Do-over (A Percy Jackson Fanf...

By Sacai2005

68.3K 1.8K 659

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I didn't want to be thrown straight into a war of powerful deities. I... More

Disclaimers and stuff
1. What?
2. I have a talk with old ladies
3. I hate cows
4. I mess with Clarisse
5. The whole thing starts. Again.
6. The Kindly Ones aren't even kind
7. Animals shouldn't be crossbred
8. Ares sucks
9. We're too young to be in a casino
11. Hades is now my least favourite god
12. I should stop challenging gods
13. Olympus is apparently a democracy
14. More assassination attempts on my life
15. Betrayal hurts
16. Pinecone Face escapes the pine tree
17. A Military Extraction
18. A Thorn in my side
19. I let Bianca choose
20. The wine dude
21. I fight the lieutenant of the Hunt
22. Gotta love Bessie
23. I realise I am a threat
24. I have a few talks
25. One is lost in the land without rain

10. We're off to see the God of the Underworld

2.4K 68 36
By Sacai2005

Annabeth was the one to snap me out of the daze I was in. According to both her and Grover, I had been staring at the newspaper for a solid two minutes and the guy at the newspaper stand was about to call the police.

It was also Annabeth who pulled over a taxi to the side of the road. After shoving all of us into the back seat, the driver looked at us through the rear-view mirror.

'Where to?' he asked tiredly, a cigar between his lips.

Annabeth opened her mouth to say something but she must have realised she had no idea where we were going. I glanced at the driver to see an annoyed expression on his face.

'Uh...' Annabeth started but I interrupted her.

'Los Angeles, please.' I said confidently. 

The driver raised an eyebrow, 'That's three hundred miles away. For that, you've got to pay up front.'

'Do you accept casino debit cards?' I asked him.

His eyes narrowed suspiciously, 'Some of 'em. Same as credit cards. I gotta swipe 'em through, first.'

I nodded and motioned for Grover's LotusCash card. He handed it to me without hesitation and I held it out for the cab driver. He took it but eyed it for a while before I gestured for him to swipe it.

He swiped it hesitantly. The meter machine rattled so hard that I thought it was going to explode. The lights flashed once before an infinity symbol appeared next to the dollar sign.

I watched in amusement as the cigar fell out of the driver's mouth. He turned back to face us and his eyes were comically wide, and I had to stop myself from laughing.

'Where to in Los Angeles...uh, Your Majesty?' the driver asked politely.

The smile on my face melted off my face, 'I'm not royal. Don't call me that please.'

'Yes, of course, sir,' he said quickly. 'Where in Los Angeles are you looking to be?'

'If you can, the DOA Recording Studios,' I said carefully. 'Do you know where that is?'

The driver shook his head but reassured me, 'Never heard of it, but I'm sure I can find it on the GPS.'

As we waited for him to type in the address into his GPS, Annabeth poked my arm.

'How do you know where to go?' she asked me curiously.

'Uh...' I scoured my mind to try and find a reason behind my decision but I couldn't find one. Instead, I said the first thing that popped up in my head. 'Chiron told me the location of the entrance to the Underworld. He figured that it would save us some time since we don't have to find it ourselves.'

I let out a small sigh of relief when she bought my excuse. The driver was on his way to Los Angeles a second later, already speeding down the highway. I was sitting in between Grover and Annabeth as the landscape outside sped past. 

We didn't talk much during the trip. I tried not to talk about the dream I had before we left the disgusting truck but it was practically impossible for us to not say anything the whole ride. In the end, as we were driving through the Mojave Desert, we ended up talking about the location of the Master Bolt.

'How are we going to find the Bolt and return to Olympus in less than a day?' Annabeth said dejectedly. 'It's impossible.'

I was suddenly extremely conscious of the blue backpack over my shoulders. Then an idea formed in my head. We can just leave the Underworld as soon as we entered it. What had Ares said? The backpack was enchanted so the Bolt would appear in it when we reached the Underworld. We can return Hades' Helm and the Master Bolt without as much trouble this time.

'We can do this,' I reassured my friends. 'We can get the Bolt from Hades and return it in time.'

'How are you so certain we can?' Grover asked nervously. 'Percy, you'll be going up against a god. One of the eldest gods and one of the most powerful. It would take a miracle for you to get the Bolt from Hades.'

'We just have to believe, guys,' I said with the same confidence. 'We have to. Or else the whole world would be annihilated.'

The cab descended into silence once again. The driver wisely kept his mouth shut and kept his eyes on the road.

