The Rebel (Thorin x OC)

By iAltoSax

540K 17.4K 5.2K

Bellethiel is a she-elf who has lived a long life. Along with this life has come many trials and suffering. S... More

The Shire
It's Second Nature
An Illusion
Chased Back Home
An Unexpected Reunion
Rivendell Downtime
A Glimpse of What's To Come
The Truth or Lies, That Is Your Choice
Tensions Run High
A New Level of Understanding
I Do Believe The Worst Is Behind Us
A Safe Place To Rest
Queer Lodgings
Venture Into Mirkwood
Welcome To Mirkwood
Bard the Bowman
It Was Supposed To Be A Celebration
The Last Days of Peace
You're Part of the Company (Side Story)
What Lies In Dale
What Have We Done?
Descent Into Madness
Too Far Gone
The Consequences For Their Decisions
Nothing Has Changed
Prepare for Battle! Fight!
It's A Bloodbath...
I Will Not Let You Fall
The Line of Durin
Everything I Did, I Did For Them
There and Back Again
Thank You Everyone!
Please never do this to other writers...

Story For A Story

18.5K 581 212
By iAltoSax

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Still continuing updating until I decide when would be a good cliffhanger to leave off and just wait for more readers lol. So I hope that you enjoy this chapter and forgive me for any grammar errors that I have missed, though I hope this chapter is easy to read! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or any of it's characters! All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson (but mostly to Tolkien). Only character I can call dibs on is Bellethiel, her sister Anameleth (Dearest) and her brother Voronwë (Faithful)! And if I got the meaning to the Sindarin names wrong...I am sorry, again I did my research and that's what it said it meant.

The shuffling of clothes caught my attention as I looked toward the tiny window to see the sun peaking out over the horizon. I had stayed awake through the night, needing not an ounce of rest and watched as each dwarf stirred from their slumber. Gandalf startled me the most as I turned to see him asleep with his eyes open.

The smell of cooking meat filled the little hobbit hole as the dwarves prepared breakfast I decided to step outside, knowing that I am not welcomed to join the company on this beautiful morning.

"Bellethiel." Gandalf's voice called, causing me to stop before the green door. "Where are you off to my dear?"

"I am not wanted or welcomed in the dining area," I stated reaching for the door handle. "I left Beinion at the Green Dragon Inn on my way to find Bag End, I am off to retrieve him."

"Then we shall meet you there, the dwarves need provision and transportation, which we will get at the Inn." Gandalf said cheerfully. "If you would, could you prepare what we need for the adventure ahead when you arrive at the Inn."

I nodded and quickly exited the hobbit hole and retraced my steps back to the Inn to see Beinion entertaining the little hobbit children, nudging them around as they laughed gleefully, some attempting to capture and pull on his tail.

"Beinion." I called, smiling a bit as he nickered in excitement at sight of me, stamping his hooves on the ground as I got closer.

I held my hand to my horses forehead and Beinion met me half way, neighing in delight as he moved in closer, to nuzzle against my cheek.

"I have some business to take care of inside, so you will have to stay here for a bit." I smiled, pushing the horse away before making my way into the Inn.

"Well, if it isn't the nice elf that came in yesterday!" A hobbit male called out, who I assumed was the owner. "I do hope that you found your companion the night before, and your horse was so well-behaved through the night."

"I have found my companion, thank you." I greeted, bowing my head to him. "I have actually come to request some provision and transportation for my companions."

"Anything I can do I will try my lady." The hobbit male smiled.

I had learned quickly through introduction that the male hobbit was named Marmadoc Oldbuck, husband of Donnamira Oldbuck, the same female hobbit that I had talked to the day before. He was very helpful and patient as I gave off the list of what I was in need of, for a while he was frazzled like any hobbit would with a huge list presented to them before he started calling out to those working to prepare what I needed as Oldbuck led me outside to prepare the ponies himself.

"Belle!" A high-pitched voice called out.

I turned around from talking to one of Marmadoc's workers to see Donnamira running my way.

"Miss Donnamira," I smiled as she stopped to catch her breath in front of me. "it is a pleasure to see you again."

"Are you leaving so soon Belle?" Donnamira breathed out, standing straight and looking up at me.

"I'm afraid so Miss Donnamira." I smiled looking past her. "And it seems sooner than I thought, for my companions have just arrived."

Donnamira looked behind, gasping a bit at seeing a group of dwarves appearing from over the hill with the gray wizard leading the way.

"An elf in the company of dwarves, and now I have seen everything." Donnamira giggled, watching the group getting closer. "Promise me something Belle."

