Epiphany Of Love

By Kitsing0062x0206

35.8K 2.1K 167

What will a selfless child who can charm people with his smile, confront when he loses his beloved mother... More

First day
Hazers..! Bullies..!
New Spy & The misunderstanding
Things Gone Wrong..!
Apologizes and Planning
Dinner Time.!
Feelings and Freshy Event
The Truth..
Courting Part 01
Courting Part 02
P'Arthit's Parents
P'Arthit's Home
First day and Case..!
Warming Up Lightly..!
Stranger.? Acceptance.!
Last day and Departure
New Academic Year..!
Unbreakable Love
Rise of New Trouble..!
Culprit..! Plan..!
Trapping the Culprit..!
Public Disclosure
Special Chapter (Tew-Dae)
Special Chapter (Prem-Wad)
Special Chapter (Kong-Arthit)
Author's Note


1.1K 70 4
By Kitsing0062x0206

Kong's POV

As soon as we reached the condo.. all of us sat down.. Prae, May and Maprang were also here along with Wad, Oak and Dae. All of sat in the living room. 
"Did you find anything Kong.?" Prae asked.
"Khab.. the key is his dorm key." I said and put forward the things I found in his room. I explained them how I found these in the room. 

After that.. I wore the gloves and opened the diary first.. I read out every line in that. 

"Today.. Some seniors picked on me and my friend.. though they were dangerous.. I did not fear them.. I did everything they told but only till my limit after that.. I told them I can't and won't do and left from there.. Later my friend told me how dangerous and rich people they are.. now I am scared about my future.. I want to fulfil my dreams so I decided to avoid them as much as possible." 

Reading that update.. we felt bad for Bank.. he was a youngster with many dream which he was working hard to achieve. 

"Today.. I saw them again.. but maybe it is fate.. that I saw them when they were doing illegal activities.. they were taking drugs and were also forcing someone to take drugs.. I actually have the recording of what they did.. but I am not sure if I should trust anyone because Khun Kukrit's father is a big man. But a part of me wants to take chance because they are spoiling many lives by forcing them to take drugs.. many innocent people are going to suffer..!" 

I clenched fist as I read this part.. All of our blood boiled.. I turned the pages to read further.. He mentioned about the bar where they go regularly and also the two main places where they exchange or take drugs.. We jotted down the places separately. We reached the last page of the diary.

"If anyone finds this diary..! I hope that at least you will be able to bring the truth out.. If you are wondering why I wrote like that.. then.. let me tell you... I have seen my death coming.. I know that they have figured out about me knowing about their illegal activities.. I don't know how.. but here I am trying to at least preserve the proofs even though it will cost my life.. I am sure they won't let me live even if I agree to give the proofs.. so I am hiding it.. please try your best to get the truth out.. But hope you will be fine in the process and not loose your life like me.. Along with this there are recordings and proofs of him taking drugs and also forcing some to take the drugs.. All the best.! If you are not capable.. I don't mind.. but please visit my mother once and ask her to be happy for me and take care of herself." 

There was a address and her photo along with that. After I read the last page.. each of us silently took an oath to not let go of his effort in vain.. I will make sure that they will be behind the bars and loose everything. Then I will meet his mother and tell her how wonderful son she has.. 

After going through all the evidences that Bank has managed to collect.. I called captain and told him everything regarding the case. He asked us to collect the current new proofs so that we can prove that they are still doing it.. for that we need to go back to those places and capture things.

We were total 13 members.. 5 were P'Arthit and his friends while we were 8.. I called P'Arthit.. 

"Swadee Singto.." He said as he lifted the call.
"Khun Arthit.. are you with your friends.?" I asked him.
"No.. Should I ask them to gather.?" He asked back.
"Khab Khun.. we would be doing on field spy work today.. but I want you five to get ready to go to a bar.. Please contact me as soon as you 5 gather.. I will explain the details." I said.
"Okay.. We would be ready and as well as gathered in 15minutes." He said and cut the call.