'Do you think that's what the Kindly Ones were looking for?' Annabeth asked again. 'When they were attacking us on the bus?'

'That is the most likely option,' I answered. 'What else could he be looking for?'

Annabeth pursed her lips, 'You might be right. But didn't you mention something about a pit? You dreamt of a pit right?'

I nodded hesitantly. 

I watched helplessly as Annabeth tried her hardest to crack the mystery behind this pit. Knowing her, she would figure it out soon. That wouldn't be a good thing.

It was so subtle, I almost missed it. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been looking. Annabeth's eyes widened ever so slightly as she seemed to figure out what the pit is or, rather, led to.

I tried to ignore the waves of worry and panic coming off of Annabeth as I looked out the window. Since the cab was driving at about ninety-five miles an hour, everything was a blur. I could barely read the sign that flew past us but I knew we were about to arrive at our destination soon.

The car slowed down about twenty minutes later and pulled to a stop in front of a familiar-looking building. I shook Grover awake and thanked the driver before getting out of the cab after Grover. I let the guy keep the LotusCash card and I had no time to decide whether it was a bad idea or not. 

The gold letters stood out against the black marble, making it slightly easier to read. Even with my dyslexia, I knew what those letters spelt out. The DOA Recording studios wasn't exactly easy to forget.

It was almost midnight but the lobby of the building was still brightly lit with fluorescent lights. The spirits of the dead looked solid enough but I knew better. I could see the tall and well-built figure of Charon sitting at the security desk. Although I wasn't a big fan of wearing sunglasses indoors, I had to admit he looked kind of cool.

'Okay,' I whispered to my friends as we walked into the building. 'Remember the plan.'

'The plan,' Grover gulped nervously. 'Yeah. I love the plan.'

'What happens if the plan doesn't work?' Annabeth said.

I shrugged, 'Then we improvise.'

Annabeth and Grover looked at each other before turning back to face me.

'That's not really a good idea.' they said at the same time.

'Hey, guys. Have a little faith,' I said as I placed my hand on my heart dramatically, trying to ease some tension. 'Just so you know, my improvisation skills are spot on.'

'Still not a good plan,' Annabeth said glaring at me. 'We need to think of a proper plan before-'

'Too late.' I stopped her as we approached the security desk, Charon still not paying us any attention.

Charon was just as I remembered, his chocolate-coloured skin and blond hair made him look elegant. His hair was cut in a military buzz cut and his expensive Italian suit complementing his hair well. His sunglasses obscuring his eyes from view, but I could feel them on me as we walked up to the desk. 

'Hello, Charon,' I said, making sure to pronounce his name right. 'How are you doing today?'

He raised an eyebrow as he leaned over the desk, seemingly inspecting us. 

'Horrible,' he replied drily in his British accent. 'Now, how may I help you, deadlings?'

'Deadlings?' I heard Annabeth muttered confusedly beside me but I ignored her.

'We would like to go to the Underworld, please.' I continued, being mindful to keep my calm facade.

Charon's second eyebrow went up, 'Interesting. No whining? No screaming? No "Oh, Mr Charon, this is all a mistake"?'

I shook my head.

'Well, then,' he continued after staring at us a while longer. 'How did you die?'

'We drowned,' I replied without missing a beat. 'Our boat sank and we don't know how to swim.'

Kind of ironic considering I'm a son of Poseidon. 

'Unfortunate,' he smiled at my response. 'Now, do you young ones have any payment?'

Annabeth and Grover looked at me nervously, unaware of the payment Charon was talking about. Fortunately, I did. And I had loads of it.

'Oh, we have payment,' I smirked as I pulled out one of many drachma pouches we had. 'And I think I know exactly what you're looking for.'

Charon eyed the pouch in my hands. His eyes went wide when I opened it and let the golden drachmas spill onto the counter. The sound of clattering gold was music to my ears and I was sure it was to Charon too.

'Well, now...' he licked his lips, a hungry look in his eyes. 'Real drachmas. Real golden drachmas. I haven't seen these in...'

His hand reached for the golden coins like a paperclip to a magnet. Before he could touch them, he retracted his hands and eyed us suspiciously.

'Here now...' Charon started before leaning closer and sniffed the air in front of us. After a second, he recoiled and snarled at us.

'I knew it,' he spat at us. 'You're not dead. You're half-bloods.'

Annabeth held her breath from her spot beside me but I did not falter.

'Took you long enough,' I smirked as I flipped a drachma between my fingers. 'You see, we need to get to the Underworld.'

