Faith In Me

By BigSadBigMad

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Takes place in 1979, before fhe cure was made. Basically its going to be based around the development of Robe... More



191 11 14
By BigSadBigMad

The next hour, Robert lays in bed thinking; planning on his escape. Robert had to be sure Simon was asleep if he wanted this to work. He was still exhausted, but the pain had subsided enough to allow Robert to slip out of bed and shuffle over to Simon's window. It was only one floor down; robert was sure he could make it without seriously hurting himself…

Robert went to the bathroom and washed his face, staring at his reflection for a long time before going downstairs to see if Simon was asleep. Robert saw Simon's sleeping form on the couch, curled up into a small ball. Robert listened to Simon's soft snores before slowly going back up the stairs. Robert couldn't just walk out the front door- Simon would hear him and then Robert would have to make a run for it. 

Robert didn’t have the energy to do that; so he settled for slowly climbing down the thick vines that gripped the back wall of Simon's pad. Robert slipped every now and then; but when he placed his feet on the ground, he let out a sigh of relief and walked out the back gate. Robert though for a moment, trying to think of places he could go to find a bloke willing to do such a thing. 

Robert was at a loss, walking aimlessly down the dark and empty street before he suddenly remembered chris. Robert knew for a fact that Chris worked well into the night; he could find Chris and ask him for the favor! It was a long shot, but robert didn’t know any other bloke who would do such things…

Robert ran a hand through his hair, glancing around every now and then to make sure no creepy person was following him as he briskly walked in the direction of Chris's bar. Robert’s stomach was doing flips, he felt nervous… if he were to go through with this, he didn’t know how he would feel afterwards...

Robert walked for about 25 minutes, mind racing until he found himself standing in front of chris’’s bar. People were slowly walking out, Robert guessed that Chris was closing up for the night… Robert swallowed thickly before slowly walking into the bar, keeping his eyes low.

“Sorry mate, im closing…'' Chris said, sounding a bit irritated until he saw it was robert. “Christ- robert? What happened to your face?” Chris gasped, immediately stopping what he was doing and walking up to Robert from behind the bar. Robert lowered his eyes before shrugging, “got into a little fight…'' Robert said, rubbing his neck before looking up at simon. “Do… you have time for a drink?” Robert asked softly, a half assed smile appearing onto his face.

Chris didn’t even think twice, “of course, come on in. close the door behind you, i don't want any homeless people getting in.” Chris said, already pouring Robert a strong glass of whiskey. Robert swallowed thickly and closed the door behind him, locking it before approaching the now empty bar. “Thanks chris..” Robert said, slowly sitting down at a stool. “Yeah, no worries robert..”

Chris placed the drink down next to robert before taking a seat, “damn robert… you look really bad.” Chris said with a frown, watching robert’ grimace as the whiskey stung his lips. “Thanks, chris.” Robert sighed in annoyance before placing his drink down and looking at robert.

“Do I really look that bad?” Robert said with a small frown, “oh yeah… your poor lips all busted up, you should put some ointment on that '' Chris said, a small laugh rising from him before he cleared his throat. “Sorry- i laugh when i’m nervous..'' Chris said, glancing at Robert's face before sitting up properly. “So, if you don't mind me asking rob… why did you come here of all places?” Chris asked, sounding a bit suspicious.

Robert took in a slow breath before taking another drink. Robert whipped his mouth before turning to face Chris, “because… you were the first person that came to mind when this happened..” Robert said softly, gazing at Chris's face. “I feel safe around you… after what happened in the bathroom i… I was afraid you were angry with me,” Robert said, spitting out lies like they were nothing. He was trying to get a rise out of Chris, make him think that Robert had some kind of unspoken affection for him.

It was working, much to Robert's surprise. Robert was never good at flirting, but Chris was already giving him googly eyes. “Yeah?” Chris said, scooting closer to robert. “Y-yeah.. I just- needed to see you?” Robert stuttered, eyes darting down for a moment before he felt Chris's hand touch his face. “God- you don't know how long i’ve been waiting for you robert..'' Chris breathed, already leaning forward to kiss robert; but Robert pulled away.

