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Por Robin_Shadow

60K 2.2K 1K

[๐˜ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ.] As summer comes b... Mรกs

0. Choices
1. You gotta be kidding me
2. What if they don't like me?
3. Familiar
4. Pinky promise?
5. Boys..
6. Permanent and meaningful
Tattoos (pictures)
7. Eternal youth
8. Carnality
9. One touch
10. Divine feeling of infinity
11. Heart wants what it wants
12. Long time no see
13. A bloody masquerade
15. Between the storm and her
16. Burned to desire
17. Two faithful souls
18. Halfway through Summer
19. Trouble
20. On my mercy
21. Faded memories

14. Goodnight, boys

2.1K 89 39
Por Robin_Shadow

Chapter fourteen

Song for this chapter-> Home again by Michael Kiwanuka 

"Merlin, I can't remember that last time I was here," I looked at the Burrow, as George and I apparated on the outskirts of Ottery St. Catchpole.

"It seems like your life with Malfoys has been more important than your own family," George observed while walking next to me.

"Seriously Georgie?" I peeked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You know I love you all, idiot."

"I didn't say you don't, but... You could've always stayed with us for the summer, yet you chose the ferret boy and old Malfoy's. I feel sorry for you, Cassie."

"It just.. happened." I shrugged, "Draco came out of nowhere with the invitation. His parents didn't even know I was coming until the last minute and it's still driving me mad."

"That's the whole Malfoy, darling." he put his arm around me, "He does what he wants and doesn't think about the consequences. What did you expect?"

The minute we walked into the Burrow, the smell of baking biscuits filled my nostrils. All my muscles relaxed, as the warm aura surrounded me.

I always loved how the Weasley's house felt so much like home and I had to admit, I missed it. Staying at the Malfoy Manor was an interesting experience, but they had no chance with the Weasleys when it came to the family atmosphere.

"It's not like this," I protested, "He has the tendency to be stupid and thoughtless, but so do we."

"He literally set you up. I'm just waiting for an owl to come with the invitation to your funeral," he mocked me, as we took our shoes off.

"Why would you expect my death?"

"Draco's father might be one of the causes," Fred joined the conversation and leaned against the tabletop.

"The second one would be his mother," George added and crossed his arms on his chest.

"And let's not forget about Draco himself. You two are close, he might pull out a knife and stab you in the back any time," Fred added.

I can't with these two.

"If you have to know, Narcissa is a lovely and gentle woman. Her voice is much softer when it's just her and me than when she's around people." I objected and corrected the bag on my arm, "Lucius... Well, he has a fragile ego, but you can talk to him and the conversation itself is enjoyable. And Draco would never do that. If he really wanted to, he would stab me in the back a long time ago," I imitated their tones. "Honestly, they're not as bad as they seem."

"Senior Malfoy?" George cocked an eyebrow and looked at his twin.

"Nice to talk to?" Fred followed his brother and soon they both busted out laughing.

I rolled my eyes and walked past them, then entered the living area where everyone was seated.

"You finally made it," Ginny smiled at me, as I saw her sitting on the sofa with Hermione and Ron.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Fred began.

"Cassiopeia De Bousquet has happily escaped from the Manor," George continued playfully.

"Would you like to tell us about your big escape?" Fred used his wand as a microphone and pointed at me.

"Well, my dear boys, it was really difficult. As I somehow freed myself from the cold and dark cellar, I took what I could and waited for Georgie's arrival," I went on with their silly game, "Lucius almost Crucioed my ass and his wife was about to kill me, but I eventually did it."

"We are so proud, kiddo." George messed up my hair, causing me to blow a few strands out of my eyes.

"Okay, but you have to admit it, sounds very realistic," Ron laughed nervously and looked at everyone, as we were giggling. "I wouldn't be surprised if they locked you in a cellar."

"Don't be silly, Ron," Hermione peeked at her boyfriend.

"You're saying this, but deep down, you know I'm right, 'Mione." he grabbed her hand and started toying with her bracelet.

"Hope they're not giving you a hard time, though," she added and shifted her eyes on me.

"No, I feel really good there. Mostly because of Draco and his mum. Lucius isn't bad either, but he still scares me," I laughed off, thinking about the fight there was a week ago.

