Your Ghost

By StarlightCevans

86.4K 2.3K 318

Evelyn is like most ladies you would have met: Kind, caring, ambitious and a go-getter. Evelyn loves animals... More

Writer's note
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter: 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Chapter 37:

982 44 8
By StarlightCevans


"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Jake holds his hand out for me.

"You just surprised me." I breathe.

Jake lowers his eyes and he shuts them immediately. "Shit! I am sorry."

I tilt my head to the side and look down.

Oh great!

My dress has pulled up; showing my underwear and Jake – of all people – can see it, just like when he saw another part of my body I didn't want him to see.

At least I have underwear on this time.

I quickly pull my dress down and I stand up on my own.

"You can open your eyes now." I say rather irritably.

Jake peaks one eye open and looks around like a character from a movie, making sure the coast is clear. He then opens both his eyes.

Wait! Why is Jake even at this house when I am here too?

He sighs, but I seem to think he is sighing in annoyance and not in relief. "Well you're okay so..."

"What are you doing here?" I prompt, sounding a little aggressive. "Were you following me?" I query.

Jake scowls. "What? No! I was –"

"Jake! So glad you could make it!"

I know that voice! Her voice is like nails on a chalk board.


Jake looks past me and I turn around to see Linda walking toward us.

I really wish that was not her car in the driveway when I arrived here!

Linda opens her arms and hugs Jake. "Come with me. We have business to attend to." Linda says, completely ignoring me.

As usual!

"I need to get my laptop first and then we can talk business." Jake smiles at Linda.

Well I guess this confirms that Linda and Jake are friends.

"Did you also bring the box I asked for?" Linda asks Jake.

"Yes. It's in my car. Evelyn." Jake looks at me. "Can you help me?"

I blink, frowning. "Why would you need me to help you carry a box? Can't you do it yourself?" I raise my hands to my sides. "Or ask a staff member to help." I add.

I cannot be seen next to Jake!

If Ransom has to walk out that study...

"And you expect me to wait for Jake all because you refused to help him?"

She speaks!

I don't look at Linda.

"Go help Jake. It's not like you are doing anything useful anyway." Linda's voice is so condescending.

That's it!

"Last I checked, I don't take orders from you." I sneer the last word at Linda.

Linda opens her mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up. "I don't care what you have to say because I am going." I aim toward the stairs.

"Going where?" Linda chastises.

"Far away from you as possible." I don't look at Linda when I speak. My eyes are focused on the stairs.

"Let me get the box for you." I hear Jake say to Linda.

"I will be waiting for you darling." Linda says in a chirpier voice.

I can't stand that woman!

I know Ransom has a bad temper, but not like his mother – which I am thankful for.

I hear footsteps and I turn around and see both Linda and Jake have left. I reach halfway up the stairs and I look out the window to see Jake is walking toward his car, and suddenly I have an idea. A bad idea...but still an idea.

I need to return Ransom's diary.

Now...I don't have a car and Ransom has his car keys. Jake on the other hand has a car.

Maybe I can drive to Linda's house after all because she isn't there either, which will make it easier for me.

I just need to get into the house and put the diary back.

That's it!

This isn't a good idea, but it is one I will need to take.

How else am I supposed to get to Linda's house? By calling a cab? Running to the house?

I bite my tongue and I run outside.

"Hold up!" I shout as Jake closes the boot of his car.

I come to a halt and grab the box that Jake nearly drops.

"What the fuck Evelyn? I nearly dropped this box." Jake rudely remarks. "Do you even know what is inside this box?"

"I'm sorry I –"

"Fragile items!" Jake emphasizes.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking if I can take your car for a drive?"

Well that was the tactless way to ask!

Jake shifts one foot to the other. "You want to what?"

"I – I – I want t-to go for a d-drive." I stutter.

"Drive where?" Jake scowls.

I shrug. "I just...I just want to drive again."

"Why don't you get your own car? Do you even have your own car?"

I wrinkle my nose. "Yes I do."

Why is Jake being so rude?

"So go get it." Jake's voice is harsh.

"Well it's at my house, and I am not at my house right now..." I say slowly.

Jake takes the box from me and puts it on the ground. He then looks at me with his hands at his sides, and sighs. "I don't feel like driving."

