Fragmented Dreams

بواسطة tateufel

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Plagued by never-ending nightmares and cursed with a mysterious ability to sense others' emotions, 19-year-ol... المزيد

Chapter 1: Just a Dream
Chapter 2: Small Mountain Town
Chapter 3: School Days
Chapter 4: The New Boy
Chapter 5: Bully for You
Chapter 6: Zachary the Jerk
Chapter 7: After School Activities
Chapter 8: Welcome to the Farm
Chapter 9: Stranger Danger
Chapter 10: The Morning After
Chapter 11: Shopping Trip
Chapter 12: Farmers Market
Chapter 13: Coffee with Friends
Chapter 13.5: Movie Night
Chapter 14: Zach Attack
Chapter 15: Open House
Chapter 16: Parent-Teacher Conference
Chapter 17: Please Explain
Chapter 18: Runaway
Chapter 20: I Dream of You
Chapter 21: Chat with Casimir
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Team
Chapter 23: New Kids in School
Chapter 24: Much Ado About Dating
Chapter 25: On the Case
Chapter 26: Diana Loses her Temper
Chapter 27: Guardian Grandpa
Chapter 28: Dreams of Young Love
Chapter 29: Girls Night In
Chapter 30: Nightclub
Chapter 31: Mysterious Savior
Chapter 32: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 33: Grounded
Chapter 34: Apologies
Chapter 35: Happy Birthday
Chapter 36: The Missing Mr. Burke
Chapter 37: Frame Job
Chapter 38: Plan of Action
Chapter 39: Follow the Clues
Chapter 40: Battle at the Crescent Club
Chapter 41: I Will Be Reborn

Chapter 19: World of Terra

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بواسطة tateufel

We returned to the farm on the last train into Mandeville. My pride insisted that I walk through town side by side with my Grandpa despite my new injuries. As soon as we were out of view of any prying eyes, I allowed him to carry me the rest of the way home on his back, my head resting on his shoulder. Casimir, Azar, and Maya had stayed behind at the school to try and track Ajax, my mysterious stalker.

I excused myself to shower, demanding my Grandfather put on a pot of coffee because I wasn't sleeping until they explained everything. He agreed but the doubtful look in his eyes made me think I was in for a very long story. I rushed through my shower and quickly changed my clothes appearing in the kitchen an unheard of fifteen minutes later. I was wearing the most comfortable clothing I could grab, consisting of leggings, an oversized shirt, and a wrap-around sweater. I already felt a million times better since I had rubbed more of the magic balm on my injuries and was now fresh from the shower.

"Are you hungry?" Grandpa asked, looking up from his mug of coffee. He had been sitting at the kitchen table, staring out of the window when I approached.

"I am both starving and too nervous to eat," I admitted. I was braiding my hair as I spoke, deciding I was too lazy to curl it tonight.

Grandpa nodded solemnly. "Perhaps an apple and some cheddar cheese to snack on?" He was suggesting one of my favorite things to eat.

"Sounds great."

There was a noise at the front door and I turned to look. In strode Casimir followed quickly by both Azar and Maya. I was shocked to see them so soon, especially since Grandpa and I had taken the last train into town and any ride in a car would set them back another 2-hours of commuting. I couldn't hide my confusion as I looked over at my grandfather, who had stood up from his seat at the kitchen table. He placed his arms behind his back as he looked over at the trio, his expression very serious.


"We tracked him to the city town center, where he blended in with the crowd and disappeared. We think they may have a safe house near the school, as there are no portals in the area. Further surveillance is needed, sir," Casimir said.

I was amazed by the change in tone, it was like a soldier addressing his superior officer. I was trying my best not to giggle nervously. Briefly, I wondered how someone as huge and scary looking as Ajax could 'blended' into a crowd. As I pondered this idea my gaze fell on Maya who smiled at me widely.

"Diana!" Maayan walked over to me and wrapped me in another big hug.

"Oh, hello there," I sputtered, hugging them back awkwardly.

"Maya! Tup you paykets ngippem," Azar spat out in a foreign language. His tone was harsh which made Maya mildly upset. They pulled away from our hug, replying, in what I assumed was the same language.

