🍎 O' Sweet Endless 💀

Autorstwa zangetsu13

28.4K 707 178

Creation is in need of repairs with the aftermath of Chuck's defeat. Taking on the mantle of New Death, Joann... Więcej

Main Cast
Joanna Kline
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

1.3K 39 15
Autorstwa zangetsu13

Author's Note: I do not own Supernatural's, Teen Wolf's, Shadowhunters', Percy Jackson's Contents or any of its Characters as they all belong to their respective owners. Any other Content or Character you recognize from other TV shows, movies, or books also do not belong to me as they too belong to their respective owners. All Original Plot, Original Ideas, and OC belong to me.

Sitting in Amara's office with only a blanket to cover her is Goddess, who continues to stare off into space, mumbling what probably is gibberish to many close by.

Observing from afar through the doors and quietly are Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel, who carefully eye the woman in the room with 'on edge' expressions.

Observing them from just a few feet is Joanna, who is still quizzical to this whole scenario. Amara had only revealed to her the identity of this woman and that was it. Very vague. There was little time to explain as Amara rush back to Heaven to get Goddess medically cleared, not that a primordial entity needs medical treatment but from how weak Goddess is and her mind seems out of the loop save for attacking Amara since it was clear she recognized the latter, it is safe to assume Goddess is not alright.

Joanna hears heels clicking. Turning around, she sees Amara walk behind, looking stressed out. "Sorry I was away. I had to do important stuff but I'm here now. How is our patient?"

The archangels move their heads away from the door. Honestly, this image captures them being the equivalent of children peeking in in adults having conversation.

All three mirrored the exact same expression of haunted looks.

"I can't believe she's still alive." Michael uttered.

Lucifer scoffed. "What did you expect the old man to do? Kill her? Probably thought about it but like all of us, in the grand scheme of it all he probably saw mom useful to use in the future for his story." He spat sarcastically.

"Either way, doesn't look like she took imprisonments too well. Look at her." Peeking through the door again, they see Goddess rocking on the chair back in forth, still muttering gibberish. "She's lost it. Whatever happened in there she couldn't handled it."

"Poor mom. I feel bad." Gabriel said sadly.

"Excuse me," Joanna called out. All eyes turn to her. "But can someone please explain to me what is going on here? You guys have a mom and she was Chuck's former wife? You never mentioned that."

Michael folded his arms with a tired sigh. "That's because there was never any need to talk about it, not when it was a sore topic for all of Heaven."

Gabriel and Lucifer nodded in agreement.

Joanna turned to Amara with a questioning look. "And what about you? Considering back then, we all assume you to be the oldest but turns out you were twins with Chuck and when it comes to the primordials, you guys love to omit the truth or go around in circles instead of coming out clean."

Her tone is gentle but had a scolding manner to it. Joanna didn't mean to be rude as this was probably a sensitive topic for all of them but she was not going to play games with details left out.

Billie is a perfect example as Joanna hated being manipulated as the next person or Winchester.

Amara closed her eyes and nodded. "You're right. Sometimes we ancient beings don't come out clean and lie. For good reasons even if they don't have strong arguments to back them up. I will tell you everything."

Her eyes open. "In the beginning, as you already know, Chuck and I were once Balance. Even when we fought in our millennium Primordial War, we remained united till I was locked away in my Mark and that separation in them forged the Big Bang so the Physical Universe can be born. That is how Goddess came to be. She was born from within Chuck and I."

Joanna is astonished of how Goddess was born. She then furrowed her brows. "Hold on, if she was born after you were locked away," she turns to the Archangels. "Then doesn't that make her younger than you guys?" She turns back to Amara. "And how can you have been siblings if she didn't exist if you were locked away?"

Her father answered for her. "It doesn't matter. To us, she was seen as our mother when dad took her hand and married her. Besides, she was tough as nails like dad and Amara. Being younger doesn't define a person's power being weaker than the oldest. After all, Metatron is the fifth oldest angel and some of our younger siblings can kick that nerdball's ass to the next city block."

"And as for how I even knew her," Amara said. "She existed within Chuck and I when we were still together. In fact, she lived within us and we communicated."

"But you said that you and Chuck were all you had." Joanna's brow twitch, seeing how many details were left out about how things were in the beginning.

Amara's cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "I apologize on further notice."

Joanna shrugged. It did make her lips curl slightly. "Wait until Sam and Dean hear this. They'll lose it with the fact Chuck had a wife."

Gabriel sniggered. "Oh I want to take a picture when that happens."

Another questioned entered Joanna's mind. "I do have something else to ask. If Goddess came from within you, doesn't that make her not your siblings but Chuck's and your daughter?"

Luckily, Amara can explain that. "It's simple. Remember when I mentioned I was Chaos, Erebos, or Nyx?"


"Well you see that is how humans developed their Greek First Gods, the Protogenoi. I was all those three figures while Chuck was Order, Ouranos, or Aether. Goddess is also among one of the Protogenoi figures. Her prominent one is Gaea, Mother Earth and then there is Hemera. Ooh, that reminds me, I do go by another name, Tartarus. Anyway, like the pagans, we can view ourselves as siblings, lovers, or even non-related. Our culture is different and complicated for the human mind to understand. So no, I do not view Goddess as a daughter rather as a sister. If not I could consider her as not being related, which is why I use the term sister-in-law lightly. I could have referred Chuck of not being related since again, we primordials are not blood-related like humans. Even you would be viewed by me as a random person than my grand-niece."

"She does have a point." Michael added. "Even among us angels we can view each other as siblings or companions wanting to court each other. In fact, the human race are considered our half-siblings as we are both creation of Chuck, like the pagans and Leviathan. Now that I mention it, since humans are descendants of Adam and Eve, that technically makes them-"

Gabriel covered Michael's mouth before he can say anything. "That's enough, Michael. You're gonna break the girl with this complicated family tree our family has and don't want to say humans are you know what."

