Stray Kenma

By chot2222

22.9K 554 78

Kuroo finds himself in an odd predicament, finding a young boy under his car hiding like a stray cat. warnin... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
timeskip 2
time skip 3

part 6

1K 23 4
By chot2222

Kuroo went into the lounge room, waiting anxiously for kenma to come get him. He felt very in the dark about what kenma was going through, pulling out his phone he started to do some research. Looking at websites dedicated to helping parents be able to help and understand the child better, it was very helpful to know he wasn't alone when it came to trying to learn about autism. He kept mind of the basics

~~~~~~~Kuroos List~~~~~~~~
- building on Kenmas interest.
- offering a predictable schedule.
-Teaching a series of simple steps for task.
- activitly engaging in his attention and activities.
- regular reinforcement in behaviour to help regulate.
- offering signs of praise when kenma is doing the right things.

He knew it'd still be hard to keep himself reinforcing those things, he would do anything to help kenma become more comfortable. He stumbled across day wetting, finding out some children with autistic traits can be delayed in toilet training. It also listed other reasons a child might be day wetting, from health to psychological issues, Kuroo sighed and tried to pin point one to kenma. His seemed to vary, he knew Kenma could use the toilet by himself thankfully. He understood Kenmas could come from distraction and trauma, those two seemed to fit kenma the best since the boy wasn't scared of the bathroom and didn't seem to be suffering from incontinence or have a tiny bladder since he could hold a lot. Kuroo looked over his phone to see kenma with the blanky and cat in his hands, Kuroo put the phone away and smiled. "Feeling better?" Kuroo asked, kenma ignored him and held his blanket and cat up to Kuroo. He was unsure what kenma was doing, taking the items he looked back at kenma. "Mhm" kenma mumbled out, Kuroo looked at both the items now in his hands "Can kenma use his words please?" Kuroo spoke softly, kenma shrugged a little. "Mh wrap tittytat up" kenma said as he demonstrated with his own hands to show Kuroo what he wanted. Kuroo had to hold in a small chuckle at Kenmas pronunciation of the word kitty cat, he nodded and wrapped the cat up in the blanket keeping it's face out. "Here kenma- oh right. Thank you for using your words kenma, it helps me know what you'd like so I can help you." Kuroo said handing the now wrapped up stuffie, kenma gave grabby hands to it before cradling it in his arms like a baby. Kenma smiled and started rocking the stuffie, treating it like a baby. Kuroo watched in awe, it was good kenma was showing caring emotions and playing pretend. "Is kitty cat a baby?" Kuroo asked involving himself in Kenmas activity, kenma nodded and patted the stuffies back. "Okay, what do you think babies need?" Kuroo asked the boy, kenma looked down at the stuffie in his arms thinking. "Ah.." Kenma said before shrugging unsure, Kuroo took this as a great time to explain needs of a child so kenma could better understand his own. "Well babies and toddlers need drinks and food." Kuroo told him, kenma nodded in agreement. "They need naps" Kuroo added, giving the information in small dosages. Kenma nodded and started rocking the stuffie to sleep "they need to go potty, or nappy changes" Kuroo told the boy, kenma nodded once again. "Most importantly, they need lots of love" he spoke softly, kenma held the stuffie to his chest and nodding giving it a kiss. Kuroo smiled and stood up "How about we get you and baby kitty a sippy?" Kuroo asked, Kenmas eyes beamed with happiness as he nodded lots. He was excited to give his cat a sippy "yeah, kenma needs all those things too. Kenma needs water and food, naps, the potty and lots of love" Kuroo said as he walked with kenma to the kitchen, kenma stopped in his tracks "and kuwo?" Kenma asked, Kuroo thought about it "uh yeah, I guess you're right" Kuroo said back, he hadn't thought of it like that. Kemma smiled and kept walking, Kuroo continued to lead the way. Once in the kitchen Kuroo got out two sippy cups, he filled the first one with water and the second one he pretended to making the noise of the tap with his mouth before putting the lid on it. Kenma was given both sippy cups, snatching them from Kuroo. He frowned a little bit "kenma, when we take something we have to do it nicely. You