Better Than Tonight

By JordanIllisabeth

290 0 0

Disclaimer: this is a WIP that I work on when i find the time. Updates and revisions are/have been being made... More

This Morning
Going Forward...
Almost Distraction
Continued Silence


14 0 0
By JordanIllisabeth

My alarm sounds off and i hop right out of bed and head straight to the shower. I waste no time getting ready and getting out the door to work. As the taxi pulls up in front of the building my heart rate spikes. I step into the elevator and calm myself down as much as possible.

The elevator pops open and my curious eyes began to wonder as I step out. He had mentioned yesterday that he would have a permanent office in our building. Now all I have to do is find it and have reason to go to it. I stood there for a moment and suddenly an idea popped into my head. I knew how I could find out.

I head to the break room where I unfold my plan to find his office. Today is the only time I have ever been excited to see Ashley this early in the morning. Rather than come right out and ask, I nonchalantly mention all the new employees who would be joining us at the firm and where they would be working from. After 10 minutes of her grueling chitter chatter, she finally mentioned that Mr. Phoenix's office was 2 doors from mine.

The excitement and anxiety start to build inside me. I exit the break room and make my way to the conference room. There was no way I was letting anyone get a seat next to him if I could help it. I meander my way through the corridor. I gaze through the glass and his coal black hair and expensive grey suit come into view.

As I reach for the handle he looks up and his eyes meet mine. It's almost as if time stood still. Mesmerized by his gaze, I floated across the floor and into the seat right next to him. He cracks a half smile at me and I almost melt into the chair.

"Good morning Ms., Kensington", he utters. 

I can feel my face turn scarlet red as the heat surges through my body.

"Morning Mr. Phoenix", I reply bashfully. 

The meeting progresses to an end, and I can't help but feel disappointed. As much work as I have to do, who knows when I will see him again today. As we are exiting the conference room Mr. Phoenix stops me outside the door.

"I have some cases for you too look over when you have the time"

"Sounds great. Want me to come to your office and get them now or?" I ask sheepishly.

 This will give me a reason to go to his office.

"No that's okay I can have your assistant bring them to you soon. I'm sure your very busy."

"Sounds great." I reply disheartened. 

And there goes my chance to go to his office right out the window. Disappointed, I trudge to my office and close the door. 

A few months pass and we see each other quite often. Between the morning meetings and passing one another on the work floor, we have grown very fond of one another. I find any way I can to work with him. We get along great and work seamlessly together.

I try frequently to go to his office but never seem to get inside. Something always comes up or he offers to come to mine instead. Word around the office is that no one has ever been inside his office because he wants his privacy while he works. Not that I blame him but that doesn't stop me from wondering.

I finally get frustrated and give up on the idea. I'm not sure why I even want to see it so bad. It's silly really. Maybe someday.... Besides, I have work to worry about. I'm finally getting settled into my new office. Work has been good, and things have really come together for me lately. I completely remodeled my loft recently and have even been considering buying a new car for when I take my vacation. 

It's a random Wednesday. I'm setting in my office waiting for the day to be over. The first half of my day is client relations calls. Once I make my last call, the rest of the day consists of case review and preparation. I compile the proper documentation to be sent to other firms. Just when I think the day will never be over my computer dings.

An email notification has popped up on the screen. I roll my eyes and open it displeasingly. I've    almost come to expect them at this time of day. It's usually an email from my legal assistant with a question about correspondence. The RECIEVED FROM: jumps right out at me as soon as I get to my inbox. It is an email from Mr. Phoenix.

The email reads:

Ms. Kensington,

I request your presence in my office before the end of the day to discuss an upcoming litigation that has recently and unexpectedly landed in my lap. It will take about an hour more or less to go over the details, so make sure you give yourself adequate time to be available. See you soon!

Mr. Phoenix, Senior VP

I waste no time as I grab my scratch pad and PDA. I've been wondering when this day would come when I would see him again. Straight out of my office, I make a right and wonder down the hall reading the doors. Surprisingly, just like Ashley said he is two offices down from mine. The large walnut door reads (Jack Phoenix, Senior VP, Prestige Accounting) in embellished white letters. Nervously, I reach up and tap just loudly enough that I hope he hears. From somewhere in the back of the room I hear a scruffy voice say, "Come In".

I slowly open the door and make my way inside. Mr. Phoenix is waiting nearby to welcome me in. He closes the door behind me. 

"Take a seat" he declares. 