“N-no… not here chris- i want it… more private..” Robert said, feeling a lump form in his throat. Chris pulled away slightly before smiling at robert. “I live upstairs.” Chris said, already standing up. Chris grabbed robert’s hand and pulled him to his feet, “come on baby… lets go, i can barely keep my hands off you already” chris purred in robert’s ear. Robert swallowed thickly, grabbing his glass of whiskey and chugging it before whipping his mouth. “Alright.” Robert whispered, allowing Chris to whisk him away to the upstairs room.


Robert felt somewhat comforted by the cool sheets pressing against his bare skin. He was on his back, already half naked as Chris touched his body. Robert gripped the sheets under him before arching his back, a weak moan coming from deep within as Chris kissed up his chest. “Fuck robert..” Chris's low voice made Robert shiver, and suddenly Chris's mouth was on Robert's. 

Robert weakly wrapped an arm around Chris's shoulders, pushing his hips up to grind his clothed erection against Chris's thigh. “U-ugh~ touch me..” Robert whispered, his eyes fluttering shut as he felt Chris's hand slid down into his pants. Robert hissed, rolling his head back as Chris's fingers wrapped around his cock. “A-ah!” Robert gasped, arching his back as Chris squeezed him. “So pretty…” Chris groaned, only stroking Robert for a moment before smothering him with kisses and shoving Robert's trousers down to his feet.

“Fuck robert~ i cant wait to fuck you” chris groaned, pulling away to rip off the rest of robert’s clothes before grabbing his legs and spreading them apart. “You’re so hard for me robert~” Chris groaned, biting at Robert's skin.

Robert winded, curling his toes. Robert ignored Chris, he didn't care for what Chris had to say; he just wanted to get this over with. Suddenly though, Chris oved Robert to lay on his stomach and pulled his hips back. Robert grasped the bed, pressing his face into the bed; he could feel Chris's cock poking against his ass. It all happened so fat- robert didn’t even have time to mentally prepare himself before he felt chris force himself inside.

The pain was indescribable; it ripped through robert like a forest fire, making him cry out in pain. Robert bit the bed, tears welling up in his eyes as Chris pushed in deeper; groaning with satisfaction. “Ooh~ you must be a virgin back here! That's so hot robert; don’t you worry love… I'll be gentle..'' Chris whispered, leaning over Robert and grabbing his cock.

The feeling of Chris's dick forcing its way in and out of his body; it was a burning pain, but each time Chris pulled out, a dull ache stayed. Robert choked back his pained whimpers and moans, thinking that maybe if he just gave it a moment it would eventually feel better; and it did. It just stung every time Chris would push in.

Robert bit the bedsheet, vision blurry with tears as Chris whispered dirty things into his ear; his hands touching his body everywhere until they eventually settled on Robert's cock. “O-ooh~'' Robert moaned, curling his toes as Chris finally started to stroke him in time with his overly forceful thrusts. “Shit~ i’m gonna cum all inside you baby~” chris moaned, not even caring if robert was close or not.

Robert hissed, lowering his head as Chris pounded into him. The pleasure started to override the pain, and soon Robert was openly moaning, too out of his mind to even care if he sounded like a whore. “S-shit! Im cumming!” Chris's strained gasp came and suddenly Robert felt something hot spill inside of him. It stung and it made Robert shiver in disgust. Chris pulled out and flopped on the bed, already nearly passing out.

Robert weakly moaned, shoving his hand between his legs and touching his ass; seeing that there was a mixture of blood and cum dripping down his thighs. Robert whimpered, his cock throbbing with the need of release; however, Robert was not in the mood to even finish himself off. Robert had gotten what he wanted, but now he felt even more confused…

“Not worth a three pump chump” Robert hissed, standing up (even though he couldn’t feel his legs) and getting dressed. Robert made his escape; going as fast as he could with a limo and catching a taxi back home; where he collapsed onto his bed and passed out from exhaustion. 


Robert wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping; but the sound of urgent knocking at his door woke him up in an instant. Robert lifted his head, blinking away the sleep before suddenly realizing how BADLY his ass hurt. Robert whimpered in pain before laying back down, pressing his face into his pillow until suddenly the door was pushed open.