Joanna rubbed her temples. "Okay, I think I understand now. Is there any other Primordials I should know about?"

Amara shakes her head. "Not really...except there is Chronos and Physis/Thesis."

Joanna takes her hand through her hair in disbelief. "And so if they were around, how come they didn't help when Chuck went dark?"

"Because it wasn't their problem." Amara said as a matter of fact.

"I heard Chronos was killed by Sam." Joanna said bluntly.

"That probably was a weak and pagan-nature avatar of his."

"Yep," Gabriel hummed. "Even Jesus was dad's avatar."

Joanna raised both brows. "So the man that helped humanity was Chuck? That spits in the face of everything humans ever looked up," she looks to Michael. "Then again, you're the reason why humans even worship Chuck by having them build churches to gloat his ego."

"Alright, I think that's enough cosmic family relationship course for one day." Lucifer waved his arms. "We need to deal with the elephant in the room and that is mom."

"How did she end up getting locked in a Cage in the first place?" Joanna inquires. Based on Chuck's history of solving a problem, it was to locked it away for ever. Whatever Goddess did to earn herself get sealed away, it must have been bad blood between Chuck.

The three Archangel siblings exchange winces.

Lucifer explained first. "Before Michael and I tussled or even getting cast to Hell, lets just say I wasn't the only one who disliked humans." Thanks to Amara of removing the tainted corruption in his grace, he didn't despise humans as he once did, though Lucifer still didn't like humans but won't lift a finger at them anymore. "Like Amara who had beef with Creation, so did mom, specifically humans. Dad invested a majority of his time observing the humans that he left his wife unattended and well...that didn't sit well with mom who felt lonely and needed...certain needs." Lucifer shivered, as did his two brothers of not wanting to think about their mom and former dad doing that.

Joanna gave a dry and disbelief look. "Okay, so let me see if I have any of this correct and what happened. Chuck ignored his beautiful wife just to focus on his story and when Goddess got upset she blamed humans as she was jealous, like you dad. Now I see where you get it from." Lucifer gave a prideful look much to his brother's eye roll. "So jealousy turn to bitterness and bitterness turns to anger, like you Amara."

Amara shrugged.

"So clearly Goddess wanted to destroy humans and Chuck wouldn't allow that. They fought and Chuck locked his own wife away in Hell forever. Can I just say that if Dean were here he'd call Chuck an idiot for ignoring his wife?"

Everyone agreed with the Nephilim and how true it would have been if Dean were present.

Joanna huffed. "So what now?"

"Now?" Amara walk towards the door and braced herself. "Now we get her to talk out her problems."

"Good evening folks and today we bring you another show with Dr. Amara. Today she will Dr. Phil her patient, mom, getting her to open up on how dysfunctional are family is." Gabriel announced in an imaginary microphone.

Joanna giggled while Gabriel's brother's pinch the bridge of their nose and Amara sighed.

The enter the room. They saw Goddess continued to remain seated while speaking gibberish.

"So uh who will go first?" Gabriel curiously asked, feeling nervous as it has been ages since he last saw his mom.

"Not it." Lucifer piped in.

"Not it." Gabriel mimicked.

Both received a smack to the back of their heads by Michael, scolding them. "Will you two quite messing around? This is serious." He hissed in a hush tone.

"Shut up!" Amara hissed in a whisper manner.

Joanna shakes her head. Totally dysfunctional family. Seeing that they were bickering among themselves as to who will speak to Goddess, Joanna decided she will do it. Joanna cautiously approached Goddess. Moved right in front of her.

Goddess' eyes looked down at the floor.

"Hi." No answer. Joanna tried again. "I'm Joanna." Nothing. Joanna was patient. "I don't know if you know this but you're no longer in a cage and you've been set free and you have Amara to thank for that."

Goddess still didn't pay attention.

Joanna facepalm herself, dragging her hand down her face. This is going nowhere. She didn't want to do this but this will probably get her to notice. "Did I forget to mention that God is gone and Amara or Nyx is the New God?"

Goddess cease her yammering and raised her head, meeting Joanna's light blue eyes with her steely and cold green eyes.

Uh oh.

Goddess lunged right at Joanna, knocking the latter onto the floor and attacked her by smacking her. "WHERE IS THE BASTARD?! I'LL KILL HIM." She said in a British accent.

Joanna easily got Goddess off of her by using her telekinesis. That didn't stop her as Goddess flail in the air, naked, as the only thing shielding her had been the blanket.

The Archangel brothers groan, turning the other direction.

"Oh man, I don't need that stuck in my head." Gabriel covered his eyes.


"Here, here."

Amara marched towards Joanna's side. Snapping her fingers, Goddess was now fully dressed in a white robe. "Settle her done but do not let her go."

Joanna nodded. She lowered Goddess till her feet touch the floor. Goddess threw her arms forward and snarled. Not stopping anytime soon. "I think she went insane inside the cage."

"What gave you that impression?" Amara said sarcastically.

"I don't get it?" Joanna examined Goddess, seeing this crazed and anger look in her eye. "You and father were locked in your own cage and yet you didn't come out insane."

"True," Lucifer said, finally looking back as his mom was covered up. "But the cage damaged us in our own way."

Amara shuddered, showing sign of fear. "I remained sane because killing my brother was what kept me going but I can't stand small closed spaces as I am claustrophobic."

"My cage tormented me with repeating hallucinations of reliving my guilt and shame by my father and siblings." Lucifer added, carrying a grim face. "I may have been mentally damaged but what kept me sane is taking back Heaven, beating Michael's ass, and destroying humans."

Everyone gave Lucifer strange looks at what motivated the Archangel to not lose his mind.

