The New Girl Around

By coconutobsessed

6.8K 213 25

Hope Harper - Hope gets moved to another orphanage, meaning she has to uproot her whole life. Again. She know... More

Chapter 1 ~ The beggining...
Chapter 2 ~ The Meeting...
Chapter 3 ~ The Project...
Chapter 4 ~ The punishment...
Chapter 5 ~ The Candlestick...
Chapter 6 ~ Ignoring you...
Chapter 8 ~ Mr. Stark...
Chapter 9 ~ The Prank...
Chapter 10 ~ The Dog...
Chapter 11 ~ The Message...
Chapter 12 ~ Its A Date...
Chapter 13 ~ The Date...
Chapter 14 ~ Happy...
Chapter 15 ~ Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 16 ~ The Invitation...
Chapter 17 ~ The watch...
Chapter 18 ~ The deal...
Chapter 19 ~ The 'Date'...
Chapter 20 ~ Adopt...
Chapter 21 ~ Powers...
Chapter 22 ~ The Truth...
Chapter 23 ~ Gossip...
Chapter 24 ~ Date...
Chaoter 25 ~ Orphanage...
Chapter 26 ~ Horror Film...
Chapter 27 ~ I like you...
Chapter 28 ~ I cant...
Chapter 29 ~ The Trip...
Chapter 30 ~ The Aftermath...

Chapter 7 ~ Lunchtime...

262 10 0
By coconutobsessed

~ Lunchtime ~

It's lunchtime and I find an empty table to sit at. I look over to Peters table and see Mj and Ned laughing and talking while Peter just sits there staring at me.

Our eyes meet for a moment but I quickly turn away when I hear a thud of a tray in front of me. And of course, Iys flash.

"So I know your like 'not interested' or whatever, but I really think you should give me a chance." He says sitting down next to me. Luckily, keeping a bit of space between us.

I roll my eyes at him and glance behind his shoulder to see Peter still staring at me. "Flash, take the hint, I don't like you. Get over it and move on." I say, peeling my eyes away from Peter.

Flash starts to get annoyed and he moves around the table so he can get closer to me. I tense slightly at this action and try to move away but he places a hand on my thigh, keeping me in place.

"How do you know you don't like me if you don't give me a chance?" He whines, thinking that with convince me. As he says this he slides an arm around my waist, causing me to flinch slightly and freeze.

"Flash." I say uncomfortably as I try and squirm out of his grip. This is not good.

"Come on. I know you want to." He says again and I begin to feel my anger boiling, I need to stop this now.

I us all my strength to push his arm off my waist and turn my attention to him, a glare settled on my face. "You couldn't handle me Flash." I say, trying to hurt his ego enough that he goes crying to mummy.

He puts his arm around my waist again, returning the other hand to my thigh, "Is that a challenge?" He jokes, thinking I'll swoon. I shift, pushing his hands away. I finally make the move to stand and his eyes follow me.

"No It was a statement. Here's a Challenge, Shut up and keep your hands to yourself. Or is that too hard?" I say sarcastically, suppressing another eye roll. If my eyes roll one more time, I don't think they'd come back.

Flash stands up and begins walking towards me, the whole cafeteria is looking at us both now. I start to feel my anger bubbling up but I try to control it so my powers don't do something I can't explain.

"Flash, just leave it." Someone says behind us. I release a breath of relief as the distraction calms me a bit. Peter.

I turn to see him walking towards us, his face set with anger. "What are you gonna do about it Parker? You wouldn't even be able to scare a chair." Flash laughs.

I stand in front of Peter and turny back to Flash. "Peter sit back down before something bad happens, I can handle flash by myself." I say, glad he interrupted, but annoyed that he thinks I need the help.

I turn my attention back to flash. "I'm flattered, really I am. But I don't know how many times I need to embarrass you in front of the whole school for you to understand that I don't like you." I say, my voice getting louder as I get towards the end, hoping it makes him finally listen to what I'm saying.

I pick up my bag and just before I leave I grab Peters arm and start to walk back to Mj and Ned.

As we're walking, Flash shouts, "yeah go control your little girlfriend Parker!" I stop suddenly, taking a deep breath, trying as hard as I can to keep my powers under control.

Out of nowhere I hear Flash let out a small scream. I turn to see that I've exploded a juice carton and it went all over him. My eyes widen and I turn to Peter, hoping he didn't see that, unfortunately, when I look over he has a clear look of surprise.

Everyone's laughing at the scene infront of them and when he tries to walk away to the bathroom he slips on the juice that spilt onto the floor, landing straight on his back. I let out a small laugh and look over to Peter, expecting him to be laughing too.

Instead, Peters eyes are searching my face, as if he knows I did it so I try to pretend I don't know what he's talking about. "What? Why are you looking at me like I did it?" I asked, a hint of anger to my tone.

He shakes his head as if to tell himself to stop staring, as he replies, "uh no reason..." he says, but the suspicion is still clear in his voice.

"I think you should come over to stark industry with me after school." Peter suggests, searching my eyes with sincerity.

I laugh as you walk over to the table and sit next to Mj. "And why would I go down to stark industries with you?" I ask, confused as to what he's up to.

Ned looks surprised and him and Peter share a look. "What's going on?" I ask, now becoming the confused one.I can tell Mj doesn't know what they are talking about as she continues eating,

"Just come with me after school, I'll explain why when we are there." He says shrugging casually, but as I look into his eyes, I can tell there's something going on.

However, I want to say yes but I'm also scared about what Mrs. Bernadine would do to me. "We have detention Peter. I have to be home on time." I say, making an excuse.

He smiles as if he has an Idea. "Perfect. Go to detention after school and I'll tell you what to do then. Ok?" He says as an idea flashes through his head.

You think for a few minutes then give in. "Fine. But I'm not promising anything!" I give in, I mean, it's gotta be more fun than detention.

He nods and carries on eating, a sense of pride flashing in his face. We all talk for a while and then the bell rings, signalling us to start walking to lesson. Me and Mj are in the same class so we walk together and talk about how funny that juice carton situation was.

~ End Of The Day ~

I finish my last lesson and walk to detention. Peters inside already so I sit on the table next to him. The rooms silent and, there's hardly anyone in there. I sigh as I lean back into my chair, staring at the clock.

After a few minutes the Teacher falls asleep and Peter taps on my shoulder, making me jump slightly. "Let's go, before he wakes up." He whispers, shifting his eyes between me and the teacher.

I get out of my seat and walk out the classroom. If Mrs. Bernadine finds out I'm doing this, god knows how much trouble I'm going to get into but I don't really care at this moment.

"Ok, we have to get the bus there but it won't take long, follow me." He says as he starts walking for the door and I follow him.

"Where exactly are we going?"  I ask as he opens the door for me, him following quickly after.

He turns to look at me whilst still walking, "Stark industries like I said. And don't worry you will be back home just in time, like you were in detention the whole time." I smile knowing it's a bad idea but for some reason, I still follow him to the bus.

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