Battleship: Orochi

By DragonLord39

150K 1.7K 6.8K

As you all know, ships are mainly referred to as girls. What would happen if one of those ships... was a male... More

Striker Character Bio
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Introductions and Iron Blood
Chapter 3: A Royal Pain in the Aft
Chapter 4: Assessments
Chapter 5: Blockade
Chapter 7: Mirror Fleets and Shattered Seas
Chapter 8: Queen of the North
Chapter 9: Sirens
Chapter 10: Showdown
Chapter 11: Orochi
Orochi Character Bio
Chapter 12: Explanations
A Small Incident (Special)
Chapter 13: Sortie
Chapter 14: Dates and Shenanigans
4th of July (Special)
Night of the Yandere (Special)
Chapter 15: Competitions
A Small Incident Reactions (Special/Request)
Night of the Yandere Reactions (Special/Request)
Chapter 16: Finale
Epilogue, Twelve Years Later

Chapter 6: Swords and Honor

7K 96 229
By DragonLord39

3rd Person POV

Azur Lane

Groaning, Striker opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling of his room located in the captain's cabin of his ship. It had been two days since the breech of the blockade and the successful recovery of the two maid ships and the Sakuran repair ship, Akashi.

Sighing, Striker rolled off his hammock, but his legs tangled in his blanket, and he fell to the floor below.

"Ouch," he groaned and got off the ground. Dusting himself off, he glanced at the two halves of Takao's sword resting on his desk. After returning from the battle, he had polished the sword before setting it on the desk. He didn't know much about blacksmithing, but he had a feeling that maybe a Sakuran ship would know how to repair it. He had tried to ask Akashi but found her too irritating.

Shaking his head and sighing, he left his room, walked up to his deck, and started checking his turrets.

"Looks like A, B, and C are good," he muttered. "Rails are in line, and the secondaries are straight. Some scuffing, but I can wash that out."

He looked up at the sky. "I should probably get something to eat," he muttered. "It's almost noon."

Jumping off his deck, he landed on the docks and started walking toward the academy. Pushing the doors open, he headed to the lunchroom. "Hey, Nevada," he greeted, nodding at the blond Battleship standing behind the food counter.

"Striker, good to see you," she greeted happily as Striker picked up a tray. "What do you want today?"

"Just some apple pancakes and some sausage," Striker replied. "Think you can hook me up, Sheila?"

"You got it."

As Nevada put the order on a plate, Vestal and Hornet entered.

"Hey, Striker!" Vestal called, running over and hugging him as best she could due to her smaller size.

"Howdy, Sheila," Striker replied, returning the gesture.

Vestal stepped back, and Hornet walked over. "Oh no, you're not getting off that easily."

She hugged him tightly, and Striker laughed. "This gonna be our thing now?"

"Shut up." Hornet pulled back and punched him in the shoulder. "About time ya started eating with us. I was worried you were gonna end up like... Enterprise..." She trailed off, looking over at the corner of the room as Nevada handed the three of them their food.

Striker turned and saw Enterprise eating at a table with Belfast.

"It seems to me, Enterprise is starting to open up a little bit," Vestal commented as she, Hornet, and Striker sat down.

"Well, it's about darn time," Hornet commented, taking a bite out of her bacon. "So, Striker, you have food like this in your world?"

"I was a ship, remember?" Striker asked in amusement. "But yeah, we had some food like that in my ship's mess hall. To be honest, I was mostly mad that I couldn't have any pancakes. Until now, that is." He tossed a piece into the air, only for Hornet to catch it in her mouth.

"Seriously?" Striker complained.

Hornet winked at him, swallowing the piece. "Should have moved faster, mate," she joked, winking at him and mimicking his accent.

"Very funny, Sheila," Striker replied and took another bite out of his pancake, keeping an eye on Hornet the whole time. "Hey, do you guys know what happened to that box we recovered from Sakura Empire?" he asked, referring to the item that the two maids and Akashi recovered.

Hornet and Vestal exchanged looks.

Timeskip brought to you by Hornet stealing all of Striker's pancakes

"A black mental cube?" Enterprise said in shock.

She, Hornet, and Striker sat on one side of the table while Wales, Vestal, and Belfast sat on the other, all of them looking down at the eerie cube nestled in the box. Cleveland, and a green-haired girl that Striker knew to be Akashi, sat on a nearby couch.

"A Sakura Empire secret weapon based on Siren technology," Wales murmured, gazing down at the cube.