Lucifer shrugged. "What? I'm better now."

Joanna closed her eyes, wondering if the Ma'lak box truly contained her and she couldn't get out, what would have happened to her? Would she be spending an eternity with a hallucination of her father in the body of Nick. Probably have driven her nuts. "And what about you, Michael?"

"What about me?"

"You spent like what? 1000 years in the Cage and you don't look crazy." Joanna said.

Michael gave an irritated look. "I had a human companion to converse with. It helps take the time away."

Joanna understood now. Everyone had their own coping mechanism to not lose their mind all except for Goddess. Joanna looks at her and felt bad for her. She spent over millennium in the lowest depths of Hell, weakened, and lonely. She had no one to keep her company or had anything left. She just lost it and now anything that isn't Amara or Chuck-related doesn't even draw her attention, unless.

"Father, Michael, Gabriel, can you try talking to her?" It was a long shot but Joanna thought it could work. Maybe Goddess will react differently of seeing her own sons.

The three exchange uncertain glances, feeling nerved by considering the idea of talking to their home, who they have not seen for a very long time.

Gabriel waved his hands. "We're not so sure that's a good idea."

Joanna furrowed her brows in confusion and frowned. "What? Why not? She's your mom."

"And we didn't do anything when mom tried destroying humanity." Michael pointed out in a similar uncertainty.

Needless to say the Archangels were scared of speaking to their mother, afraid what she might say or react. "So you won't even say hi to her?"

"Look, it isn't that easy for us, kid." Lucifer replied. "You'd be in our shoes if it were your mom that spent trapped in a cage for years and you allowed your dad to imprison her while doing nothing and feel you should have done something."

Joanna grimaced, seeing her father had a point. If her mom was like this and she hadn't lifted a finger to help and after ages of not seeing her, she would be feeling uncertain of not having the confidence to even chat. "But we have to try."

Amara crossed her arms as she continued to observe her sister. "I highly doubt we will make any progress in a day. For now, I will place her in a vacant room and keep her there until we figure out how to approach this."

"You mean lock her in her own room alone? Isn't that the opposite of what we're trying to do?" Joanna looked skeptical of this plan.

"Do you have any better ideas?"

Joanna is silent.

"Anyone else in disagreement?" Not one said a word. "Good. Besides, she isn't locked in her room. I'll just have no one entering her room as the last thing I need is for her to go wild, even though her powers are at their weakest. I'll handle that. In the mean time I will call an assembly of the entire host to announce these revelations."

Joanna sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Amara flinched, looking uncertain herself as well. "I hope so too."


"You mean to tell me Chuck had a wife this entire time?" Dean had his jaws hanging and eyes wide as dinner plates.

A photo flash blinked. Gabriel sniggered as he got a picture of Dean's reaction. "This one is definitely going into the books."

Dean glared at Gabriel for a moment and turn back his attention to Joanna. "So what? Like everything he's locked up, 'Goddess', mother of angel dickwings was in Hell this entire time and we only learn about this now?"

"Watch it Dean," Gabriel warned. He did not want anyone speaking ill about his mother.

Joanna leaned against her seat. "That is what Amara said."

Sam listen to the details carefully. He rested his head on his knuckles with a confused expression. He glanced at Gabriel's direction. "If that's true then why didn't Cas or you ever mention about her? She could have helped stop the apocalypse or even fight against Amara, heck everything else."

Dean nodded. "Hell ya. Talk about firepower we could have had on our side."

Gabriel and Cas, who is also present deadpanned at the two hunters.

"Because morons, didn't you hear what we said? Mom hated humans. Yes, she would have stopped Michael and Lucifer from fighting but she would have kept the Sunday family dinner going and Dad and her would have done more than destroy Earth from their fight."

Cas nodded. He too was shock to learn that his mother was back. It had been ages since he last ever saw or heard of her. Because she was locked away, all of Heaven tried forgetting about her, never to mention her at all whenever the topic about God was brought up.

Still, hearing his mother back made his chest flutter of seeing his mother again as she loved all her children. "The collateral damage they would have brought probably might have destroyed all of Creation."

Sam and Dean gawk, paling as the color of white bed sheets.

Gabriel takes another photo of their hilarious expressions. "Keep going. This is gold."

Dean is too stupefied. Michael and Lucifer fighting would have roasted the planet. If God and his wife fought then everything they know would be gone for good. Adios. "But wait, when Amara came around, nothing like that happened."

"That's because she and Chuck never fought. We did all the fighting, remember?" Sam points out the clear facts. The witches, demons, angels, and Lucifer did the fighting, not Chuck. It pissed him to know they did Chuck's dirty work while he stood by and then allowed himself to be nearly killed, which Sam assumed Chuck took a gamble of letting his sister nearly kill him than fight.

"Oh yeah."

Gabriel snorts when he heard about that while being in Asmodeus' captivity. "I can't believe you idiots tried fighting Amara. You're lucky she took it easy on you by allowing herself to be so arrogant and fight without style. Not even 99% of Creation would have stopped her if she were a clever strategist and tactician like dad."

"Whatever," Dean slurred. "So...is she hot?"

Gabriel and Cas sent Dean menacing looks as anyone talking about their mom, even if it was asking about her looks didn't settle too well with them.

Sam elbows his brother irritably. "Dean."

Dean raised his hands in defense. "What? Just asking."

"She is beautiful and attractive. Didn't need a vessel as she seems to have her own body." Joanna revealed.

Dean smiled. "So she is hot?"

Joanna nodded. "Yeah."

"Awesome. And Chuck locked his wife away just to focus on his story?"

"Pretty much."

"Wow...Chuck is a freaking dumbass for letting something like that go."

"Agreed." Joanna nodded, seeing that she was right that Dean would call Chuck an idiot for what he did.

