In This Together: Teen Wolf

By harrypotter010803

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For the last fifteen years of her life, Y/n Martin went to school, watched lacrosse practice with her sister... More

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355 13 5
By harrypotter010803

Stiles sat in the passenger's seat of his dad's cruiser, munching on curly fries. Due to the stress of being a sheriff, Stiles and his dad never really got to sit and eat dinner together anymore. At least not after Stiles's mom died.

"Mmm." The sheriff groans, looking into his bag. "Did they forget my curly fries?"

"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." Stiles mutters, eating his own curly fries.

Noah Stilinski scoffs, "Well, I am carrying a Iethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

"If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more Iegitimate, you are wrong."

Stiles shrugs at his father's unimpressed look, taking a bite of his burger. Suddenly the radio in the car crackles to life, a voice coming through.

"Unit One, do you copy?"

Stiles reaches over to grab the mic, his father slapping his hand away.


"Unit One, copy."

"Got a report of a possible 187."

Stiles whips his head around to face his dad, curly fries falling out of his mouth. "A murder?"

Pulling up to the Rent-A-Movie building in the center of town, Stiles sits up straighter in his seat, trying to see into the building. His dad pauses to look at him.

"Stay here." He orders before crawling out, the door closing behind him as he shouts to an officer standing nearby. "Paul, Iet's get this area Iocked up."

Stiles looks at the ambulance, pausing as he notices Y/n standing by Lydia, the latter staring straight in front of her as Y/n wraps her arm around the red-head. Jackson waves his hands around, yelling at the EMT.

"Oh, no way." He mumbles. He quickly glances around him, seeing his dad talking to an officer. He quickly climbs out of the car, rushing over to Y/n. His dad sees him but lets it go, once he sees the brunette.

"Hey." Stiles breathes, appearing next to Y/n, the girl smiling at him slightly as she rubs Lydia's back. "Are you okay? Were you here?"

The girl shakes her head. "No, it was just Lydia and Jackson. They left an hour ago to get a movie and next thing I know I am throwing on my shoes after a frantic call from Lydia."

Stiles furrows his brows, looking at the unresponsive teen, before back at Y/n. "Lydia called you?"

"Yeah, she wasn't making much sense though. The only thing I understood was where they were and to come quickly." Y/n mumbles just as the sheriff walks up to the four.

Jackson quickly rounds on him causing Stiles to clench his fists at the insults. Y/n notices causing her to grab his hand. She pulls it apart, allowing her fingers to slid through his.

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine."

"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion."

"What part of "I'm fine" are you having a problem grasping?" Jackson yells, "Okay, I wanna go home."

"And I understand that."

"No, you don't understand, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop Iike you! Okay, now, I wanna go home!"

"Jackson!" Y/n hisses, causing the boy to glare at her. She doesn't back down, however, she fixes him with an unwavering stare that causes chills to go down his spine. "Enough."

Jackson falls silent, mumbling under his breath as he moves to sit by Lydia. The sheriff flashes her a grateful smile, just as a gurney is rolled out, covered with a tarp.

"Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" Stiles mutters as Y/n helps Lydia stand, the girl still staring blankly in front of her.

"Everybody back up. Back up." An officer calls, pushing the bystanders back a little.

"Hey sheriff, is it okay if I take Lydia home?" Y/n asks, causing the older man to nod.

"Yeah. We'll probably call you later for questioning. Just keep an eye on her." The sheriff calls to the girl as she walks Lydia over to her car. Pulling the door open to the passenger's side, Y/n helps Lydia sit down, before softly shutting it behind her. She turns her head, seeing Stiles hovering behind her.

"I'm okay." She mutters, grasping his hand again. "I promise."

"Just call me if you need anything, okay?" Stiles asks, causing the girl to smile.

"I will." She stands up on her toes, pressing a kiss to his jaw. She smiles at him before backing away and climbing into her car. She waves at him through the window, the boy watching her as she pulls away and drives down the street, until she fades out of view.