"Im kawew ngiyu," they said defensively.

"Kawew ingu souch Maya, tsě Maya kawew si paykets wuttou. Diana you yekum matwof tsě tsouwap lekok." Casimir responded, he seemed to be chastising the two. I know I heard my name somewhere in his speech so I was intrigued. My eyes flicked wildly around the room settling on my Grandpa.

"What's going on now?" I asked.

"They are speaking in Terrarish," Grandfather sighed. "The primary language in our world. I thought we agreed to speak English on Earth."

"I hate speaking English," Azar responded. "It's the worst language."

"Try, for Diana's sake please."

"My apologies Master Enki," Casimir cut in, giving Azar a scolding look.

"What is an Enki?" I asked, curious.

"It is my name on Terra," Grandpa replied.

"So, George Hartmann isn't even your real name?" I exclaimed and my grandfather raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed internally. "I guess that isn't so shocking, but Terra, that is your home planet, right? That is weird to say 'home planet' like you're all aliens or something."

"I suppose we are," my grandfather mused, smiling slightly.

I threw my hands into the air, suddenly excited, I was ready for more answers. "Okay, let's settle in, I have a million questions. Like how you all got here so fast? Did you fly or something?" I wandered over to the living room to find a place to sit, as my knees were still aching from my fall.

I saw Azar roll his eyes at my question as he followed me to the living room but did not sit down. "Fly, no, that is ridiculous," Azar scoffed, "we took a magic portal."

My mouth fell open a little as I processed what I heard. "'Magic portal' he says, and I'm the one you just called 'ridiculous'," I muttered under my breath.

"I can fly, well float mostly," Maya added, raising their arm like they were in class.

"Why don't you and Azar go scout the perimeter for a bit, give Diana a chance to talk to Casimir," my grandfather, also known as Master Enki, instructed. He placed his hand on Maayan's shoulder, turning them towards the door.

"Aw, but I love this story," Maya pouted, making a sad face as they looked up at my grandfather. I watched as they leaned into him while tugging absentmindedly on their braid.

"We're going," Azar stated, taking Maya's hand in his and leading them out the door.

"Okay see you later!" Maya called out cheerfully, their mood changing in a flash. I stifled a laugh as I watched them be led outside by Azar. They were a strange pair that was for sure.

"So many questions," I murmured to myself. Casimir and I eventually settled in on the couch each with a mug of coffee in front of us. My grandfather sat in his armchair nearby, his face resigned as he let out a long sigh.

"You okay there Grandpa?" I asked.

He nodded slowly before looking up to meet my eyes. "Where would you like to begin?"

I let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know, magic portals, strange new languages, secret identities?" I took another moment to think, sipping on my coffee slowly. "Okay, how about you tell me a bit about yourselves? You said you were warriors in a resistance? Fighting a King Ratty?"

"King Ratimir," Casimir clarified. "Or as he is also known, The Dark King."

"He seriously calls himself that?" I scoffed.

My grandfather let out a sharp laugh. "We've also called him the King of Darkness or the Dark Lord."

"That's too many names," I said with a raise of my eyebrow.

"The Dark King got his name due to his affinity for Dark Lunar magic. He uses it to summon wraith familiars to do his bidding," Grandpa lectured, his face was very stern as he spoke.

"Kinda spooky," I admitted.

"Many years ago there was a coup in our kingdom started by Ratimir, who was once the crown prince of our country. We don't know why but one day he went berserk and killed most of the High Council. Then he attempted to kill his brother, the previous king," Casimir added.

"You say 'attempted' but since he is the current king I'm betting he succeeded."

"He did, eventually," Grandpa said sadly. "In the wake of Ratimir's takeover, both King Cynefrith and Queen Helena were murdered."

I glanced over at Casimir who smiled sadly at me before explaining, "They were Princess Taya's parents."

"She was my past life?"


I leaned my head into my hand, my brow furrowed. "So if you are fighting against this Dark King on Terra, then why are you on Earth?"

