My Happiness (Harry x reader)...

By HerminoneG

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Y/n's dad got the job as the new DADA professor. Will your love for harry bloom? what would you do if you da... More

reunited at last
New year New Drama
Sirius Black in the Castle
Dementors At Quidditch
Lies or Truth
Late Night Hangout
The pictures to last chapter
Another full moon
The Map lies?
Thank you
Family ?
Secrest unfold, Truths to their Lies
A free man

Flying with buckbeak

237 2 3
By HerminoneG

y/n's pov

The next day I woke up and got ready. It was only me and hermione in the dorm i guess the rest asked to switch. I got up and got ready. It was pretty early. I figure to let hermione sleep a little longer. I grabbed a book and went down to the common room i started to read my book well I kept dozing off. All I could think about is Bellatrix, About my dad, what they meant by 'the real reason' my dad is or was in Azkaban. Me and Draco still didn't tell him that we don't think he's a murderer. Well Draco said no I mean I don't blame him it his cousin but me I still don't know like I said he's my dad. It was 7:00 I should go wake up hermione. After some time of waking her up I go back to the common room and waited. The boys should be up I hope. After some time Hermione comes, then Draco and Harry, then finally Ron. We walked to breakfast.

"Y/n what were you doing up early" Hermione asked me.

"Nothing i just got up and read a book for a bit until i had to ask you up" I said half lie, Half truth I mean I did try to read but was distracted. The first class we had was
Divination. Well for the boys me and Hermione where in Ancient Runes right now we we're going to use the time turner to get to Divination. Once class ended we used our time turner to get to Divination. She introduced what this class is about and her name.

"This term we shall be focusing on Tasseomancy which is the Art of reading yea leaves. So please take the cup of the person sitting opposite of you" Me and hermione switched while Harry and Ron did and Draco switched with Neville

"What load of rubbish" Hermione said I agreed with her.

"Just leave her hermione she just doing her job" The boys stared at us

"Where did you two come from?!" Ron asked sure like he didn't see us there Me and hermione looked at each other

"Us?" "We've been here the whole time" Hermione started as i finished. Professor Trelawney then pointed to Neville

"You boy- is your grandmother quite well?" Neville looked lost

"I-I think so" he said but it sound more like a question honestly i would have been confused too

"I-I wouldn't be so sure of that." She said as she moved closer to their table she got Neville's cup and just looked at him and walked away. I looked at hermione and thought i'll mess with her

"Want to know what's in your cup hermione" I ask with a smirk

"What is it" She said rolling her eyes

"First off rude you don't roll you eyes at me. Second i see you with 2 other kids and your husband-" she tried to grab it but i moved "He had red hair and a pet rat-" she cut me off

"Well i see that you have 5 kids around you" I went wide eye "With your husband he's a raven haired boy with a lighting scar on his forehead-" I tried to grab it but she moved "and has a white owl-" "Hermione ok stop" "You want me to keep going ok" "No no no no Hermione!" I whispered yelled at her "If you keep going i will too" she didn't pay attention to me "He had blue eyes" "He's a Weasley" "He's famous" I looked to see the boys look at us confused that when i dropped Hermione's cup from my hands and grabbed mine from her and threw it on the floor both of the cups broke and everyone got quiet. She glared at me and i nudged her and that's when she look and saw the boys looking at us. We smiled at then awkwardly. I look to see everyone staring at me. I mean i did break the cups. I look down now finding the book in front of me interesting. I can hear Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Harry laughing

"Shut up!" I whispered/yell at them. But they just laughed more. Draco leans in and whispered to us

"You guys are lucky they didn't hear you" We went wide eye and looked at him

"Did you hear" I ask him he just nodded and laugh. "Draco if you say anything i will curse you" He just laugh and turn to the boy

"You didn't hear what they were saying?" me and Hermione glared as they shook there head "Well Hermione said she saw-" I cut him off

"Draco say one more word and i'll tell ginny everything you told me this summer" He wouldn't stop talking about her and how we were mad at him and everything. He went pink and said

"Sorry boys never mind i forgot" I smirked as he glared at me. Then we hear Professor Trelawney

"Broaden your minds!" She came to our table and pointed to Ron "Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are"

"Sure" Ron said clearly confused

"Look at the cup. Tell me what do you see" Ron stared at the cup

"Oh, yeah, um.. well Mmm Harrys got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And uh that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So uh....You're gonna suffer... but your gonna be happy about it" We just look at Ron