The next day, Stiles sat in his least favorite class. Chemistry with Mr. Harris. Since last night, he has not seen Y/n, or Lydia, or Scott.

Harris looked around the classroom, glancing around the room as several unhappy faces stared back at him. "Just a friendly reminder, parent-teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." Harris says, before pausing on when he sees an empty seat. "Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

The door opens in response, revealing Jackson wearing a tight expression, his face pale. Word travels fast in Beacon Hills, even more so when it involves two popular kids. Every knew that Jackson and Lydia found a dead body last night, and was attacked but no one is for certain by what.

Jackson glances around the classroom, shifting uncomfortably under the weight of everyone's stares. He ducks his head down and speed walks to his desk in the back. Harris follows the teen, leaning down to his level.

"Hey, Jackson. If you need to Ieave early for any reason, you Iet me know." Harris mutters, causing Jackson to give a force nod.

He steps away from the boy, with a pat on the back before walking to the front of the classroom. "Everyone, start reading chapter nine. Mr. Stilinski." Stiles glances up, the cap to a highlighter in his mouth. "Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book."

With the teacher's back turned, Stiles rolls his eyes before spitting the cap out of his mouth, and catching it. Once Harris reaches his desk and focuses on the mountain of papers at his desk, Stiles sits further in his seat, inching towards Danny, who sat in front of him.

"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?"

"No." Danny deadpanned.

"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Y/n show up in your homeroom today?"


Stiles frowns. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Answer's still no."

"Does anyone know what happened to Jackson Iast night?"

Danny pauses, glancing at said person. "He wouldn't tell me."

"But he's your best friend." Stiles points out. Danny sighs, looking bothered but shrugs it off. "One more question."


"Do you find me attractive?"

Walking out of Chemistry, Stiles held his phone up to his ear, listening to it ring. It rings once, twice, before Scott picks up on the third ring.


"Finally!" Stiles exclaims, "Have you been getting any of my texts?"

"Yeah, Iike all nine million of them."

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Stiles asks his friend, "Y/n and Lydia are totally M-I-A, Jackson Iooks Iike he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it."

"Like what?"


"Okay, I'II deal with it Iater." Scott mutters before hanging up, causing Stiles to groan.

Y/n sat in Lydia's bedroom, the girl in question lying across her bed. Since arriving home last night, she was totally comatose. Not moving, speaking, Y/n was even worried if she was even breathing. It was hard leaving her sister by herself, so Y/n sat with her the entire night, until they both knocked out at 4:00 a.m. Since waking up, Lydia took some medicine, a little too much, causing her to act drunk.

Glancing at the red-head, Y/n frowns as she sees her glancing around her room in a daze, humming underneath her breath. The sound of the door opening causes the two to glance over, seeing their mom with Stiles hovering behind her.

"Honey, there's a Stiles here to see you." Ms. Martin calls, looking at Y/n as the girl walks over to them.

Lydia frowns, "What the hell is a "Stiles"?"

Y/n shakes her head, grabbing the door handle as her mom allows Stiles to walk in. "She took a Iittle something to ease her nerves. You can... You can come in."


Y/n smiles before closing the door behind him, her mom shooting her a look. Y/n turns her head, seeing Stiles awkwardly glancing at Lydia, who is now hanging off the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asks as she runs to Lydia, pushing the girl back onto the bed. Once making sure Lydia was safely tucked into bed, Y/n turned to face the boy.

"I was just making sure you were okay."

Y/n smiles, "Hmm. Why?"

"Uh..." Stiles mumbles, flushing red under her unwavering stare. "Because I was worried about you today."

Y/n smiles, her cheeks flaming red causing the boy to smile in response. Lydia's slurred voice interrupts them, calling out for her sister.


"Hey." Y/n crawls into the bed beside her, her sister smiling widely at her with a loopy grin. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fantastic."

