Braedey Martin and Scooby-Doo...

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: This is sequel to 'Braedey Martin & Scooby-Doo: The Mermaid's Tail'. Scooby-Doo, Braedey Martin, and th... More

Ch-1: The Scottish Highlands
Ch-2: Welcome to Blake Castle
Ch-3: Dinner-Time
Ch-5: Welcome to Drumnadrochit
Ch-6: Out on the Loch
Ch-7: Sir Ian's Ship
Ch-8: Deep Below the Loch
Ch-9: Monster Chase
Ch-10: Capturing the Loch Ness Monster
Ch-11: Epilogue

Ch-4: First Encounter

1K 12 17
By BraedimusSupreme


Late that night, everyone had soon gone off to bed in their rooms around the castle. As all of the guests slept in their given rooms for the evening, Braedey and Rose were both struggling to get any sleep. The two were sharing one room, the two of them in separate beds, but it didn't stop them from pushing the two beds together. Still, the two's stomachs were growling, since they haven't had anything to eat at dinner, and they were in need of something.

"Rose." Braedey sat up in bed, as Rose followed suit. "With our stomachs growling the way they are, we are never going to get any sleep at all." He groaned in exasperation, slumping against the wall.

"I know." Rose sighed, a hand over her flat stomach. "I've never gone so long without any food before."

"Come on. Let's go." Braedey said to her.

The two pushed the door to their room open, and begin to walk out of the room, Braedey holding a flashlight in hand. He is wearing a pair of black PJ shorts and a blue shirt, whilst Rose is in blue frilly underwear, along with a translucent blue nightgown that reached down to just above her knees.

"So, which is the quickest way to get to the Mystery Machine downstairs?" Braedey asked, looking left and right around the hallways.


Soon, the two were now beginning to make their way down the stairs of the castle, trying to make their way down to the ground floor, and find the Mystery Machine. They both know that both Shaggy and Scooby have a secret stash of food tucked into a box built into the floor of the van, and it was their emergency supply of food.

"Okay, just in the sense that we're lost, the way down to the Mystery Machine is right around the corner." Braedey looked to his left with the torch in his hand, but it looked down to be a dark hallway. "Nope. That's not the way to the front door. That's a hallway."

"A dark spooky hallway." Rose added, holding his hand tightly.

"Let's keep going." Braedey continued down the hallway, Rose just behind him. "This must be the right way. And remember to say to yourself that there's no monsters."

"There are no monsters. There are no monsters." Rose quietly said to herself. "There are no monsters." But then, a shadow of what could be a claw appeared over her face, making her look over. "What's that?!"

"Who goes there?!" Braedey now spun around on his heel, aiming the torch over at what the shadow was. He then sighed at what it was.

"Oh, Phew. Its just a tree branch knocking against a broken window. Come on, let's keep going." Braedey sighed in relief. With that, the two continued on their way through the castle.

As they do so, the two now saw what looked to be a set of doors ahead. The roof above them was dilapidated and rotting away, but they were so lost, they didn't know which way was the front door to the castle.

"Do you think that's the way out?" Rose asked.

"One way to find out." Braedey replied hesitantly.

Braedey stepped forward, but as he does so, the floorboards creaked and groaned our loudly from the pressure. The two froze in place, not daring to move. Then, they heard the sound of squeaking up above. The two of them suddenly looked up, and they could see millions of little red dots on the roof looking at them.

"Are those..." Rose spoke quietly.

"Yep." Braedey muttered, as the dots now revealed themselves to be... "BATS!"

The two now ran straight for the door, a horde of vampire bats chasing after them. Rose never liked bats at all, and those definitely don't include baseball bats. She grabbed Braedey's torch, and she shined the light at some of the bats, but that didn't work very well. Luckily, they got to the door, and they soon slammed it shut before the bats could follow.

"Phew. That's was a close one." Rose sighed in relief.

"Yeah." Braedey agreed, then realised something. "Wait. Rose, have you just realised something now?"

