THE CORE FIVE|| Descendants/J...

By badbleepofficial

1.8K 22 12

"Do you ever shut up?" "Do you ever leave me alone?" "I'll leave you alone when you shut up." In which Mal tu... More

- Playlist -
- Cast List -
- Chapter One -
- Chapter two -
- Chapter three -
- Chapter four -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter seven -
- Chapter eight -
- Chapter nine -
- Chapter ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter twelve -
- Chapter thirteen -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
- Chapter Nineteen -

- Chapter five -

72 0 4
By badbleepofficial


Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no. This can't happen. It's okay, this isn't real, it's just my mind preparing me on how to deal with the worst case scenario. It's probably Julie's voice in the back of my head trying to be my moral compass. It doesn't matter, it doesn't and I can prove it. 'How?' you may ask, because I simply have too much going on in my life right now to deal with these weird Julie and Luke type feelings.

"Once again, thank you Ursula's Fish N' Chips!" "We're Sunset Curve!" "Tell your fiends!"

The crowd actually cheers instead of humming and booing. Wow, that's different. We see the boys get ready to make they're way over to us. Like always, we roll our eyes and grab towels from behind the counter, only to be met by a surprise when we look back up. Willie.

"Hey girls, how's it been?" He asks, a small smile tugging on his lips. Julie and I look at each other in shock and I speak up,

"It's been fine, how are things with your Dad's store?"

"The usual, him nagging, me getting annoyed, then him telling me about how Jay always did what he was told." Willie says, rolling his eyes and throwing his head back in annoyance.

"Aw, that sucks. I'm sorry." Julie says sympathetically.

"Meh, what can we do? It's not like were getting off of here anytime soon." He says, Julie and I getting uncomfortable at the mention of getting off. Willie notices this and sends us a questioning look, about to speak up before we hear something from behind him.


Saved by the boys, or should I say, Alex. They come up next to Willie and Julie and I toss the towels at them, all the boys except for Willie giving us playfully annoyed glances.

"Did you like the show?" Luke asks Julie and I, but mostly Julie, Reggie nodding along with him while looking right into my eyes with a look of......... Hope? What could he be hopeful for?

My face gets hot and I look down at my shoes as I try to think of a response. Ha! Found a good response. I look back up at the boys. Julie looks at me like a mother would her children whilst trying to figure something out.

"Well no shit, it was dedicated to us after all."

"Was there any specific reason you guys sang that particular song?" Julie asks, eyeing me before turning back to the boys, her eyes piercing into them as she tries to figure something out.

"Uh, no?" Reggie says, looking at Luke, panic visible in both of their eyes. I go to look over at Alex for help on this, but he's over in the corner talking to Willie. Huh, weird.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but Julie and I have to go to my house for some...... Girl stuff." I stutter out, dragging Julie out of the room and to the secret staircase that leads to my mother and I's apartment.

"Bye?" We hear the boys call out.

I hear Julie ask me something about why I dragged her out so quickly or something like that, but I drown her out, not really caring about the situation and more about what may or may not be happening to me. Oh, no no no. Should I even tell her? What if I don't have a crush and she gets all riled up over nothing. What if she takes it the wrong way? Could she even take it the wrong way? 

We get to the apartment and I drag her up another flight of stairs, still hearing little protests form Julie. Finally, we get to my room and I set us both on my bed, her panting and trying to yell at me at the same time.

"What was that? Why would you just drag us away like that? What's going on, Serena?"

"Umm..." I start, unsure if I should start off with the bomb drop, "Nothing! I just didn't want to be there any longer than I had to be."

She looks at me, I feel like she's staring into my soul. She looks me up and down ad sighs, rolling her eyes. She knows something, I don't know what, but something.

"You're either hiding something, or you need to ask me something. Just spit it out, Shrimpy Junior."

"Okay, first off, don't call me that, Second," I take a deep breath in and sigh, "How did you know you liked Luke?"

"Uh, how do I start? I mean, have you seen the guy? He's one tall glass of milk, but I think I knew when he played me his first official song for the band. He just looked straight into my eyes and played, it was almost like the song was for me." Julie says, looking away from me and at the ceiling.

Crap. Crap, crap, crappity-crap, this is not good.

"Wait, why are you asking me this? I mean, you never ask me to talk about Luke, or crushes in general. You were always so grossed out by it. The only way you would ever ask me about this is if........" She furrows her eyebrows together and then her eyes widen the size of saucers.

Fuck. Here it comes, in three, two, one....

"You! You- you like someone! I can't believe it, Serena Facilier; my best friend has a crush!"

"I-" I try, she interrupts me anyway.

"Who is it? Is it someone in the band?" I avert my eyes to the floor, trying to hide my red face.

"SO IT IS! Lets try to narrow it down..... Alex is gay so that won't work, Bobby left so it's obviously not him....... Serena I swear to Hades if you have a crush on Luke, you better back off sister." Julie says, a glare on her face as she points at me in a threatening way. She puts her and down and her face falters in confusion as I almost fall over laughing.

"No, I do not like Luke, Jules. I'd never. As hot as you think he is, I personally don't see it. I'm more into bassists...." I trail off, hoping she got the hint. Her eyes widen and she stands up bringing me with her as she starts jumping up and down. I think she got the hint.

