I am USAGI! (UA Hero/Villain...

By Chimera_Regarion

1.2M 38K 19.8K

What happens when Aizawa realizes that one of his first year hero students was hiding his true potential? Wha... More

Rules of the Useless ones!
Announcement: Let the game begin!
Heroes Side!
Villains Side!
Preparation Day 1: Costumes
Preparation Day 2: Training
Preparation Day 2: What just happened?
Preparation Day 2: Speechless
Preparation Day 2: Found out!
Preparation Day 3: Back on my feet!
Preparation Day 3: Weapons!
Hero Side Preparation Day 1
Hero Side Preparation Day 2
War Day 1: Welcome to the Island
War Day 1: Number 1 is overrated!
War Day 1: Truce
War Day 1: Tricked!
War Day 1: The ninth!
War Day 1: A true villain
War Day2: Vampire Hunt!
War Day 2: Bullseye
War Day 2: Welcome to the Team!
War Day 2: Not that dumb...
War Day 2: What's up with the Drones?
War Day 2: Mystery of the Island
War Day 2: Crazy Cat-Lady!
War Day 2: Stupidity can't be cured!
War Day 3: I said dibs!
War Day 3: Just Why?
War Day 3: On the hunt
War Day 3: Loud ass cockatoo!
War Day 3: Here we come!
War Day 3: Eyes and Ears in the sky!
War Day 3: Let's start the Payback, shall we?!
War Day 3: Horror and Pain!
War Day 3: There was a class 1B? Well now they are gone XD
War Day 3: Are we rooting for him? YES definitelly!
War Day 3: Team up!
War Day 4: The Past
War Day 4: Welcome Dadzawa!
War Day 4: No one is ever safe!
War Day 4: Easy game, right?!
War Day 4: Playing a game of cat and mouse!
War Day 4: It's called SCAREcrow for a reason!
War Day 4: CAT Isalnd for a CAT lover!
War Day 4: May I introduce to you, this is Tiny!
War Day 4: Izuku's new fan club!
War Day 4: Preparations!
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (1)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (2)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (3)
After Match

Hero Side Preparation Day 3

23.2K 761 202
By Chimera_Regarion

Bakugo's POV:

It was the last fucking day and we still didn't had any leads towards Izukus plan or his teammates and it freaking bothered me.

Yesterday I made sure that all the extras in my team were all prepared and knew to team up with each other no matter who even that fucking grape juice. I discussed so many different strategies with them just in case that Izuku was indeed not alone. Something told me that this whole situation we were in was just wrong and something was going on. I knew for sure that he already had a plan how to get rid of us all.

Then there was the question on where the game will be held. It might be in one of the gyms or maybe even in the city where the entrance exam was held. My instincts told me that it would be the same city. Nothing else was built on UA grounds and it made sense after all.

Today was quite special, I wanted to see for myself if I could get some information out of Nezu himself.

One way or another, I will get that damn rat to speak!

After us destroying a couple of Izukus drones, I was sure that the rat was helping him. There was no way that that damn Deku could build one on his own. On top of that, he had a support course friend.

I was currently in our dorms with the others and going through every plan, we made yesterday until I got an idea.

Me: Oi, pinky, Pikachu!

Pikachu: What's up, Bakugo?

Me: I want you to go to the support course and find that girl Izuku would normally talk about.

Floaty: You mean Mei?

Me: Exactly that damn extra!

Pinky: Why?

Me: From who do you think he has all these fucking drones from?

Iida: They looked very well made. It makes sense that a support course student made them.

Me: Exactly.

Shittyhair: So you want them to go and find out who it was? That's brilliant bro!

Me: No, Shittyhair! I want them to find out what else they made for Deku.

IcyHot: Hmm, I don't think they will tell them.

Me: I don't care! Do whatever you must in order to find out!

Pikachu: Gotcha!

With that both of them left the room.

Me: IcyHot, do you know how to fight quirkless?

IcyHot: A little bit, why?

Me: Train them all you know. If worse comes to worse, they will need it.