"Anyway," Sam wanting to change the subject of taking about Chuck's ex-wife's look as they were getting off topic and this was weird with Gabriel and Cas sending Dean and Joanna murderous looks, you can feel the heat in the room. "What do you plan to do? Is she a threat we have to worry about like Chuck?"

Gabriel shakes his head. "No. Like Amara had once been, she is weakened from being locked up as that cage dad used zapped her of all her godly powers and now she needs to refuel. Plus it is for the best as her mind is out of loop and she'd attack anything she dislikes on sight or mention it. She doesn't like Amara and I don't wanna know how she'll react to seeing her kids. I know if she sees humans she'll try to destroy the first one she sees."

"Which is why we don't try to use punching or shooting as a first option," Joanna said dryly. Sending looks at Sam, Dean, and Cas. "We try reasoning with her." She had the need on wanting to help Goddess. Yes, she tried destroying humans but locking her up was clearly not the best solution, plus she means much to her angelic family and Amara. She would help in anyway.

"And if all else fails?" Dean raised a brow at the Nephilim.

Joanna looked down with folded arms and gave a defeated sigh. "Then we do what we have to."

The tension in the room falls silent as they knew that if nothing is done about Goddess then they would have to do what needs to be done and no one liked it.

"Damn, talk about family issues." Dean muttered.


Goddess sat on the bed provided to her by Amara. She regress back to her silent state.

Peeking from the ajar door, Amara stared long at her long lost sister. If she enters and gains her attention, Goddess will attack. Amara knew that she had to make an approach as whether attacked or not, progress needed to be made.

She opens the door, emitting a creaking sound. She winced. Amara looked and saw Goddess didn't pay any mind. Amara fully opens the door and steps inside and the closes it afterwards. Amara stared at her sister. After getting her settled in, Amara groomed her hair and warmed up as being locked in a cold and metal prison is not what you can all the best hospitality.

After staring long enough, Amara decided to gain her attention. "Hello sister. It is I, the Darkness."

Goddess growled as she looked up.

Before she can attack, Amara kept her restrained with her power but raised one hand up. "Relax, I am not going to fight you. There has been touch much of that with our family." Amara's face soften. "I only want to talk."

Goddess gave a hard look. "What is there to talk about?"

Amara's face slightly brighten. "You speak at last. Then you understand what I am telling you?"

Goddess glared. "That husband of mine locked me up. I spent alone in that prison. Growing weaker, cold, and lonely. Where were you?"

Amara closed her eyes, giving a pained look. "I am sorry for what God did to you, sister. I truly am and if I could I would have done everything in my power to set you free but you were not the only one to be imprisoned."

Peeked with interest, Goddess narrows her eyes.

Amara sees flashes of her time in the cage. How she hated being in closed and small spaces that being boxed in will make her relieve the nightmares. She would rather die several times than to ever go back there again. "Before you physically manifested, I had been separated by your ex-husband, right after he locked me away just like he did with you."

Goddess' eyes widen in surprise.

"I know what you have been through and I can tell you not one day goes by that I dream of being back there and wake up at night only to find I am not in the cage anymore. God mentally harmed us but he is gone now."

Goddess is silent. She then answered. "Is he...is he dead?"

Amara shakes her head. "No and neither is he locked away as even I couldn't do that to him."

Goddess' glare return. "You should have."

"Perhaps, but there are fates worse than death and I say he's still getting punish by becoming the thing you despised, the thing that tore you two apart."

"You mean...he is human? How?" Goddess is dumbfounded.

Amara couldn't help at giving a small smirk when a certain Nephilim came into her mind. "You have thinks to the girl that you tried attacking, remember? She is the one that aided me in defeating God and after we won she siphoned his powers and transferred them into me. I am now Light and Dark. The new Balance."

If she had some of her power, Goddess would have been able to sense Amara did carry the power of Light and Dark but she couldn't, so she'll have to rely on her word alone. "If I believe your claims then it is a fitting punishment." Goddess gave a cruel smirk. "My ex-husband, a human. Hahahaha!" She cackled loudly.

Amara's face fell. She was slightly disturbed from her sister's cackling, how dark it sounded. Was she like this when she was terrorizing people? "Yes, ironic that he became what he enjoyed manipulating."

"Yes, and tell me," Goddess' laughter died out and soon enough her glare returns as she eyed Amara suspiciously. "You got out of your cage, right?"

Amara was feeling unnerved as to where her sister is going with this. "Yes, all thanks to the efforts of a man who bore my Mark, which is that very same Mark that allowed me to be somewhat aware of what happened to you from using your second oldest son as my eyes and ears."

Hmm, after you got out because my ex-husband imprisoned you, you must have sought him out for revenge, didn't you."

"...Yes, I did."

"And did you take his power afterwards?"

Amara shakes her head. "No. I nearly killed him but then I forgave him and healed his wounds and then we left together. Though I was willingly to coexist with him just not be around him in my presence."

Goddess smiled. "I see. Then that means you and him stopped fighting and clearly it must have been years before you took his powers and freed me, in other words where were you after you made peace?" Losing her smile and snarling venomously.

Amara's eyes widen, seeing now what her sister had been fishing for. "I-"

"Because it sounds like to me you knew I was locked up but yet after ending your feud with my ex-husband you decided to skim around, doing whatever pleased you while I continued to rot in that cage. And then after years you finally come to my rescue. How noble of you. You forgot about me." Goddess spat sarcastically.

Amara hastily shakes her head. "That's not true. I didn't forget about. I was...preoccupied." She defended weakly. Amara knew she screwed up now. She ended things with Chuck and knew her sister was imprisoned in Hell but made no attempt at freeing her or even at all when she was trying to kill her brother. She had abandoned her sister while she was enjoying the wonders of Creation and now it was coming back to bite her in the ass.