'A bit friendly...for a hobbit.' I thought looking down at the back of Donnamira. "Depends what I am to promise."

"Two things, that you will come back to visit the Shire again, it was nice seeing an elf in person...even if I am to tilt my head high up to see you. And two...that the next time you visit that you will smile a true smile."

'A true smile...?' I thought looking down blankly at the hobbit who had swiftly turned back around to look at me. "I will be sure to come back and visit the Shire when I can."

I walked passed her and stepped up to Gandalf.

"Expenses and transportation are all paid for, and provisions are tied to the ponies and those that would not fit on the ponies have been packed in bags." I motioned toward the equipment laid out in front of the ponies. "And I was able to acquire a horse for you Gandalf."

Thorin and the company walked right past me without showing an ounce of gratitude as Gandalf smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you my dear for going through the trouble." He said looking past me. "It seems like Beinion requests your attention."

A nudge to my shoulder stopped my question as Beinion once more started to nuzzle my head.

"He is such an attention seeker..." I smiled, patting his nose and finally noticing something a miss. "It seems you are missing someone..."

"Bilbo will join us when he wakes." Gandalf stated, going over to his horse and mounting just as the dwarves had. "Shall we lead the way Bellethiel."

I, too, mounted Beinion and urged him forward to trot besides Gandalf's horse as we ventured into the forest that surrounded the Shire.

I had passed Thorin and his tattooed friend in the process to catch up to Gandalf who only glared at my passing.

"I do not think these dwarves will ever cozy up to the idea that an elf is traveling among them." I commented emotionless, caring less that there were some dwarves who still continued to glare at my back. "Or accepting the fact that I will not leave."

"I am sure they will get used to the idea." Gandalf stated, glancing my way. "You could always share your story with them."

"I do not think they would want to hear an elf's tale." I commented dryly. "They would think it is all but a lie, besides, I would rather them be truthful with their emotions...then face me with a lie."

We trotted along the path just a bit longer, I had listened to the soft conversations starting between the company of dwarves, hearing their names muttered when they called to each other, and decided to tug the cloak of my hood over my head before I pulled my horse to a stop.

"What is the hold up." Thorin called gruffly, as I listened to the surroundings, the pounding of feet against the dirt ground approaching, getting louder and closer.

"Someone is coming." I alerted, looking in the direction of the sound was coming. "Seems our burglar decided to join in this adventure."

"And how do you know th-" "Wait! Wait!"

Bilbo called, catching the company's attention who turned in the direction I had faced, the long contract flowing behind him. "I signed it."

Bilbo called out of breath, handing the contract to Balin, who smirked down at the hobbit before taking out what looked to be his magnifying glass to look over his signature.

"Everything appears to be in order." Balin called out, folding up the parchment and placing it in his coat. "Welcome Master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin welcomed, as the rest of the company cheered and laughed.

"Give him a pony." Thorin commanded, turning his pony to continue onward.

Thorin trotted past me, not giving me a second glance as I watched Bilbo protest at the idea of riding on such an animal.

The blonde and the dark-haired dwarf, who due to listening in I had learned their names being Fili and Kili, rode on either side of Bilbo to reach down and grab him by his clothes, lifting him onto the pony that was tethered to Bofur's.

I smirked as I held up the back-end of the company, not wanting to start an argument with any of the dwarves by riding beside them, oblivious to the world around me and just listening to the birds singing, or any danger that could approach us.

"Wait, wait. Stop, stop!" Bilbo called, causing the company to come to a sudden halt. "We have to turn around."

I looked up curiously at the sudden halt before Bilbo started to say that he had forgotten his handkerchief.

"Here." Bofur called from Nori's side, tearing off some of the fabric of his pants and throwing it in Bilbo's direction. "Use this."

Bilbo caught the fabric in his hand, and I could see it was wet and dirty, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit along with the rest of the company as Thorin urged everyone to move on.

"Master Baggins," I called, urging Beinion to ride alongside him. "Use mine." I smiled as I handed him my own (sort of) handkerchief.

"Oh, um...thank you Miss Bellethiel." Bilbo thanked, using it and tucking it into his coat pocket. "I shall return it as soon as I can."

"It is not a problem Master Baggins, consider it a gift." I said, turning my horse around to bring up the back of the group once more.

"You know, I've never seen an elf before."

I looked up and noticed that Kili was the one who had voiced the sentence, but he was not looking at me but leaning in toward Fili, who I assumed was his brother.

