His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]

197 20 3
By atlas-carter

"NO! You can't do this! You'll never get away with this! We'll find you! Jungkook!!" The members yelled and shouted in fear and anger as they watched Jungkook being dragged out of the room by Dr. Kai and his two guards. They wiggled around furiously, but nothing was doing any good.

"That bastard... I'm going to kill him when we get out of here and he better not hurt Jungkook anymore or I will show no mercy!" Yoongi shouted with rage as he kicked at the chair and pulled at the ropes. The members all worried and feared of what Dr. Kai was going to do with their youngest member. They had to find a way out and fast, but nothing was coming to my mind. Plus, their minds were completely blinded with rage that it was hard for them to think rationally or to come up with any ideas.

Namjoon tried to take a deep breath and he looked around the room. Thankfully, Dr. Kai had left the light on, so now he could actually see his surroundings. He spotted their wallets and phones on a table not too far away from him. He glanced at the others wanting to let them know, but they were all too busy yelling and wiggling around. He sighed in exasperation as he scooted the chair inch by inch towards the table.

When he finally reached the table, he leaned forward. He stuck his chin out and pulled his phone towards him. He turned it on with his chin and mostly used his chin to scroll and press on buttons. He went to his contacts and scrolled through until he finally saw Oceana's name and number. He pressed on the call button and sighed a bit in relief when the call started ringing. He put the call on speaker phone so that he could hear better and so that the others could hear too once they settled down.

"Hey Namjoon, Y/N and I just arrived back. I decided to come back after all, haha. The sirens decided to come back too surprisingly-," Oceana started to say through the other line, but then stopped when Namjoon cut her off.

"Oceana! I'm sorry, but we need your help!" Namjoon shouted into the phone. Hearing him shout, made the other members stop yelling and wiggling around and look at him in confusion. When they noticed that he was talking on the phone, their eyes widened in shock but also relief.

"Huh?! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Oceana asked in concern. Namjoon as quickly as he could explained what happened to Oceana with the other members occasionally adding unnecessary things in there too. Oceana asked in shock at that and so did Y/N, who was right beside her.

"Is Jungkook there?!" Y/N asked in fear.

"He was, but then he started provoking Dr. Kai and Dr. Kai dragged him out of the room! He said that he was going to dispose of him somewhere where he no one would suspect he was the one who did it," Namjoon answered quickly, trying to remember what Dr. Kai had said.

"Where the hell would that be?" Oceana asked in confusion.

"I... I think I know!" Y/N exclaimed in panic, "Oceana, you and the pod need to go help Namjoon and the others. I'll go find Jungkook. I have a feeling that it'll be easier for me to rescue Jungkook than it will be to help rescue Namjoon and the others."

"But Y/N-," Oceana started to protest.

"It's ok Oceana. I'll be alright. But you have to go!" Y/N insisted in a fearful tone. Oceana sighed at that.

"Ok, but be careful," Oceana answered in a wary tone. Y/N didn't respond, but a splash could be heard on their side of the call, signalling that Y/N had dove under the water and swam away. Oceana sighed again. "Ok, Namjoon, where are you and the other members?"

"Honestly, I don't know. We're in some sort of room. There's no windows, but it's a room inside a building. When Dr. Kai opened the door to the room, I saw the windows of the building. It looks brand new. If I'm to guess, he may have us locked up in a secret room at his old research facility, but it's hard to know since I would have thought that it would have been shut down," Namjoon said fast and uncertain. Oceana listened without interruption before sighing.

"Alright, we'll go by his old research facility right now. Hopefully that is where he's keeping you. In the meantime, try to find a way out. We'll see you guys soon," Oceana spoke calmly before hanging up. Namjoon said a quick thank you before she had hung up and then turned to the other members.

"She and the sirens are coming to help us," he voiced. The other members all sighed in relief at that. "But for now, let's try to find a way out of these ropes." The other members nodded as they went back to trying to untie the ropes. Namjoon sighed hoping that they would be rescued soon and that Jungkook would also be rescued and unharmed.