Even with his sunglasses on, I could tell he was glaring at us. All of a sudden, the spirits in the room suddenly became restless, getting up and pacing the room, making a bunch of chittering noises.

'Leave while you can, demigods,' Charon growled as he reached towards the pile of drachmas on the counter. 'I'll just take these and forgot I saw you.'

Before he could pick them up, I covered the drachmas with my arm and swooped them back into the pouch in one smooth movement.

'Well, that's too bad,' I feigned a disappointed tone and sighed. 'I was going to give you all we could offer. That is, only if you provided us with service.'

I "subconsciously" played with the drachma pouch, making the dozens of coins clatter against each other. The growling in Charon's throat grew louder.

'Do you think I can be bought, godling?' his words meant well, but the slight greediness in his tone told me otherwise. 'Eh...just out of curiosity, how much have you got there?'

My smirk grew. I got Charon exactly where I wanted him.

'Oh, we have a lot,' I mused as I swung around the leather pouch in circles in front of me. 'This isn't even the only bag we have.'

The last bit of annoyance and anger left in his face disappeared at the mention of even more drachmas. 

'I mean, if only you just get us to the Underworld...' I said suggestively as I held my hand out towards Annabeth and Grover. Thankfully, they got my message as another two bags filled to the brim with drachmas were placed into my open palm.

I placed the four bags of drachmas onto the counter and looked at Charon expectedly. As I expected, his willpower crumbled beneath the sheer amount of money in front of him.

'The boat's almost full, anyway,' Charon said finally. 'I might as well add you three and be off.'

Just as we went to snatch the pouches off the counter, I held them back.

'Now, hold on just a minute,' I said a bit hesitantly. I looked around the lobby and watched as the stranded spirits wandered around aimlessly, doing the same thing over and over again until Charon decided to be nice.

Which was practically never.

I looked back up at Charon and ignored his look of impatience as I gathered all the courage inside of me.

'Take these spirits to the Underworld with us. All of them,' I said with surprising confidence. I could have very well jeopardised our entire mission but it was worth a try. 'Give these spirits a ride to the Underworld and the drachmas are all yours.'

Charon raised an eyebrow and looked at me strangely before turning towards the spirits in the lobby that were unaware of our conversation.

I must have been the four pouches of drachmas because, after a few seconds, he turned back to me with a smile.

A smile.

'You've got yourself a deal, kid,' he said to me before getting up from his seat and making his way to the elevator doors. The doors opened by themselves as if they had sensed Charon's presence. The elevator was already filled with souls of the dead and I was slightly worried that the rest of the spirits in the lobby would not be able to fit in it.

Charon turned back towards the crowd of spirits still residing in the lobby area and shouted, 'All aboard! I can finally get rid of you all. I'm feeling nice today.'

As if they were one single being, all of the spirits - dozens of them - surged towards the elevator doors in a matter of seconds. The lack of space in the elevator did nothing to stop them as they crowded themselves against the walls and even the roof. I suddenly got worried. It didn't look like there was going to be space for the three of us plus Charon.

Charon seemed to have read my mind because he turned to look at me and smirked, 'Relax, demigod. You wouldn't be left behind.'

Suddenly, an invisible force pushed me from behind as I tumbled into the elevator, Annabeth and Grover right behind me. I braced myself for any impact but it didn't come. When I straightened, I saw that the elevator had increased in size greatly and Charon with a smug grin on his face.

'That wasn't funny,' I said scowling.

'Yes, it was,' he replied, his grin growing larger by the second.

Before I could retort, the elevator stopped descending and started going forwards. The air around us turned misty, which made no sense since we were in an elevator. The flickering spirits around me made me a little uneasy. As if a switch was flicked, all of the modern clothes the spirits were wearing suddenly morphed into smoky grey robes. I had to place a hand against the wall of the elevator to keep myself standing from the constant swaying of the elevator.

I blinked and shook my head. 

We were no longer in an elevator. What was a fancy hotel elevator was now a large and rather long boat. The spirits around us were standing so still, they might as well had been statues from Medusa's emporium. Charon, now a robed skeleton, stood at the back of the boat rowing the boat over what I recognised as the River Styx in all its polluted glory. 

'The River Styx,' Annabeth spoke up, almost making me jump. She was silent for so long I had forgotten she and Grover were here with me. 'It's so...'

'Polluted,' Charon finished the sentence for her. 'For thousands of years, you humans have been throwing in everything as you come across - hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me.'