Grape fuck: You are skipping training? That's not fair!

Me: No, you dumb fuck! I am going to the rat Satan!

Iida: Bakugo mind your language!

Me: You can't fucking tell me that I am wrong! He is doing this whole stupid fucked up mind game only for his own personal entertainment.

IcyHot: Probably.

Iida: He is the principal and we need as UA students need to pay him respect.

Me: Whatever.

With that, I left the room and went straight to Nezu's office but not without any stops in between. In order to get to the office, I would need to pass the Gen Ed and the Support course. This meant that I would see Pinky and Pikachu. However as I was about to pass them I saw Snipe talking to them.

What the fuck is he doing here?!

This is not even the floor he would normally be!

Does he fucking need something from Power Loader?

I went to my teammates side and listened to their conversation. Something didn't feel right but I couldn't wrap my mid around what it was.

Sniper: So care to tell me what you guys are doing here?

Pikachu: Oh we were just taking a walk.

Who would fucking believe something like this?

Me: Why do you care? It's not like we are prohibited to walk around the school ground.

Sniper: That is not entirely true.

Me: HUH?

Snipe: Did you not read the rules Nezu gave you?


I did!

There is no goddamn line that says that!

I knew the rules in and out since I went through them with my team so that everyone knew them. It was important for us to know every single one of them.

There were lines telling us that we were not allowed to kill our own teammate or we would get out too. Then there was one saying that if we wanted to use additional weapons we needed the approval from the support course first. Bla Bla Bla...

Me: There is no such fucking line!

Sniper: How about rule 13?

Me: 13?

Snipe: The participants are not allowed to be near the support course if they are not here in order to get themselves weapons for the game.

Me: Shit!

He was right. I totally forgot about that line.

Snipe: So I am asking you again, what are you guys doing here.

Me: I send them to clarify something with Nezu but they fucking went out before they even listened to what I fucking had to say.

Pikachu: Oh come on! You can't expect us to listen to every single word.

It was quick thinking off them to play along.

Pinky: He is right; you were going on and on and on.

Me: Do you fucking even know what I wanted you to clarify?

I let go of some explosions right in front of their faces just for show.

Snipe: Calm down Bakugo.

Me: Why the fuck should I? I am obviously surrounded by a bunch of idiots!

Snipe: I suggest you get moving and pay Nezu a visit.

With that, I took of them by the collar and dragged them away. The moment Snipe couldn't see us I let go of them.

Pikachu: Quick thinking Bakugo.

Me: You fucking stupid? I thought I told you to get some information from Mei and not come here without a plan!

Pinky: We are sorry, we completely forgot about the rule.

Me: You are freaking lucky I wanted to speak without school Satan.

We then went to the principals office and I tried to get some information out of him.

Nezu: Ahh Bakugo, leader of the hero team.

At this point, I didn't even question from where he knew that I was appointed as the leader of the hero team group class 1A. A big mistake that was surely going to bite my ass.

Me: We need information.

Nezu: Blunt are we?!

Me: We will the exercise be held?

Nezu: In a secure location.

Secure location meaning it must be in the school grounds.

Me: How many are in the villain's team?

Nezu: You should have the answer for that yourself since you were asked to meet your fellow hero teammates. If someone was missing then that meant that they were in the villain's team.

Nothing new.

Me: Is Midoriya on his own?

Nezu: Right now, probably yes.

What is that supposed to mean?

Me: Who build these drones that were following us?

Nezu: A member of the support course of course.

Me: Is the support course involved in the exercise.

Nezu: In some way yes. You are after all allowed to let them build you weapons.

This went on and on. After 2 hours of me trying to get something new out of him, I gave up and was about to exit the room.

Nezu: Oh and Bakugo, I do not like being called a rat Satan. Please refrain from ever using that lovely nickname for me.

I knew that Nezu had eyes and ears everywhere so it didn't surprise me that he knew about it. Not respond to this, I went back with Pickachu and Pinky to the others of class 1A. We than trained the rest of the day quirkless.

My only hope was that this would be enough training to get us safely though the exercise.

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