"You- you like Reggie!! Reggie Hook, that's your crush! How did I not see it before? All the seeking off together, the classic haters to lovers story, knowing each other longer than anyone. Oh my gosh, how did I not piece it together before you? Was it today, is that why you asked me? You found out today and you needed proof that it wasn't you going crazy?" I nod. 

How does she know me so well?

"I should've seen it in Reggie too. It's obvious that was a love song and he was looking right at you the entire time he was singing. He totally likes you too."

"Woah, woah, woah, lets not get too crazy."


last night after Julie and Serena went to sleep,


Julie and Serena had gone upstairs suddenly, leaving the boys sitting in a somewhat awkward silence, all three not daring to speak.

Luke and Alex glanced up at each other from time to time, nodding at Reggie each time. They both wanted to know if they were hooking up, but neither of them wanted to ask. Reggie, on the other hand, was very confused and felt left out. Not that he thought they were trying to leave him out, he just wanted to be in on the secret.

Both Luke and Alex knew that Reggie had an on and off crush on Serena, but they never thought he would act on it. Reggie had talked about it with them before, but they all knew that Serena was anti-love. Or at least she used to be.

"Okay....... This is getting weird. What's going on and why do you guys keep looking at me like that?" Reggie asked, looking between the other boys suspiciously.


"We know your secret."

Alex and Reggie looked at Luke in shock, Reggie because he had no secret, he was very open with the band, and Alex because neither of them knew if Reggie and Serena were hooking up behind their backs, not that they wouldn't expect it.

"What secret?" Reggie asks.

"We all know what you're hiding-"

"No, we don't- Luke is just being an idiot. Look, we know that if you had a secret you would tell us. Because you trust us." Alex says, glaring over at Luke, who's glaring over at Reggie, who's looking at them in pure confusion.

They sit in silence for about thirty seconds before Luke stands up and throws a temper tantrum.

"No, no, no-" Alex gets cut off.

"We know that you're hooking up with Serena behind our backs, Reggie! I mean, how could you not tell us? We're your best friends! I would tell you guys if Julie and I were hooking up-"

"Wait, wait, what?" Reggie asks, standing up to meet Luke's level.

"Yeah! We know. What are you gonna do about it?"

"Tell you that you're crazy? Look, I don't know what you guys are on, but Serena and I aren't hooking up. Trust me, she wouldn't go for me." Reggie trails off, looking at the ground.

"Reggie, I knew you weren't lying. You're a great guy, and don't give up on Rena, just give her a reason to try and believe in love." Alex says, standing up with his friends.

"But I've tried, I've dropped hints, kind of made moves and she just waves it off. She doesn't like me Alex!"

Luke pips in, " I have an idea, I need to see if Julie likes me anyway, and Devil knows that we communicate best through music. If talking to her doesn't get you anywhere, maybe singing will..."

Back to the present,


After fan-girling over Serena's first crush, she tells me to go home and rest up. Not just because it's a school night, but because they are all going to test out spells behind the school.

We bid our goodbyes and I start my walk home, getting hit by the breeze as I take the secret exit out. I turn right into an alley and look around, making sure no one creepy is there. I walk through the alley and bump into someone.

"Hey watch where you're going assh-" I stop when I see who it is.

"Geez, Jules. I know you rushed out but I didn't think you were that mad at me." Luke laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't see that it was you." I say shyly.

"I figured..... So, did you like the song?" 

"Yeah, it was awesome! People actually cheered!"

"Anything that kind of...... I don't know, stuck out to you? Did you feel anything?"

"Like what, Luke?" 

"Like, tingly inside?"

"Whatever do you mean, Luke Huntsmen?" I ask, trying to be innocent when I know what he wants. Fool, I'm not saying anything before he does.

"You know what I mean Jules. Like, when you really really like someon- A song and you want to keep that song forever and never let go of it because it's what's keeping you sane?" He asks. 

"What are you trying to say, Luke?" He stops walking and turns to me.

"You know what I'm saying! I like you Julie Ahi, like really like you. And I'm fine if you don't like me but I need you to know that I'll wait for you because I'm so sure that I like you that I might even love you. And I know that none of us know what real love feels like, but I would like to find out, especially with you. I know I'm not the best example of a great guy, but I can be one for you! I'd do anything for you, Julie, you know that-"

I cut him off by doing the very unexpected, I kiss him. At first, he's shocked but we both ease into it,  our lips moving in sync. It's sweet at first, but then it gets passionate. After a little while, we both pull away, panting and smiling. Wow.

"So.... what happens now?" Luke asks, smiling sheepishly.

"We are... Whatever we want to be." I smile at him sheepishly.

"Now, we get Reggie and Serena together." I say, grabbing his hand and starting to walk.

"Wait what? Did I hear you right?"

"Yes Luke, it has indeed happened. Serena likes Reggie, and we all know he likes her. Tonight set her off actually."

"I guess our songs just have an effect on you girls."

"Maybe, but tell Alex. We have some plotting to do, and it isn't just about getting out of this place."


Hey! JUKE IS A GOOOOOO!!! Now all we need is willex(which may or may not be in motion) and Regena/Seggie. Comment what I should use bc I'm going to write a ship name in lmao. With that, so long my children, until next time.... 

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