"Looks creepy to me," Striker commented. There was something... off about it. Something familiar.

"Couldn't we use this?" Cleveland asked. "It might neutralize those mass-produced Siren ships they're controlling."

"The Orochi itself controls the Siren ships," Akashi explained. "The cube is just extra support."

"Our intel said they were building something," Hornet commented. "I guess this massive warship, Orochi, was it."

"What's the relationship between the Orochi and this cube?" Vestal asked.

Akashi just shook her head. "I don't know."

"What we do know," Wales stated, "is that a Siren gave them this cube and that Akagi's working closely with that Siren."

Everyone was silent for a long moment.

"Well, if that's the case," Belfast stated, "Sakura Empire is engaged in a vast deception."

"This will be a catastrophe," Akashi murmured fearfully.

Enterprise tilted her head and reached down to the mental cube.

"Enterprise, don't!" Striker shouted and knocked her arm away from it just as she made contact. As he did so, his arm brushed against the cube, and a flash of white engulfed his vision.


Striker rubbed his eyes and looked around. He was standing on a mirror-like sea, a bright moon shining above.

"Where am I?" he wondered.

Hearing voices, he glanced down and saw what looked like two Sirens conversing below the water.

Every instinct told him to open fire with his railgun and kill them both, but something else told him that it would be better to listen.

Kneeling down, he placed his hand on the water's surface, and his whole world tilted.

When his world rightened, he found himself standing behind the Sirens in some kind of metal hallway.

"—ship that Observer Zero brought in?" the first Siren, a girl with a six-barreled rigging that looked like a stingray, was saying. 

"Nope," the other Siren, a girl with a hammerhead-like rig, replied, two gleaming horns on her head. "What do I look like—Compiler?"

"Also, are you sure it was a good idea to go behind the Empress's back like this? I'm not saying I have anything against it; I love it, but I'm curious."

"Yes, Purifier" the first Siren, replied. "This Striker is the only one who may be able to do what we brought him for."

"Alright..." Purifier sang, arms behind her head. "But when Observer Alpha hears of this and tells the Empress, don't say I didn't warn you, Tester~"

"Don't worry about Observer Alpha," Tester replied. "If everything plays out, our end goal will finally be achieved, and this can all be over."

Purifier nodded. "Alright. But I still get to blow up some shipgirls, right?" she pleaded. "Or, at the very least, sink some of them?"

Tester sighed. "Very well, if you must." She turned, and it seemed like she looked directly at Striker. "I hope Observer Zero's plan works and that he will be able to accomplish what he was saved for. He is—"

Striker's vision flashed and swirled, his eyesight darkening. When he could see again, he was standing on a glassy surface, almost like water, with a strange Sakuran tree before him, its petals shining brightly.

Hearing giggling behind him, Striker turned and saw two young girls, one with black hair, the other with white, their faces covered in fox masks, holding hands and laughing. Turning their heads toward him, they laughed once more with child-like innocence before turning and leaping into the darkness, vanishing in a burst of purple flame.

"It appears that they're still lost in their own thoughts," a voice sighed.

Turning,Striker saw a woman standing several feet away from him. Two fox ears perchedabove her brown hair, her nine fox tails swaying as she rested a parasol on hershoulder. 

"They go everywhere together. But when they cry, they cry alone. They're so clumsy." She gave a soft, tender laugh. "Both of them." She turned to face Striker, her violet eyes flashing.

"Have we... met?" Striker asked uneasily.

She shook her head and turned, gesturing to the Sakuran tree with one hand. "We have not, although... we were both born with the memories of warships embedded inside us, a sea of countless emotions buried deep within, beyond the boundaries of time." She turned to face him. "While different, we carry the prayers of humanity. Please, do not forget."

With a flicker of white, she vanished, and all that was left was a white fox mask, slowly drifting across the water to bump against Striker's boots.

Bending down, Striker retrieved the mask and examined it. Tilting it sideways, he watched as the mask caught the light... and its red eyes flashed.

"Striker! Striker!"

Vision End

Striker groaned and opened his eyes, revealing Hornet kneeling at his side, shaking him.

"Are you alright?" She turned. "Cleveland, get some water!"

"I'm up; I'm up!" he yelped, sitting up. "What happened?"

"You passed out at the same time Enterprise did," Hornet explained as Enterprise sat up as well, rubbing her head.

"Enterprise, are you feeling alright?" Belfast asked. "I feared that we had lost you and Striker for a moment."