use gentle hands, it can hurt people's feelings snatching quickly." Kuroo spoke as he bent down to kenma, the boy locked his eyes on the ground and gave the smallest nod. Kuroo smiled, it was a start to helping kenma with his habits. Kenma carried the sippy cups and stuffie away, Kuroo followed him all the way to his own room. Kemma got up on his bed and held the cat stuffie in his lap, giving it the empty sippy to drink from. He held it to the cats mouth "num num nums" kenma whispered, Kuroo watched in awe as he sat on the bed giving kenma some room to play. Kemma sipped his own sippy as he continued to give the cat it's own, kenma looked up at Kuroo and handed him the cats empty sippy. "Thank you" Kuroo said, glad the boy didn't throw it to the ground. "kuwo turn" kenma said pointing to the sippy, Kuroo smiled "oh I feed kitty too?" Kuroo asked leaning over to pretend to play too, kenma pulled the cat away from Kuroo. "Nu, kuwo need it." Kenma said pointing to the sippy again, Kuroo stared blankly at the child. " My turn?.." Kuroo asked, kenma nodded. He put the wrapped cat stuffie down on the bed getting up on his knees, he grabbed the sippy from Kuroos hands and held it to his mouth. "Ahhh" Kenma hummed watching closely at what he was doing, Kuroo hesitated before he pretended to drink from the sippy. He pulled away and blushed before managing out a small chuckle  "thank you kenma" Kuroo said, kenma was pleased with himself as he sat back down on the bed now drinking from his water filled sippy. As kenma drank from his sippy he glanced around the room, he wanted to do something else. Putting the sippy down on the bed kenma looked up at Kuroo nervously, Kuroo raised an eyebrow "Yes kenma? Remember our words." Kuroo reminded, kenma shook his head not wanting to use his words. He stayed sitting on the bed doing nothing, Kuroo realised that maybe words werent going to be something they could always rely on. Kuroo didn't know any sign language so it wasn't an option right now, Kuroo tried to read Kenmas body. Following Kenmas eyes to the table of colouring he left out for the boy, kenma kept glancing it and started to sit restless wanting it. "Kenma, would you like to colour in?" Kuroo asked as he stood up, kenma moved his attention to Kuroo and gave a small nod. He stayed on the bed pulling his baby blanket off the cat stuffie, he chewed on it and watched Kuroo sit down at the knee height table.  Kuroo opened the crayons up and glanced kenma, the boy was still a little scared to touch everything in his room. "It's okay bud, come sit with me. I know how much you wanted to use the crayons last night, you got too sleepy before you could colour in." Kuroo said gesturing for kenma to sit with him, kenma pulled the blanket from his mouth and slid off the bed. Slowly he walked to the opposite side of the table, sitting down on his knees. Kuroo smiled and pushed the crayons over to kenma along with a spider man colouring book, kenma put his hands up on the table and very carefully flipped through the book looking for a page to colour. Kuroo opened a paw patrol colouring book "Can I colour too?" Kuroo asked, kenma looked over and nodded. Kuroo picked a page and grabbed a crayon starting to colour in, kenma watched before he settled on a page as well. Kenma searched through the crayons, picking out a red one to colour Spider-Man. "What colour is that kenma?" Kuroo asked curiously, kenma didn't look up as he started to colour in "ider man cowour" kenma whispered back, Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "What colour is Spider-Man?" Kuroo whispered back to kenma, the boy lowered his head "bwue.." He said not looking at Kuroo, Kenma was never taught his colours. Kuroo thought every 4 year old would of known colours, he was a little delayed for his age. "Hmm close kenma, your shirt and pants are blue" Kuroo pointed out, kenma looked down at himself seeing the colour. "Spiderman is red" Kuroo informed kenma, the boy nodded and kept colouring in. Kuroo continued to colour in, glancing kenma every so often to make sure he was okay. Kenma looked down at his lap putting his crayon down on his colouring book, Kuroo smiled and went back to colouring. Slowly kenma stood up with his hands over his own crotch, his eyes staying down watching his pants grow a darker blue. Kuroo looked up again, his smile disappearing "oh kenma, a little bit late that time.." Kuroo said watching the urine run down