. A hand landed on his neck as Tom leaned over him and Harry felt the tip of his cock touch the rim of his anus. Sideways, Harry kept his eyes on Tom as he saw the dark wizard grin at him, but he could see the lust in those dark eyes.

It made Harry feel powerful that in one way he could completely and utterly undo Tom. Even if he was only a muggle he had a feeling he had some power over Tom like this. He pushed his hips back and Tom chuckled, biting on his neck.

Harry groaned at the pain shooting through him. "Eager, aren't we?" Tom hissed huskily.

"I can say the same about you." Harry said breathlessly. Tom laughed, clearly amused and entered in one swift thrust.

Harry arched his back, his hands tightening in Tom's shirt, as Tom's hands gripped his hips and he started to fuck him. Harry pushed back against Tom's thrust as well as he could, while he sometimes even tensed his muscles, which made Tom groan as he increased his pace afterwards.

"Harder!" Harry moaned out and Tom obliged, increasing the pace and Harry was sure that Tom's nails would leave marks on his skin, but he guessed that is exactly what Tom wanted. As the other went back to kissing, sucking and biting on his neck.

"Mine, say you are mine." Tom groaned against his neck.

Harry closed as his eyes as he felt the pleasure run through him, but actually saying these words didn't feel quite right, so he kept his mouth shut and Tom's hand came up, pulling at his hair.

"Say you are mine, Harry!" Tom snarled in his ear as he stilled. Harry tried to regain his breathing, feeling Tom's ragged breathing against his skin. Harry tightened his ass muscles and he felt Tom shift forward, the cock inside him twitching.

The hand from his hair went forward and landed on his throat, pushing him back against Tom's chest completely, giving him no space at all to move. "Harry..." Tom said dangerously.

Harry grinned, knowing he was really pushing Tom's limits. "You can't own a person, Tom..." Harry said back, glancing sideways to Tom's face.

Harry wasn't mistaken this time around, as Tom's eyes were burning bright red. His breath hitched at the intensity and the hunger inside of it. Harry knew it was all for him. "You're wrong, Harry..." Tom whispered and moved closer, stopping just before their lips would touch.

Harry felt his heart thumping inside his chest, but pushed down all the fear he felt. Tom brushed their lips against each other in one short sweet kiss. Harry felt however how the brown-haired male's lips were curved upwards.

When Tom pulled back Harry saw that Tom was smirking at him and the hand on his throat, moved a bit, but never left his throat. "There are still slaves, maybe not here, but in other parts of the world I have seen wizard and witches who owned slaves."

Harry felt his blood turn cold at this sentence. He knew now that playing with fire was dangerous and he had the terrible feeling that he was about to get burned. Tom's hands move up from his throat and gripped his chin, one finger landing on his lips, but Harry made no move to pull away at all.

"You see Harry, there is a spell. If I used it on you, you would be nothing more than my personal sex slave." Tom whispered and those words felt damning as Harry's eyes widened.

"You can't do that!!" Harry exclaimed as he struggled to get free, but Tom pushed him down and started to fuck him again.

"You. Find. That. I. Can. And. I. Wil." Each word was accompanied with one hard thrust that left Harry gasping and moaning and then Tom fucked him harder than before.

One of Tom's hands went down and started tugging on his erection, which Harry noted that despite everything was still hard and it was soon after that it started leaking pre-cum. "Fuck..." Harry moaned against the onslaught of pleasure on his body. He couldn't think straight. This wasn't normal... Tom had done something.

"What did you do!?" Harry screamed through his moans.

"I didn't do anything." Tom groaned against his ear and Harry could hear that Tom wasn't lying...

Harry knew he liked being dominated and tied down, but still he shouldn't feel this aroused after what Tom had said... Harry moaned as he felt Tom's cock brush against his prostate and Tom angled his hips so that he hit it with almost every thrust.

It didn't take long when Harry felt his balls tightening and he was so close. "Fuck..." Harry moaned, as he couldn't recall ever feeling like this.

Harry arched his back as he came, his cock spurting the semen beneath him on the sheets. Tom removed his hand from his member and held both his hips once more, thrusting in harder and deeper. Harry just laid there with his cheek on the sheet, his eyes closed as he tried to calm his body down.

He felt Tom still inside of him and knew the other had just come inside of him, making Harry wince. The wizard shifted and pulled him sideways, spooning him.

Tom's hand lazy trailed over his stomach and Harry opened his eyes. "Are you going to make me your slave..?" Harry questioned him and Tom hummed softly.

"No... I have enough mindless fools surrounding me. With that spell you will lose your own will, only obeying me and wanting to pleasure me. I am a cruel bastard, but not that cruel, Harry." Tom whispered against the back of his neck.

Harry felt relieved by Tom's words and relaxed in the others hold; still his hands were tied behind his back. "Tom, could you please release me. I need to go down and fix the damage you did."

"No, you are staying right here." Tom said leaving no room for any argument and Harry glared over his shoulder. Tom's eyes were closed and he seemed content.

"Seriously, Tom. You messed everything up downstairs, someone needs to fix it." Harry snapped. Tom shifted and Harry felt the cock inside him move forward, even though they both were soft, Harry stilled.

Tom opened his eyes; they were bright red once again. A smirk appeared on his handsome face and sudden dread filled Harry at it. "You're exactly where you should be and you will remain here with me."

"Possessive bastard..." Harry muttered, glaring at him. "You even came inside me. You know that we had a deal about that." Harry hated the sticky feeling inside of him and Tom sighed pulling out of him.

With one move from Tom's hand Harry felt the stickiness inside him disappear. "Happy?" Tom asked him, as Harry felt the two arms tighten around him, pulling him back against Tom's hard chest.

"No," Harry said, wriggling his hands, which were now trapped in between them. "My hands, Tom."

Tom hummed and smirked against his neck. "I like you tied up, so no. your hands remain that way for now."

"Tom seriously! We can't stay here like this, what if someone else needs the room. You have to let me go!" Harry exclaimed. Tom sighed, clearly irritated and then Harry felt the feeling of side-along apparition.

Green eyes closed as he felt another bed beneath him after being pushed through a small pipe. "Now shut up." Tom snapped and Harry felt a blanket being pulled over them.

As Harry opened his eyes, he noticed they were in some kind of bedroom. Tom must have apparated them away to his own house... Harry knew that his life just got fucked over by Tom Riddle and yet he couldn't quite deny he liked the thrill of it all.

"Heey Tom..." Harry said softly, wondering if the wizard had fallen asleep. Tom gave a soft hum and Harry grinned as he continued. "You are jealous, aren't you?"

Harry jerked forward and let out a shriek as Tom's hand landed hard on his bottom. "This ass is mine, just as the rest of your body, as is your mind, your soul and your heart." Tom growled near his ear and Harry shivered at the warm breath and the dangerous words that left Tom's mouth. Harry felt his cock twitch at it and somehow he knew that even though he was playing with fire, he quite liked it. "Is that clear, Harry?" Tom whispered as he sucked on his earlobe.

Harry looked up, meeting Tom's red eyes. He grinned at him. "Yes, my Lord." Harry whispered and he was delighted when Tom's pupils dilated. Oh, the power he had over Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. Harry couldn't help himself and laughed, earning himself another smack on his ass.

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