I, Tew, Wad and Em got ready in all black and black. We were having our Bluetooth on and we fixed a camera near a button. We wore our night vision glasses which also has the ability to record everything. We also took our watches which would help us to talk through if in case we loose our Bluetooth. 

"Prae, May, Maprang and Oak.. you will stay back here along with Dae.. Monitor everything from there.. make sure not to miss any details." I ordered them.. They nodded and arranged the systems.. Dae hugged me tightly.. 

"DaeDae.. nothing will happen.. I will come back safely.. don't worry." I whispered in his ears assuring him. "You can keep on seeing me.. I promise I would be beside you by the time you wake up tomorrow morning.." I added and placed a kiss on his forehead.. 

"Come back the same way you are going." He said with a low voice.
"I promise I will be back." I said sincerely. He let go of the hug.. After that he gave Tew also a hug.. before settling beside Prae to check the picture. I shook my head thinking of these two.. I wonder when they would officially date.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my phone ringed.. it was P'Arthit. I picked it up..
"Singto.. we are all ready and gathered.." He said as he I lifted the call.
"Okay Khun.. you have the small cameras which you can fix to your buttons right.?" I asked.
"Yes.. we have.. Captain gave then at the start of the case." He replied.
"Okay.. I want you to fix them on yourself.. each one of you should have one.. also let me know the configuration so that we can access the recording and monitor.." I said.. He told me the details.. Prae connected them.. I could see them fixing the camera to their buttons.. I texted them the bar details and got their calls connected to Prae.

"We are done." P'Arthit said.
"Okay Khun Arthit.. I will be sending you the details of the bar which you will have to go to.. That is the regular place where Kukrit and his friends chill out in a private room.. I want you all to record everything they do especially if it will be a proof for us.." I said.. I just informed them that we got the details from Bank's diary.. and the other details about how we got and all I told that I would explain later.

We all set out to start our work.. I and Em were going to one alley which was behind the bar.. while Wad and Tew were going to the other one alley which is near to a old isolated house. We four were connected through call and Oak was also in the call.. We reminded ourselves to use our code names as we made our way.

Arthit's POV

As we were told we made our way to the bar..! We spotted them on the way to the bar.. so we decided to follow them.. we were not so near.. neither too far.. all we could here was... 'let us chill out today'. After that they went into the bar.. we were about to follow them but a waiter stopped us.

"Sir.. those are private rooms and you need to book them beforehand sir." He said.. Shit.  I cursed inwardly.
"Is the any possibility that we can book now..?" I asked with a little hope.
"No sir.. I am sorry but there is no chance." He replied.

I and my friends made to the corner of the room and sat down thinking of a way.. we saw them ordering drinks.. Suddenly Knot started fishing his pockets and took out a bug which would help us to listen and record what they are talking.
"Awesome Knot.. but when did you get it" I asked.
"When they said that it was a private room.. I felt we might need it, so I took it along." He said.

"Bright work your charms on the waitress and attach this to one of the plates with snack which would be served" I said giving him the bug.
"Don't over do it.. no one night stand today." Prem and Tutah warned him. He nodded his head and started flirting smoothly with the girl.. we saw him slowly attaching the bug on one plate.

"He is smooth right." Prem whispered and we nodded our head unconsciously seeing Bright flirting a little more before coming back. All of took out the receiver and started listening to what they were speaking.. O and Map have texted us asking us to put on of the Bluetooth near the receiver so they can record the conversation parallelly.

"Do you remember that boy Bank.?" One of them said.
"Yes.. it is pity he is wasted.. I would have loved to take him." Another one said.
"Yes.. he was pretty cute.. if only he would not have meddled and submitted himself.. I would have let him go after taking him." Kukrit said.
"Kukrit.. how is the case going on.?" The first person asked.
"I have a very bad father to support me and he is also powerful and no saint.. he is looking after the case.. but he asked me to look into some of his drug dealings which I said okay." Kukrit replied.
"Okay..! Couple of days back.. it was again in news.. Thank God your father is handling it." One of them exclaimed.