“I'm coming in robert!” Simon's angry voice rang through the room, startling robert. He hadn’t any pants on- he took them off because he wanted to be comfortable. “Wait simon!” Robert yelped, pulling the sheets up over his bum since he was laying on his stomach. Simon walked in, not looking happy at all to see Robert lying in his bed.

“What happened robert. Where did you go last night.” Simon demanded, closing the door behind him and stomping up to Robert's bed. “What do you mean-” “-you know what i mean robert! You snuck out, like some kind of fucking kid! Do you know how worried i was when i went to check up on you last night, only to see that you were gone!” Simon exploded on Robert, a dark look resting on his face.

“Well sorry Simon but the last time I checked you weren’t my parents.” Robert hissed, slowly rolling onto his back before sitting up. Simon’s face hardened before his eyes went down to the bed. Simon’s face went pale and he suddenly looked at Robert, “why is there so much blood on your sheets robert.” Simon demanded, grabbing the blanket. Robert, confused by what Simon meant, looked down only to see that he had continued to bleed during the night.

“I-i..'' Robert choked up, trying to think of some kind of excuse, but Simon had already grabbed Robert's blanket. “Let me see robert-” “-wait, simon don't! It’s not-” “just let me see!” the two bickered like children until simon finally ripped the blanket off robert; who quickly covered his penis. Blood stained robert’s thighs, as did dark hickies and bite marks. Robert’s face went red and he grabbed the blanket back.

“Fucking asshole!” robert hissed, covering back up. Simon stood there, shocked at what he had seen. Simon pierced two and two together until he clenched his fist. “Was this Barry's doing?” Simon growled, but Robert quickly shut him down. “No! I just- i did it. I found someone… i found a guy.” Robert stumbled over his words, unsure of how to explain himself.

“So you snuck out to go fuck some asshole who didn’t even do it right?! Robert you're not supposed to bleed! You could get an infection or worse!” Simon scolded, becoming unreasonably angry at robert. “I cant believe you would do something so stupid- god! Do I not exist to you robert?! Do my feeling’s not matter anymore?!” Simon yelled, looking like he could cry. 

“That’s not it simon- i just needed to get it out of my system! I thought-” Robert started, choking up for a moment before turning away. “I thought that maybe if I let some bloke have his way with me then I'd feel better… that maybe these feelings would go away” Robert sobbed, covering his face. “When has that ever made anyone feel better robert.” Simon said harshly, turning away.

“I'm sorry.” Robert croaked, reaching out and grasping Simon's hand. “Please simon- im so fucking sorry” robert cried, feeling so tired and broken down already from everything that had been happening. Simon stood motionless before a defeated sigh came from him. Simon turned and looked at the robot's face, seeing how broken-hearted he looked.

“I-i never meant to do such drastic things i- i felt like I had no other choice. Simon '' Robert whispered, looking up at simon. Seeing Robert like this- it was impossible to stay mad. Simon’s face softened and he shook his head, turning away. “Then why didn’t you just come and talk to me robert..” simons said, unable to meet robert’s saddened gaze. 

Robert sniffed, looking down before clasping his hand around Simon's, “i-i don't know..'' Robert whispered, brushing his fingers along Simon's palm. There was only a moment of silence between them before Simon pulled his hand away. “I'm sorry you feel like you can't be honest with me robert... i wish you could just- i don't know.'' Simon sighed, rubbing his face before shaking his head. 

“Next time you want to fuck some bloke. Make sure they have lube, at least.'' Simon said, sounding distant before he started walking towards the door. Robert felt his stomach drop as he watched, eyes widened as he realized that Simon had given up. “W-wait simon, please don't go-’

“Stop robert… I just need some space alright?” Simon cut Robert off, turning to look back at him. “When i can be around you without feeling these feelings… then hopefully we can go back to the way things were… for now, i’m just going to be focused on carol.. Or something.” Simon said, scratching his cheek before leaving Robert alone.

Robert stared at the now empty door, his eyes burning with tears before he gripped his bed sheets tightly. How could Simon do this- Robert had apologized, he had been through so much and right as he began to open up, Simon just left?! Robert choked back a broken hearted whimper before laying back down and hugging his pillow; his chest burning with anger. 

How was Robert supposed to go on now? 

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