It didn't affect me as much as it affected Draco or Narcissa, but I still felt the aftermath of it. The atmosphere at the Manor was so tense, it was exhausting to simply stay there. Not to mention eating together, in the dining room. The silence made it all worse and I didn't want to feel like this.

It was summer, after all. I wanted to enjoy myself and spend my time as best as I could, before coming back to Hogwarts.

I wrote a letter to the twins if they wanted to meet up for a day, but they suggested a sleepover since we hadn't had one for quite a long time.

"There is my Slytherin girl!" Molly raved as she walked downstairs.

She stepped up to me and closed me in her sweet embrace.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley," I greeted her, hugging her as warmly. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it earlier," I apologised and she let go of me, looking at me with a tender smile.

"Oh, it's alright, dear! I'm really glad you're here." she took my hands in hers, "Look at you, you have grown up so much!"

"Mum, it's been only three months," Fred reminded his mother, yet she shushed him immediately.

"Let her enjoy the moment, Freddie," George said to his brother.

"Biscuits will be ready in a few minutes. Would you like something to drink?" she asked.

"I would like a coffee, please," I replied and we watched Molly head to the kitchen.

"Honestly, guys, I love your mum. She's so nice and so sweet." I took a seat in the armchair and glanced at Mrs. Weasley's figure.

Molly was always nice towards me, even though I was a Slytherin. I know it didn't matter to her, but the well-known competitions between Gryffindor and Slytherin made me worry a bit about people's opinions. Gryffindor's were always the favourite ones and, although I did not hate them, being from the snake's house, plus being around them, was a bit problematic. Especially, when it came to Dumbledore.

"All fun and games until she yells at you. She can be scary, trust me," Ron shivered and we all began laughing.

"Okay kiddo, I will get your stuff to our room." George took the bag off of my arm and his disappearance signalised a loud pop sound.

"Good luck, Cass. I don't think they will let you sleep," Ginny warned me but I only chuckled.

Ever since I was spending time with the Weasleys and staying at the Burrow, I was sleeping in twin's room. Hermione was usually staying with Ginny and if there was 'Mione, so was Harry, who was sleeping in Ron's room.

"I'm sure it's going to be fun, as always," I crooked my head to the side and glanced at Fred who winked at me.

Some time passed and I found myself in the twin's room, arguing about who was supposed to sleep on the mattress. Fred wanted to be the one, but George debated he should sleep on it. In the end, I made it clear they were going to sleep in their beds and I would be sleeping on the mattress.

As we set the mattress up, twins tidied one of the drawers and let me stow my things there, even though I was staying only for one night.

While I was taking my things out, both redheads were watching me closely.

"What's that?" George asked and took into his hands a small bottle with a blue liquid in it.

"Nail polish," I replied after peeking at the bottle.

"What?" Fred looked at me confused and I chuckled, then stopped unpacking for a moment.

"It's a Muggle thing. They use it to paint their nails, see?" I explained and showed them my nails, which were covered in little white flowers.

"Your nails are so long." George took my hand in his and scanned it thoroughly.

"It must feel so good to scratch yourself with these," Fred added and also examined them.

"Show me your neck," I said and received a weird look from Fred, but he eventually gave in.

I scratched him tenderly and saw the goosebumps appear on his skin, which made me smirk.

"Georgie, we have to grow our nails." he turned around to his twin and they laughed.

After I packed all my stuff out, I sat on the mattress and exhaled loudly.

"I missed this," I smiled and the twins sat down next to me, both on each side.

"Are you sure about that?" Fred asked and looked at me.

"Of course. The last time we had a sleepover was a few months ago. It's really good to have you, two redheads, by my side." I put my arms around them and hugged them.

I peeked at the twins, but the looks on their faces caused my stomach to do a backflip.

"What is going on with you guys?" I questioned.

"Cassie, be honest with us. Did something happen at the Manor?" George questioned and I looked at his person.

"Why would you ask something like this?" I laughed off, not wanting to think about anything.

Narcissa has been acting weird ever since she slept with me in the bed. When the morning came and she was gone, I felt a bit lonely and since Draco needed some time to clean up his mind and room, I thought that I could spend some time with Mrs. Malfoy. After all, we had quite a nice talk the evening before.