I looked at the river in apprehension and a bit of disgust as we rowed past. The last time I had been here was when I had taken a bath in it for its clean and refreshing waters, something I had no intention of doing again. With my luck, I would have to jump in it again to even have the slimmest chance at beating Kronos.

I. Hate. The. Fates.

I hadn't even realised we were approaching the black shore. I was shaken out of my thoughts by a large howl, the sound shaking me to my bones. 

'Old Three-Face is hungry,' Charon's grin looked even more sinister with his transparent skin. 'Bad luck for you, godlings.'

I looked over at my friends only to see their faces as pale as a sheet of paper. I couldn't blame them. It just felt wrong being in the Underworld when we were still alive. This wasn't a place meant for living things. We weren't supposed to be here. Even after coming down here two times before this, it did nothing to prepare me for the overwhelming feeling of dread that greeted anyone that dared enter the realm of the dead before they died.

The boat grinded against the black sand with a crunch as it slid onto dry land. The spirits around us started departing the boat, quickly leaving the three of us alone with Charon.

'I'd wish you luck, mate, but there isn't any down here,' he said to us sounding surprisingly concerned, albeit slightly. 'Next time you need to spend some drachmas, you know where to stop by, kid.'

With a skeletal wink, Charon picked up his rowing pole and turned the barge around, disappearing into the fog a moment later and leaving the three of us alone in a place we had no business being in. 

'That was...' Annabeth muttered.

'Terrifying.' I finished for her. I wasn't ashamed to admit that being in the Underworld genuinely freaked me out. It was almost as bad as being in the sky without being on a pegasus.

'To say the least,' Grover bleated nervously. 'How did you even do that, Percy? You were bribing Charon as if you were Hermes himself.'

'So, Hades' castle is that way,' I said clearing my throat as I ignored Grover's question and Annabeth's questioning eyes. 'We should probably get going.'

I stepped aside and held my arm out as I bowed. I heard a soft snicker from Annabeth as she walked past me, Grover right behind her. With my head down, something caught my eye as Grover walked past me. He yelped in surprise when I suddenly stopped him with my arm.

'I need your shoes,' I said before he could say anything. 

Grover blinked in surprise, 'Why?'

'Just trust me,' I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice as I remembered what happened.

Just thinking about...there made me want to bolt.

'Okay...' Grover replied hesitantly but he took off his shoes either way. 'Whatever, I didn't like them anyway.'

I almost felt bad for taking the shoes but I told myself it was to prevent him from tumbling down into literal Hell. I took the shoes from his outstretched hands and looked at him apologetically.

'Sorry, man,' I smiled at him. 'You'll find out why later.'

The look of disappointment on Grover's face slowly shifted into one of confusion, 'Okay. I trust you, Percy.'

I nodded in acknowledgement and tied the laces of the shoes onto my backpack, being mindful to keep the knots a bit loose in case they decide to go berserk, which is highly probable.

'You guys coming?' Annabeth's voice rang out into the desolate landscape. 'The spirits are almost gone. Come on!'

'Coming!' I shouted back before grabbing Grover's arm and pulled him with me.

We almost lost the spirit but it didn't matter anyway. I knew the way to Hades' palace better than I would have liked. We made our way to the gates leading into Erebus, the mist around us and the dread inside of us grew the closer we got to the entrance to the Underworld. The metal detectors came within our vision and unfortunately, so did a certain three-headed dog.

'Cerebus,' Grover whimpered as soon as he laid eyes on him. 'I'm not ready for this.'

'Don't worry,' I assured my friend but in reality, I was nowhere near ready to be facing Cerberus again. 'I have a plan.'

Despite the situation, Annabeth turned to me and raised an eyebrow, 'You? A plan?'

I took my eyes off of the three-headed rottweiler and mock glared at her, 'Yes, I have a plan. Is that so hard to believe?'

'Uh...guys?' Grover said before the situation could escalate. 'Is this a good time to let you know that Cerberus is hungry?'

'You can understand it?' Annabeth looked at the growling dog cautiously.

'Yes,' Grover said trembling. 'And he also said we have ten seconds to pray to any god we wish before he eats us.'

'Well, that's not good,' I murmured frowning. 

'Well, duh!' Annabeth hissed at me. 'Of course, it's not good! We're this close and we're about to fail! Your plan better work.'

'Yeah,' I said offhandedly as my hand snaked into my backpack. 'It will work, trust me.'

'That's getting harder and harder to do.'

