Lawyer, Lawyer

By DeeNOss

32.7K 752 66

Jennifer Walters was an exquisite lawyer who struggles with finding the one for her, until her friends sets h... More

A Change Of Pace
Moving On Isn't An Option
The One In Control
The Things That Bind Us
Highway To Hell
New York, New York, It's A Wonderful Town
Ready, A.I.M., Fire!
Mrs Peregrine
I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch!
Are You In?
We Stand Divided
Nobody Else Needs To Get Hurt
Ride The Waves
Positive Results
Baby Love
We're Home
There Are No Strings On Me
The End ?
So Much For A Pleasant Morning
There's No Place Like Home
Turn Up The Heat
Turn That Frown Upside Down
With A Burnin' Heart
Mutant And Proud
The Lost And Found
There Is No Balance
Under My Spell
Foul Work Afoot
Justice Has Been Served
Power Tripping
Mutant And Proud

A Helping Hand

2.1K 51 2
By DeeNOss

Wearily, (Y/n) shut his eyes in an attempt to drown out all other background noise when a new sound reached his ears. Loud grunting and thudding drew part of (Y/n)'s attention to a figure manhandling some of the thugs while others received busted noses, ribs and broken arms. (Y/n)'s focus managed to regain some focus of his eyesight when he managed to catch a glimpse of the figure before him. 

A person built muscularly but with the face of a woman. Sirens wailed in the distance as (Y/n) used the tree to pull himself back up to his feet when the person picked him up and took a gigantic leap to escape the scene of the crime. 

In a heavy thud, the green-skinned creature that held (Y/n) in her arms dumped him on the ground in the alley that which they hid in. The stranger used a dumpster to conceal their appearance from the (h/c) man who unknowingly was the first person to witness their form. 

"What the fu...?" (Y/n) uttered as he slowly managed to get a better look at his saviour. 

The womanly creature growled softly as it cowered behind the dumpster until (Y/n) slowly crept towards it to get a better view of the creature, his hands raised to show that he meant her no harm. 

"Oh. My. God. Jennifer?! You're a... what the hell?" 

Suddenly, the green-skinned woman began to decrease in size, resorting back to her human form where (Y/n) found himself staring at the real Jennifer Walters cowering against the wall in torn clothes, hugging herself as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

"Hey, hey. It's me. It's okay. Everything's okay, Jennifer. It's me, (Y/n)." The (h/c) man cooed as he removed his jacket and carefully placed it over Jennifer's back before producing his phone to contact Brad for a pick-up. 

Fifteen minutes later and a car pulled up directly outside the alley (Y/n) and Jennifer were in. By that time, the brunette had softened up and snuggled up in (Y/n)'s arms when he carried her to the car. Brad didn't dare say anything as to avoid provoking Jennifer to bursting into tears again while (Y/n) maintained physical comfort from the back seats where they sat. 

Brad pulled up outside Jennifer's place so that the two could have privacy to themselves. (Y/n) carried the brunette inside her house. Gently, (Y/n) laid Jennifer on the end of her bed and removed himself from her presence momentarily to fetch her a glass of water. 

When he returned, Jennifer seemed all the more silent as she took the glass, appreciative of his hospitality and kind-heartedness and took a large gulp of water, leaving less than a third of water left. 

Hoarsely, Jennifer uttered, "Thank you..." 

"Where have you been, Jennifer? What the hell happened to you?" (Y/n) raised his voice, startling the brunette. 

Baffled by this, Jennifer mustered words in a stammer. "I-I don't know. I remember a firecracker sound. Hard punches in my stomach, and you holding me in your arms as I bled out. When I regained consciousness, you weren't there. I was, I was alone. Trapped in someone else's subconscious while this... this anger, this rage, took over. I-I couldn't control myself. It was like I was trapped in a cage, unable to do anything as this green rage monster went wherever she wanted and did whatever she wanted with no-one to stop her. Until I found you, I felt overjoyed. But those men that were hurting you..." 

"You saved me, Jen." 

Taking her hands into his, (Y/n) produced a comforting smile. Shunning away from him, Jennifer turned her back to him and covered her face with her hands and sobbed. (Y/n) reached his arm out to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, she jerked her shoulder away from his hand which gave some indication that she wasn't in the mood to be comforted. 

"I guess I'll leave you in peace. But if you need me, I'm just one call away." (Y/n) said before he made his way to the front door. 

A few seconds of hesitation before walking out the door, (Y/n) concluded that Jennifer was indeed not in the mood for his company and made his way home when he noticed graffiti on the wall of Jennifer's house, seeing as how she lived on a street corner like every other house in that street that was vandalised in some strange way. 

When a plan formulated, (Y/n) calmly paced his way home where he was quick to find something to distract himself to pass the time until he decided to have an early sleep, revelling over the ideas he thought up on how to cheer Jennifer up. 

The next day... 

After a lousy night crying herself to sleep, Jennifer woke up morbid and sour as she dragged herself out of bed and put on a pink dressing gown and made her way into the kitchen to make herself breakfast as an old classic played through the radio. 

In the privacy of her household, Jennifer danced and swayed her hips to the rhythm of the song. When her breakfast was ready, she sat down at the dinner table and at her food whilst she figured out a crossword puzzle. 

A good two hours later and Jennifer was back on her feet tending to her garden in the backyard. With the radio streaming a radio station of her liking, Jennifer stood peacefully as she watered her plants.