"Give me the cup" The second she touched it she screamed and dropped he cup on the table. We jumped back and looked at her. Me and Hermione look at each other and roll our eyes she looked at harry "My dear boy, My dear... you have... The grim" we looked at each other confused as some gasped we hear seamus

"The Grin? Whats the Grin?" as Bem answers "Not the Grin uit idiot. The Grim taking from of a giant spectral dog it's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen of death" Professor Trelawney was shaking with fear as harry looked at his cup again. I stayed quiet it might mean my dad given his Animagus. That was cheerful

After we finished we went to hagrid's class. I can't wait to see what he is teaching us he loved Magical Creatures like me. I was walking in front of the boys with Hermione.

"You don't think that Grim things got anything to do with Sirius Black" Ron asked I stopped and glared at him. He just stop and gulped. Hermione grabbed my hand and we just kept walking

"Oh honestly, Ron! If you ask me and y/n. We think Divinations a very woolly discipline. Right y/n" she said and turned to me

"Yea, now , Ancient Runes that's a Fascinating subject" I said with a smile

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you guys taking this term?" Draco asked

"A fair few" Hermione said then we stopped as ron said

"Hang on. That's not possible Ancient Runes is in the same time as Divination. You have to be in two classes at once" I look and hermione and as we keep walking I say

"Don't be silly, Ron. How could anyone be in two classes at once?"

"Broaden your minds! Use your inner eye to see the future!" Me and Hermione mock as we continue down hill. We all gathered around Hagrid's hut then he lead us to the forest

"Right you lot less chatting. From a group over there" he pointed to the side "And open your booked to page 49"

"How do we do that" Clearwater asked

"Well just stroke the spine, of course" Hagrid answered like it was obvious we all opened our books

"I think they are funny" Hermione said as i nodded with her

"Oh yea terribly funny! Really witty! God this place has gone to the dog! Wait until my parents head that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes" Clearwater said

"Shut up clearwater" Harry said walking up to him

"Oooooooh" Clearwater started to walk up to harry until they met in the middle. He started to look scared and pointed up to the sky "Dementor Dementor" We all turned to see nothing we look and see some slytherins trying to act as one. I walk up to harry and grab his shoulder to pull him back once we started to walk back i felt a hand on my arm and pull me so i'm back against a tree i see and i see Pansy, Adrian, Crabbe and Goyle all pointing their wands at me with some of the other Slytherins pointing it at the Gryffindors that tried to come and help me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I tried to walk but Clearwater pushed me back.

"We'll let you go when you speak the truth..." He was now leaning over me since i'm shorter coming closer "How did you do it" He stop as we were so close to close for my liking

"Do what?" I asked not know what they are talking about

"Help you dad escaped" He answer.

"I didn't do anything" I say everyone is now looking at us

"Your lying" he says going a little closer

"You don't know what is true and what isn't why would i do this" i said/asked

"To see dear old dad aging instead of waiting to see in from across a cell" What?

"Meaning?" I ask

"Meaning you will end up in a cell too when your older. You know what people say like father like daughter." I just glare at him until he was pulled away i look and see harry. I see that Hermione was able to lock their legs as the Gryffindors pointed their wands at the Slytherins

"Like i said before clearwater" He said as he had his wand pointed at him, holding my hand and walking back with our house "Back off" we walked back as the gryffindors were protecting me still having their wands pointed at them

"You guys wanted to put her with a dementor until she confessed and believe that all this were her doing. Now you guys are protecting her" He yelled

"Yes because she is a Gryffindors and us Gryffindors stick together no matter what. She's one of us" I heard someone yell i look and see it was Neville. I smile happy neville still stood by me

"Trust me black they won't be here forever. You will meet the same end your dad is going to face this year.... a dementors kiss" I go wide eye but before anyone can do or say anything we hear hagrid and put our wands away like nothing happened. Hagrid turn back for a minute as Dean yell

"Oi! You admitted it harry?!" We look at him confused until he points to our hands. We looked down and noticed that we were still holding onto each other. We quickly let go as i hear people laughing. Then we hear Hagrid again.