I ignored Annabeth's comment and walked closer to Cerberus. My right hand was inside my pants pocket, gripping Riptide like a lifeline. Not that it would matter anyway. There was no way in Tartarus that I was going to win a fight against Cerberus, with or without help.

'Hey, boy,' I said as calm as I could as I held out a red rubber ball from the infamous Watrad park. 'You don't look like you get a lot of playtime.'

Cerberus' growling lessened ever so slightly. The head on the right tilted almost imperceptibly.

'It must be tiring guarding these gates all the time,' I didn't know whether he understood me or not and I really didn't care. I was on a roll now. 'You must really long for some time to relax and play.'

As I said that, I tossed the red ball up and caught it again, waving it up in the air. It wasn't long until Cerberus stopped growling altogether and started eyeing the ball in my hands, his heads following the ball every move I made.

'You ready for this, boy?' I grinned as I threw the rubber ball as high as I could. 'Catch!'

The tiny red speck sailed into the waiting jaws of Cerberus' middle head, almost crushed between two large teeth like a walnut in a nutcracker. The two other heads barked and snapped at the middle head, trying their best to get the measly little ball.

As the heads were fighting for their newfound toy, I turned towards a shocked Annabeth and Grover before yelling, 'Run!'

We sprinted under the belly of Cerberus and right past the metal detector, triggering an alarm and alerting the skeletal security guards of our presence almost immediately. We ran past shouting security guards as they reached out to grab us. We ducked and weaved the bony arms and I was pretty sure I even knocked one out of its socket. We ran straight into the Fields of Asphodel, searching for a place to hide out and wait.

Fortunately, we found a hiding spot in a hollowed-out tree trunk. We tried catching our breath inside as security ghouls ran past us and shouted for backup. It appalled me how easy it was for living people to sneak into the Underworld, or maybe we were just lucky.

'How in the world did that work?' Grover asked gasping.

'No idea,' I shrugged. 'That was plain luck. I had no idea that would work.'

Another lie coming out of my mouth. I wonder how many I would have to tell before this was all over.

'Did you own a dog?' Annabeth asked me. 'I used to own a Dobermann back at my dad's house.'

'Yeah, I owned a dog.' I said smiling sadly. 'A long time ago.'

Our tree descended into silence. The shouting of the ghouls outside faded into the distance pretty soon.

'Let's go,' I peeked my head outside. 'We should be good.'

We walked back out into the neverending fields of aimless spirits, floating around for all eternity. Being in Asphodel was depressing, to say the least.

As we walked further and deeper into the Fields of Asphodel, we had to walk past Elysium, or at least the walls of Elysium. I tried not to think too much about Elysium. It reminded me too much about the people I had lost over the years. At least this time around, I was given the chance to be able to save them from their untimely demise.

There was a part of Asphodel that felt like we were walking into a black and white film. The colours on our clothes and backpacks faded to dull shades of grey. The huge black obsidian castle loomed over us as it slowly became visible. The shrieks of the three Furies could be heard in the distance.

'Come on, we're almost there,' I said encouragingly. 

'Too late to turn back now,' Annabeth grumbled. 'Let's get this over with.'

It wasn't even ten steps from there when I felt a tug on my shoulders. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would have been, which might have been a good thing. I turned my head to look behind me and saw the shoes fluttering wildly, tugging my backpack towards the right of Hades' palace. I tried not to shudder as I thought about the edge of...there. I could feel its pull on me even though I was nowhere close to it.

Without hesitation, I untied the shoes with a simple pull of a string and they went flying towards the entrance to the Pit. I breathed a sigh of relief. It just saved us so much time without Grover actually being in the shoes.

'What was that?' Grover asked surprised as he watched the shoes fly off to seemingly nowhere, but I knew better. 

'No idea,' I said casually as looked back towards the Palace of the Underworld. 'We should hurry up.'

Annabeth shrugged and continued walking but Grover stayed standing, unmoved from the spot he was before. He eyed me suspiciously and I tried not to let out too much emotion. He would get an aneurysm trying to make sense of my emotions at the moment.

Ignoring his questioning look, I followed Annabeth on the path to confront my uncle. Sooner than I expected, I felt Grover's presence behind me.

The rest of the trip to the palace of Hades was silent and uneventful. No stray monsters popped out of the shadows and tried to eat us. No cursed shoes flew from the sky trying to kick our faces in. Nothing. Not even a whisper.

The only thing bothering me was the slowly growing weight on my shoulders. I tried speedwalking to Hades' palace but I could only go at the pace of what Annabeth and Grover were going at. And I couldn't exactly pull the bolt out of my backpack, could I?

