Until US

By Care_Sereth

28.1K 1.6K 995

One day, Team's childhood friend Araya comes to town. Araya is the daughter of his dad's boss and has been ha... More

sneak peek chapter 39
Sneak peek chapter 41
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 24

505 31 26
By Care_Sereth

Team couldn't believe what he just heard. "You..your what?!", he asked shocked. "I know we are both only 18, but..I know you are the right one. I knew it when I first saw you. Team.. I've been in love with you for so long. I have never had a boyfriend before because the only boy I could think about was you. It's always been you. Team..Please..You..You have always been the only boy I have ever loved. I understand that my question comes as a surprise..maybe a shocking surprise. But I am asking you once again..please think about it. I will be waiting for your answer", Araya said and left the room, leaving Team alone with his thoughts.

Team fell onto his bed. He could not really comprehend what had just had happened. "Araya has feelings for me? And she wants to..marry me?", Team whispered to himself. Why hadn't he noticed it before? Both haven't seen each other for years. Sure he knew that Araya liked him when they were children. But he thought that feelings were long gone. Team has never really thought about his feelings for Araya. He liked her, that's for sure. But has he actually have feelings for her? Do his parents know about all that? Do they know, that Araya wants to marry him? Team was shocked. Why did no one tell him? Was that the reason his parents wanted him to take care of her? Team got mad at them. Why didn't they prepare him for that?!

The boy was sitting in front of his parents, staring at them in disbelieve. "So..you did  know about that? You did know about the wedding plans?", Team asked in disbelief. "Team..look. Araya's parents are pretty wealthy. Her father is your father's boss. And the two of you know each other since you were little. This wedding could help our family. And..her father really likes you. He said you are a nice young man. And..Araya really likes you a lot. I have always known that she has had a crush on you. Please Team. Do it for us. Or..is there anyone else you love?", his mother asked the same question Araya did before. And again, this question made Team's heart beat faster in his chest. But he did not want to think about him. He did not want to think about that man who broke his heart, by lying to him and leaving him. "No! There..there is no one", he said almost in a whisper, while looking to the ground. "So what is the problem? Don't you like Araya?", his mother asked. "Of course I like her. She is a nice girl", Team said. "Or is it because of your girlfriend? That girl who has slept in your room a few times before? What's her name again? Manaow?" "No! There is nothing between me and Manaow." Team almost shrugged by the thought of him and Manaow being a couple. "So, if you don't have a girlfriend, what is the problem then?" "I..I just don't want to be forced into marriage", Team whispered. "Team..we need that marriage. Your father needs that job and if you don't marry Araya, your father will lose his job. We need the money. Do you want to be responsible for that?", his mother tried to make him feel bad. "No! Of course not. I know that we need the money." "The only reason why you are able to attend that school and the schwimmclub is because your dad's boss paid for that. We could lose everything. Your dad could lose his job and you could lose your scholarship. Please, I am begging you..do it for us. Marry Araya."

Team did not go to school the next day. He needed time to comprehend everything that had happened. His parents wanted him to marry Araya? Why all of the sudden? They never talked about marriage or something. Why didn't they ask him first? Why do they force him to marry her? Otherwise..his mom is right. He has no girlfriend and the only person he has feelings for..left him. Maybe this marriage is the only way to get out of all this. The money problems, the loneliness he feels since..He did not want to think about him. He did not want to feel this way. Win had left. He left him. There was no reason for Team to cry about him. Hia Win was happy in New York with his girlfriend. He does not need him, so Team does not need him either.

A few days later, it was Saturday. Pharm, Dean, Del and Manaow went shopping at the shopping mall. "Are you really sure you need all this make-up?", Pharm asked Manaow, who was about to buy another lipstick. "Yes. Of course", she replied and paid for the lipstick, when she suddenly recognized the girl in front of her. "Hey. Araya? Am I right?", Manaow asked and tapped on her shoulder.

"You are Team's friend. I remember", Araya said with a smile. "Yes, we are", Pharm replied. "Speaking of Team, where is he today? Is he still sick?", Manaow asked worriedly. "He said his head hurts and he stays at home for today." Pharm and Manaow were looking at each other. "That happens quite often lately. I am starting to worry about him", Pharm said. "What are you worried about?", Dean asked his boyfriend. "Team is sick again", Pharm said. "Does he have a lot of stress in the swim club?", the boy asked Dean. "No, not really. We have no competitions at the moment", the black-haired male replied.

"Maybe he is nervous about something else?", Araya said. Manaow was looking at her concerned.  "What do you mean?", she asked. Araya smiled and her cheeks got redder. "I asked Team to marry me", she said. Dean, Pharm, and Manaow were shocked by hearing those words. "You..you did what?", Manaow asked with a squeeze. "You..you want to..marry Team?!", she almost yelled.  "I have already asked him. I know we are both young..but..I can feel that he is the right person for me and if you have found the right person, it does not matter how old you are, or does it?" Team's friends were shocked about the news. "Why did he not tell us?!", Manaow asked. "Manaow. I am sure, Team has planned to tell us soon. We should not tell him, that we already know", Pharm tried to calm her down. "Dean? What are you thinking? That are some interesting news, arent it?" Dean could not believe what he just heard. His best friend was sitting in New York, probably crying his eyes out at this very moment, because of a dark-haired chips-loving junior, who has not only lied to him about his girlfriend, but also haven't told him about his plans to marry her. Dean could not take it any longer. He was furious. Dean was seldom furious about something, but he could no longer sit there and do nothing when someone treats his friends..especially his best friend, wrong. Win does not deserve all this. Win does not deserve to get his heart broken by that boy. "I need to go", he said monotonously and left the others behind.

Win had finished taking a shower. He stepped out of the bathroom, only with a towel around his waist. His hair was wet and his face seemed tired. He felt tired. So tired. Tired of everything. All he wanted to do was to fall asleep. His roommate was not at home, so he was all alone..again. Samiya's words were repeating in his head. "Fighting? Why should he fight when there is nothing to fight for? Team has a girlfriend. He does not love him. And..he is in Bangkok..and he is here..in New York. He has already lost the fight. All Win wanted to do was laying in his bed..and trying to get at least a few hours of sleep. A few hours without thinking about the things he had left behind. When he was laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come over him, he suddenly heard his phone ringing. Win took a look at the display and groaned. "Dean..it is 1:30 in London. What do you want?" "Win..there is something I need to tell you."

Will Dean tell Win about the engagement? And how will Win feel when he finds out?

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