Kenmas legs, the boy was frozen where he stood. He waited for it to stop, he quickly looked up at Kuroo giving teary eyes. "D-dun wook.." Kenma stuttered out, He was humiliated to have an accident infront of someone he looked up to. Kuroo frowned at the boy "we can clean you up" Kuroo said with smypthay, Kenmas tears started to stream down his face as he shook his head. He looked down at the carpet, his puddle soaking in around his socked feet. Kuroo stood up slowly in order to not scare kenma, it wasn't going to help. Kenmas breath picked up, clinging his nails into his own arm as they folded over himself. "Hey.. it's okay.." Kuroo spoke quietly, kenma remained silent. As Kuroo took a step forward kenma took a step back, Kuroo took another step making kenma let out a terrified whine. The boy dropped down onto all fours and crawled under his bed as far as he could, once under he finally let out his distraught cries as he curled up with his face into the carpet and his hands pulling at his hair. Kuroo bent down under the bed to look, kenma was sobbing so harshly his body was shuddering with each cry he let out. Kuroo got up and started to become stressed as he was unable to calm the boy, he didn't know why kenma was hiding from him. Kuroo felt a tear in his own eye, he wiped it quickly and went off to Levs room. "He's hiding under the bed, I can't get him out to change him. He wet himself while we were colouring in, why is he scared of me?" Kuroo blurted out, he stayed standing in Levs doorway. Lev sat up and looked at Kuroo, seeing he was clearly upset. Lev pushed himself off the bed "truth is he looks up to you, he's scared to disappoint you. You found him, you're basically his safety net. He doesn't care what I think of him as much, he rather not let you see him when he's feeling weak or done something wrong." Lev explained, Kuroo stared blankly at Lev. He didn't know that kenma looked up to him so much, Lev smiled and put a hand on Kuroos shoulder. "He'll get use to it, I mean he lets you bath him so he obviously has a lot of trust in you." Lev insisted to Kuroo "just give me and Kenma a minute, I'll get him cleaned up. He's just embarrassed and like I said he doesn't want to disappoint you." Lev said walking to Kenmas room, Kuroo sighed and nodded waiting outside the room. Lev went in and grabbed Kenmas blankie, bending down under the bed. "Knock knock kenma, can you please let me in to see you?" Lev asked, kenma turned his head to see it was Lev. Kenma frowned and wiped away his tears, giving a small nod the boy crawled his way out sitting on his knees infront of where Lev stayed bending down. Lev looked at Kenmas wet pants "what happened here?" He asked curiously, kenma looked down and pouted his lip giving a shrug "mh.." kemma mumbled out, Lev looked over at the wet carpet where the boy was colouring. "did kenma go pee on himself?" He asked pointing to the wet spot on the carpet, kenma covered his eyes and nodded. "It was an accident hey?" Lev said standing up, kenma sniffled and nodded again. "Its okay kenma, it happens." Lev said calmly "but when kenma has an accident he needs to be cleaned up. Kuroo doesn't mind if you have an accident, he's cleaned you up before." Lev said going to Kenmas draw and pulling out new pants and socks for him, kenma nodded softly uncovering his eyes. "So why was kenma hiding?" Lev asked bending back down infront of kenma. The boy lowered his head "Ah bad.." Kenma explained, Kuroo frowned outside the door hearing everything. "Oh bud, he knows you're a good boy. Having an accident doesn't make you bad." Lev told the boy, kenma frowned and stood up letting Lev help change him out the wet clothes. "You're not going to get in trouble for things that are accidents, Kuroo is very happy you're trying really hard to get better at going on time." Lev said redressing kenma, the boy looked at Lev in the eyes. Lev finished changing him and patted his head giving kenma the blanky, the boy took it gently like Kuroo had asked him to do and started to chew on it. Lev watched and stood up, he felt the child needed something else to chew on. "Okay, I am gonna clean up the carpet. Remember to try and go bathroom before it gets to late, I know you're really trying." Lev said leaving the room with the wet clothes, kenma crawled back over and grabbed his colouring book moving it next to the one Kuroo was colouring in away from the wet carpet. Picking up his crayon he started