"Because of you," Casimir replied.

I felt a blush rush over my cheeks. "Me? What's so special about me?"

"You are next in line for the throne, for the kingdom of Eirene," Grandpa said with a solemn nod of his head.

I arched my eyebrow in disbelief, fighting back a worried laugh. "But how? Taya died and I'm just me. I'm not royalty, I'm not even a Terra-person unless..." I was suddenly afraid that they were going to tell me I wasn't human at all, and that my parents were not my parents.

"Terrarin," Casimir corrected. "And no, you're not. You are human, but you are without a doubt the reincarnation of Princess Taya."

"If you say so..." I muttered. "I still don't see how that makes me next in line for any sort of kingdom." The pair exchanged a worried glance and I knew nothing good could come from it.

"Reincarnation in our world is rare but it does happen," Grandpa began. "The previous monarchs wanted to keep their power so badly that they set up laws so that if a king from the past was reborn, they would have a claim to their throne."

"How convenient," I said. I was still reeling over the fact that I was now next in line for some kingdom I had never heard of before tonight. "So when I died why wasn't I just reborn on Terra again?"

Casimir leaned back onto the couch, sighing softly. "When Taya died her soul passed through a portal to be reborn on Earth."

"Portal, like a magic portal you all came through to get home so fast?" I asked.

"Yes and no."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that comment. "You guys sure do love your cryptic answers. Ugh, there is just too much I want to know, and every answer I get just gives me five new questions. I feel like I need a list."

Casimir laughed lightly and then pulled a pad of paper and a pen out from under the coffee table. I took it from him eagerly.

"What's next?" I inquired, tapping my pen as I spoke. I glanced over at Casimir as a question popped into my head. "You said something about magic powers before I ran off. Is that only for Elemental people or does everyone on Terra have them?"

Casimir perked up when he realized I was referring to him and pointed to himself. I nodded and the young man responded. "Yes, I do have some powers. Nephilims have the ability to learn from all of the elements, but most of us just stick with whatever elemental alignment our families have."


"There are six sources of power in our world, each of which stems from the power of the gods," Grandpa added.

"Gods, as in plural?" I asked.

"Yes, our world worships many gods, the greatest and most powerful being the creator, she is the Elder God Dorothea."

I was secretly stoked that their most powerful god was a woman.

"In our religious texts, it was written that Dorothea created all life, but grew lonely as the only god. So she blessed her most devoted follower Mot, granting him power over the dark, while she ruled over the light. It was from their love all the other gods and goddesses were born."

"Woah," I murmured, "that's kinda a sweet story."

Casimir smiled at my comment and I wondered if I had offended him. Maybe he's super religious? I thought.

"But getting back to the sources of power," Grandpa reminded. "I told you of four of them, earth, fire, wind, and water. The last two are lunar and solar."

"The moon and the sun?" I questioned. "Seems odd."

"It goes back to the dark and the light," Casimir reasoned.

"I guess that makes sense," I relented, not sure I totally understood. "So what do you align with Casimir?"

"Oh, solar," he admitted with a small smile.

"I guess that explains the strange glowing sword."

"Casimir has several extra powers linked to his solar alinement. He has super healing, enhanced senses, and strength," Grandpa responded.

"Like Superman?" I giggled, looking briefly at Casimir, who laughed. "What powers do you have Grandpa?"

My grandfather thought for a moment, tapping his fingers on the edge of his chair as he made a mental list. "Well, I am an Earth Elemental, so I have the ability to move dirt or rocks. I can make plants grow and speak to the nature spirits."

"Make plants grow?! Like that giant root?" I asked.

"Yes, that is one of my specialties. I can use them for offense and defense."

"Defense?" I wondered. "Like a shield?"

"Yes, sometimes," Grandpa chuckled.

"The roots are linked to Master Enki's magical powers so we also use them as a warning system for the farm," Casimir added.

I suddenly remembered the day I had come home from shopping and tripped on an unknown root. "AH!" I blurted out and both Grandpa and Casimir looked at me curiously. I made a small face as I explained my thoughts. "I think I've seen them before. Or more like I tripped over one."