"Da Da Da" He showed us a hippogriff "Isn't he beautiful. Say hello to Buckbeak

"Hagrid what is that" Ron asked

"That Ron is a hippogriff. The first you want to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff it may just be the last thing you ever do. Now....who'd like to come and say hello?" I started to move forward but i felt someone grab my hand. I look and see harry. I was going to ask him why he stopped me but that Hagrid started to speak again "Well done y/n, Harry. Well done" We turned around. We look back and started to walk forward. I was more excited then harry i can tell by the way he's gripping my hand. "Now you have do let him make the first move it's only polite. Harry why don't you go first and y/n can follow what you do when you're done" We nodded as he continues "So... you step up, Give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see is he bows back. And if he does you can go and touch him. And if not.... well, we'll get to that later." Harry went up and gave a bow keeping eye contact Buckbeak flapped his wing as Hagrid told him to back off. He went back but stepped on a stick. Harry kept eye contact and buckbeak bowed back. Hagrid told harry to go pat him. I looked back and see Clearwater walk to the front biting an apple watching. I look back to see harry going towards buckbeak. He squawked at harry. I look a see Hermione grab Ron's hand i smirk to myself. I'm so going to tease them later. I look to see harry petting buckbeak "Well done harry" Hagrid started clapping. I followed and soon did the Gryffindors. "Alright y/n your turn" I looked at harry as he nodded his head i went and bowed keeping eye contact and he immediately bowed back and walked up to me i nearly had time to move. As it nudged my side. I started to pet him as Hagrid, Gryffindors and harry clapped "Well done y/n never seen anything like it... I think he may let you ride him." I looked at him but before he can make his way towards he i was thrown onto buckbeaks back. Buckbeak just threw me on his back. I was holding onto his neck as Hagrid started to grab harry. Despite Harrys Protests Hagrid places him behind me

3rd pov

Hagrid hit buckbeak as he started to take off with the 2 kids on his back. Y/n held onto his neck and harry wrapped his arms around her waist. Buckbeak took off and saw flaying. He flew around the castle. Y/n started to sit up looking at the view.

"Harry lift up your head" She was able to feel him buried his head in between her neck and shoulder. "Look how beautiful it is harry" He lifted his head and looked at her. How her black hair flew back as the wind was hitting her face and how her brown eyes shimmer in the sun light.

"Yea... beautiful" He said looking at her. At the corner of y/n's eye she was able to tell harry was looking at her. She had a hint of pink on her cheeks. They were now flying above the water. Harry looked at the reflection and saw her smiling. Then Harry stretched out his arm to form a T pose. "Whoo-hoo!" He cheered in happiness. He brought his hands to y/n as he guided her for from a T pose. Once he did she started to laugh in happiness. Harry couldn't help but admire her. He moved his hands to her waist bringing her closer to him as he put his chin on her shoulder. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She placed her hands on his holding them as then continued flying. They were both very red and butterflies in their stomach that they couldn't control. She turn to harry who was already looking at her. They hadn't realized how closed they were until she felt his breath on her lips.

Before anything else could happen they heard a whistle buckbeak started to fly back to the class. Y/n had moved her hands back to buckbeaks neck as harry kept his position except lifted his head from her shoulder. They had landed back. Hagrid helped harry as harry turned to the girl holding out his hand. She happily accepted as she got to the ground. Adrian didn't think it was impressive

"Oh please"

"How am i doing in my first day" Hagrid asked the 2 kids

"Brilliant" Harry started

"Professor" Y/n finished. Adrian pushed between kids as he made his way towards buckbeak

"Yes. You're not dangerously at all are you. You great ugly brute?"

"Clearwater" Hagrid tried to warn him but Buckbeak got mad and started to flap his wings. Harry grabbed y/n and pulled her away so she wouldn't get hurt. The class started to run away. Buckbeak slashed Adrians arm. Hagrid started to calm now buckbeak

"It's killed me, It's killed me!" Adrian said whining on the ground

"Calm down it's just a scratch" Hermione started to walk up

"Hagrid, He he's to be taken to the hospital" Hagrid pick up Adrian

"I'm the teacher i'll do it"

"Your going to regret this" Adrian said

"Class dismissed"

"You and your bloody chicken"

Harry looked to see he still had y/n in his arm she started to look to see if she was hurt and started to as "Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Are you scratched? Are-" she cut him off my grabbing his face to make him look at her

"Harry I'm fine ok. Thank you" she said they just smiled at each other then buckbeak popped his head in between them. They both looked away and chucked. They both petted him and walked back with the group. All they kept think about was flying with buckbeak and..... asked them selves

'Did we almost kiss?'

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