"Yes," Enterprise murmured, looking down at the cube. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"What happened to ya guys?" Hornet asked.

"I'm... not sure," Striker replied uneasily, standing. "I'm gonna go... clear my thoughts."

"Are ya sure?" Hornet asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure, Sheila," Striker assured and walked off, the shipgirls behind him exchanging looks.

Timeskip brought to you by Striker and Enterprise being blackout buddies

Jumping onto his ship, he walked to his conning tower and started his engines. Raising his anchor and pulling out of the docks, Striker sailed out toward the sea, hull gleaming in the afternoon sunlight.

As his ship crashed through the waves below, Striker's thoughts turned to what the Black Wisdom Cube had shown him. Was it an illusion or a vision of what was actually happening? he wondered.

A loud beeping caught his attention, and he checked his radar, finding a full fleet of Siren ships heading toward him. "About time."

Steering his ship toward them, he increased his speed to full force. Loading his main guns, he charged his railgun and grinned. "Bring it on."

Up ahead, roughly three miles away, he spotted twenty-five Siren ships sailing toward him, including four Carrier class ships.

Aiming his gun, Striker grinned. "Sayonara, mate." With an electric hum, his railgun fired.

The shot tore through the air, annihilating one of the Carriers and tearing it to pieces.

Almost immediately, the other Carriers launched dozens of Siren drones into the air, all of which shot toward Striker.

Aiming his CIWS guns, he opened fire, and bullets sprayed in the air, gunning down multiple Siren airships.

Five of the closest Siren ships opened fire, but their shots deflected off Striker's armor. Charging his railgun, he fired again, piercing through three ships and a Carrier.

Aiming his primaries, Striker fired, sending a salvo of armor-piercing shells flying into the Siren ships, wiping out five of them.

The rest of the fleet closed in on him, and Striker fired with his primaries and secondaries, wiping out seven more Siren ships.

The final seven ships sailed toward him while the last two Carriers stayed back, guarded by an eighth ship.

Turning his ship toward them, Striker fired his railgun again, taking down two of the enemy ships.

More Siren drones flew toward him, and Striker retaliated with a hail of antiaircraft shells that tore them apart. Turning his first two primary guns, he fired at the next few ships, taking down three more and causing them to explode.

Aiming his secondaries, Striker fired at the two nearest ships, keeping them at bay while turning his primary guns at the Carriers. "Mahala, mother—" He fired, sending a round of armor-piercing rounds at the Carrier ships, sinking them.

Turning his railgun, he fired at the portside Siren ship, piercing its hull in one shot and causing it to explode. The two on his starboard side fired at him, shells exploding against his hull. In response, Striker turned his primaries and fired a full salvo at the two Siren ships, sinking them in a brilliant explosion.

Sighing, Striker lowered his guns. "Nothing like shooting Sirens to clear the head." Checking his radar, he was surprised at where the fight had taken him. "No bloody way," he muttered, staring in surprise at where he had labeled the Sakura Empire on his map.

For a brief second, he contemplated retuning to base. "Nah. Besides, I needed to come out here anyway."

Turning his Battleship, he started toward the Sakura Empire, sunlight gleaming brightly off his turrets. "I should probably raise the white flag. Don't want to attract any unwanted fire."

Sakura Empire

"How is Takao?" Shoukaku asked as she and Zuikaku walked down the docks.

"She's better," Zuikaku replied with a sigh. "Still, it hurts to see Takao in such a state. The loss of her weapons weighs heavily on her. I haven't seen her out of the training room since."

Shoukaku sighed and glanced out at the mist in the harbor. "Her ties with her weapon were very strong. Without it, I feel that she has lost her spirit."

"What we need is to get that sword back," Zuikaku said.

"What do you need to get back?"

The two Carrier sisters turned and saw Kaga walking toward them.

"Senior." Shoukaku made to bow, but Kaga stopped her.

"At ease."

"Any word from Takao?" Zuikaku asked.

"She hasn't returned from her room," Kaga replied. "My sister, Akagi, is currently working on the Orochi project."

"I see." Zuikaku was silent for a long moment. "It pains me to see my mentor in this state."

"Her bond with her weapon is immense," Kaga stated. "She believes that her weapon reflects her spirit. Without it, I fear that she will become less than a shell of what she once was."

"What I do not understand is how our senior's weapon broke," Shoukaku said.

"The might of a Battleship is not to be underestimated," Kaga replied, sighing. "Takao is one of our strongest, and without her, I do not believe we will win any battles against Azur Lane anytime soon."