"Oh I bet you were."

Guilt filled Amara's face as she tried defending herself. Who can her sister say that about her? "Please, I did not mean to leave you alone or forget about you. I'm sorry, I didn't-."

Goddess hissed. "Didn't what? That you truly forgot about me...just like he did." Her face saddens.

"Sister," Amara tired reaching out to her only to have her hand smacked away by a dark and angry look from Goddess.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to see your face again!"

Those words hurt Amara. She sniffed and nodded in acceptance. "I understand. I'll leave you alone." She leaves the room while Goddess reverts back to doing nothing, feeling bitter now.

As Amara stepped out from the room, her throat felt like it was closing in on her. Her chest feeling heavy and eyes brim wet.

Joanna arrived at Amara's office after leaving the bunker and was chuckling. "Hey Amara, you should have seen the look on Dean's face it was price-" She stopped chuckling as soon as she saw Amara seated on her couch, her cheeks stained with tears and is still crying.

Joanna's face fell, having an idea and is shock to see Amara cry as she never once seen Amara shed a tear before.

For the first time, Joanna was witnessing a Primordial Entity having the privilege of what humans have. Cry.

Her face turn sympathetic and went over to sit next to her, wrapping her arms around her and feels Amara's face bury into her shoulder, weeping louder than before while Joanna sooth her back. As Amara would be there for her, Joanna would be here for her. "It's okay."

"Tell me...am I a terrible person?" Amara muttered, her voice choked from the crying.

Joanna shakes her head. "You once told me you did terrible things but you showed you can be good. Look at what you've done to redeem yourself." She smiled gently.

Amara looked uncertain. "Then why? How could I abandon my sister while I enjoyed my freedom?" Joanna is silent. She didn't know how to answer that, nor believe she should sugarcoat it. "I should have done something. Search for her but I didn't. I deserted Goddess, just like my brother deserted me and everything else. Am I just like my brother?"

Joanna furiously shakes her head. "No, you are nothing like Chuck. If it were Chuck, he wouldn't care and those tears prove you do care about your sister."

Amara hiccupped. Her teary chocolate brown eyes stare into Joanna's sincere light blue ones. "She never wants to see me again."

"Amara, she is hurt and isn't mentally well. You need to give her time. Show her that you care for her. Family is about bonds and family never stops loving each other, even if they hate one another." Joanna whispered, patting her head.

Amara feels a little weight on her shoulders raise but it would not deny that she is still liable of her actions and the hate she earned is sensible. "W-When you killed Mary, did this pain hurt exactly the same as it was for you when Dean was angry at you? Hate you?" She asked with hesitation.

Joanna scrunched her face as it was a sore subject she put behind her but didn't stop making her feel regretful of what she did. Soulless or not, she was still liable for killing Mary, there is no justifying that. "I-It did. It hurt so much to know Dean hated me for what I did to him but...family heals and they learn to forgive. Maybe not right away but in time they do and I know in my heart that Goddess will forgive you."

Amara didn't respond or gave a grateful thank you as she didn't want to get her hopes up, instead, she embraced Joanna tighter, the person who has been a true friend to her in years.


Goddess remained rested in her room as always. In her mind, she wasn't just thinking about her brother alone, instead she was thinking about Amara and how she hated her. Amara. Goddess' face sadden.

She remembered how she existed inside the two when they were one. It was a memorable time and not just her but the other two, Time and Natural Order. When Light and Dark separated, she found herself physically manifested as if someone corked open the bottle and allowed its contents to spill out and there she was.

Goddess remembered how God asked her hand for marriage and she graciously accepted. Back then she was the one who helped shape the Earths into what they are and ruled together in Heaven. She had been the one to create the angels who took on female forms while her ex-husband shape the ones that appeared as male visages.

It was a happy time. Just her, her husband, and their children. Until he decided to create them

Those vile creatures he adored more than her and their children. Humans. So weak and fragile. What did they have that made her ex-husband ignore her? She'd be a hypocrite if she called her husband self-centered as she wanted his time be about her, not humans.

She was his wife and they were suppose to be together with everything they do but instead he ignores her till she had enough. She wanted humans dead and not because of taking her husband's attention away from her but also being the reason why her son was exiled from his home.

That broke the camel's back.

The humans were tearing her family apart so she took action by bringing their genocide. Unfortunately, her husband finally turned his attention to her and it resulted in her imprisonment. So here they are now in the present time.

She learns her sister had been imprisoned and then years when she was imprisoned as well, her sister the Darkness let bygones by bygones and forget that she was in a cage and wanted out. Who does that? Forget about the person you care?

There is no excuse, she hated her sister and she will always do so forever.

The door creaks open. Stepping inside is Joanna as she poked her head. "Hi, can I come in or will you attack me?"

Thanks to having a proper talk with her sister, Goddess was no longer ignoring anyone that is not of primordial origin. Goddess glanced up and cocked her head curiously at this creature. "I don't know you. I know I attacked you because you knew my sister."

Joanna heard the grudge in her tone and winced. "I see you're angry. I understand. I know what it feels to have someone angry at you."

Goddess sneered. "Is that so? Tell me, did my sister send you to justify her mistakes and try to make it better that she is sorry and it was not her fault?"

Joanna shakes her head. "No and I don't expect you to forgive her, at least not now as you have every right to be mad but let me tell you this," Joanna's face got stern. She was not trying to glare or menace Goddess as she was being firm with her point and hopes it gets through the primordial entity's thick skull. "You say you hate Amara,"

Goddess scoffed. "Amara? Is that what she calls herself? Like those names the humans use?"

Joanna rubbed her lower lips and smiled. "Then what should I call you?"

"Goddess." Goddess said firmly.