Meanwhile, Jungkook squirmed around on one of the guards' shoulders. He had been thrown over the shoulders of one of the guards and was being carried someplace that he couldn't really tell because all he could see was the guard's back.

After he had been dragged out of the room where his hyungs still were by Dr. Kai and the two guards, he had been untied from the chair, but was then tied back up to keep him from escaping. His mouth had been duct taped shut so that he couldn't go yelling away or crying for help.

When the guard that was carrying him stopped walking, he took this chance to try and see where they were going. He suddenly got a whiff of salt in his nose. He realized it must mean that he was near the ocean. A bad feeling started to fill his head and his feeling was on point when the guard that was carrying him placed him down into a large boat. The other guard was sitting down while Dr. Kai was behind the steering wheel of the boat.

Jungkook glanced around all three of them, glaring angrily and letting them know that they wouldn't get away with this no matter what they did to put suspicions off of them. Salty sea water splashed up onto the deck of the boat as the boat surged forward. Jungkook looked up, seeing Dr. Kai's old research facility getting further and further away as Dr. Kai drove the boat out to sea. Jungkook hoped that his hyungs were alright and unharmed. As much as he didn't want to die, he cared more about his hyungs than he did for his own life.

There was nothing he could do at the moment. He mouth was taped up so he couldn't call out for help and he was tied up so he couldn't defend himself. Plus, he was bleeding from the punches that Dr. Kai landed on him. He was sure that Dr. Kai was going to use the fact that he was bleeding to attract sharks to finish him off fast. He had to admit that he was beyond scared. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to leave his loyal fans, or his hyungs, or his family, or his career, or Y/N, but he was beginning to lose hope for himself. He knew that Y/N was returning today, but she had no idea what was happening to him. By the time she would find out, he probably would already be dead. He knew that now only a miracle would save him.

As the boat came to a stop, Dr. Kai and one of the guards began to argue as Dr. Kai was throwing shark bait out of the boat and into the water.

"Sir, this is murder. I can't help you murder someone, I won't," the guard refused shaking his head. Dr. Kai scoffed at the guard and rolled his eyes.

"What is the point in paying you if you won't do your job?" He asked the guard with a sneer as he turned away from the guard to grab more shark bait. Jungkook looked over the side of the boat. His eyes widened in fear when he saw several sharks racing at full speed towards the bait that had been dumped into the water. He watched the sharks biting down and chomping on the bait, making him gulp in horror. He knew pretty soon that that would be him in there the sharks would be chowing down on. If he could, maybe he could buy himself some more time so that all the bait would be gone and the sharks would disperse before he would be thrown in the water too.

"Sir, this was not part of the job! I'm supposed to protect you, but I will not kill for you! I refuse to!" The guard hollered angrily as he shook his head furiously. Jungkook watched this argument nervously. The guard was dangerously close to the side of the boat. Dr. Kai narrowed his eyes at the guard.

"Fine, if you won't do it then you can die as well," Dr. Kai jeered with venom laced in his voice as he forcefully pushed the guard over the side of the boat. The guard yelled in alarm as he went tumbling out of the boat and into the water creating a large splash. Jungkook's eyes widened in pure and utter shock. He couldn't believe how heartless and cruel Dr. Kai was. Even this was over the top.

The guard who had been pushed into the water started yelling hysterically as he splashed around in the water. It was clear that he couldn't swim since he was thrashing around, but his clothes were also probably making it hard for him to swim.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" The second guard asked furiously as he stood up and glared at Dr. Kai. Dr. Kai looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Would you like to join your friend?" Dr. Kai asked as he gestured to the guard in the water. The second guard shook his head making Dr. Kai grin smugly. "Then I suggest you sit back down and do as I say." The second guard clenched his jaw tightly, but said nothing and sat back down with a loud THUMP.