The gates stood wide open, which led us to believe that Hades had been waiting for us, which was highly likely considering we came here to confront him after all. The small shapes of the three Furies were barely visible over the parapets of the castle. 

Even though the Underworld was gloomy and sad, I couldn't help but find the palace of Hades rather beautiful. The dark colour palette of the castle fit its surroundings beautifully (I never thought I would call the Underworld "beautiful") and even though it felt like a haunted castle, I would put Hades' palace right up there with my dad's underwater city and Olympus.

After pulling Grover away from the - I'll admit - really delicious looking pomegranates in the weirdly beautiful Garden of Persephone, we finally arrived outside the door of the throne room, being extra mindful of the grenade launcher-wielding skeletons guarding them.

'You know,' Grover grumbled as he eyed the armed skeletons. 'I bet Hades doesn't have trouble with door-to-door salesmen.'

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, 'Dude, I don't think they can come down here without dying.'

He rolled his eyes in response, 'You know what I mean.

Annabeth smiled at our interaction. It was nice to see some things never change.

'So...' I drawled out the word dramatically. 'Should we knock?'

I raised my hand to knock on the elaborately designed door but before my fist could connect with it, a hot wind blew past us and the door swung open on its own accord. The guards stepped aside with a soft clattering sound.

'Damn it,' I pouted as I lowered my hand. 'Really wanted to knock.'

Annabeth rolled her eyes at my antics, 'I guess that means "entrez".'

As soon as I entered the room, I wanted to pledge my entire life to my uncle. I looked over to Annabeth and Grover to see whether they were suffering the same problem I was but they seemed to be fine. I looked back to a three-meter-tall Hades only to be met with an angry gaze.

Oh, right. I am a son of Poseidon.

Maybe it was because I kind of - just very slightly - warmed up to Hades back...then because his presence wasn't as intimidating as it was when I met him when I was twelve. Or...was twelve before? Was twelve Part One?

Argh, I hate this time travel situation.

'You are brave to come here, son of Poseidon,' Hades said in a deadly calm voice. 'After what you have done to me, very brave indeed. Or perhaps, you are simply very foolish.'

I stepped forward with surprising confidence and bowed in front of his throne, 'Lord and Uncle, I come with two requests.'

I looked up again to see an expression of barely contained shock adorning Hades' face. I guess a bow was something he was not expecting.

'Only two requests?' Hades said after he had regained his composure. 'Arrogant child. As if you have not already taken enough. Speak, then. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet.'

I gulped, 'Look, Lord Hades, a war amongst the gods will be...well, bad to say the least.'

'Really bad,' Grover inputted helpfully.

I winced at what I was about to say, 'Please, sir. Return the Master Bolt and let me carry it back to Olympus.'

I flinched hard as the god's eyes grew dangerously bright.

'You dare keep up this pretence,' Hades gritted out. 'After what you have done?'

I thought about just leaving right now. We already have the Bolt and we would be able to retrieve the Helm of Darkness when we get back to the mortal world. All we had to do was...

My eyes widened in panic. I thrust my hand into my pocket, the panic in me rising as I felt only Riptide.

Time seemed to slow down around me as I let out a soft gasp, my eyes widening ever so slightly. Hades was glaring at us, waiting for an answer. Annabeth and Grover were staring at the back of my head, both confused at his words.

But I didn't have them. I didn't have the pearls.

I racked my brain, trying to find the memory of the pearls my dad gave me. The pearls that helped us escape the Underworld alive. I nearly fell to the ground at the realisation I had just come across. My breath hitched.

I hadn't fought the Chimera. I didn't jump off the Gateway Arch, which means I didn't speak to the nereid about heading to the Santa Monica pier. That was where I had received the pearls. 

The pearls I did not have.

A/N: GodDAMN that was a long chapter. I truly did not intend for it to be so long. 5.2k is a chonky chapter but I had to end it there (sorry for the cliffie).

Anyway...I'm back! Kinda. I wanted to post a chapter before the long string of big assignments come rolling in again. Thankfully, this new 7-day lockdown brought a bunch of my assignments back a week or two.

On a side note, another 7-day lockdown. Dam it.

On another note, this fanfic has just reached over 2k reads! I swear, this book had done better with me inactive. Maybe I should do that more.

I'm kidding. KIDDING!

Chapter 11 will be out at an unknown date. But something for you guys to look forward to, 'Percy Jackson beats up defenceless biker'.


Anyway, my fellow readers, peace out and enjoy the rest of your splendid day.


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