"What?" Rose asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We just locked ourselves outside of Blake Castle in the middle of the night, and have no way of getting back in." Braedey explained the situation.

He was right. They were now outside alone on a stone viaduct-like structure, which only linked up with an old tower that stood dilapidated and ruined beyond repair.

"Well, let's think of a positive." Rose spoke up as she looked to the sky above. "At least its not raining right now." Right as she finished, a lightning bolt struck in the night sky, and the rain started to fall. Rose groaned in frustration. "Me and my big mouth."

Braedey then whipped out an umbrella from his pants pocket, opened it, and held it above him and Rose. "Never leave home without an umbrella." He said. "You never know when you'll need one." But, unbeknown to the two, something large was right behind them.

Rose nodded. "Good thinking, Braedey." She laughed, then looked at Braedey with a worried expression. "I think right now, we might need to-"

"RUN!" Braedey yelled, throwing away the umbrella, and the two now sprinted across the viaduct as fast as they can, as something was destroying the bridge, making it crumble away into pieces.

It was none other than the Legend of the Loch, the feared beast of all Scotland; the Loch Ness Monster.

Braedey and Rose now sprinted into the old tower, and they headed up the spiral staircase. But, as they reached the halfway point, the tower suddenly began to shake and shudder. They now looked out the small window, and saw the tower was breaking apart. The two now held onto the tower, as the entire structure fell apart, tipped over, then slid down the hill, and crashed down into a million pieces onto the games field below.

Braedey and Rose both managed to escape the tower virtually unscathed. But, they didn't have time to rest, as the monster now crash landed nearby them. The two of them now sprinted off and they hid inside a tent for the moment. Then, the monster walked past the tent they were in, its shadow looming over the tent. The two of them looked to each other, and they ran out of the tent into the heavy rain. But, they were spotted by the monster, and they had to run away. For a large four-legged creature like the Loch Ness Monster to keep up with them was odd, but they managed to keep some distance away from the large beast, until they came up to a dead end.

The monster's evil red eyes narrowed at the two kids, a deep growl emanating from its throat, whilst what could be steam shot out of its nose like a mad bull. Braedey looked around to see what could be useful, then saw what looked to be a 'Weight Toss' game, and could see heavy iron weights. He picked one up, and he started to spin it around above his head, using his strength. But, as he does so, the weight managed to gain such a spin, it now began to work like the rotor blades of a helicopter, slowly picking Braedey up, and catching him by surprise. This wasn't what he had in mind, but it'll work for now. Rose jumped up and wrapped her arms around Braedey's neck, as they began to rise up into the night sky, flying above the monster.

But then, there was trouble. The spinning motion of the iron weight started to get slower and slower. It wasn't generating enough lifting to keep the two kids in the air. Braedey lets go of the iron weight, then he and Rose both crash landed into a tent, which collapsed under their weight when they landed on the roof, and the two then fell underneath.

Inside the tent, Rose held onto Braedey tightly, since she was freaking out like crazy, as he was as well. The two of them were now soaked from the pouring rain, and they were cold. Braedey didn't know what to tell her, but knew there was trouble outside.

"The monster. Its right outside." Rose whispered.

"Keep quiet." Braedey covered Rose's mouth to try and stay quiet.

A large shadow slowly crept up the tent. Then, something grabbed the fabric of the tent, and pulled it off the two, but it wasn't the monster. It was...

"Its Braedey and Rose." Fred called. The two lovers now saw that everyone was right before them, along with Professor Pembroke, in their nightwear, all in their respected colours, and the rain had stopped. "Guys, what happened?" Fred asked in concern.

"Are you both okay?" Willow asked, running up to them and hugged them. "When I went to check on you both, your room was empty."

"Th-Th-The monster!" Rose stuttered in fear.

"Yeah. It attacked us, and nearly got us." Braedey nodded.

"Like, you saw the monster?" Shaggy asked in shock and fear, Scooby also looking concerned.

"And I thought you two were magnets for monsters." Velma muttered to herself, making Daphne giggle.