colouring again, keeping the blanky in his mouth. Lev came back in and cleaned the carpet up "all better, can Kuroo come back in?" Lev asked standing back up walking to the door, kenma sunk his shoulders low and nodded. Lev smiled and left the room, he glanced Kuroo to tell him he could go back now. Kuroo nodded and went back in, seeing the boy had moved to beside him. "Hey bud.." Kuroo said coming in and sitting beside the quiet boy, he didn't look up or acknowledge Kuroo still feeling embarrassed. Kuroo accepted the silence and picked his crayon back up, colouring in his page. Kenma pulled the blanky from his mouth and glanced over to Kuroos colouring, slowly kenma leaned up on the table and started to colour in the same page as Kuroo not saying a word. Kuroo watched, the boy barely paid attention to the outline of the pictures. "Oh very good job kemma" Kuroo praised, kenma blushed and continued to colour. Kuroo coloured around where kenma missed "kenma.. You know I'm proud of you.. I think you're a very big boy and you're trying so hard to do the right things." Kuroo spoke softly to kenma, the small boy held the crayon tightly. It was nice to hear how Kuroo thought he was good, he nodded and switched crayon colours. Kuroo smiled "i know you didn't mean to wet yourself before, im proud you stood up once you noticed it happening. We're you going to try and make it to the potty?" Kuroo asked, kenma shrugged a little. He stood up ready to go but he knew it was way too late as it came out before he even started to stand, he was kind of in shock when it happened since it was infront of Kuroo and he hated having accidents while Kuroo was watching. "Its okay, next time maybe." Kuroo said, kenma ignored him and coloured in. Kuroo understood the boy still wasn't ready to talk about it openly, he went back to colouring. They both coloured the page with lots of reds and blues and some greens, the page was almost done when he picked up a crayon. The red crayon was wet and had teeth marks all over it, even a bite out of the top. Kuroo looked over to see kenma had red bits of crayon around his mouth, he raised an eyebrow  "kenma.. did you eat the crayon?" Kuroo asked holding it up, kenma looked over and shook his head. Kuroo sighed "who ate it? There's little teeth marks all over it and someone took a big bite out this end." Kuroo pointed out, kenma shrugged not looking up. "Kemma. Open your mouth please" Kuroo said, kenma looked up and opened his mouth. Stuck in his teeth bits of red crayon, kenma closed his mouth again and went back to colouring not knowing he had the evidence in and around his mouth. Kuroo stood up, putting his hand out to kenma. "Let's go get you a drink" Kuroo said, kenma looked up and nodded taking Kuroos hand. Kuroo walked them to the kitchen, Lev was sitting at the table eating chips. He watched kenma and Kuroo walk in, he chuckled at the crayon bits on Kenmas face knowing he must of ate the crayon. "Did it taste good kenma?" Lev asked, Kenma nodded as Kuroo dragged him around into the prep area. Kuroo gave an unimpressed look to Lev, he couldn't help but continue to chuckle as kenma admitted it tasted good. Kuroo got kenma a juice box from the fridge, opening it he handed it down to kenma before wiping the child's  mouth. "The crayon, it's crunchy. He likes things he can munch on, I guess a crayon is one of those things." Lev told Kuroo, he sighed and watched kenma drink the juicebox happily. "I guess.. but he can't be eating crayons" Kuroo said looking down at kenma, the boy smiled and swayed his body as he looked up as he drank the juicebox. "Here put him up here with me" Lev said pulling the stool out beside him, Kuroo picked kenma up taking him around sitting him on the seat pushing him in. Kemma put the juicebox on the table and looked over at Levs chips "You want some?" Lev asked, kenma nodded lots. "Well.. You see kenma.. chips are food. Crayons are not to eat, they are to draw and colour in with." Lev told the boy, kenma ran his tounge over the bits of crayon left in his teeth still looking at the bag of chips. "No more eating your crayons mister, okay?" Lev said, kenma nodded and squealed as Lev turned the chips towards the boy. Kuroo shook his head and sighed, it was tough looking after the boy even when he had most of his attention kemma still managed to get up to mischief at times. Kemma ate the chips and drank from the juicebox until he was satisfied, he pushed the bag