"You won't need to. I want to drive." I smile half heartedly.

"Where do you want to drive to?"

I shrug. "Just drive."

"Well unless you have a destination, I won't let you drive my car."

I take a deep breath. I don't know why Jake is being so harsh toward me.

Was it because he saw my underwear and now he feels embarrassed?

"I want to feel the adrenaline of driving in a car again. I haven't driven in days and I'd like to again." I breathe out. "I want to drive again." I admit, even though part of it is a lie.

I really want to drive again and Ransom has taken that from me which I don't like.

Plus I have to return Ransom's secret diary! ASAP!

"Well why don't you just ask Ransom that you want to drive?"

Because I really want to return his diary without him knowing!

"He's busy with Harlan. I cannot disturb them while they are speaking."

Jake sighs. "I didn't mean –"

"Change of plans!"

Both Jake and I jump at the sound of Linda's voice.

I really don't like that Jake and I do the same movements simultaneously.

"You can take this box straight to my place." Linda crosses her arms. "And you can take Evelyn with you while you at it. You will need company." she smiles, but her smile seems sinister.

What is she up to? Why does she want to get rid of me? Is she going to tell Ransom I am with Jake?

And did an opportunity just show itself and I can go return the diary?

Jake heavily sighs. "Fine, but I am driving though." Jake states.

"Fine?" I look toward Linda now. "Why do you want me to go with Jake? What are you up to? Are you going to tell Ransom that I am with Jake?" I narrow my eyes.

Linda laughs – but her laugh is more of a cackle. "Well Jake needs directions to my house, and since you spent some time at my house, you can show Jake where to go." she sneers.

"But he was at your place before. At that stu - I mean party you held."

Linda raises her brows. "True, but Jake still needs directions to my place. And who better than to ask Ransom's ex girlfriend." Linda sneers the last words.

"It's true. I don't really know how to get to Linda's place." Jake says.

I size Linda up...trying to figure out why she wants me to go.

Does she want me to be far away from Ransom?

"Let's go! We are losing daylight." Jake raises his voice, sounding a little annoyed.

I slowly turn away from Linda, who is smiling gleefully.

"Let me just grab my bag." I run into the house to grab my bag.

Maybe I should tell Ransom where I'm going? He will be angry, but at least he will know where I am.

Just as I unlock my phone, I see a message from Ian.

"Hello my bestie!

Call me when you have a chance.


Hmm...I have a car ride to look forward to...I think I should speak to Ian on the way to the house.

I find Ian's number on my phone as I walk toward Jake's car.


"It was great speaking to you again! We should chat again, but next time we need to meet for coffee or have lunch?" I laugh.

"Sounds good to me! Plus, you can finally meet Mary, my daughter."

I cover my mouth in awe. "Aw Ian! Has it been that long already?"

"Yes I guess it has." Ian chuckles. "I will see you soon – in person. Right now I hear Mary calling."

"Okay. I will text you when I am able to meet you for coffee."

"Or you can always pop around my house?"

"Or that." I laugh.

"I just thought of it now. That way, you can meet Mary and we can chat. Bye."

"Sounds like a plan. Bye bye Ian." I hang up, smiling.

The last time I spoke to Ian was months ago. I know his fiancé was pregnant before I broke up with Ransom – that is one of the reasons I could not have been with Ian, yet Ransom refused to believe that!

"Seriously?" Jake grunts.

"What?" I frown, a little confused.

I look in front of me and we are in front of Linda's house.

"You were on that phone the whole car ride." Jake switches off the engine.

I shrug my shoulders. "And your point?"

It would have been better than the awkward silence Jake and I would have had.

And Jake's attitude is unpleasant, so why would I speak to Jake when all he will do is give me rude remarks?

I honestly don't want to be around Jake right now. I just needed to get to Ransom's bedroom.

So using Jake was better?

Sadly, that is what I am doing and it isn't right, but I was desperate.

Just not that desperate if Linda offered to take me to her house.

Jake heavily sighs.

"Why are you angry at me? Did I do something or say something that made you angry?" I ask.

Jake looks at me with those piercing green eyes.

Damn they are beautiful eyes!

Just not as beautiful as Ransom's.

"Why do you think I am angry with you?" Jake creases his brows together, clearly offended by my question.