"Oh!" Stiles smirks, sitting by Y/n's feet, not noticing his hand laying on her shin. "What..I bet you can't say, 'I saw Suzy sittin' in a shoeshine shop' 10 times fast."

Lydia takes the challenge, stumbling on her words. "I saw Shuzy...Uh...I shaw...I saw..."

Lydia suddenly trails off, staring fearfully in front of her causing Y/n and Stiles to grow alarmed. "What? Lydia, what did you see?"


"Something Iike... Like a mountain Iion?" Stiles questions.

"A mountain Iion."

Y/n furrows her brows. "Are you sure you saw a mountain Iion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?"

"A mountain Iion." Lydia repeats. Stiles sighs, before reaching over and grabbing a stuff giraffe that was at the end of the bed. He holds it up to Lydia, the girl staring at it.

"What's this?"

"A mountain Iion." Lydia nods, before tipping over onto Y/n's lap.

"Okay. You're so drunk."

The two teens sat across from each other, both unsure what to say to each other. Y/n's mom shouts up the stairs, calling for the younger girl to come downstairs. Y/n smiles at Stiles, before excusing herself.

The boy watches as she leaves, only turning away when she disappeared down the hall. He sighs, holding his head in his hands as Lydia remains passed out on the bed. He lifts his head up at the sound of a phone beeping. He looks over at the nightstand, watching as Lydia's phone lights up, showing a text on the screen from one of her friends.

"You want me to get that?" Stiles asks the unconscious girl. Stiles reaches over and picks up the black mobile, staring down at the screen. "It's a text. I don't know how to..."

Stile pauses as the text disappears. A video pops onto the screen, the date and the time showing that it was taken yesterday night. He pressed play, watching as a black figure bursts out of the window of the movie store. He plays it back, over and over again, before he pauses it halfway through. Zooming in onto the image of the black figure, his eyes widen as he sees the face of a huge, monstrous wolf, with red eyes staring back at him.

The sound of footsteps causes him to quickly shove the phone into his pocket. He turns his head to the door just as Y/n walks through.

"Hey. Sorry my mom wanted help with something."

"Cool." Stiles nods, before he stands up suddenly, walking past the girl. "I got to go."

"What?" Y/n turns on her heel, following after the boy as he runs through the house. He pauses at the front door, allowing Y/n to catch up with him. "Stiles."

He grabs the girl by the shoulders, looking into her eyes. "I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay? I'm so happy you're okay."

Y/n furrows her eyebrows, but doesn't get a chance to say anything. Stiles quickly kisses her on her forehead before running out the door. By the time the girl runs after him, he is pulling out if her driveway and driving away.

"What the hell?" Y/n mumbles.

Stiles storms into his house, bolting up the stairs into his room. He closes the door behind him and takes out his phone out of his pocket. He holds his phone up to his ear, pacing across his room as he waits for Scott to answer the phone. All day the boy has not heard from his friends causing him to become frustrated.

"Hey, it's me again. Look, I found something, and I don't know what to do, okay? So if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great. Or else I'II kill you. Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill you. And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly I'm gonna kill you, but I'm just gonna do it, okay? I'm gonna... Ugh! Goodbye." Stiles lets out a frustrated groan before he tosses his phone on his bed. He pulls out his desk chair and collapses into it, holding his head in his hands. "God."

A knock on the door causes the boy to turn his head. His father pokes his head between the crack of the door, before opening it all the way. The Sheriff runs his hand along the top of his head, leaning against the doorframe.

"PIease tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent-teacher thing tonight."

Stiles purses his lips. "Depends on how you define 'good news'."

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues."

Stiles hums, "You might wanna rethink that definition."

The Sheriff rolls his eyes, already dreading going to the conference. "Enough said."

Stiles watches as his father walks away from the door, turning to head down the stairs. His father disappeared out of view just as Stiles's phone rings on his bed. Stiles leaps out his chair, falling onto the floor and launches himself on the bed. He grabs the phone and answers, failing to look at the caller I.D.