"Then we need to get her sword back," Zuikaku said. "If we had the pieces, we could repair it."

"I agree," Kaga stated. "Seeing as how my dear sister is busy with Orochi, I will help you search for her weapon."

Zuikaku nodded gratefully. "Thank you. But honestly, the only way we'd find it would be if it showed up on our doorstep."

"Something tells me we won't have to wait long," Shoukaku commented, looking out at the mist.

"What do you...?" Kaga turned and trailed off as a large shape emerged from the mist, revealing itself to be a very familiar battleship. "It's Striker!"

"What do we do?" Zuikaku asked, grasping her sword. "Many of our ships are still recovering from the last battle. If he attacks—"

"Wait," Shoukaku stated and pointed. "Look at the top of his conning tower."

Kaga and Zuikaku followed her gaze, and their eyes widened at the sight of the white flag flapping in the wind. "Why would he ask for a truce?" Kaga wondered as Striker sailed closer.

"Attention, ships of the Sakura Empire," Striker's voice called, broadcasting on an open channel, "I am not here to fight, but to negotiate. Allow me to dock my ship so that we may have a discussion."

"His guns are lowered," Zuikaku stated, eyeing Striker's weaponry. "If he wanted to attack us, we are well within range, and he had the element of surprise."

"Come," Kaga said and started toward the top of the mountain. "We must discuss this with Lady Nagato."

Timeskip brought to you by Akagi cooking food on a flaming Kaga's Head

"And he is not attacking?" Nagato asked, a hint of surprise in her voice as Kaga relayed the situation.

"No, Lady Nagato," Kaga replied. "He seems to want to negotiate."

"I see." Nagato was silent for a long moment. "Allow him to dock his ship but remain on guard. We do not know if this is a trap."

Kaga nodded and walked off, Zuikaku and Shoukaku following behind her.

With Striker

"Attention, Striker," Kaga's voice called over the radio. "You are allowed to dock your ship."

"Thanks, Sheila," Striker replied and pulled his ship up to the side of the docks, his conning tower easily rising above the Sakuran Carriers.

Down Below

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Shoukaku asked worriedly as she, Kaga, Zuikaku, Takao, and Atago stood on the docks, watching as Striker's ship pulled up.

"No," Kaga admitted.

A figure appeared at the top of Striker's ship and jumped down, landing at the end of the dock. Standing up, Striker walked toward them, a long black box in his hand.

"Hey, Sheila," he greeted, nodding at Zuikaku. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Striker," she replied, eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

"Just to return something that belongs to one of you," Striker replied, looking at Takao.

"What do you mean?" Kaga asked.

In response, Striker walked over, and the girls tensed. Stopping five feet away, he held out the box. "I believe this belongs to you, Takao."

Takao hesitated, then accepted the box.

"What is it?" Kaga asked, eyeing Striker suspiciously.

Takao cautiously opened the box, and her eyes widened. "It's my sword." She lifted the two halves out. "How...?"

"You kinda dropped it after our fight," Striker replied with a grin. "I'd have fixed it if I could have, but I'm almost as bad at blacksmithing as I am at billiards."

"Why would you do something like this?" Takao ask as she and the rest of the Sakuran ships turned to Striker. "We're enemies."

Striker shrugged. "Like I said before, Sheila. I'd rather kill the Sirens than you. That, and I know how much your sword means to you." He nodded at her weapon. "Sorry for breaking it in the first place. I didn't want to, but it was the only way to end the fight."

Takao nodded, still in a state of shock. "You are forgiven. But why would you come here to personally deliver it?"

"Well, to be honest, I was just planning to mail it," Striker admitted sheepishly. "But I didn't for three reasons: one, I figured it'd be better to deliver it in person; two, I have no idea how to mail something here; and three, this was an accident."

"How was coming here an accident?" Shoukaku asked.

Striker shrugged. "To be honest, I was fighting a Siren fleet, and I lost track of where I was."

"But why would you come here alone?" Zuikaku asked, eyes narrowed. "For all you know, we could capture you right now."

Striker shrugged. "You could. But I know you won't."

"How would you know that?" Kaga asked.

"Because..." Striker replied easily, "something tells me that you respect honor just as much as I do. Am I wrong?"

Zuikaku sighed. "No. You are not."

"That's good."

Smiling, Atago sheathed her sword. "Thank you for returning my sister's weapon. It means a lot to her."

Before Striker could react, he found himself getting bearhugged by the Sakuran Cruiser.