"Just a hunch. Besides, your tone is curt and impolite. Was it because you saw my underwear?"

Jake sighs again. "No it is not because I saw your underwear. I just don't want to go back to Harlan's house and Ransom sees us together. I really don't have the energy to fight with him."

So Jake is being rude toward me because he doesn't want to deal with Ransom's attitude?

This time I sigh. "Jake, he –"

"Let's just get his over with." Jake steps out the car, slamming his door.

What's the point in trying to reason with Jake?

I step out the car and I walk as fast as I can to the front door.

Yes! The housekeeper answers the door! This means Richard isn't here either!

"So good to see you Evelyn and Jake! Did you bring the box?" Sonia smiles at Jake and me.

"Yes." Jake and I say in unison.

I really don't like that!

"Welcome to you both." Sonia smiles warmly and steps aside for Jake and I to enter the house.

She knows Jake too? Oh right! He was here a few nights ago at that stupid function Linda held.

"Let me go get the box." Jake states.

"Where is Richard?" I curiously ask Sonia.

"Mr. Drysdale is out on business."

As I walk past Sonia, I hear her make a comment, stating the woman who Richard is seeing is more than just 'business'.

I decide to ignore it – for now – and I make my upstairs and just as I enter Ransom's bedroom, I hear Jake shouting – but it is not toward me.

His voice is muffled against the walls, so I cannot hear who he is specifically shouting at.

I assume he is on his cellphone – or Richard has returned.

Either way, I close Ransom's door a little and I take his diary out.

I quickly look at a few pages to make sure I didn't leave any stains on them, but one page grabs my attention.

It's the date when I first saw Ransom a few weeks ago in Harlan's office.

This diary entry is roughly written. He must have been rushing to write this diary entry.

I need to read this diary entry – and fast!


I finally have an opportunity! Oh how amazing this is going to be!

Evelyn is going to finally be in the same area as me, or should I say the same house as me.

I get to see Evelyn – finally!
I get to see her beautiful face again and this time, it won't be from afar!

I know she is not seeing anyone because I've been seeing which stores and restaurants she has been to. So far, she only goes to a restaurant with her friend Lydia.

She did see some man whom I do not know, but I haven't seen him in a while.

I know she is still single. I know she isn't over me! I can feel it! Just like I am not over her.

As I am writing, I am looking at a beautiful woman being helped by some shop worker, who is helping the woman pack two buckets of paint in her car.

Fuck! She is so fucking beautiful!

Even if she looks like utter shit with her messy hair and bad clothing choice, she looks beautiful.

Now I am writing as I see Evelyn entering Harlan's house. Fran is helping her take packets inside. It's probably her groceries. I saw her walking out the shopping center earlier.

Today is grocery shopping day for her.

My heart is racing! So damn fast!

I get to finally speak to Evelyn!!

I want to feel her hands on my hands...I want to feel her lips on my lips...

Shit! I'm getting aroused just thinking about it.

Here I go!"

Ransom...has been following me over these past few months?

He followed me to Harlan's house?

So Ransom showing up was no coincidence?


Did Ransom want to get back together with me that bad that he resorted to stalking me?

After all this time?

I know he admitted to me weeks ago that he was following me while I was at the grocery store, and he saw me with another man.

But following me after all this time?

That is creepy!

I know I wasn't over him, but I didn't stalk him during these months that we were not together!

Now I need to know what else he wrote after that day!

I look through the diary to see if I can find a diary entry – or entries – about where Ransom followed me.

Just then I hear voices, but I mainly hear Jake's voice. I can't decipher what he is saying, but he is shouting at someone.

I turn around, but no one is in the doorway. I look out the window to see if anyone is there, but I only see the backyard – not the driveway.

I look down at the diary and I look through the pages one last time, and one word catches my eye.


I open to that page and I start to read the diary entry.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I jump, dropping the diary on the floor.

I know that voice, and it is not Jake's. It's the one voice that makes me weak to my knees in seconds.


All this sneaking around to return the was all for nothing.

I turn around and I see Ransom glaring at me in the doorway, crossing his arms.


45 minutes earlier:

"So are we done here?" I clap my hands, eager to leave the study.

"Not quite." Harlan closes his work book.

"What is it now?" I groan.

I promised Evelyn I won't be long.