The conversation they had was making us all pretty angry.. We ordered some non alcoholic drinks so that we won't be suspected.. After about 1 and half hour.. they called it a day.. Prem and Tutah were going to follow them.. while I, Knot and Bright stayed back. Bright again spoke to her when she came out with the plates cleaning the room.. 

Bright took out the bug and we came out.. Prem texted me saying that they have already reached their dorms. Now what to do..? 

"What should we do now.?" I asked out. To those who were around though I was asking Bright and Knot.. but it was actually me asking for further orders.

"You can go back to your dorm Khun Arthit.. and you can take out the cameras after you reach your dorm... and I hope you all can stay together so that just in case we will have any other work to do.. Singto and the others are still out there.. we will let you know when they return Khun." I heard a girl speak. If I am not wrong it is P.

After that we made our way to Knot's apartment.. it was a better choice as there were two bedrooms and we can relax there. After we freshened up.. we sat down talking about random things.. I could not help but think of Kong.. 

We called it a day when I received a text from Singto saying that there is nothing else for today and he also said that the work was perfect.

Kong's POV

As planned we reached the alley.. we wore a complete black and black dress.. and we had our guns hidden in our shoe and covered it with jeans.. I and Em were walking around the alley while stopping in between and talking something so no one would doubt anything.. 

I leaned on to the wall while Em was standing in front of me talking to me.. when we noticed some of Kukrit's accomplices here.. as an instinct I pulled Em closer to me when I saw them because of their looks..
'Act as lovers.'  We heard Maprang telling.. and we felt like that would be the best way. 

Em placed his hands around my waist while I placed my hands around his neck.. we angled our heads so that they would feel like we were kissing.. but we were not.

"Young and hungry love ah..!" I heard one of them shout...
"You want us to accompany.. we can teach you.." Another exclaimed.
I held Em tightly like he did.. 
"Let them be.. we have to work.." The one in the center said and continued walking while the others followed him. 

I and Em let go of eachother.. as we released a sigh.. glad that we were not caught by them. We shared a hug to cheer us up again. After that we slowly followed them keeping a safe distance.. After a couple of minutes.. We saw them waiting behind the bar.. We put our night vision glasses on and the recording also started.. 

We recorded and also captured pictures as they gave the drugs to people and also when they were consuming.. That was when we suddenly heard them talking about us..

"Shall we go and check on those two.. if they are still there we can try our luck.." One of them said while others were about to agree. 

"Em.. can you piggyback me.?" I asked him. He nodded.. I whispered him to act really lovey dovey with me.. We went a little behind and I climbed on him.. He held he tightly while I placed my hands around him neck.. 

"Sweetheart.. you need to eat a little more.. you are really light... " Em said as we walked passing them.
"Feed me.. I will have as much as you feed me honey.." I said as I held him more tight. 
"Gladly love.. Anything for you.." He replied with a wide smile as he turned a little towards me. 

I got down after me crossed them.. From then we followed them.. I was glad that they were not students.. otherwise there would be rumor around about us. We followed them.. we captured them selling drugs again before they went back to their rooms..

We reached our condo and just relaxed on the sofa.. Soon we were joined by Wad and Tew.. They told us everything what happened there.. while we said what happened with us.. they were laughing their asses of when we said how we acted. 

Then I checked Prae updated us about how it went with P'Arthit and his friends.. I texted them saying that the work was perfect and that was it for today. After that we sat down and made copies of the proof and made sure that they were set.. 

"Kong.. it is true what I said.. you are still light.. You need to eat more." Em said as we completed filing the proofs properly. 
"Shut up..! You know I eat everyday and more than you." I retorted.. After a few more chitchat and Tew and Wad trying to lift me.. we called it a day.

After freshening up.. I went and slipped beside Dae.. He hugged me even in his sleep.. I kissed on his forehead before I drifted into my sleep

Co-writer : Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart❤❤

Hey.. hope you all enjoyed reading our fav people as spies..!

Stay Safe

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