Joanna pondered and shakes her head. "No. I think I will call you Charlotte. Like Charlotte the Spider from Charlotte's Web." Goddess growled at being called something she didn't like, much to Joanna's amusement. "No offense of not calling you by your proper name, Charlotte, but I have a sore experience of one who use their name as 'god' or 'goddess'. So you can see why I have given you a proper human name."

"My name is Goddess." Goddess spat.


"Goddess." Goddess hissed irritably.

"Charlotte." Joanna replied with a toothy grin.



At this point, Charlotte wasn't gonna argue and instead got back on track. "What do you have to say to me...whatever you are?"

Joanna smirked victoriously. "If you must know, I am the New Death. I was formerly a Nephilim alone until Amara officially made me half-reaper/horseman." Joanna showed off her Pale Horseman Ring and shinned her white glowing eyes. "As for what I wanted to say," her face turned serious.

"I want to tell you that you claim to hate Amara and if you don't want to forgive her, that is fine. I will not force you to forgive her so it can make me feel better at not seeing her upset as the issue is between you two and only both of you can fix. But let me advise you that you won't stay mad forever. Amara wants to make things right and you should give her the chance to do so. Being angry forever won't make you feel better and I know deep down that you claim to hate her but in reality you still love her."

Charlotte's glare lessened. She looked down at her feet and glanced up with a suspicious look. "Why do you care so much about my sister and I?"

"Because we're family and I want to help you, especially show you that humanity is wonderful, if you don't give it a chance."

"Humans are what broke my family apart and severed all ties with my ex-husband!" Charlotte angrily shouted.

"About that, I feel as if there is more to the story than you let on. Something triggered it. You can tell me as I will listen." Joanna calmly replied, taking a seat by the edge of the bed.

Charlotte studied Joanna's form and saw how calm and relax she is. Seeing that this, 'Joanna' peeked her interest. She will explain herself. Charlotte revealed everything about how it was Lucifer's exile from Heaven was the final nail to the coffin.

Joanna listened without interrupting. She now understood Charlotte's anger better though Joanna still found it ridiculous on how entities of divine or celestial can behave much like humans only get so prissy when someone looks at them the wrong way or take out their frustration at others that don't deserve it.

Like children.

Amara had her respect and earned the right to be called God or 'Goddess' before Joanna learned there was an actual and literally named Goddess but anyone that didn't earn the right of being a divine being did not warrant her respect to call them a 'god' or 'goddess' as pagans were pitiful.

Her dad was right about one thing. Pagans are worse than demons and perhaps worse than humans who can be terrible such as murderers, rapist, psychopaths. The point is, Goddess was no better and took things at a cosmic scale. Hence why she will not call Goddess as Goddess and call her the human name she gave to her.

Humans don't deserve their wrath.

"They may have been indirectly behind your bitterness towards your husband but humanity has so much to offer and the only way you can know that for yourself is by seeing it with your own eyes. Tell me, do you despise Creation?" Joanna inquires.

Charlotte shakes her head. "I hate humans, not the foundation they live upon as I am responsible for Earth's beauty, along with other worlds in the multiverse."

Joanna gave a small smile. "Excellent." She looks around her surroundings. "Do you want to go for a walk? It's kind of confine in here and no one in Heaven seems ready to be close to you so to welcome you back into your home why don't I be your escort?" Joanna held her hand out. "What do you say?"

Charlotte stared into Joanna's hand for a few seconds and takes it.


"Here we are." Joanna said. Holding Charlotte's hand, Charlotte is reveal to be blindfolded as Joanna wanted to surprise her.

Charlotte twitched her brows as everything is dark. "I can't see a damn thing."

"Hold on, let me untie these for a sec, here we go and...done!" Joanna removed the blindfold, allowing Charlotte to see the light.

Charlotte gasped, moving a hand to her mouth. "Oh my..." In front of her is a place of greenery. Fresh grass and trees. Healthy that it is hard to find flora like this on Earth. At the center is a tree with apples on it. "I can't believe it. It still exist."

"Welcome to Eden." Joanna whispered with a smile, taking a step back to allow the primordial entity sink in to what is before her.

Charlotte felt her bare feet get tickled by the soft bed of grass, how nice it felt as it has been a long time since she's touched anything this soft. Taking a whiff of the air, it smelled so fresh, like Earth. The dirt, grass, air, humidity, everything. She placed her hand onto the ground and grasped.

Unseen by Joanna, traveling up to Charlotte's hand and arm is a faint green energy. Charlotte can feel some of her strength return as she was drawing power from all of nature to share it with her.

Feeling rejuvenated, Charlotte then broke out of character from what Joanna had gathered and fell backwards. Charlotte giggled, making snow angels on the grass, even though nothing is being made it was the jovial thought that counted. "It's beautiful. I've missed this place so much."

Joanna smiled pleasantly. "It is nice and look." She gestured her head towards a certain direction.

Looking to where Joanna is hinting, Charlotte sees a small obscured figure approaching Stepping out of the forest is a young girl, the very one Joanna met when she got her soul back. The two stared at each other and Charlotte gasped.

"Asherah, is that you?"

Asherah also looked surprise that she froze in place and then nodded with a huge smile as her eyes twinkled. "It is, mother."

Joanna raised both brows in surprise. "Asherah, that is your name? You never told me it not once for every visit I came."

Asherah ignored Joanna and instead ran towards Charlotte and hugged her. "Mommy, I missed you so much."

Charlotte hugged the girl back, feeling rejoiceful of being reunited with one of her children. "I missed you too, child."

Joanna watched and could not help at smile with her own eyes turning misty. Watching daughter and mother hug each other makes her heart warm.

"It is so nice to see you again. I thought your father would have extracted you back into his own being, my child of Life."

Asherah shakes her head and gave a sad look. "Father left me here. He promised he would return for me but time has passed. I waited, waited, and waited and never did her return."