"I want to ask you: How are you and Evelyn doing?"

I blink and then frown. "We're fine."

Harlan chuckles. "Wow! Spare me the details." he teases. "I only ask because last night Linda and Evelyn were shouting. I know my daughter is a kind –"

"Kind?" I scoff.

Harlan sighs. "I know she can be hard on people, especially Evelyn, sometimes –"


"Are you just going to repeat what I am saying?"

I sigh. "My mother is not kind. She hates Evelyn."

"I'm sure that is not true." Harlan creases his brow.

I laugh amusingly. "You cannot be serious Harlan? Look at how she treats Evelyn. Look at last night."

"Your mother only wants what is best for you."

"Best for me or what is best for her?" I counter. "If my mother really wanted what was best for me, then she would stop pestering me about how Evelyn is not right for me and that I deserve better."

Evelyn is perfect for me!

If I had to go back and choose between Emerald and Evelyn...I'd still pick Evelyn!

"Ransom, come on! You –"

I hold my hand up. "I am leaving. I want to see Evelyn." I march out the study, ignoring Harlan's remarks.

I walk straight to the spare room because Evelyn is probably waiting for me there.

She's not there.

I walk outside and look on the lawn. She's not there.

Where is she?

"Where is Evelyn?" I ask Fran, who tries to avoid me as she walks toward the kitchen.

"She left." Fran says.

"Left to go where? Be more specific."

"I saw her leave in a car with some man."

"What man?" I press.

"Jason or Jack or whoever that man is. He works with Harlan."


"I think so, now let me go."

I loosen my grip and Fran walks away.

Jake? She drove off with Jake? Jake is here??

Fucking Jake!

Why is Evelyn with Jake in the first place and where are they going?

"Ransom! There you are my son!" I hear my mother call.

"Where are Evelyn and Jake going to?" I ask, my voice is harsh.

"They decided to take a drive together."

My mother's voice sounds triumphant.

What did she do?

"Where did they drive to?"
"I just said –"


"They went to my place to –"

I turn around and I march to my car.

I hear my mother shouting at me, but I don't care what she is saying. My mind is too focused on Evelyn and Jake.

Why in the world are they headed for my mother's house?

My mother is at Harlan's house and my dad is out to work.

I accelerate until I am nearing my mother's house. I look around to see if I can see Evelyn.

I can't see her in any of the car's I drive past.

Until I look next to me.

Evelyn and Jake are driving next to me.

I don't remember seeing a red car at Harlan's house. Jake must have arrived while I was speaking to Harlan.

I slow down so that I am behind Jake's car.

While driving, I try to decipher what is going on in the car.

I can see Evelyn is on her phone and she is looking out the window.

Is she even speaking to Jake? What in the world is going on? I know Evelyn won't cheat on me. I know it.

She knows that I do not like Jake, so why is she with him?

I take a different route toward my mother's house so I can park my car, which will be out of sight of Evelyn and Jake's view.

Evelyn and Jake arrive a few minutes later, and I stand around the corner.

I peak to see that Evelyn is running inside the house and Jake is walking back to his car.

So I march toward Jake. "What in the fuck are you doing here?" I object.

Jake turns around and groans aloud. "Seriously dude? You following me?"

"Why was Evelyn with you?" I snarl.

Jake rolls his eyes. "She was on the phone the whole car trip. She just ran inside. Look, she wanted to drive with me I –"

"Save it!" I grunt, dismissing Jake and walking inside.

I do believe him – for once and since I did see Evelyn on her phone in that car.

"Hello Mr. Drysdale. Your mother and father –"

"Where did the woman go? The one that just ran inside? And it's Hugh to you." I ask the housekeeper, who's name escapes me, but I don't care.

"Do you mean Evelyn?" she asks.

"Look lady! I don't have time for this."

"Well Hugh, are you looking for Evelyn?"

I nod. "Where is she?"

The housekeeper points to the stairs.

My instinct tells me that Evelyn ran to my bedroom, but why would she go to my bedroom?

I open the door and I see Evelyn's back is to me, and she is holding a book.

Not just any fucking book!

My secret diary!

Why is Evelyn reading my secret diary, which she promised she would never read?

"What do you think you are doing?" I cross my arms, glaring at Evelyn.

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