"I always assumed they would be much taller." Kili added.

"Maybe ours is defected." Fili commented.

"I heard they are quite beautiful," The two dwarves conversed with each other. "Although...not much hair for my liking, too thin and their nose too high in the air."

"Can turn out to be quite prideful from what I've heard, and quite greedy, always looking down on those they deem lesser than themselves." Fili said, looking to his brother. "What is that saying the race of Men use? If their personality is unpleasant, then their beauty will only go so far."

"I cannot agree with you more brother." Kili said patting Fili on the shoulder. "Their fighting skills are superb though, cannot deny that."

"That is true, though they only fight when they have to. Not bothering to help a race in trouble." Fili said, shooting a small glance from the corner of his eyes my way. "What good is those skills when you don't put it to good use."

Slowly others in the company joined in on the two dwarves conversation, adding in their thoughts of the race of elves being down right rotten. I had attempted to pay more attention to my surroundings, though...with my hearing I could hear every hateful and insulting words exchanged.

"Bellethiel!" Gandalf's voice called.

I looked up front and saw him giving me a sympathetic look, also hearing the comments exchanged by the company.

"Yes, Gandalf!"

"Would you be so kind as to scout ahead and find a safe spot for us to camp for the night?" Gandalf asked kindly and I nodded, quite happy to not be listening anymore to how much hatred dwarves held toward elves.

"Of course." I nodded, nudging Beinion forward slowly, passing the dwarves quickly.

"Don't mind them Bellethiel." Gandalf assured, just as I was to pass him.

I paid him no mind and pushed my horse faster to scout ahead, the conversations of the dwarves disappearing.

I had scouted ahead for some time, listening to the surroundings, looking for tracks in the ground, or for any danger lurking in the distance before the trees started to thin out and I came across a quiet little clearing near the cliff edge that would be perfect for our little rest stop.

"Beinion...let us head back and report to Gandalf our findings." I whispered to Beinion, who started to back up slowly before quickly turning around and galloping back toward the company.

"Did you find anything!" Gandalf called out once he had seen me appear from over the hill.

"No danger, nothing that I could see or hear of." I called once I got close enough to the halted company. "I spotted a quiet clearing up ahead that we can camp and rest for the night." I reported to Gandalf, who had moved to the front of the company.

"Lead the way Bellethiel." Gandalf urged, smiling sweetly.

I nodded my head and started to retrace the path I had come just come from and led them to the clearing I had found just before the sun had set.

"We have arrived." I motioned for the rest to move on forward as I tied Beinion to a nearby tree.

"Thank you Bellethiel." Gandalf said, dismounting his horse.

"Oin, Gloin." Thorin called, nodding to the two brothers, who got off their ponies and went straight to work, gathering some fallen wood and stacking them in a pile.

The company had started to unsaddle their ponies, taking off everything they needed for the night while between the two brothers, Oin and Gloin, a spark of red had come to life.

Knowing that my assistance was not needed, I nimbly climbed the tree Gandalf had taken to resting beside and perched myself on a branch that overlooked the surroundings. A peaceful scenery as the sun blazed orange in the sky as it slowly disappeared behind the mountains, the darkness becoming dominant.

The dwarves below had started to set up their sleeping rolls close to the fire while Bofur and Bombur had started to cook over the fire. The delicious aroma drifting up, causing the stomachs of dwarves and hobbit to grumble in anticipation at finally getting food in their bellies.

The only light in the sky was brought on by the moon that started to rise and make its way to settle in for the night. I listened for anything and everything, yet the only thing I could hear as I watched the moon reach its peak in the sky was the snoring of the dwarves after a hearty super. I looked toward the group in time to see Bombur (fast asleep) inhale a group of moths into his mouth, exhaling them out and repeating the motion.

Due to the loud snore, Bilbo had jostled from his sleep, and got up to stretch due to being unable to go back to sleep. Bilbo had headed straight to his pony he had ridden and started to pet the pony affectionately. I smiled when I saw Bilbo take out an apple from his pocket and held it out to Myrtile as he started to speak to her silently. Content and happy, the little pony had started to chew loudly as Bilbo petted her nose.

A loud screech was heard in the night, shattering the peaceful moment. I quickly got to my feet and peered out into the darkness over the cliff as I saw movement in the distance.

"What was that?" Bilbo asked the brothers as the screeching continued.

"Orcs..." Kili answered, being one of the two awake to keep watch.

"Orcs?" Bilbo asked in confirmation as he quickly tip toed his way back towards the fire, making sure not to step on any sleeping dwarves.

