Resident Evil VIII: Life in C...

By Leomantic

61.4K 1K 363

After saving his daughter, Ethan Winters has returned to the village in eastern europe to live with the woman... More

The Wedding
Daddy issues
The Diaries
New Threat (Part 1)
New Threat (Part 2)
Everyday life
The Tower
Treasure Hunt
Donna Beneviento
A new world
It's christmas time
New book


5.7K 105 32
By Leomantic

It has now been two months since the wedding and soon Alcinas baby bump would be impossible to hide, so she and Ethan deceided to tell the daughters during dinner.

Ever since the wedding, Ethan had tried to get along with his new children and the results had so far been mixed. Bela was a quiet one and liked to spent time alone, but she was open minded when it came to Ethan and his place in the family. Daniela seemed to have taken a liking to him and spent a lot of time with him, playing hide and seek or going out hunting. Cassandra though didn't even give him a chance. She wanted nothing to do with him, he was just an obstacle and nothing more.

Oh how she despised that stupid manthing. How dare he come into their house any lay his filthy hands on her mother!

For Ethan, adapting to this new life wasn't easy and not just because of the three new daughters. But he now had to live without the products of the modern world: Cellphones, TV, Wifi... all gone. This would prove to be quite a challenge and even after several months, he still missed these advantages. But on the other hand, he now had plenty of time to spare. He could take care of Rose or spent time with his new daughters. And he definitly didn't mind spending time with Alcina, especially in her private chambers.

And he was now able to fully follow his passions and right now he was sitting at his desk, working on sketches. There were still parts of the castle that needed to be renovated and he wanted to show Alcina his ideas.

Cassandra peeked into his room. Her "father" was wearing the new clothes Alcina got for him. Since she didn't had any man's clothing around, she imported it from the retailer Hackett London. After all, she said, now that he was a count he had to look the part.

This only infuriated Cassandra more. This man has been living here for a few months and she was already showering him with gifts and treating him as her equal? Oh she was going to enjoy this. Mother was busy right now so she would have plenty of time.

She knocked on the doorframe, letting him know that she was there. "Mr. Winters?" she asked. Both the and Bela still referred to him as Mr. Winters while Daniela had already began calling him father or sometimes Daddy.

"Oh Cassandra. What can I do for you?"

"There is something that I have to show you." She  waved him towards her. "Come."

"Alright." he said and stood up. Cassandra smile don the inside. Oh she was going to enjoy this very much.


"Wakey, wakey." was the first thing Ethan heard when he regained consciousness. He was in the dungeon, chained to the wall. The monsters here were all killed by the BSAA and the daughter after the fight with Mother Miranda and it had been abandoned ever since. This was, until now.

"What... What are you doing?" he asked, his head still aching from the blow he received.

"Were gonna play a little game, my little manthing. I'm gonna ask you some questions and if you answer them honestly, maybe I'll let you leave. But if you lie, I'm gonna cut you." She showed him her sickle. "And don't even try to lie. I've tortured so many people, I recognize a lie easily."

"You're... You're mother won't stand for this."

Cassandra grabbed his chin and looked him dead in the eyes. "Even if this get's me into trouble, it will be worth it. And mother isn't here to safe you. Now let's play." She let her sickle glide over his face and exposed chest. "Question 1: Do you love my mother?"

Ethan didn't expect this. "What? What kind of question is that?"

"Answer!" she yelled, pointing the sickle close to his eye.

"Yes! I love her, of course I love her." he answered terrified.

"Good boy." she said, gliding the cold steel of her sickle once more over his exposed skin. She wouldn't harm him of course, mother forbade that. But she could still have some fun with him. And she loved  to see his scared face.

"Hmm... Question 2: Do you have mommy issues?" she grinned.

"I... well... everyone likes to be spoiled I guess?" He wasn't sure how to respond to that, he hadn't really thought about it.

But Cassandra seemed to like his answer and giggled. "I knew it! Hahaha. Oh so much fun..." She leaned closer. "Do you love your new daughters?" she whispered.


Cassandra blinked a few times. She was sure that she had misheard him. "What did you say, vermin?" she hissed at him, regaining her composure.

"I promised to treat you as my own, just like Alcina treats my child as hers."

The witch was baffled by this response. Surely this had to be a trick or something. "Even when I do this to you?" she asked, reffering to his current situation.