"Haha, my apologies," Grandpa said with a nod of his head. "Sometimes they have a mind of their own."

"That's creepy!" I shot back, scared as I imagined roots sneaking around the farm on their own.

"They would never hurt you," my grandfather insisted, smiling softly at me.

I made a face at his comment my thoughts drifting back to when he had rescued me from the dark cave Ajax had trapped me in. If Grandpa had power over the earth then he must have been the one who found me below and opened the ground to get me out.

"Can you also do that creepy mud thing Ajax did to me?" I blurted out. "Is he an Earth Elemental also?" My grandfather looked confused so I decided to clarify. "The guy who grabbed me made the dirt into mud and sucked me into the ground and I was pulled down into that small cave below."

Grandpa shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose I could, I have never thought to drown my enemies in the dirt. I have buried people up to their necks before to immobilize them, but we don't need to get into all of that..."

I snickered slightly but my amusement faded quickly as I found myself thinking back to my short time in the cave below.

"It was possibly the worst feeling ever, being crushed by that dirt," I said quietly. My grandfather's expression softened, he seemed distressed. The emotions of that moment hit me all at once as I recalled the loneliness, fear, and also the sound of those strange voices. I perked up with the idea that perhaps Casimir or Grandpa would know where they came from. "You know, back when I was stuck down in that hole, I felt like someone, something, was down there with me. It didn't feel human, but it spoke to me."

"What did it say?" Grandpa grumbled.

"Blood, it kept asking for blood."

Both my grandfather and Casimir exchanged unhappy looks. I waited for them to explain, afraid of what their response might be. After a prolonged silence I grew impatient.

"The emotions I felt were a lot like Mr. Burke," I confessed, before realizing I had just spilled one of my most important secrets. I threw my hand over my mouth, cursing internally.

"Emotions you 'felt'? What do you mean?" Grandpa pressed, staring intently at me.

I groaned slightly. "Yeah, well, I guess if we are all being honest tonight I should probably tell you," I let out a long sigh, not sure of how truthful I wanted to be with them. I glanced between the pair, both waiting for me to speak. It's now or never Diana, I thought. "I have a strange talent, I guess you can call it. I can sense other people's emotions, even more so when I touch them."

There was another tense pause in the room and more unhappy glances. I was growing even more nervous now, gripping my pen in my hand tightly. I somehow knew this revelation would be too upsetting for them. No one liked being around someone who could read their innermost feelings.

"I'm guessing that's not a common magical power where you are from?" I inquired, curious about their response.

"No, it's not common. I've only known one other person who had an ability like what you described," Casimir admitted, rubbing at the back of his head. "Princess Taya, actually."

"For real?"

The young man nodded and I felt a small rush of relief. Perhaps this strange ability had an explanation after all.

"It sounds fascinating though, what does it feel like?" Grandpa asked.

I crinkled my nose, unsure of how to explain. "It feels like a lot of noise or sometimes like a weird energy. Like when you can feel vibrations? Only I am the only one noticing them. At times I feel hot or cold and if they are a strong broadcaster I will start to mirror their emotions. So sometimes I will cry, get angry, and so on. It's honestly different with each person."

"Can you also sense deceit or deception," Casimir wondered.

"Yes, sometimes. It helps if I am touching the person."

"And you can hear everyone's emotions?" Grandpa pressed. I was suddenly afraid that I had mentioned it, I hoped that my grandfather wouldn't hate me now because he knew of my ability.

"I can hear most people's emotions but I really have to be focusing on that person to hear them," I admitted. "Or they have to really be projecting their feelings for me to notice. There is only one person I haven't been able to sense no matter how hard I tried, at least until we touched." As I finished I looked over at Casimir.

The young man realized I was staring and sat up straight, a shocked look on his face. "Me?"

"Even when I focus, you're just silent to me," I said, trying to read the young man yet again and getting nothing. "Except there was that one time I touched your skin and I blacked out. It felt like an emotional overload, I couldn't get a good read."

Casimir looked away, thinking to himself, his face serious.