"Throat cutters, there'd be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Fili said, nodding toward dark.

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep, quick and quiet, no screams, just lots of blood." Kili added, spooking poor Bilbo once more from what I could tell.

As Bilbo looked on fearfully into the darkness, the two brothers shared a look before chuckling to themselves at their joke.

"You think that's funny?" Thorin's rough voice interrupted the two chuckling brothers. "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?"

"We didn't mean anything by it." Kili mumbled, looking down in shame.

"No, you didn't." Thorin lectures, pushing off from the cliff and moving away. "You know nothing of the world."

I jumped down from my branch, landing right beside Bilbo who jumped back, startled from my sudden appearance. But when he saw it was just me, he huffed in anger before I placed a hand upon his shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.

"Don't mind him laddie." Balin called out, walking up to the fire. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs."

I looked toward the direction Thorin went, knowing exactly where his hatred sprouted from through the tales I have heard.

"After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thrór tried to claim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria." Balin paused, receding into his memories. "But our enemy had got there first. Moria had been taken by a legions of orcs led by the most vile of all their race, Azog the Defiler. The giant gunderbag orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin." Balin's expression turning down in sadness. "He beheading the king."

We had sat in silence for a while, waiting on ever word Balin spoke out, before he had continued on with the story of Thorin.

"Thráin, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing...taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless, defeat and death were upon us." Balin said, trapping us in the most enthralling tale of what their people had to overcome. Bilbo had long since sat himself on the floor since the beginning of the tale, he too listening intently to the story.

"That is when...I saw him." Balin said, smiling fondly in Thorin's direction. "A young dwarf Prince, facing down...the pale orc. He stood alone against this...terrible foe. His armor rented, wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog, the Defiler, learned that day...that the line of Durin will not be so easily broken."

I took a deep shallow breath, being caught in my own memories that I had long since hoped to forget, memories I had not notice surface during Balin's story as I looked to Gandalf seeing him staring at me with concern. I shook my head, dismissing hopefully what he had thought and listened closely to Balin.

"Our forces rallied and drove the orcs back, and our enemy...had been defeated. But there was no feast nor song that night...for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived," Balin said sadly. "and I thought to myself then, there is one who I could follow...there is one, I could call King."

By this time, during the middle of Balin's story, the company had all risen from their bedrolls to listen to a story I'm sure they have all heard before, some even living through it as they looked to Thorin, their King, with hope and admiration showing through.

Thorin had turned back around, his eyes showed a dwarf lost in his past, now being brought back to the present and walked back to rejoin his kin.

"The pale orc." Bilbo asked, breaking the silence, and looking back to Balin. "What happened to him?"

"He slunk back into the hole whence he came, that filth died of his wounds long ago." Thorin spat, ending any further question.

I looked to Thorin, holding a deeper respect for the king before more screams filled the air, causing the hobbit beside me to jump in surprise.

"It will be alright Master orc will set foot near this camp, I promise." I assured, reassuring the trembling hobbit.

"An elf keeping their promise...that'll be the day." Dwalin grumbled from his spot.

"So Miss Bellethiel? Do you have a story of your people?" Bilbo asked curiously, looking up at me. "It's one thing to read about elves in books, but some stories are never written."

"None that I can think of I am afraid." I said sitting down beside Bilbo to gaze into the fire. "Nothing eventful has happened much in my life."

"You must have at least some stories to tell?" Bilbo asked curiously and when I gave no answer he cleared his throat. "What about your left ear? I have never seen elves pierce their ears before."

I subconsciously reached up to tug at the two beads, hanging from my ear. One being a smooth silver cartilage cuff close to the tip of my ear with an inscription on it. While the other cuff was made of pure gold, a cartilage cuff that clipped closer to my head, far from my tip. This bead had no inscription, but a leaf lace design.

"The gold cuff belonged to my sister Anameleth, it came as a pair that we both had." I smiled fondly, a memory of my childhood surfacing. "It was given to us by our mother as rings, she said if we looked close enough, the word sister in Sindarin would be scribbled into the work...we could never spot it however."

"And the other?" Bilbo asked.

"It belonged to my brother Voronwë, given to him by our father at a young age, it also represents a promise that was made, and has yet been fulfilled." I stated earning a grunt from Dwalin.

"Any other siblings?" Bilbo asked.

"I only belong to a family of three." I replied smiling fondly. "A brother and a sister...triplets with me being the eldest."

"Your family must really miss you." Bilbo added. "Being away from home for so long."