Ethan nodded. "Yes. Because I know you're only doing this to protect your mother and siblings. But I promise you, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The anger inside Cassandra began to boil over and she yelled in his face. "Who do you think you are?! Coming into our house and steal mothers heart. And she is MY mother, not Rose's! And I am certainly not afraid by the likes of you!" She licked her lips. "All that shouting has gotten me thirsty. I'm sure mother won't mind if I take a bite. Don't worry, it's just gonna hurt a lot!" She laughed and got ready to bite him in the neck.

The sound of flies stopped her and before she knew it, Daniela had grabbed and dragged her out of the cell. "Get off of me!" she yelled.

"Stop it, do not hurt father." Daniela said to her.

"He is not my father and he certianly isn't yours!" Cassandra objected while Bela freed him of his shackles.

"Come one Mr. Winters, let's get you out of here." she said. Ethan nodded and followed her.

Dinner was very quiet. Cassandra spent the whole time shooting deadly glares towards Ethan, even more so than usual. Her mother didn't seem angry and she didn't talk to her about what happened so she assumed Ethan hasn't told her.

It was finally time for the big reveal. After the servants left with the dishes and prepared dessert, Alcina rose from her chair and adressed her children. "Daughters, I have an announcment to make." She placed a hand over her belly. "You'll soon have another sibling."

Daniela began to rock in her chair from excitment and Bela seemed happy as well. But Cassandra's reaction was different. Her facade broke, she couldn't keep this up anymore. "May I be excused...?" she asked with a failing voice and left before her mother could give her permission. She practically stormed out of the room.

Alcina followed after her, calling of any more dishes that would arrive. She knocked on her daughters room. "Cassandra?" No answer. "Cassandra, I'm coming in." Cassandra lay in her bed, her face buried in her pillow and she cried and screamed with all her strength. Alcina sat down on the bed. "Oh my child... tell me what's wrong."

"You don't love me and my sisters. Not anymore." Cassandra accused her.

That hurt Alcina. "Baby, what are you talking about?"

"Now you have this stupid manthing and a new daughter. And this time she is your own flesh and blood. You love your husband and natural child more than me." she looked at her mother, eyes still watery. "And now we can't even kill the servants anymore and you want us to wear our old dresses. All because of that stupid man Ethan Winters."

"Oh come here." Alcina said, pressing her daughter against her bosom and wrapping her arms around her, caressing her. "My darling daughter, my love for you is eternal und unconditional, nothing can change that. There is enough place in my heart for all of you, you have nothing to worry about." She kissed the head of her daughter.

After a while, her daughter relaxed in her arms. "Really?"

"Of course, dear. And I forbade you from harming the servants not becasue I care for them, but because it was the only way to keep these outsiders from killing us. Besides, you don't look good with blood all over your clothes." she smiled.

Cassandra sniffed and looked up to her. "Really? Mr. Winters didn't ask for this?"

Alcina shook her head. "No, dear. Is this why you interrogated him?"

The witch tried to avoid eye contact with her mother. "I see he told you."

"It was hard to ignore the giant bumb on his head. And he told me what happened, but he didn't say your name."

Cassandra eyes widened. "What...?"

Alcina nodded. "It was easy to detect that it was you. But yes, he didn't mention you. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it since no one was hurt. Even after all you did to him, he still didn't want to get you into trouble."

Now Cassandra actually felt bad. How could she ever doubted her mother's love? How could she treat her new father like that when he tried to befriend her? He really didn't had any bad intentions. She pressed herself closer to Alcina. "Please forgive me mother, forgive me."

"No." she stated firmly and looked her in the eyes. "It is your father who you should ask for forgiveness. And if I hear that you treat him like that ever again..."

"I won't, I swear to you." Cassandra promised. She was going to make her mother proud.

Alcina nodded. "Good. The first thing you're gonna do tomorrow is apologizing to him, alright?"

Cassandra agreed and her mother gave her a Good Night kiss. "Remember that no matter what you do or what you wear, I'll always love you. But I raised you to be a lady and I want you to act like one. It would make me very proud."

When she was about to leave, Cassandra called out for her again. "Mother?"

Alcina turned around. "Yes, daughter?"

"... I look forward to having a new sibling." she said with a smile.

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