Charlotte's face darkens. "Did he now? And what did he tell you about me?"

Asherah's lips trembled. "He told me you were dead and that Heaven was engaged in a terrible war. I was told to never leave as it was for my own safety."

Joanna made a disgusted look. Just when she thought Chuck couldn't get lower, he took it to a whole new level.

Charlotte viscously growled. "I swear if he were here and I was at full power I'd make the bastard pay." She calm down and sooth her child's hair. "Do not fret, mother is here now. I will make him pay and the humans, oh yes, they will face my wrath, know what happens when they ruin everything!"

Joanna and Asherah frowned at the crazed look appeared on Charlotte's face.

"Humans crushed under me feet! Destroy the humans! Destroy them all!" She maniacally laughed that it didn't sound too serious.

If this were an anime, Joanna would have sweat dropped. For some odd reason Charlotte was reminding her of the character Galvatron from Transformers G1 series, how he went insane and spouted nonsense.

"Hahaha! The humans will know to kneel before me!" Charlotte continued to cackle like some cartoon villain.

Joanna and Asherah exchange worried glances and Joanna shrugged. She walked over to Goddess and stood behind her

"Blood there, and a little there, paint them all over the walls and use their intestines to decorate my- ugh!" Joanna karate chopped at Charlotte's head, knocking her out cold. Charlotte fell face first onto the ground.

"I think she needs helps, like serious help." Joanna said lamely.

"There you are."

Turning around, Joanna and Asherah saw Amara walk out of some thick bushes and notices Charlotte unconscious. "What have you done?"

Joanna raised both hands. "I didn't do anything. I was merely helping Charlotte get her bearings and it was working till she started to act weird and talk about how she wants to kill humans...work in progress begins now."

Amara sighed. She looked down at her sister's knocked out form and sadden. "At least you tried...why did you call her Charlotte?" Before she can ask, Amara looked at Asherah, who notices her and her eyes beam.

"Mama!" Asherah squealed. Amara furrows her brows in confusion and was gonna ask why the girl called her 'mama' when Asherah shot from the ground and landed right into Amara's arms, tucking herself nicely in. "Mama, you returned."

Amara and Joanna gave each other bewildered looks.

The primordial entity glanced down at the child snuggling against her chest. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

Asherah raised her head and gave a conflicted look. "Don't you recognize me?"

Amara examined the girl carefully till a memory that belong to her brother entered her mind. Her eyes widen in realization. "Oh my, you are an Abstract creature from my brother."

"Abstract what?" Joanna gave a quizzical look.

"Abstract Entity to be precise. This girl here is one of Chuck's abstract. She is a Creature of Life in all of Creation and embodies it, just as the Original Death embodied Death, my Abstract Entity."

"Death...he was your son and Asherah, she is Chuck's daughter?"

"If you like to call it like that, yes. Death, he came from me as I am the true originator of the concept Death, along with other concepts such as Dark, Chaos, Night, Nihilism or Negative. I gave a piece of myself to bring life to the creature Sam and Dean knew as Death, the Original Death and one worthy of being the Pale Horsemen." Amara was still pissed that a reaper dare to call herself Death, the title that only belong to her son.

Good riddance Billie is dead.

"Like Death and me, Asherah came from Chuck as she is a piece from him. Apparently Chuck blocked my memories of my son, which is why I did not know his name when Dean asked of me years ago until his spell vanished from my head. It is likely Death had his memories blocked too as I gave life to him to help free me but Chuck clearly got to him and forgot his task as he was worried of facing Death and I together."

Wait until she tells this to Sam and Dean. Ooh and Gabriel to bring the camera. "So what does that make me?"

Amara smiled. "You are Joanna, are you not? Death is now once again back inside me and I officially gave you my powers of death to embody it throughout Creation. You are your own person."

"I see. But now that you said how Death was your son, you have Chuck's Light and Asherah came from Chuck, which means you are now-"

"Mommy!" Asherah cheered.

Amara looked stupefied to know that her former brother's daughter is now her daughter since she has his Light nature and all concepts that embody good in existence. "Uh I suppose so if you like to call me that."

Joanna can see it was going to take a while for Amara to get use to the fact she has a daughter.

"I have two mommies now!" Asherah cheered happily.

Yep, definitely gonna take getting use to.

{Mortal-Earth; Distance Future}

Clary leaned against a wall. She was standing by and awaiting orders from her queen. Clary was at some fancy looking apartment, the suite floor that the very top, that is her queen' base of operation. After their last encounter, one Clary is disappointed, she was told to merely observe the Shadowhunters and act as she'd normally would as her usual good self.

Her queen was still busy trying to get into Jace's head, planting the demon seed in his head to possess him. Clary could not wait to see how demoralized Jace will be once he has outlived his purposes of serving her queen. Oh the look on his face will be a sight Clary will relish and take to her grave.

Payback for breaking her goodie two shoes' heart.

With that happening, so far nothing interesting has happened as it has been pretty quiet except for the Downworlders pledging their allegiance to the Seelie Queen.

Clary laughed. The Clave failed for being a bunch of paranoid, bigotry, and corrupt organization to allow fear to govern them when the Mortal Sword killed hundreds of Downworlders and the Downworlders blamed the Shadowhunters for getting many of their loved ones killed for a suicide mission.

Control is slipping out. They say those who grip on too tightly onto a person, that person will slip easier and be out of their control.

Walking into the suite, Clary sees her queen, wearing a different dress that brings out her beauty. The metallic pleaded midi dress. Clary's flashed her new full black eyes and purred seductively of seeing Lilith. Her blood courses through her veins, screaming out to her that she must love her queen and do as she is commanded.