"Well, I'm... glad... you're... happy," Striker winced as he felt his ribs crack. Glancing over, he shot a pleading look at the others. "A little help?"

"On it," Kaga sighed. Grabbing a crowbar (Striker didn't think he wanted to know where she got it), she and the others managed to pry Atago off Striker.

"Thanks, Sheila," Striker heaved before collapsing.

"You alright?" Zuikaku asked in amusement.

"I'm good."

"I'm impressed," Shoukaku commented as Striker staggered to his feet. "Most people usually pass out after Atago hugs them."

"I can see why." Wincing, Striker looked over at the slightly sheepish Cruiser. "Would it kill you to give a normal hug?"

Atago looked confused. "That was normal."

Striker looked at her disbelievingly before glancing over at the others with a 'is she serious?' look.

"It was," Kaga informed him. "And trust me when I say that not many survive intact. Hence, why we have the crowbar."

"Believe me," Takao said. "That would be considered normal for her."

"No kidding." Striker stretched, feeling his ribs popping back into place. "Well, as fun as this was, I should probably head back to base. Preferably before my ribs shatter."

As he made to leave, Shoukaku spoke up. "That's it?"

"What's it?"

"You're just going to drop off a sword that you recovered from an enemy, and act like it was nothing?" Shoukaku asked in disbelief.

"...Yeah, that's pretty much it," Striker confirmed.

Kaga just shook her head. "Unbelievable."

"You just summed me up," Striker pointed out.

As he made to leave, Shoukaku asked, "How is Akashi?"

"That green-haired cat girl?"

Shoukaku nodded.

"She's fine," Striker replied. "A real pain in the aft though. You have no idea how high her prices are."

"Yes, we do," Atago and Zuikaku deadpanned.

"Riiiiight. Well, ciao." He was about to walk off, then paused. "By the way, mind passing a message to Ayanami?"

"What is it?" Kaga asked.

Before Striker could reply, the Destroyer in question ran over to them. "Senior Kaga," she called and stopped before them. "Lady Nagato wishes to speak with the male ship if he hasn't left."

"The 'male ship' is right here," Striker spoke up.

Ayanami turned and yelped. "Sorry," she apologized.

"No worries, Sheila," Striker replied. "And besides, if Lady Nagato wishes to talk with me, then who am I to disobey?"

"Then follow us." Kaga led the way, walking toward a mountain in the distance.

Shrugging, Striker followed while simultaneously loosening his sword in its sheath.

As they walked down the street, Striker saw many shipgirls stop and stare at him in surprise. "Um, just out of curiosity, you don't have any yanderes here, do you?" he asked nervously.

"Just my sister," Kaga replied with a sigh. "And Taihou, but she's on patrol right now.

Nodding in relief, Striker looked up, and his expression darkened. "Ah, my old enemy."

The group stopped at the base of the mountain and looked up.


"Stairs?" Shoukaku asked in confusion. "How are they your enemy?"

Timeskip brought to you by Striker battling Stairs

"This is how," Striker groaned, heaving as they arrived at the top of the steps. "How are you guys so used to this?"

"A lot of difficulty," Takao replied, looking at Striker in curiosity. For such a powerful Battleship, he seemed very casual and easygoing.

"Okay, I'm good now," Striker sighed, standing back up. "Let's get going again. Before I come to my senses."

Nodding, Kaga led the way to a large gazebo located under several pine trees. Underneath the roof, Nagato sat aside her sister, both with their rigging.

Tilting his head ever so slightly, Striker examined Nagato. Despite her small stature and young appearance, there was an aura of awe and respect around her that Queen Elizabeth lacked. An aura of a true leader.

"Kaga, welcome back," Nagato greeted before turning her gaze to Striker. "You must be the male ship we have been hearing about. I am Nagato, secondary leader of the Sakura Empire."

"Nice to meet you," Striker replied, bowing his head. "I'm Striker, USS Battleship."

"Please, sit down," Nagato invited, gesturing to the table in front of her and Mutsu. "Kaga, Zuikaku, you may stay as well, as may you, Takao, Shoukaku."

"With respect, Lady Nagato," Takao said, bowing. "May I please repair my sword?"


Takao nodded and presented both halves of the weapon.

"How did you recover it?" Nagato asked.

"You'll have to ask Striker," Takao replied, nodding at the Battleship in question.

"You recovered her weapon?" Nagato asked, tilting her head at Striker curiously as the Battleship sat down across from them.

Striker nodded.