He motions towards a tufted leather sofa in the corner of the room. I casually stroll over to the sofa trying not to seem nervous. Curiously my eyes scan the room taking in my surroundings. Wow this is nice! Mr. Phoenix follows me over and plants himself in a large armchair directly across from me. I can't help but watch his every movement.

"Where should we begin?", I suggest. 

He leans up and gently runs his fingers across a case file on the table in front of us. He bites his lip obliviously as he reads. Something inside me quivers. I wonder if he knows the effect it has on me.

Thirty minutes have passed before I know it. Unexpectedly, he closes the folder and sets it back down on the table. He looks up from the file and gives me a stern gaze.

"Enough of that. Tell me more about yourself" he says with an inquisitive regard on his face.

This should be interesting!

W what do you wanna know?", I stammer. I've never been more anxious in my life.

"Tell me everything. Tell me about what made you want to become a lawyer and how you got where you are today."

It's as if a huge spotlight came beaming down and landed right on top of me. My brain completely shut down. I forgot everything  about anything and began to stutter. What could I say that would even measure up to his standards or meet his interest? He sat there staring at me with an expecting look in his eyes as I began my story....

"I'm originally from a rural town in Kentucky. As corny amd cliche as it sounds; when I was in high school I used to watch crime dramas on television. That got me started researching anything and everything I could on how to become a lawyer. I would spend countless hours watching documentaries and brushing up on high profile cases that were happening all around the country. I graduated top of my class and my parents used every penny of their savings to put me through law school at Harvard. Once I finished law school, I packed everything I owned and moved here and have been here ever since. "

"I lived here for a year working at a small firm near Greenwich Village. The whole time I worked there, all I kept hearing everywhere was how this firm was one of the best in New York. I knew I had to find a way to get a job here  After following up on an internship ad they had in the paper I became an intern here for 6 months part time while I still worked at the other firm. Once my 6 months was up they hired me in full time as a practicing lawyer. I've been clawing my way up the ranks for 5 years and it finally paid off last month when I was promoted to a lead partner in the firm. "

"A husband or children?", he asks.

"No, sadly I have never made the time", I replied apprehensively.

"Well, well, well. All alone in The Big Apple? Interesting..."

"Now that you know everything about me, let's hear something about you Jack?", I say nervously.

He starts and finishes telling me his story, which was way more interesting and to the point than mine by the way. By now I've noticed the clock ticking away on his desk and realize that it's been hours and way past time to go home. His voice trails off as he gets up from the chair and makes his way over to a whine cooler hidden in the bookcase behind his desk. He holds the bottle in the air as to show me what hes referring to.

"Would you like a drink?"

I nod my head affirmatively. He grabs two glasses and a bottle of bourbon and makes his way back over to the couch beside me. I can feel my heart in my throat as I catch a hint of his cologne. He unscrews the cap and pours us both a drink.

"To the gratification of new endeavors"

He toasts and lightly taps his glass to mine. Our fingers slightly brush together for a brief moment. It was as if a surge of electric ran straight through me and went right between my legs. I close my legs tight as to subdue the urge and take another sip. When I try to conceal the building feeling inside me Mr. Phoenix takes notice. He invites me over to admire the view at the window.

I lean in close to the glass as I start to feel the effects of the bourbon. I'm almost lost to the scenery when I feel a warm breath on my neck. He is right behind me looking over my shoulder but I dont dare turn around.

"Its beautiful isn't it?"

I nod but dont speak as not to ruin the moment. By now the view was out of sight and out of mind. My eyes were closed tightly and my body was playing tug a war with my brain. I knew acting on my impulses could put my career in jeopardy. My whole body just wanted to thrust towards him and wrap myself around him.

Before I've realized, he has made his way back over to his desk and is setting contently. All of a sudden, my witts come back to me and I know I have to go before I do something I will regret. I walk back over to the table and pick up my PDA, scratch pad, and cell phone. He shoots me a confused look as I shuffle towards the door.

"I have to be getting home. It's late and my dog will be angry with me if I wait to long to feed her" i spout nonsensically.

I dont even have a dog. Lord hopefully he believes me but Im afraid of what will happen if i stay and need any excuse I can to leave. Instantaneously he gets up from his desk and poises himself between me and the door. He raises one hand and brushes the hair off my cheek tucking it loosely behind my ear.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Kenzington", he says softly.

"Tomorrow, Mr. Phoenix"

It took everything I had to leave his office and go home. I cleaned my makeup off and put my pajamas on and went straight to bed. No long night, no fighting sleep. I was too exhausted for any of that. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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