of chips away and held his juicebox swinging his legs. "I'm guessing you won't want lunch now?" Kuroo asked, kenma shook his head and leaned away from the table to say he was full. "Kids are normally snackers." Lev mentioned, Kuroo got himself out a protein yougurt and ate it as kenma finished his juicebox. Lev finished his chips "what are you gonna do after you finish your juice?" Lev asked looking over at kenma, the boy shrugged not sure what he wanted to play next. "Hmm what about a game we can all play?" Lev suggested, Kuroo finished his yougurt and put it in the bin "you sure? Don't you have a late shift tonight?" Kuroo butted in, kenma was already nodding excited to be able to play with both of them at the same time. "Yeah, one game won't hurt. What game?" Lev asked kenma, the boy stared at the counter thinking "ah hide!" Kenma shouted happily, Kuroo couldn't help but smile "okay okay, one game of hide and seek." Kuroo said, Lev stood up and ran "alright but you're counting!" Lev shouted out, Kuroo gave a blank look lowering his eyelids. Kenma giggled and watched Lev run off "okay, I'll count to 20 and you go hide too." Kuroo told kenma. The boy squealed and got down running off, Kuroo covered his eyes and counted out loud. Kenma panted as he ran around, stopping at the couch as he got on all fours and crawled behind it. "18..19..20! Ready or not here I come!" Kuroo shouted out, he started in the lounge room. He heard a giggle behind the couch but played along "hmmm.. I wonder where kenma is.." Kuroo said looking under the couch cushion, kenma covered his mouth trying to keep quiet. "Hmm.. what about here!" Kuroo said as he pulled the couch back away from the wall seeing kenma "found you bud!" Kuroo chuckled, kenma screamed at Kuroo and started kicking his feet. Kuroo was confused "I found you bud, we go find Lev now." Kuroo said bending down, kenma screamed again and shook his head "nu!" He huffed out, Kuroo got back up. "Okay.. I'll go find Lev.." He said walking off to leave kenma, "Lev.. lev I need you." Kuroo whispered looking around, Lev pushed the door shut he was standing behind scaring Kuroo "you called?" He smirked, Kuroo jumped and sighed "he's screaming at me from behind the couch" Kuroo admitted, Lev raised an eyebrow and walked to the lounge room with Kuroo following. Lev bent down behind the couch "kuroo found you, games over kenma." Lev said putting a hand out to help kenma. Kenma screamed and stratched Levs hand "Nu! Ah win!" Kemma shouted and hissed out, Lev pulled his hand back. "Jeez.." He whispered looking to see kenma drew blood, Kuroo frowned. "Kenma, you can't win all the time." Lev said to the boy, kenma shook his head and spat at Lev. "Right, it's nap time." Lev said sternly, kenma screamed at them and crawled further behind the couch. "Kenma" Kuroo said using his stern voice as well now, the boy lowered his head and whimpered hearing Kuroo use his stern voice. He didn't like to disappoint him, he stayed behind the couch. Kuroo and Lev pulled it off the wall, leaning down over the couch Kuroo put his arms down for kenma. The fussy boy stood and let Kuroo pick him up, Lev pushed the couch back against the wall. Kenma still whined, shaking his head as Kuroo started to cradle him. "Kenma, remember what we talked about? What did babys and toddlers need?" Kuroo asked, kenma stopped moving around and looked up at Kuroo. He remembered talking about it but couldn't pin point one of the answers. "They need food and drink, they need to go potty. You have done both those things-" Kuroo said before Lev cut him off "you're not seriously saying potty? He's 4 Kuroo." Lev said crossing his arms over, Kuroo shrugged "i dont know, it just kinda happened." Kuroo told him, kenma just looked up at Kuroo the whole time. "Fine, just remember he's going to school soon. Actually.. He should be going to daycare during the day.." Lev said, Kuroo shook his head "No I'm not sending him away during the day." Kuroo said firmly, kenma was confused as his eyes got heavy and closed snuggling himself into Kuroo. "We will talk about it later" Lev said, Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows and looked down to see kenma putting himself to sleep. Kuroo walked off to Kenmas room "they need naps.. and lots of love.." Kuroo whispered to the tired boy, Kenma clung to Kuroos shirt and nodded. Kuroo pulled the blankets back and laid kemma down in his bed, Kenmas eyes opened up. "Stay.." kemma