The thing is, she has been a bit distant since that day. Her usual warm aura seemed to vanish. Something just wasn't right.

"It's hard to believe you gave up a king-sized bed to sleep on the floor, on an old and dusty mattress," Fred pointed out and I shifted my eyes to him.

"And you're drowning in nerves. We can see that love. Your hands are colder than ice cubes," added George.

"You won't let this go, will you?" I took my arms off of them and started toying with my fingers.

They both shook their head at the same time, making me think about the words I should have used. I couldn't tell them the things that happened between me and Narcissa when even I didn't know what it was.

"A week ago there was a fight between Draco's parents and things are pretty on the edge right now. Lucius doesn't talk to anyone, and he's walking around with a.. Uhm... With a very intimidating look on his face and it's just scaring the shit out of me." a shiver ran down my spine, at the thought of his goddamn expressions. "Draco and his mum talk with each other, even though Narcissa seems a bit off as well. Draco and I are also okay, but he just needed some space and I totally get it," I explained, not giving many details.

It's not that I didn't trust them, but they didn't have to know every single word and act. It just didn't sit right with me, talking about Draco's parents and their problems behind their backs. There's a line you should never cross.

What happens at the Manor, stays at the Manor. Well, most likely.

"It's a bit draining to stay there at the very moment," I added.

"Was it serious? The argument?" Fred asked and grabbed my hand into his bigger one.

"Kind of, yeah. They were yelling at each other and Draco also got mad." I lowered my head, as this unpleasant heaviness rested on my nape. "Later then I was talking with Narcissa.. And found out she knew my mother," I continued after a minute.

"She knew Samantha?" George grabbed my other hand.

"They were best friends while studying at Hogwarts," I replied. "Ironic, isn't it? I mean, she was friends with her and now I'm friends with Draco. And as much as I didn't care about Samantha, Narcissa talking about her in such a nice way just made me.. Feel something. And I don't want to feel it. I hated her my whole life because she simply took the chance and ran away, leaving me and dad behind. I just... I can't imagine myself liking her, you know?"

"Do you think there's a chance she will come back?" Fred questioned and caressed the top of my hand with his thumb.

"I don't think so. She doesn't even know where dad and I live now," I denied his words. "We moved after the fire in our mansion, and it was seventeen years ago. I'm afraid she wouldn't even recognise me."

"I thought you look just like her," Fred tried to lighten me up.

"I do."

Expect for the eyes.

Twins, and everybody who read the Daily Prophet, knew what happened on October 12th. The Death Eaters bursting into our mansion, and burning half of it down. It was all over the papers and, of course, it was Rita Skeeter who spread the word.

The twins were just kids when it all happened, but Molly told them about this night as they got older and met me. Mrs. Weasley recognised me, because of my last name and then it all just went on.

I was also the one who found out about the irruption because of the papers since my father hid them in his drawer. He showed me them when I was old enough to know, but not to understand.

"Your mother is gone." he said and handed me the Daily Prophet, where my mum's picture was printed, "She is not coming back. Ever. She abandoned us."

I was barely seven when I found out about Samantha and her disappearance, and my father did nothing to help me cope with it. I was left on my own. Without a mother figure and, in some type of way, a father figure.

He was there, but he was gone.

"And what about Malfoy Junior?" George asked, "Where's he at?"

"He's staying with Blaise for the night. I guess he needed some men's company, other than his father's," I replied.

I was sure Draco spending time with Blaise would make him feel better. They understood each other in this boyish way I couldn't figure out, but I was glad they had their language.

"Alright, let's not talk about such things or we're going to be depressed for the whole day. How about we do something cool?" I looked at them suggestively and rose from the mattress.

"There's going to be a bonfire in the evening. We're going to fry the sausages and marshmallows, and watch the sunset," said Fred and also rose on his feet.

"Sounds great," I smiled. "So, we have to figure out what to do until then."

"It's too hot to stay outside," George complained.

"Let's stay inside then. How about... I could paint your nails? Would you like that?" I suggested and smirks crept on their lips.

The boys chose their colours and I began painting. Fred wanted a design with tiny blue butterflies, while George chose little smiley faces, all in different colours.

Each design took about an hour that is, two hours passed us by with a snap of our fingers.