"I see..." Nagato was silent for a long moment. "You may go, Takao. Atago, Ayanami, accompany her."

The two Cruisers nodded and followed Takao out, leaving Nagato, Mutsu, Striker, Kaga, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku to sit around the table.

"That was... something," Striker commented.

"So it was," Nagato agreed, turning to him. "Striker, I am curious. Why would you risk so much to return an enemy's weapon?"

Striker shrugged. "Same reason I told Kaga. Because I understand how much her weapon means to her. It's like mine." He nodded down at his katana. "It's one of the only things I've retained from my past."

"I see." Nagato nodded at him. "Thank you... for returning Takao's weapon."

"No worries," Striker replied. "Mind if I ask you something?"

"You may."

"Why do you work with the Sirens?" Striker asked. "Aren't they trying to destroy the world?"

"Yes, but in order to defeat them, we must use technology on par with their own," Nagato replied.

"So that's why you're working with one?" Striker asked.

"For the time being," Nagato replied.

"With all respect, Lady Nagato," Striker said. "That is the dumbest strategy I've ever heard. If you're borrowing Siren technology from the Sirens to defeat them, what's to stop them from rigging something here or there?"

Nagato was silent for a long moment.

"Look," Striker sighed. "I'm not in any position to tell you what to do, far from it, but why separate from Azur Lane if both your goals are the same? Sure, you may want to use Siren technology, and they want to use modern tech, but you both have the same endgame. So why not work together?"

Nagato sighed. "It is not that simple. There has already been blood spilled. That is not easily forgiven."

Striker nodded and stood. "Thank you for having me, Lady Nagato, but I must get going before Hornet kills me. She's almost as terrifying at the base as she is on the battlefield."

"Wait," Mutsu asked, causing Striker to pause and turn to face her. "There is something of concern to me that I wish for you to answer."


"Why would you spare Zuikaku's life?" Mutsu asked. "You allowed her to live after you bested her in combat and saved her sister while in battle. You have had multiple opportunities to cripple us, yet you have not taken any. Why is this?"

Striker was silent for a long moment. "There's an old saying that one of my crew used to say, and one that I've been trying to live by as best I can," he said finally. "Fumeiyo no mae no shi. Make of that what you will."

(A/N) Translation: Death before dishonor.

Before he could leave, the rafters above them creaked. His eyes narrowed. In a flash, his sword was drawn, and he spun, his blade flashing through the air and deflecting a laser beam from striking Nagato.

Jumping down, her shark rigging beside her, a Siren with gleaming white hair and orange eyes lunged at Zuikaku, but Striker intercepted, blocking the attack as the other Sakuran shipgirls summoned their rigging.

Before they could fire, a sound like thunder shook the room, and the Siren's chest exploded as a shell punched through her heart, killing her instantly.

As the Siren collapsed to the ground, shattering into dozens of purple fragments, a woman's voice stated, "It appears the Sirens are growing bolder."

Stepping out of the shadows behind Nagato, the Sakuran shipgirl's red eyes gleamed as her red and gold embroidered robes flowed around her, an aura of power and majesty surrounding her. White tails swayed behind her as she dispelled her rigging.

"Lady Yamato," Nagato said, bowing her head respectfully and kneeling as Mutsu, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kaga, and Striker followed her lead, the battleship sheathing his sword at his side.

"You may rise," Yamato said, walking over and sitting herself beside Nagato and Mutsu.

Exchanging looks, Striker, Kaga, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku did the same.

As Striker followed the Sakuran shipgirls' lead, he noticed how Yamato sat herself at the same level as Nagato and the rest of them. She treats them as equals, he realize, and tilted his head ever so slightly. Unlike a certain royal Battleship I know.

"So, you are the male ship I have been informed of?" Yamato asked, her gaze locking onto Striker's. "The one that halted our attack on Azur Lane?"

Striker nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Please, none of that," Yamato said, waving a hand dismissively. "We are all equals here."

"Alright," Striker said, relaxing slightly.

"Despite our being on opposite sides," Yamato said. "You were the first to rise to Nagato's defense."

Striker shrugged. "It was the right way to go."

"So it was," Yamato agreed. "Tell me, Striker. How do you believe events shall play out from here?"

Striker paused, weighing his words carefully. "Given how today's going, I was thinking you'd let me go."

"And what makes you certain we would?" Yamato asked.

"Simple, really," Striker replied, meeting her gaze. "You and I both know and understand the value of honor, Sheila."

Yamato nodded. "So we do."