whispered grabbing Kuroos hand tightly, Kuroo looked down and gave a smile "Okay.." Kuroo whispered back sitting on the side of the bed, he put the cat plush and blanky tucked in next to the boy. Kenma yawned and rolled to his side, his eyes closing as Kuroo ran his fingers through kenma hair. The boys grip loosening on Kuroos hand, his chest rising and falling slowly letting Kuroo know he was out. Slowly Kuroo got up and kissed the boy on the forehead, fixing the blankets over him before walking out leaving the door open slightly. He sighed and made his way to the lounge room where Lev sat, Kuroo sat on the opposite side of the couch. "He needs to socialize, with his age." Lev told Kuroo sternly, Kuroo frowned and crossed his arms over "he's not ready to." He retaliated back "he's never going to be ready if he doesn't experience it, we can start small. How about a playdate?" Lev suggested, Kuroo thought that sounded less intimidating " Okay.. a playdate.." He decided it would be okay since a playdate meant he still got to be around to monitor. "I can get you in contact with Sugawara, he's got a little boy himself. I think he's the same age as kenma too, sugawara is probably the most understanding person I know." Lev mentioned, Kuroo nodded as he remembered playing volleyball against him in highschool "okay.. a playdate.. just one for now, a short one." Kuroo mumbled back, Lev smiled "good, I know it's hard but it's what he needs To build connections to children his age." Lev said holding his phone up so Kuroo could copy the number, Kuroo copied the number into his phone and went to messages. ______________________________

Kuroo: (Hey.. it's Kuroo.. I know it's been awhile.. I need to talk with you.)

Suga: (Oh hey! Yeah it has, good to hear from you! What's up?)

Kuroo: (Well recently as in 3 days recent I had a child come stay with me, i ended up adopting him. He's 4 years old, I heard you had a little boy yourself.. I was wondering if we could plan a meet up or playdate for them? I think it would really help kenma, he's having trouble socializing.")

Suga: (That's a great idea! Hinata would love that, he's just turned 4 himself. What were you thinking for a playdate? Park?)

Kuroo: (I don't know.. I haven't taken him to a park yet, he gets overwhelmed sometimes. Can we maybe start somewhere more quieter or private?)

Suga: (Library? Hinata loves the library.)

Kuroo: (uhm.. I don't know if kenma would understand the idea of being quiet and would want to run around..)

Suga: (That's completely okay, I understand. First time I took Hinata he kept squealing at all the books, I got rude stares and I was so embarrassed.. we can't help what kids do sometimes! How about my place? Tomorrow after 10am, I'll be home with Hinata and it's not too late or early in the day.)

Kuroo: (you're right, kids are pretty persistent and do some funny things sometimes. Suga thank you so much, tomorrow sounds great.)

Suga: (Its no problem! I'll see you tomorrow, we can have a good catch up while they play.)

Kuroo: (great idea, catch you tomorrow around 10)

Kuroo put his phone down "tomorrow at 10am, we are just gonna stay at Sugawaras for the playdate." Kuroo said standing up, Lev smiled and stood as well putting a hand on Kuroos shoulder "see? It's not so bad? Baby steps for both you and Kenma." Lev said putting Kuroos shoulder and walking off, Kuroo sighed and fell back into the couch. He was happy to have another person he could talk to who would understand what it was like having a 4 year old, he was a little worried about how kenma would act though. Lev came back out a little later, he was dressed. " Okay, I made soup and it's in the fridge so you just have to heat it up for kenmas dinner." Lev said doing his buttons up, it was Kuroos first night putting kenma to bed by himself and he was a little nervous since Lev was a big help when it came to bedtime. "Okay.." Kuroo mumbled back, Lev stood infront of him on the couch "hey, if you have any problems you can call me." Lev said kicking at Kuroos ankle gently, Kuroo looked up and nodded slightly. " Okay, I'll be back around 11ish tonight. I'll check in on him when I get home, don't stress it." Lev said checking his phone, Kuroo grabbed the remote and turned the tv on as Lev left the house. Kuroo watched the tv for a little bit, his mind worrying about the playdate. He pulled his phone out again, he felt he needed to be honest about Kenmas behavior.