"Are you sure you two are okay?" Shannon asked in concern to them.

"I think they were looking for something to eat because they didn't have dinner earlier, and they were chased down here by the monster." Daphne guessed.

"She's right." Willow spoke up, just as a camera flash got their attention.

"Well, something made these footprints." Velma spoke, eyeing the large footprint that was pressed into the earth by the monster itself.

"Yikes." Rose whispered, hugging herself closer to Braedey, the latter hugging her back.

"This is extraordinary." Professor Pembrooke took a photo with her camera. "Just what I needed. Fantastic."

"Curse me kilts, can't a man get a decent night's rest without..." Sir Ian now walked down, in a dark red and green nightgown. He then saw the sight of the ruined games field, and he almost fainted. "Oh, dear me. No. No, not the games field. It's ruined! This is an outrage. Look what you've done." He fumed at both Braedey and Rose.

"Hey, it wasn't our fault." Rose interjected.

"Yes. That thing tried to eat us." Braedey added. "We just got away."

"Tell me. What tried to eat you?" Sir Ian demanded, eyeing the two children.

The two looked at each other, knowing this won't go well. "The... Loch Ness Monster." They replied back in unison.

"For the last time, there is no such thing as the Loch Ness Monster!" Sir Ian yelled out loudly, his voice echoing across the Loch.

'Sheesh. He really doesn't like it.' Willow thought.

"But, Ian, look. The proof is all around us." Professor Pembrooke interjected, gesturing to the destruction that was all around them.

"Miss Blake, I do not wish to spend one more moment at Blake Castle." Sir Ian fumed and declared at Shannon.

"Like, us neither." Shaggy ran up. "We'll call a cab. Hit it, Scoob."

"Taxi." Scooby called, and a London taxi drove up.

"There you go, governor. Step lively. In you go now." Shaggy now gets Sir Ian into the cab, then both he and Scooby get their bags. "Boy, vacations never seem to last, do they? Don't forget to write." They both get in, but the cab only drove up a few hundred feet until it stopped. "Are we there yet?" Then, Shaggy and Scooby were both kicked out of he cab, along with their luggage. "Quick trip."

"Wait, Sir Ian, wait. Please!" Shannon quickly ran up to the cab.

Sir Ian lowered the window to look at the redhead with a glare. "Young lady, you see that you have the game field in order by opening day, or I'll see to it that Blake Castle never hosts anything larger than a miniature golf tournament!" He declared. With that, the cab drove away, heading off to town.

Shannon felt hurt by what has been hurt. She held her left arm with her right hand, and looked down at her feet. Fred, Daphne, Rose and Braedey all walked over to her. They felt rather bad for them.

"I'm sorry for the damage, Shannon." Braedey apologised to the Scottish redhead.

Shannon gently hugged Braedey. "Its not your fault, Braedey." She assured to him. "Some things happen."

"We never wanted this to happen." Rose said sadly.

Willow now looked at the monster footprints with curiosity and with a raised eyebrow, and knelt down. She was looking in the direction they were facing, and she noticed something. "Hey, guys!" She called the others over. "Look at this!"

"What is it, Willow?" Pembrooke asked.

"Look at the footprints." Willow pointed over to the footprints. "They don't lead back into the Loch. They lead off back into town."

"Why would a sea monster walk along the road?" Daphne asked in confusion of what they've found out.

"But I wonder why it would attack Braedey or Rose?" Willow wondered.

"Well, gang, looks like we've got another mystery on our hands." Fred announced to the gang.

"Only nobody's been able to solve this one for 1,500 years." Velma said to Pembroke.

"Monster or no monster, I don't know how we'll ever get the game field repaired." Shannon sighed sadly, hugging her arms.

"Don't give up yet, Shannon." Daphne reassured to her. "We just need a little help, that's all."

"I've got it!" Shannon suddenly said with a smile. She then looked to her cousin. "First thing in the morning, we'll head into town. I know just the bloke to help us."

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