She examined the shipgirls around them for several seconds before standing. "Striker, walk with me," she invited. However, Striker could sense the underlying command. "The rest of you, remain here until I return."

The Sakuran shipgirls nodded, and Striker stood, following Yamato outside, his sword sheathed.

"We're going to just let him accompany Yamato alone?" Kaga asked.

"Yamato is our leader, and I trust in her judgement," Nagato replied, watching the two Kansen walk off.

With Yamato and Striker

A loaded silence accompanied the two Kansen as they strode down a pathway at the edge of a mountain overlooking the sea.

"You feel the air as peace," Yamato said finally, coming to a stop at a platform overlooking the massive expanse of Sakura Empire and the sea beyond. "Yet beyond that, there is the underlying tension, that of an imminent storm."

"War," Striker guessed, stepping up beside her while respectfully keeping his distance.

"Indeed." Yamato nodded and turned to face him. "Many judgements rely upon me, Striker. Leadership: a burden that many wish for but do not understand. As such, I must make decisions for the best of Sakura Empire."

Striker nodded. "Understandable. And to be honest, I'm surprised you've trusted me enough to let me accompany you alone."

"You saved Nagato's life," Yamato replied. "While I may have been to slow to react, you were not, and thus another life was spared."

Striker nodded, and a silence fell between them, Sakuran petals floating down to gently rest at their feet.

"Tell me, Striker," Yamato said, turning back to the sea. "Do you believe that I made the right decisions as Sakura Empire's leader? Utilizing Siren technology and abandoning Azur Lane?"

Striker paused for a second, turning the question over carefully. "I can understand the motive, but I don't agree with the means."

"Enlighten me."

"I can understand wanting to use Siren technology to defeat them," Striker admitted. "In my world, we did the same, using their metal to enhance our warships, making us stronger, faster... deadlier."

"You were no exception?"

Striker nodded.

"I see."

"What I can't say is that I agree with dividing from Azur Lane," Striker said, gazing out at the sea before them. "I won't pretend to understand your motives, but I know that a divided enemy will fall. I know it all too well."

"So it seems..." Yamato was silent for a long moment.

"With all respect, Lady Yamato," Striker said, speaking up. "Why are you asking me?"

"I act as I think is best for Sakura Empire," Yamato replied. "Thus, there are many factors to consider. While using Siren technology to aid us in our warfare may be a risk, if we were to utilize it while allied with Eagle Union and Royal Navy, I feared that they would react as we did."

"Fear," Striker realized. "You were afraid, so you made the first move by attacking their base."

Yamato nodded. "Yes. And I am still afraid that my attempt to prevent harm to my home may very well have sealed its fate."

"Then why keep fighting?" Striker asked. "If you know this war will only harm the factions, why continue fighting it?"

"There are greater powers at play," Yamato replied. "Powers we have yet to understand."

"Yet you understand the threat of the Sirens... and the risks."


Striker nodded, playing her words through his head.

"You interest me, Striker," Yamato said finally. "You carry firepower deadly enough to end me right now, to end this war, yet you have not taken any opportunities to exploit it. You are aware of my status, and the status of those around you, yet you treat us all as equals."

Striker laughed. "Well, I may be cocky, but I ain't arrogant enough to think I'm the same level you are, Sheila."

"A bold statement," Yamato acknowledged. "Dangerous if taken either way."

"What can I say?" Striker asked, shrugging. "The way I see it, we're all the same. Different factions, sure, but we were all created for the same purpose."

"And yet we fight," Yamato replied and sighed. "You see my home before us?" She nodded down at the pathways below, where many Sakuran shipgirls laughed and smiled. "I will do whatever is necessary to protect it. Yet actions have consequences. If I leave our alliance with Iron Blood, we will be vulnerable on three fronts. And if we surrender back to Azur Lane, all will be for naught, and we will be abandoning our ally."

"You're in a deadlock," Striker summed up.

Yamato nodded, looking out fondly at the shipgirls below. "What do you think of me, Striker? I ask you this not as leader of Sakura Empire, but as an equal."

Striker paused, weighing his answer. "I think you know what's right, but you aim to put your comrades' goals before your own. You weigh all your outcomes, and you're aware of the consequences..."

"But..." Yamato prompted.

"But you're afraid," Striker said finally. "Afraid for your home and for your family. And you let that fear guide you into beginning this war."

Yamato nodded, gazing out toward the sea. "I asked you these because of your stance in all this, Striker. You are unique, in more ways than one."