She'd happy serve her queen in anyway. "Back already?" Clary got off from the wall and walked towards the Demoness, swaying her hips to allure her queen like some seductress. "Or were you too much in a hurry to see me again?"

Lilith smiled, inviting her warrior's seductive flirting as Clary wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled herself in to grind her body against hers. "Perhaps but no. I was busy recruiting disciples. It is taking much of my time but once Jace Herondale has become my Owl then I will only have to worry about setting up the ceremony of having my disciples offering their blood to bring back Jonathan."

"Brilliant plan my queen." Clary brushed her face onto Lilith's neck and then nibbles onto it.

The Queen of Edom smiles in glee. She welcome the passionate affection from her warrior and lover. Clarissa is quite the charmer and lover when her dark side is unleashed. So far Clary has yet to utilize her new abilities but she will soon enough Right now she had an important task for her new warrior that doesn't coincide with her plan to revive her son but strengthen her power to her kingdom. "I thought so, now since you are loyal to me willingly, I have a special mission for you, one that you shall enjoy quite handsomely."

A wicked glee filled Clary's eyes. "And what mission is that, my queen?"

How she loved the conviction of her warrior giving her respect. It made Lilith feel empowered. She giggled darkly. "If you know, during the Dark Ages, when the Demon Incursion first arrived. My first lover Sammael and I terrorize the mundane realm and during those dark times Sammael and I sired several demonic children, including the procreation of Downworlders as I am responsible for bringing the existence of Warlocks, Witches, and Seelie Fairies. Unfortunately, our population of demonic children did not go unnoticed." Lilith's face turned bitter and wrathful.

"Heaven intervened and slaughtered several of my children while banishing some to the Void where I was sent to Edom. Sammael and I did return to Earth till he was destroyed." Lilith's face fell of how she remembered Sammael's body destroyed by the Archangel Michael. "Now I have return to Earth and with me gifting you the wonderful gift of the men, I plan to grow a powerful army of hybrids and here is where you fit into my secondary plan while our primary is bringing back your brother."

"And what plan might that be?" Clary asked, feeling excitement pool inside her as she was seeing what her queen has planned for her.

Lilith smirked cruelly. "I have a list of women for you to bed and gift them your seed so they may bear your child. The combine power of pure angel and pure demon blood will certainly give me many powerful sires for my demonic army and it would restore your family's bloodline." She wrapped her arms around Clary's neck, her hot breath ticking Clary's lips. "Like Sammael, you will bring many children for me. What do you say?" Lilith licked her tongue at Clary's lips.

Clary hummed pleasantly and grinned. "I say, whatever my queen wishes. I will do what my queen desires. If it is a powerful army she wants it is a powerful army she will get."

"Excellent, here is the list of women I have in mind that will produce powerful heirs." Manifesting out of thin air, a piece of paper is held in Lilith's hands. she hands it over to Clary.

Clary reads the list and is surprise by who are on it.

Isabelle Lightwood

Maia Roberts

Seelie Queen

Maryse Lightwood


Lydia Branwell

Heidi McKenzie

Claire raised both brows as she recognized these women, though she was unfamiliar with who the hell is Heidi McKenzie? "Interesting selection of women, my queen. You have fine taste."

Lilith hummed in agreement, showing off her hubris. "Indeed. When find them and bed them, invite them in with passion, seduce them if you have too, show them the blissful time they shall enjoy, and once they offer you their consent, give them the honor of carrying your children once they enjoy you ravishing them. That is how Sammael attracted several women, capturing their eyes, as did I with men." She nibbles at Clary's neck.

Clary bit her lips to suppress her moan. "It shall be an honor. I will not fail you."

"I know you won't but I am curious, who is the first honored woman that will get to experience your wonderful talent and have her heart captured by you?"

Carrying a mischief look in her eye, clary examined the list carefully and immediately picked one out. "This one." Her finger pointed the very name at the top of the list.

Isabelle Lightwood.

"I won't lie, Isabelle is a seductress herself who makes me lose self-control, and I'm sure it will be easy for me to have her enthrall by my beauty and once she sees my other 'friend', she'll be happy to accept my seed." Clary grinned evilly.

"Excellent choice. I can't wait to see her carry your child. Perhaps, I could add in another warrior to our ranks, y'know, to keep you company and carry my blood."

Clary flashed her black eyes. She liked that idea.

End of Chapter 2

Joanna named Goddess after Charlotte from Charlotte's Web lol. Good book back in my younger years as a kid. So for this the girl from Eden is basically a Living Idea entity that came from Chuck, literally a piece of the many concept of good and Death well he came from Amara. Both are aspects of their progenitor if you want to call it that.

Abstract Entities is from Marvel Comics like Eternity, Infinity, Phoenix Force, or Black Winter that inspired me. Also I went this origin for OD because I feel it isn't enough he appeared out of nowhere like Chuck and Amara and we know he isn't old or older as Chuck.

Yin embodies the concepts: Chaos, Femininity, Night, Darkness, or Death. So Amara is the True Death and she gave life to a being that is the aspect of one of the concepts she embodies throughout existence, Death lol. The girl who I named Asherah for this story is the aspect of Life of Chuck's concepts of virtue (Yang): Order, Masculine, Day, Light, or Life. Hope that makes sense.

From Greek Myth of how Erebos and Nyx came from within Chaos, Gaea and the other two Primordials that happen to exist came from within Chuck and Amara when they were Balance and only were birth into Creation after the two separated from Amara's imprisonment.

Goddess/Charlotte has her hatred for humans much like from Lucifer but it will wane due tot he help of you know who.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Make sure to vote if you loved the chapter. Please comment if you have any opinions or ideas you wanna pitch in for the story to make things interesting, I will read comments. Please comments on what you liked or dislike about the chapter to improve future updates.

PM if you would like to discuss privately and I will answer you the best I can about your thoughts or questions.

Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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