Kuroo: (Hey again.. i would just like to thank you again. I feel I need to warn you about Kenmas behavior.. He was in an orphanage, his behaviour isn't the best all the time. He doesn't talk much, he gets frustrated too. Sometimes he's really closed off, i dont know how he'll handle being around a child his own age if I'm honest.)

Suga: (No problem like I said, im glad you are taking that step. Look, kids are challenging. You never know what you're going to expect, I've had hinata since he was 1, I found it hard too and I still do! Kids are unpredictable, I'll let Hinata  know to give kenma some space to warm up. All kids are different, Hinata is normally really outgoing and is quick to try and make friends. There's nothing wrong with him being shy or short tempered, he's been in the foster system and that's tough on a child. Don't stress it, we can talk more about this in person tomorrow.)

Kuroo: (okay, thank you. See you tomorrow, it'll be a great help for me and Kenma.)

Suga: (No problem, seeya)

Once again Kuroos mind was put at ease, he could tell how understanding Sugawara was.  Kuroo sat and watched tv for awhile, checking the time to see it was already getting late and Kenma should be up so he slept tonight. He got up and went to Kenmas room, opening the door to see kenma was still sleeping. Kuroo went in slowly and sat on the edge of the bed "kenma.. time to get up bud." Kuroo spoke softly shaking Kenmas shoulder, the boy groaned and squinted his eyes at Kuroo. "good sleep?" Kuroo asked, Kenma yawned and nodded sitting up. Kuroo went to tell kenma about tomorrow when the boy whined in discomfort. Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows "words?" Kuroo asked, kenma pouted his lip "gotta go.." He whispered, Kuroo took a moment before it clicked "oh oh, okay let's go quick." Kuroo said standing up, kenma nodded and crawled out of bed keeping blanky in his hands as Kuroo pulled the boy along quickly. "Here, you go by yourself cause your a big boy." Kuroo said, kenma nodded and handed his blanky over before he went into the bathroom closing the door. Kuroo was proud of kenma for telling him, he seemed to not normally wet the bed during his naps which was good. Kenma came back out when he was finished and looked up at Kuroo, he was able to go with no struggle. "Good job kenma, let's wash your hands though" Kuroo said walking into the bathroom with kenma, he put the step infront of the sink for the boy to now use. Kenma hesitantly stood on it and turned the tap on, washing his hands with the soap. He shook his hands off and plopped down off the step, he looked up at Kuroo to see he was smiling. "Well done kenma, high five?" Kuroo said bending down to the boy. Kenma gave a confused look as Kuroo held his hand up, the boy copied and raised his before slowly bringing his hand to Kuroos interlocking his fingers. Kuroo chuckled, he thought it was cute. "high five is like clapping, here try again" Kuroo said trying to pull his hand away, kenma resisted and kept his fingers around Kuroos. His eyes were beaming a glow as he looked at Kuroos hand he held onto, he liked holding Kuroos hand. Kuroo realised and gave a soft smile "alright.." Kuroo whispered, kenma looked out the bathroom ready to play again. It was getting close to dinner so he thought the boy could play in the lounge room as he heated up dinner, giving kenma some time to unwind before bed. "Let's go bud" Kuroo said leading the way, Kenmas hand still holding on tightly to Kuroos. He walked the boy to the lounge room and went in search of the remote, digging his hand in the couch he pulled out Kenmas toy phone "ah that's where it went" Kuroo hummed, kenma squealed and let go of Kuroos hands to grab for the phone. Kuroo handed over his blanky and the toy phone, kenma got up on the couch and waited for Kuroo to put the tv on. Kuroo found the remote and turned the tv on a kids show, petting Kenmas head "I'll go heat dinner up, we can eat and then you gotta get dressed for bed" Kuroo told the boy so he knew what was expected to come, kenma nodded watching the tv. Kuroo walked out and went to the kitchen grabbing out the soup, he stopped in the middle of what he was doing.  "Oh.. oh no.." Kuroo whispered to himself, he remembered something very important. Lev was the one who had to dress kenma last night, the boy didn't want him to see him wearing the pull-up. How was he going to do this..?

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