"Okay, you can look," I said as I finished their nails.

I put the nail polish away and looked at them, admiring the little piece of art.

"What do you think?"

"Wicked!" they replied in the same moment, in a smiley tone.

After some time, Ginny called us for dinner. We walked down to the kitchen and met everyone sitting by the table.

"Come on kids, take a seat!" Molly called us and we all found our places.

We dig into the food while talking the whole time. Finally, Mr. Weasley finished his work and stepped into the house.

"Good evening, family," he cheered and walked up to his wife, then left a peck on her cheek.

I looked at how happy they were. Such a small gesture made them smile widely, making me wonder what's it like to fall in love.

If there's anything that life taught me, is that you can compare love to a mysterious creature. Yes, I know how it sounds, but think about it. There's no way to tame it, nor to catch it and look at it from up close. You just learn as you go.

It may sound odd, but it's a bit terrifying. I remember how Hermione once told me what love was about, in her opinion, and since then I couldn't look at it from a different angle.

"Imagine someone is holding a loaded gun to your head. It's your loved one. And you're holding another one but to their head. Love is like a loaded gun, but it's not the gun itself. It's the trust you have, that none of you will shoot," she said while gesturing with her hands.

"So you trust Ron that he won't pull the trigger?" I asked a bit scared by her words since it wasn't the answer I was expecting. "Even though he might do it and, theoretically, kill you?"

"Exactly," she smiled.

Hermione always was and will be clever. She speaks about things in this interesting way, making you crave the sound of her voice and the words she's using. Also, she's right almost every time, so I believe her.

"Hello, Cassiopeia. I haven't seen you for a while," Arthur looked at me, making me come back to reality.

"Hello, Mr. Weasley. How was it at the Ministry?"

"Oh, you know, love. As usual. Lots of work," he laughed. "I heard you're staying with Malfoy's. Am I right?"

"Yes, sir," I smiled.

"Remember, dear, if you ever need other places to stay, the doors here are always open for you," he winked at me.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley. I will remember."

The rest of the day went by quicker than I thought. After dinner, everyone took care of themselves and later on, we all set up everything for the bonfire, while waiting for the sunset. We played puns, causing us to remember a few things back from Hogwarts. Some of them were pretty awkward, as well as hilarious and scary.

Mr. Weasley prepared the sausages and marshmallows, and I quickly returned to the twin's room for my camera.

While walking down the stairs, I bumped into Harry.

"There you are, scarhead!" I hugged him.

"Scarhead? You're starting to talk like Malfoy." he returned the hug.

"Oh– sorry, Harry. Seems like I'm spending too much time with him."

"It's fine," he grinned.

"And where have you been? I haven't seen you at dinner." I crossed my arms on my chest.

"I had to take care of something– I asked Hermione to pick me up later and we bought some beers," he smiled awkwardly and handed me the bag with drinks.

There was something about Harry that just didn't sit right with me. His cheeks were rosy and he seemed a bit nervous. He couldn't stand the eye contact, so I decided to not stress him even more.

"Alright then. Everybody is waiting outside. Join us when you're ready," I said and left the Burrow.

I looked at the fireplace burning high, and all the people around it. The twins were fooling around, and everyone was laughing with them.

"Speaking of the devil," Fred looked at me.

"Were you talking behind my back?" I raised an eyebrow and set the bag with beers on a small table, so everyone could serve themselves.

"We're telling Ginny about your last birthday party," George smirked, as I settled down on a blanket.

"Oh my.. No– let's not bring this up. It was a total rollercoaster," I laughed and thanked Merlin Mr. and Mrs. Weasley weren't there, for now.

"George told me about how you were dancing with Parkinson," Ginny glanced at me.

"Almost all the people looked at them. You can easily say, they were the queens of the party," Fred added and bowed down while waving in a silly way.

"I drank a little bit too much, I admit."

"Don't lie, young lady," George chided me.

"You were fucked," Fred corrected me, making me roll my eyes.

"Malfoys have quite a taste in alcohol, it's their fault," I tried to defend myself, even though they were right. "There was almost any kind of alcohol your heart could desire."

"And what about you two, hm? What were you doing?" Ginny glanced at her brothers, as they looked at each other.

"Nothing much, really," they replied mysteriously, although we knew what we knew.

