UniTale: Settling Down [Reade...

By BlandyBoi

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After the events of "UniTale: Universal Adventures" You and Chara settle down in your new universe as you pla... More

Part 1
Part 2
Another Dream
Part 3
Part 4: A Foolish Rematch
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Heaven
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12

Part 10: A soldier returns

120 4 4
By BlandyBoi

You threw the covers off of you as you climbed out of bed, it was a new day and you were feeling a lot better then you were the night before. You took a shower and got changed as you decided to check discord on your phone.

20 pings? What could be that important?

you opened the group dm as you looked through the past 20 messages.


You threw down the phone, quickly scribbling a note to Chara before using the overwrite button to make a portal, walking through as you found yourself at Alex's house.

You quickly knocked on the door, your hand practically shaking.

I swear to god if this is a trick Alex, i'm gonna-

The door opened to reveal Alex, he quickly pulled you inside.

"Y/N Y/N, I don't know what happened but Jason is here, he looks exactly like he did when he fell and he came here as this was the only place he knew he could find me besides the school!"

You pushed past him and ran into the kitchen, in front of you, like the group dm had said, was Jason, looking exactly the same after 10 years, sitting at a table drinking a glass of water.

"Y/-Y/N!?" Jason yelled, he put down his glass of water and immediately stood up.

"Well uh, ya look quite different Y/N."

"You look no different to 10 years ago."

"10 yea- dear god what happened since I was gone?"

"We killed Error, broke out of the darkened rooms, Chara got teleported back to her own world like the paper said, Alex, Michael and I came up with a plan to save her since everyone thought it was a dream, saved her, came up with a plan to bring you back to life, it failed, 10 years later another universe Chara comes along and tries to destroy our new home in a different universe, we stop him and I ascend to heaven." You finished your summary of the past 10 years.

"Holy fucking shit, all I remember is falling and then waking up on a nearby road."

"Well uh, want me to age you up those 10 years you missed?"

"You can do that?"

"Yep, I can overwrite reality however I wish."

"I think I'll stay in this body, I want to live those 10 years I missed."

You shrugged, it was understandable.

"Well your gonna have to come with me and live in a different universe, your supposed to have died from natural causes here and it'd be a bit odd if you were seen walking around."

"Could you not like, send me to a random one with a gun so I can live out adventures?"

You thought for a moment, you could do it, despite the dangers of other universes, maybe send him somewhere like the Jojo Universe...

"I think I can do that, after you go there though I won't be able to easily find you, I'll have to search the old fashioned way."

"Yeah that's fine, just send me there, I got a taste for adventure and I want more."

You nodded, thinking about the request. You clicked the overwrite button and a portal flickered into existence besides you.

"This'll send you to a random universe, I'll give you a special gun, stay safe."

You clicked the button again a shiny brown golden and crimson 6-shooter clattering to the floor.

"Thank you Y/N."

"Stay safe you bastard." 

Jason picked up the gun and took a step through the portal. You both looked at each other one last time.

"Don't die." You said at the exact same time as the portal closed.
(Yes this is my way of making a Jason spin-off series, as requested by one of my mates who dubbed him 'Gun man')

"Well uh, I'm gonna head home, thank you for taking care of him while I got here." You thanked Alex.

"No problem, by the way, the class 10 year anniversary is coming up soon, you gonna be there?"

"Maybe, it depends how much shit happens until then."

"Alright... I'll dm you 2 months before it's meant to happen."

You nodded, pressing the overwrite button as another portal appeared, stepping through you found yourself back in your house.

<==To be continued...===============

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