Her mind wandered to many things that didn't involve the incident of the creation of her alter ego nor her being shot. When it came to watering her front lawn, however, something peculiar caught her eye. The use of a high-pressure water system coming from around the corner of her house made her wonder what was going on until she decided to investigate. 

A stranger was spraying the wall of her house, removing graffiti out of the kindness of their heart when Jennifer realised just whom was doing the work for her. The stranger ceased triggering the high-pressure water system to change his attention to the brunette staring at them. 


"Oh, hey Jennifer! Good morning!" The (h/c) man yelled cheerily as he waved his arm at her. 

Baffled at his handiwork, Jennifer chuckled nervously as he packed up his equipment due to just finishing his last bit of work when she appeared. 

"W-What are you doing?" Jennifer asked with a stutter. 

"Doing a bit of housework. That's all." (Y/n) replied with a simple smile as if the matter was absolutely nothing to be concerned about. 

"B-But, why? Why are you here?" 

"What, suddenly I can't see a friend of mine? We are friends, right? Never did discuss what we are, so I'm assuming we're friends." 

Jennifer bit the inside of her cheek, taking into consideration his words when she made him the offer to join her inside. Keenly, (Y/n) took his high-pressure water system and dropped it inside by the door and followed the brunette into the kitchen. 

She automatically poured coffee after asking (Y/n) if he'd like any. Of course, he accepted and sat at the table while he watched Jennifer settle two cups in between himself and her where they sat. Before (Y/n) could say anything, Jennifer beat him to it. 

"I wanted to apologise for how I treated you yesterday," she began solemnly. "Your concern was greatly appreciated, but I didn't want to push you away. It's just... after the incident with me turning into this green rage monster, I-I was scared of hurting you if I turned back into the She-Hulk - it's pretty much what I am. No point in calling me the Incredible Hulk because that name's already taken." 

(Y/n) reached his hand out across the table and took hers into his. The physical contact made Jennifer's cheeks flush red, her breathing hitched as many thoughts crossed her mind. 

"W-Would you... Any chance you'd like to go out on another date with me?" (Y/n) stuttered bashfully. 

"Yeah! I'd love to!" Jennifer replied with much enthusiasm. "Would you like to stay for breakfast?" 

"S-S-Sure, Jen." 

(Y/n) made himself extra comfortable as the two extended their conversation for a lengthy period of time. There was no bother that the two were able to talk for hours on end, sharing a great many stories and tales about one another - not a single detail that went missed. 

Their friendship paralleled to that of two best, best friends. Until (Y/n) and Jennifer ran out of things to talk about, they decided to take their business outdoors by going for a drive to the mall. 

The pleasantries of being in one another's company was a vast change for Jennifer as reaching such a checkpoint with someone she'd been sent to date had turned out very well for the lawyer. 

At sundown, (Y/n) treated Jennifer specially by taking her to the carnival pier to revel in taking part in games, rides and going on a Ferris wheel. The pleasantries opened Jennifer to a whole new perspective of life as she found herself re-evaluating her attitude towards others and herself as the countless times she struggled to stand up for herself seemed fruitless, even then. 

Yet she still lacked the courage to pry herself out of her paranoia and shyness, despite feeling encouraged that (Y/n) would dare say otherwise. But upon entering a different field of view in her alternate state, Jennifer felt more power than ever before, despite being a rage monster. 

If she determined herself to control her alter ego, there was a chance Jennifer would even consider giving up being a normal human to embrace her inner She-Hulk. 

Only time would tell. 

With the sun beginning to set, Jennifer walked slowly beside (Y/n) as she carried a large teddy bear in her arms against her chest - a valued item he won for her during their second date - in deep thought of how to proceed with her relationship with (Y/n). 

As much as she'd like to say she certainly felt an attraction to the kind-hearted (h/c) man, she still wasn't ready to initiate the next move so hastily. 

"... all in all, I really enjoyed spending time with you," said (Y/n). "We should do this more often when we're both not busy. Which is, to say the least, during a large majority of the day until evenings, considering it's weekdays like this I don't normally work unless it's school holidays. But, you're always welcome to visit whenever you get the chance." 

"Free ice-cream?" Jennifer asked in a high-pitched voice. 

(Y/n) chuckled. "Only if you agree to there being a third date." 

Jennifer pondered on two thoughts: one about there being a third date and another which involved her wanting to start something between them. The two stopped walking and faced one another as (Y/n) mustered up courage to take her hand into his and smiled coyly at her now that he had her full, undivided attention. 

"Jennifer... I, I was wondering... s-since I've come to know you and discover just what kind of an incredible woman you are, I-I was wondering, if the thought ever crossed your mind, if you... would like to, to be... my girlfriend?" 

Shocked by his proposal, Jennifer's lips automatically curled upwards in delight, her expression brightened as she jumped at (Y/n), one hand clutched the teddy bear as both arms wrapped themselves around (Y/n)'s neck, closing the gap between their faces to connect their lips together roughly. 

Almost instantly did (Y/n) drive into the kiss as not a single person took notice of the two commencing their relationship together - it was all too cliché for couples to do couple things on the pier. From there, the newly established couple made their way back to (Y/n)'s car where he drove them back to her place to drop her off. 

"Thank you for today, (Y/n). I'm so glad I could finally meet someone as good and sweet and caring as you." Jennifer purred in adoration. 

"Anytime," winked (Y/n). "When will I see you again?" 

"I'll call you." 

Once the door closed on him, (Y/n) coolly made his way back to his car before taking himself home to reflect on that entire day he spent with Jennifer Walters. 

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