"I would not sister sailed away to the Undying Lands while my brother..." I replied sadly. "my brother died in battle."

"I'm sorry..." Bilbo apologized, looking down in embarrassment.

"Nothing to apologize for, you did not know." I smiled sadly. "She had given me her gold ring before she left while my brother gave me his before his passing. I made them both into cuff ear pieces shortly after."

"Have you seen many battles?" Bilbo asked curiously, wanting to change the subject.

"I have seen many battles Master Baggins-"

"Just Bilbo...please." Bilbo interrupted, smiling up to me.

"Bilbo...I have seen many battles, many kingdoms rise and fall. I even saw Hobbits settling into the Shire." I added, laughing as Bilbo's eyes widened just a fraction. "I am very old Bilbo..."

"How old?" Bilbo blurted out, before quickly covering his mouth with his hands. "I mean...if you do not mind me asking of course."

"I quite forgotten my age." I stated honestly, pondering on the question. "Time passes by...I have no need to keep count."

"Why don't you tell Bilbo the tale of the banished warrior." Gandalf piped in. "I think he would very much like to hear that tale."

I looked to Gandalf, my eyebrow raised a bit in curiosity.

"Banished...warrior?" Bilbo asked, looking back between Gandalf and myself.

"In the Woodland realm." I stated, as I saw Thorin in the corner of my eyes tense. "There was a warrior who was born during the late First Age. He served King Thranduil's father, Oropher, as the Captain of the Guards until the battle against Sauron, when the king had met his end and a new King ascended to the throne who we know now as King Thranduil. The warrior served loyally alongside the King, once as a warrior and captain."

"What was he like? The warrior?" Bilbo urged.

"I have never met him before." I stated.

"But I have, many a times." Gandalf added from his spot by the tree. "He was a thing of legends, his movements were quick and fluid like water. Able to slice the head off his victims before the enemy could blink. Always agile, quick on his feet...a very good leader, he earned the title God of Battle from his fellow warriors, truly amazing and was deeply respected."

"Until he made the mistake on questioning his king and betraying the Kings trust." I added. "It was the day the dragon overtook Erebor."

If the dwarves were not listening before, now this had caught their attention at the mention of their lost kingdom.

"When King Thranduil had ordered his army to turn back and return to Greenwood the Great, the captain had tried to stop Thranduil. He had asked why they were not lending their assistance to their allies if not to defeat the dragon then to give them shelter, or assist those down there out of the blazing kingdom." I took a deep breath before continuing on. "But King Thranduil gave no indication that he had heard his captain for he was enraged at the question, and continued back to the Woodland realm. The captain had called out to the king that if it was his decision to go back hom and not lend them their help, then he would go back and lend his assistance...this angered the king greatly. Some, had agreed to follow their captain, they too disagreed with the kings decision, and they rode back to Erebor, to ride into the kingdom under attack by the fire-breathing dragon. And at that very moment...the King had banished them from ever returning back to the Woodland realm."

"Is the captain still alive?" Bilbo asked.

"I do not know, dead possibly? Maybe trapped inside the gates of Erebor...we did not know." I replied. "They were unable to return for us to know."

"A false tale." Thorin scoffed, going back to his place by the rock face to rest.

"False or not is for you to decide. Some think it just a story, while others think otherwise." I called back.

"Do you think it is a fairytale?" Bilbo asked, bringing my attention back to him.

"I have not met an elf like him in all my life that would disrespect their King." I stated. "But if it were would help to settle things between the race of Dwarf and Elves, yes?"

"I think it would be wonderful if it was, indeed, true." Bilbo whispered, crossing his arms across his chest. "That way you don't have to keep putting up with all the insults and harsh comments coming from this lot."

I smiled at Bilbo, patting his shoulder before standing up to head back to the tree I had jumped down from.

"Get some rest Bilbo, you will be safe on my watch."

How did I do with this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! Again any grammar mistakes you spotted I am terribly sorry! Did you enjoy this story? I am sorry there's no romance yet, I wanted to build up to it instead of automatically saying that they have feelings right away you know?

A little info with Bellethiel: I can't give an exact number to how tall Bellethiel is because there are so many sites that give different numbers on how tall exactly Thorin is. Let's just say that Bellethiel is around Elrond and Gandalf's height while Thorin reaches to just about her chest

So if you enjoyed this story then add my story to follow, comment, vote (still not sure how the voting thing works just yet on this site), and share! I love all you lovely readers! Hope to see you in the next chapters! I also hope you continue reading once I post more chapters. Love ya!


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