"Thank you?"

Yamato chuckled. "It was a compliment."

The two Battleships looked out toward the sea.

"None of us will attack you, should you leave," Yamato said finally, turning to him. "We may be enemies upon the field, but as of now, you have my respects, both as leader of Sakura Empire and as an equal."

Striker nodded and bowed respectfully, Yamato doing the same, and they separated, walking their separate ways.

Timeskip brought to you by Yamato and Striker discussing Akagi's sanity

"How was the discussion with Striker?" Nagato asked as Yamato reentered the room and took her place between herself and Mutsu.

"It was... enlightening," Yamato answered finally.

"Are we really going to let him leave?" Kaga asked.

Yamato nodded. "Yes. He came here under a flag of truce, and we shall honor it, as he honored us by returning Takao's weapon."

"Do you believe what he said?" Shoukaku asked curiously. "About the Sirens?"

Yamato was silent for a long moment as everyone turned to face her. "I believe his concerns are well founded, but we cannot stray from our path now."

"But if we could," Zuikaku spoke up, eyes not leaving the floor in front of her. "Would we?"

Timeskip brought to you by Atago breaking Striker's ribs with her bear hugs

"It seems like everyone on both sides is stubborn as Hell," Striker muttered as he sailed away from the Sakura Empire, his guns gleaming in the sunlight. "It just doesn't make any sense. Why the Hell would they work with the Sirens after all that? And what's the deal with Project Orochi?"

Shaking his head, he looked at the water before him as his ship's prow crashed through the waves below. "At least I didn't run into any Yanderes," he mused, shuddering. "That could have been a disaster."

Several Hours Later

Pulling into the main harbor, Striker docked next to Hornet's ship and jumped down to his deck. "At least no one's here," he said in relief.

"Yeah, good thing, right?"

"Yeah, it—Oi!" he yelped and whirled around, almost falling off the dock as Hornet laughed. "That was not funny!"

"Yeah, it kinda was," Hornet laughed, her green eyes shining in the moonlight. "So. Mind telling me where you were all day?"

"...I'm not gonna get away with saying nothing, am I?" Striker asked.

"Nope," Hornet replied, leaning against the chain railing of the dock. "So, where were you?"

Striker scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

"I have all night."

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hornet trying (and failing) to stalk Striker

"So let me get this straight," Hornet said slowly as she and Striker stood on the Battleship's deck. "You fought off a whole fleet of Sirens, accidently traveled all the way to the Sakura Empire, dropped off a sword that you recovered from one of their strongest fighters, met and spoke with the leaders of the Sakura Empire, and then sailed all the way back here?"

"Um... yes?"

Hornet facepalmed. "And just when I thought my sister was crazy, you take it to a whole new level."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"What did you see in that wisdom cube anyway?" Hornet asked.

Striker hesitated. "I'm not really sure what it was," he admitted, and explained what he had seen.

"Darn, that's some pretty harsh stuff," Hornet commented.

"Way to sum it up," Striker groaned.

"So, what do you think it all meant?" Hornet asked curiously.

"I'm not really sure, Sheila," Striker admitted. "But what I do know is that the Sirens are more involved than I originally thought."

"You think that the Cube showed you something that was actually happening?" Hornet asked.

"I'm not sure what it showed me," Striker confessed. "To be honest, the whole idea that the Sirens brought me here after I died freaks me out."

"It is freaky," Hornet agreed. "So, what are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know," Striker admitted.

"You don't know a lot of things," Hornet joked.

"Gee, thanks."


Shaking his head, Striker looked out at the sea as the stars shone on the waves below. What are the Sirens planning? he wondered. And what do they have to do with me being brought here?

(A/N) Here's a key of faction characters and their alliances, so you all can keep track. It will be updated throughout the story as new characters are introduced.

(Azur Lane) Eagle Union: Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Northampton, Long Island, Arizona, Helena, Hammann, San Diego, Nevada, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, Essex, Laffey

(Azur Lane) Royal Navy: Prince of Wales, Javelin, Illustrious, Unicorn, Belfast, Hood, Warspite, Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield

(Azur Lane) Dragon Empery: Ning Hai, Ping Hai

(Red Axis) Sakura Empire: Yamato, Kaga, Akagi, Ayanami, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kako, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Nagato, Mutsu, Takao, Atago, Akashi

(Red Axis) Iron Blood: Prinz Eugen, Z23, Z1

Sirens: Tester, Purifier

Unknown Alliance: Striker

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