"Scott?" He asks, expecting to hear the familiar voice of his friend. He does hear a familiar voice, not just the one he was expecting.

"Nope." Y/n hums, sitting on her bed in her own room, having left Lydia after the girl fell asleep.

"Y/n. Uh, wh-uh, what's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see if you were okay? You left sort of fast."

Stiles smiles slightly. Y/n, the girl he has been in love with since forever, called to see if he was okay. "Yeah, no. I'm okay. My dad wanted to talk to me about something before he left for the conferences tonight."


It is silent between the two teenagers, the only sound being heard was them breathing. Y/n pursed her lips. For the first time, she has no idea what to say. The girl who had a smart ass remark or a witty comeback for everything was silent. Stiles, the boy who rambles about any topic, was tounge-tied.

Finally a sound came through Y/n's side, Stiles hearing her mother call her downstairs.

"I have to go." Y/n mumbles, biting her lip.

Stiles nods, before he realizes she can't see him. "Yeah. So do I." Stiles pauses, debating on if he should ask the question on his mind. "Do you, uh, want to go to the parent-teacher conference together tonight?"

A smile spreads across the girl's glossed lips, a squeal threatening to break out but she holds it in. "Yeah." She breathes out, "Yeah, sure. I would love that."

Stiles fists bumps the air, quietly cheering. "Ok, I'll pick you up from your house in twenty minutes or so."

"Sounds good."

Exchanging good-byes, the two teens place their respective phones down. Y/n quickly smiles and lets out a laugh before she runs to her closet to change out of her sweatpants and sweatshirt.

Stiles smiles excitedly before he sprints down the stairs. He grabs his keys, just managing to slide his vans on before he sprints out of the house, the door slamming shut behind him. He glances at the time, noticing it being five after seven. The parent-teacher conferences have already begun.

One of Y/n's teachers sits in front of the young girl's parents. The woman wears a smile on her face, as does Y/n's mom. Her dad, however, is already expecting bad news.

"Let me tell you, there's plenty to say about Y/n."

Her dad scoffs, looking at his ex-wife. "Did I not predict this?"

"Here we go." She says, rolling her eyes. "Total nuclear meltdown as usual."

"What is it? Is it her grades, concentration issues, erratic behavior?" The teacher stares at him.

"I'm not the one who told her she had to choose who she wants to Iive with, as if that wouldn't warp a 15-year-old girl. Nor am I the one who allowed her to skip a grade."

Her dad sighs, turning to face the teacher who sat in her chair uncomfortable as she watched the two as they argued. "Just tell us what the problem is."

The teacher offers a tight smile. "I wasn't aware that there was a problem."


"Academically, Y/n's one of the finest students I've ever had, besides Lydia of course. Her A.P. classes push her GPA above a 5.0. I'd actually like to have her l.Q. tested. And socially, she displays outstanding leadership qualities." The teacher tells the two, having a smile on her face as she talks about her favorite student.

"I mean, she's a real leader."

The Sheriff shifts uncomfortably in his seat as Coach looks through the folder in front of him. He shift through some documents before he places them in front of him, turning to face the Sheriff.

"Stiles, that's right. I thought 'Stiles' was his Iast name?"

"His Iast name is 'Stilinski'."

Coach asks confused, "You named your kid 'Stiles Stilinski'?"

"No, that's just what he Iikes to be called."

"Oh. Well, I Iike to be called 'Cupcake'." Coach mutters under his breath. "What is his first name?" The Sheriff leans forward, moving a paper out of the way before pointing to Stiles's legal name. Coach widens his eyes, "Wow, that's a form of child abuse. I don't...I don't even know how to pronounce that."

The Sheriff sighs. "It was his mother's father's name."

Coach laughs. "Wow. You must really Iove your wife."

"Yeah, I did."

Coach's smiles falls from his face quickly, noticing the use of past tense in the Sheriff's sentence. "Well, this just became incredibly awkward."