"Alright, kids! Grab a stick and let's begin!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed as he and his wife joined us with food.

The atmosphere was so lovely, I wished this moment lasted forever. Everyone was laughing and got along with one another. I took a lot of pictures of the sunset, as it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I also captured the Weasley family, as well as the Golden Trio.

In every picture, everybody was smiling widely, which made my heart melt. I also got a few hidden shots of my friends, when nobody was looking.

With time, the fiery and beauteous sky faded into the night heavens. Stars were observing us from high above, making sure everyone was happy.

Perhaps, the tepid wind tried to scare us away, since chills ran down our spines, but none of us was sure. Maybe it wanted us to stay a bit longer, but couldn't say much? Nonetheless, we were wide awake, just like children of the night.

An hour later, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said their goodnights and left us alone. Ginny also headed to bed, quickly followed by Ron and Harry.

"Are you coming as well, girls?" George looked at me and Hermione, as he and his brother also rose from the blanket.

"I think I will stay for a while longer," I replied.

"Me too." Hermione shifted her place and sat down next to me.

Fred and George took their hoodies off and placed them on our shoulders. I smelled George's cologne and before he left, he winked at me for the last time.

"How are you doing?" I asked when Hermione and I were left alone.

"I'm alright. I've been reading a bit lately and hanging out with boys. I'm staying here for the summer. It's peaceful," she smiled and adjusted Freddie's hoodie on her shoulders. "How about you? You look like there's a lot on your head."

"There is. But besides that, I'm happy. Especially now. This day was amazing and I'm sad it's coming to an end." I looked at the fireplace, burning way lower than at the beginning.

"I saw you used the camera. Is it working all right? Do you like it?" she asked, a bit nervous.

"You know you didn't have to get me anything, right?" I glanced at her, with a little smile.

"I know, but I wanted to."

I took a photo from the pile next to me and handed it to Hermione. It presented her and Ron, while they were giggling together and hugging.

"It works very well, and I'm in love," I smiled, as I saw her sweet reaction.

"Oh, my– you did not!" she blushed and covered her mouth.

"I surely did. You two look so lovely together, and I'm happy for you. I couldn't miss a chance for a good picture," I laughed and lay down, looking at the glorious stars above us.

They were shining so bright, yet they were so far away.

"You will find someone like this as well," she said and peeked at me. "This person will make you smile and laugh, and feel so loved. They will be your one and only."

"And put a gun to my head, too. How romantic," I chuckled, as Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Playing it risky sounds fun, doesn't it?"

Soon the fireplace went out and we decided to head back to the Burrow. We took the blankets and shook off the dirt, then folded them.

"Before you go–" Hermione stopped me from going to the twin's room, "I don't know what you're going through, and you don't even have to tell me, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here. I know you're strong, Cassie. I'm sure that you will make it out from whatever you're bothering with, even stronger than before." she hugged me for the last time and headed to Ginny's room.

I smiled under my nose and stepped quietly into the room.

"Finally, you're here," the twins smiled, making me flinch since I thought they were already asleep.

"What did you do?" I closed the doors and looked at their beds, which were connected.

"We thought this might be better than the mattress," Fred replied.

"You can imagine it's a king-sized bed. Let your imagination flow, little girl," George added, making me grin.

"Are you sure this will be comfortable?" I asked and grabbed my cosmetics and pyjamas.

"Of course," they replied and I laughed silently.

I went to the bathroom and took care of myself, then headed back to the room. I put my stuff away and squeezed in between Fred and George. Both of them wrapped their arms around me, hugging me.

"Goodnight, boys." I closed my eyes.


Honestly, I have no idea how to explain myself...

I'm embarrassed for not posting for a month, but I was so stressed, I couldn't finish the chapter nor do anything. I was cutting paper figures instead:)) (but it really is helpful when you're stressed, 10/10 recommend)

I'm really sorry, and also really grateful for you guys! I've been reading the comments, the old ones and the new one s, and you gave me motivation!

I won't spoil anything, but there's a bigger thing coming up:)) (probably in the next chapter, I'm not sure yet) And I should also finish the second chapter of Black and White, which also isn't going very well but I will do my best!

Thank you for bringing back my motivation, I love you all<3

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