"But can we back up? You never explained those strange voices I heard."

"Those were wraiths," Casimir grimaced.

"Like Mr. Burke?" I scoffed.


Grandpa sighed, his hands clutching his knees tightly. "This will be a hard thing to explain but I think it is for the best. Diana, try not to be alarmed, but it's your blood that summons The Fallen."

"My blood?" I choked.

"Princess Taya had the power to control wraiths of all types and turn them into shadow familiars," Casimir jumped in. "They fed on her divine blood and would become loyal only to her."

"They what?! She what?" I squeaked. I was beginning to feel a touch of nausea. "Divine blood, what do you mean?"

Casimir shifted nervously in his seat pausing for a moment as he thought of a way to respond. "Princess Taya was aligned with the Lunar source and had been blessed by the moon goddess."

"And the moon goddess thought summoning wraiths with her blood would be a blessing?" I asked, sarcastically.

"The gods work in mysterious ways," he said with a small shrug.

"But how can you be sure I have the same blessing?!" I insisted.

"The birthmark on your belly is proof," Casimir said plainly.

"My be-" I stopped short a hot blush running across my face. "You've seen the birthmark on my belly?!" I was in shock because I never liked to talk about the strange discoloration on my lower belly, just below my belly button. It looked like a crescent moon with a dot over it. The realization flooded over me. A crescent moon? The moon goddess blessing? Jeez, Diana. It all made a lot more sense now.

Casimir seemed flustered by my accusation, waving his hands as he spoke. "I'm sorry, I saw it when you were a baby, and just once, I swear!"

"A... what?!" I said flatly, my glare deepening. I was then realizing that if Casimir was indeed 194 years old then that statement was quite possible.

"If we could get back to the original topic," Grandpa interjected, his tone much more serious. "There is something we need to discuss regarding your blessing."

"Ah sure," I mumbled. I could feel my palms sweat and my throat run dry.

"The problem is that, unfortunately, since you do not have the training or perhaps even the possible ability to learn magic, you cannot control the wraiths your blood summons," he said softly.

"So if I bleed, I summon these creatures, and then...?"

"They go wild and will attempt to feast on your flesh or blood. The blood makes them more powerful," My grandfather lectured. My eyes darted around widely and I felt my whole body go cold.

"Your blood is like steroids in a way," Casimir added. I scowled slightly at his explanation.

I rubbed at the side of my head as I groaned under my breath. "Okay, let's all stop talking about blood now."

"I wish we could but this is important. You know your necklace?" Grandpa asked. I nodded in response, pulling out my locket that always sat around my neck. Grandpa gestured to it as he continued. "It's a powerful talisman that shields you from The Fallen. So even if you were to bleed you would be protected. Although it seems like either the talisman is weakening or you're getting stronger because more and more wraiths have been gathering around you."

"Gathering around me?" A sudden realization hit me. "Wait, what about that man I dreamt about out by the front fence was he...?"

Grandpa nodded solemnly. "He was possessed by a wraith, yes."

I whipped my head back and forth, my heart began to race with a sudden realization that my dream of the creepy zombie man was in fact real. "So Casimir really did kill him?"

"Technically that was a corpse being controlled by a shadow wraith, so he was already dead," Casimir piped in. Grandpa shook his head at the young man, he probably felt that was unnecessary information on Casimir's part.

I was still in shock. "So I didn't dream that? There was really a man outside of our house oozing black tar and everything?"

"No, you did not dream it, although I did alter your memories so you felt like it was a dream," Grandpa said.

I paused, flabbergasted by his comment. "You altered my memories?"

My grandfather's lips drew into a tight line, he looked away from my gaze ashamed. "Forgive me, I was only trying to save you some grief."

"How many times have you done this? Altered my memories," I whispered harshly, my mind racing.

"Diana I-"

"How many times?!" I yelled, standing as I did. Casimir jumped up with me, but my focus was on my grandfather, who was avoiding my angry gaze.

"Only twice," my grandfather finally replied.

I stood there for a moment, afraid to ask. "So, you did it this last time with the undead man outside the farm, and then...?"