Breaking the awkward silence that fell between them, the Sheriff leans back in his seat. "Hey, what do you say we get to the conference part of this conference, Cupcake?"

"I Iike your thinking. So, Stiles. Great kid. Zero ability to focus. Super smart. Never takes advantage of his talents.

Noah furrows his brows. "How do you mean?"

"Well, for his final question on his midterm exam, he detailed the entire history of the male circumcision." Coach tells him.

"Well, I mean, it does have historical significance, right? I mean..."

"I teach economics."

The Sheriff groans. "Ah, crap!"

A blue jeep pulls into the parking lot with Stiles behind the wheel and Y/n in the passenger seat. Turning the engine off, Stiles climbs out before running over to Y/n's side. He opens the door for her, offering a hand to help her down. Y/n smiles, taking his outstretched had and jumping down. She straightens her trench coat as Stiles closes the door.

Stiles glances at Y/n, feeling bad about taking Lydia's phone. He gently grabs her elbow causing the girl to look at him confused.

"I need to show you something." Stiles mutters. Y/n nods slightly causing Stiles to pull out a familiar phone out of his pocket.

Y/n's eyes widen, glancing at Stiles. "Why do you have Lydia's phone?"

Stiles doesn't say anything in response. Instead, he pulls up the video he saw earlier. Y/n watches as a figure bursts through the window, before Stiles pauses it on its face. She gasps as she looks at the figure with red eyes and long canines. She turns to face Stiles.

"What is that?"

"That," Stiles mumbles, "is what, I think, attacked Lydia and Jackson last night."

Y/n blinks. "What?"

Stiles sighs, shaking his head. "Look, I know it sounds crazy."

"Mental," Y/n corrects him. "It sounds mental."

"I know. But trust me, I'll explain everything to you. Just not now."

Y/n opens her mouth to ask why, but was quickly cut off when parents and teacher begin to walk out of the school.

Y/n sighs but nods causing Stiles to release a breath he didn't know he was holding. Together the two walk towards the building, just as Stiles's dad walks out. He smiles as he sees the two together, shooting his son a look. Stiles rolls his eyes slightly but his father sees the faint trace of a blush adorning his pale cheek.

Just as the two reach the Sheriff, a scream is heard. Turning their heads to face the parking lot, the three of them see students, teachers, and parents running away from something. Some quickly dove into their cars, trying to escape from whatever was chasing them. The Sheriff quickly jumps into action, directing the terrified individuals to safety. He looks around the parking lot, pausing when he sees a figure dart in between to parked cars.

"Move!" He shouts trying to find out where it went.

Stiles and Y/n follow after him, looking around. Stiles had his arm around Y/n, holding her close to his body as people pushed and shoved passed them. Hearing a car horn, she turns her head to see a car about to back into the Sheriff.

She screams, throwing her hands out in front of her. "Mr. Stilinski, watch out!"

He turns seeing a car heading towards him. Suddenly, he feels an invisible force collide into him, shoving him out of the way of the car. Stiles leaves Y/n's side, sprinting towards his father. He bends down to check on him, only to have the Sheriff wave him off, telling him he's fine.

Y/n stares at her hands. When she thrust her hands out warning the Sheriff of the car, a white beam shot out. It hit the Sheriff in the side, knocking him out of the way. She quickly shoves them into her pocket just as Stiles runs over to her. He grabs her arm pulling her towards her parents.

"Y/n!" Her mom calls out from inside their car. Stiles ushers the girl inside, closing the door behind her. He places his head through the open window, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek, before handing her something.

Stiles waves slightly as her parents pull away from the school. Glancing at her hand, she notices Lydia's phone, the screen still paused on the beast. She presses the delete button, deleting the picture as her parents drive home.

Stiles watches as she goes, until her car disappears from view. He jumps suddenly at the sound of three gunshots going off, turning to see Argent pointing a gun at something. He steps forwards, standing near his dad as everyone crowds around.

Laying dead in the middle of the parking lot was a mountain lion.

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