Lawyer, Lawyer

By DeeNOss

33.4K 753 66

Jennifer Walters was an exquisite lawyer who struggles with finding the one for her, until her friends sets h... More

A Change Of Pace
Moving On Isn't An Option
A Helping Hand
The One In Control
Highway To Hell
New York, New York, It's A Wonderful Town
Ready, A.I.M., Fire!
Mrs Peregrine
I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch!
Are You In?
We Stand Divided
Nobody Else Needs To Get Hurt
Ride The Waves
Positive Results
Baby Love
We're Home
There Are No Strings On Me
The End ?
So Much For A Pleasant Morning
There's No Place Like Home
Turn Up The Heat
Turn That Frown Upside Down
With A Burnin' Heart
Mutant And Proud
The Lost And Found
There Is No Balance
Under My Spell
Foul Work Afoot
Justice Has Been Served
Power Tripping
Mutant And Proud

The Things That Bind Us

1.7K 38 0
By DeeNOss

Much debate had gone into how Jennifer would conduct herself as She-Hulk to the public - becoming She-Hulk permanently after little consideration as she knew adopting her alter ego to become her new self would be a positive change - with (Y/n) there by her side as the two executed a plan that would bring peaceful negotiations to Jennifer coming out as the female, more intelligent version of The Incredible Hulk.

Though Brad had one leading suspicion to Jennifer's green alias, he dared not turn on those who were supportive of his living as a full-time gamer, especially after his ex, the very same Samantha who got the two hooked up in the first place, decided they were best to commence a break from one another to figure things out between them.

Nonetheless, Jennifer and (Y/n) owed them; a surprise to them both that Brad and Samantha were supporting their campaign and used connections they made in order to initiate an interview that they hoped would declare Jennifer Walters, A.K.A She-Hulk as a respected citizen to the world.

A more pleasant day turned out a big positive for Jennifer as more folks than expected had supported her on the day she was about to announce herself fully to the world. What's more, was that (Y/n)'s fidelity to Jennifer served as a moral compass to normal folk that were sought out to see a different perspective on heroes.

Jennifer appeared, visibly nervous but with an attempt at bravery nonetheless. All she wore was a simple black and white dress with a thigh-long skirt and her hair tied up in a messy bun. The addition of am extra button undone provided cleavage that (Y/n) couldn't help but stare at until he brought his gaze back up to Jennifer's eyes.

"Y-You look beautiful." (Y/n) said, taken away at her beauty and splendour as She-Hulk.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You're not too bad yourself." Jennifer replied bashfully.

"Out of the both of us, who makes suits hot? 'Cause what I'm looking at right now, I'm shocked it isn't for the bedroom."

"Okay. Save it for later so we can focus on the task at hand. It's not easy to change the world's mind on mutants, especially with Kelly's hatred for my kind."

"You got this, Jen. What we're doing now will be a beacon for people with gifts to open themselves up and be unafraid of what they are. After all, it took a heap of effort to get me to ambassador pro-mutant kind. C'mon, so we can show these anti-mutant pricks we mean business."

The two then walked hand in hand out the front door after a moment to compose themselves in order to feel as ready as they could to face the public. Once they were visibly seen stepping foot out of Jennifer's house, strangers and pedestrians all caught onto the green-skinned woman wearing clothing, hand in hand with a normal human male. 

They were shocked.

A news team that was on scene and set up for the interview were gobsmacked as those present stared at Jennifer with their eyes or their phones. Confidently, Jennifer paid no attention to what others were thinking or saying about her as the interviewer she and (Y/n) were to converse with displayed a warm smile towards the green-skinned woman approaching the news crew set up mics on Jennifer and (Y/n). 

They were given one minute of preparation before the commencing of the interview, broadcasted for the world to see. Just as the two settled in their chairs, another voice pitched to their ears as a man arrived awfully late for the interview. His sense of humour was not known to Jennifer nor her boyfriend as he took a chair unoccupied by one of the technician crew. 

He then took up a spot to the free spot to Jennifer's left and took to an unwarranted handshake without a single regard to the She-Hulk's self-appointed representative that was (Y/n). Before (Y/n) could muster any words to question the peculiar man with the goatee and strange blue circle underneath the centre of his chest, the interview was bound to commence. 

One of the cameramen caught the interviewee's attention, mouthing a countdown as well as using his fingers before he hid his face behind a camera that he operated at the same time the interviewer addressed the camera, stating who he was and where he was from before turning his attention to (Y/n) and Jennifer after stating who they were and what their mission was. 

"So, Jennifer, what made you want to open up about your... new personality?" The reporter asked with a bright smile that contained some form of disgust with Jennifer's green form. 

(Y/n) was quick to catch the irregular tone when the reporter vocalised her first question, to which he continued to portray a calm, neutral expression as he now and then looked at the reporter, more so Jennifer as a means of checking that she was fine with the questions being asked. After all, he didn't want an incident of her 'hulking out.'

"Um, well... it all began when (Y/n) and I started dating - the very day we met, to be exact. We went out to a fancy restaurant, then we went out for ice-cream," she began nervously. "B-But, when (Y/n) found out about this... he was completely open and supportive; he cared for me, looked after me, treated me for, well, for being me. Not once has he let me down or turn his back on me. I know he won't. Not now, not ever. And he's the one who brought forward the idea to put this fear to rest and show the world that there is nothing to be afraid of for being different. I just want to help those who can't protect themselves from thieves and killers and gangsters. I know the Avengers are doing their part, but I think I'm better off as a small-time superhero." 

The reporter nodded with a tightened expression. "And, Mr Stark, what are your feelings towards this movement?"

"I fully support what's going on, here. There should be no arguing over the fuss on whether Jennifer should or should not be accepted in our society. I get there's still a whole lot to take in, what, with superheroes and monsters and aliens, but taking this action to equality is the big step that we need to get closer to a united world where mutants and humans live equally." The brown-haired man spoke confidently as his influence persuaded the right audience in making the movement happen.

"And what do you think of Senator Kelly's anti-mutant campaign?"

"We don't need his robots. We need Hank Pym. With our Ultron legacy, it can change the world; protect it, even, from other worldly threats. Each day we're recruiting more and more heroes who want to put a stop to crime going on around the world. And we need the Avengers to lead the way."

The reporter half-smiled before turning his attention back to the camera recording live and addressed his co-workers before the segment came to a close. Almost instantly, the rich individual sitting with the two guests began to speak in appraisal for their work and even offered Jennifer a place on the Avengers team.

Looking over at her boyfriend, Jennifer became hesitant with her decision knowing that it would possibly result with them sharing a long-distance relationship. It still came as a surprise about his openness that he encouraged her to take up the billionaire's offer.

"I, I'll do it, Mr Stark." Jennifer said in one slow breath.

"Perfect! Oh, and don't sweat it. You can call me Tony. I'll see you both in New York at the mansion on Saturday," said Tony.

"W-Wait, we?" (Y/n) stuttered.

Tony winked at him before retreating to a suit of armour that recognised its creator as it automatically bonded to him. Within a matter of seconds, Tony shot upwards as the news crew packed up and took their leave. It didn't take long for the public to send pleasant looks and remarks to the green-skinned woman strutting through the shops of Los Angeles with her boyfriend in search for clothes her size.

They had accomplished what they hoped to achieve - with the aid of the world's most popular superhero. Jennifer found a confidence within her that enabled her emotions run smoothly as nobody dared say anything negative or derogatory towards her, added to the fact that (Y/n) whispered words of comfort I'm her ear as they began to enter stores that were under Jennifer's preference for shopping. In the end, they were happy and with each other.

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