"Once when you were a child," he revealed, the words coming out slowly.

"What time was this?"

My grandfather rubbed at the side of his head, obviously frustrated. I could feel his regret and fear even with his talisman on. "Please understand that at the time I felt like there was no other choice. What had happened to you back then, what you had seen-"

"Grandpa!" I said, cutting him off, my voice cracking.

"Master Enki, let me tell the story."

I turned around to look at Casimir, standing behind me. He gestured for me to sit and I hesitated before responding, sinking once again into the depths of the cushions. I clasped my hands together and nodded curtly, signaling for the young man to continue.

"The time Master Enki is referring to is when your parents died."

"You were there?" I asked, looking over at my grandfather.

"Your parents were on their way to meet with Master Enki, to talk with him about your nightmares and other problems..." Casimir trailed off.


"It had to do with your blood, summoning wraiths. Your parents were noticing the strange events happening all around you and they feared for your safety," Casimir continued, his voice low.

I felt a lump forming in my throat, I didn't remember much about my parents, just a sense of happiness from being around them. I knew I was loved but small details like the sound of their voices, their smell, or even how they behaved as people had all but faded away from my memories. I was so young when they died so I figured this was normal, I often wished I had some video footage of them to watch, something that I could memorize for the years to come.

I opened my mouth hesitantly, glancing at my grandfather. "So they were driving to meet with you?"


"But it was a car accident," I insisted.

"We don't believe it was really an accident," my grandfather said softly.

"But I remember it!"

"Only part of it," Casimir interjected, drawing my attention back to him. "Diana, I'm sorry. We don't know how, but the car you were riding in went off the road. Your parents survived the fall, unfortunately, you were badly injured and your blood attracted a very powerful dark wraith. It must have gotten a taste of your blood because it materialized into the real world, which is very rare."

I must have looked very confused by his comment about wraiths because Casimir felt the need to elaborate.

"Remember we told you wraiths cannot materialize in their true forms on Earth due to the lack of magic, but your blood gave him the boost he needed, and then..." Casimir trailed off, his eyes full of sorrow.

"And then?"

"It attacked the car, killed your parents, and was going to kill you but..."

Tears began to roll down my face and I raised my hand to get Casimir to stop speaking. The young man complied with my request, looking away for a moment. I pressed my wrist against my eyes trying to stop the flow of tears from continuing, sniffing loudly as I did.

"Diana..." My grandfather's voice broke the silence.

"How did I survive?" I whispered.

"I rescued you."

I looked up sharply at Casimir, my face perplexed. "You did what?"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier, if I was, then perhaps I could have saved your parents," Casimir confessed, bowing his head deeply. I stared at him, a flash of anger filling me suddenly. I didn't want his apology, as I knew deep in my heart that he wasn't the one to blame for these events. I was just surprised to learn that I had met Casimir once when I was a child. This coupled with the fact that I was partially responsible for my parent's death was almost too much. I stared down at this strange young man's head, still bowed before me, a barrage of questions filling my mind. I wondered if the reason why he seemed so familiar to me at first was that I had, in fact, seen him before.

I turned to look over at my grandfather, his head also bowed. "And so, you erased my memories of the wraith?"

"You were beside yourself with grief and terror, I just wanted to help somehow," Grandpa lamented. I paused, taking in his explanation. I had been nervously rubbing my hands together, pulling at the tip of my fingers as I listened.

I dropped my hands into my lap, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. "Just, please don't do that ever again," I begged.

"I promise," he said softly and I could tell he was being honest.

After that stunning revelation, I was suddenly exhausted both emotionally and physically. I sat there for a moment, staring blankly at my list of questions. Everything was just a jumble of thoughts all scribbled on my legal pad. I wanted to know more but felt like I needed some time alone so I excused myself to my room, telling them we could pick up on any further questions I had tomorrow.

As I closed the door to my room I let out a sigh. I glanced around at my familiar yet cluttered surroundings and wondered what it would look like if my parents were still alive. How different a person would I be? I wasn't sure if I would be able to sleep, but as my head hit the pillow I was gone.

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