"Help me please!" The guard in the water begged as he continued to thrash around. Jungkook watched in horror as the bait surrounded the guard and the sharks came stalking slowly towards the guard. Two sharks swam towards the guard at the same time and when they were both right up next to him, they opened their large mouths filled with long, sharp teeth that chomped down into him and teared through his body, completely cutting him in two pieces. Jungkook's body trembled in terror and his heart rate sped up quickly. His breathing became shaky.

Dr. Kai and the second guard watched all of this happen in shock and horror as well. They both gulped a bit as they saw all the blood and the flesh of the first guard all scattered everywhere. More sharks had arrived and were fighting over the first guard's body. Other predatory fishes swam closer to you and picked at the little pieces of flesh that floated around the surface.

Jungkook could see this happening and it made his stomach churn. He could feel what he had for lunch wanting to come back up. His body lurched forward and started making those actions one makes when they're about to throw up. He knew he couldn't throw up though, at least not when his mouth was still duct taped shut because then he would just end up having to swallow down his throw up or choke on it. He didn't want to do either, so he simply turned away from the horrifying scene and tried taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

He tried to think of something else, something that didn't make him want to throw up.

His thoughts started with his family. He barely ever got to see them or spend time with them since he was always so busy. Plus, while they lived in Busan, he lived in Seoul. How he would miss being able to hug his parents and his older brother. He would miss his parents' cooking and just warmth of family.

His thoughts went to his hyungs. He was worried for them and he was worried about how they would react and what they would do once Dr. Kai had tossed him over the side to be eaten and teared apart by sharks. He wouldn't be able to hug them or laugh with them or smile with them anymore. He wouldn't go on new adventures with them. He wouldn't be able to share his feelings and thoughts with them. Besides his biological family, BTS was his family and he saw the other members as his older brothers. He wouldn't be able to feel that anymore once he was gone.

His thoughts then jumped to ARMY. He was scared that he wouldn't get to see his fans again or perform for them or create new songs for them. He was sad that he probably wouldn't be able to see the reactions of his fans, something that he loved to do terribly. He was sad that he wouldn't get to feel the love that his fans gave him, something that he cherished with all his heart.

Finally, his thoughts jumped to Y/N. Y/N, the special siren girl who captured his heart and that he loved so much. From her shimmering tail and glowing eyes, to adorable and pretty face, to her kind and beautiful personality, he loved every bit of her. The worst part of all of this was that he never got a chance to tell her that he loved her. He always missed his chance or got interrupted and now he was going to die without her knowing how much he loved her. How much she made him happy and how his heart always skipped a beat whenever he was with her.

Thinking all these thoughts, tears began to form in his eyes. He sniffled slightly and tried to blink his tears away. He knew that crying would only make him die faster since crying would make it hard for him to breathe through his nose from being all stuffed up. Then again, perhaps it would be better if he died before being thrown to the sharks. After all, he wouldn't feel any pain of being ripped apart if he was already dead. Still, the thought of dying scared him.

He took deep breaths to calm himself down, to not let himself get sad. He didn't want to go out crying and begging for his life to someone like Dr. Kai. No, if he was going to leave this world then he would go out fighting.

He closed his eyes tightly as he have himself a small pep talk in his head before opening his eyes quickly. His eyes held a flare in them, a flare of a willingness to live. He glanced over at the second guard and Dr. Kai. Dr. Kai was busy throwing bait over the side of the boat while the second guard was arguing with him. He had time. Although he had tried to get out of the ropes before and failed, he wasn't going to give up.

As quietly as he could, he started to wiggle his wrists around and fiddled with the knots. The knots were tight and they weren't budging. He huffed a bit in frustration, but continued to try to untie them. He moved around a bit so he could find a better way to untie the rope or even better loosen the rope. His wiggling, however, was caught by Dr. Kai who looked over at him.

"Hey! Instead of arguing with me, why don't you do your job and watch him!" Dr. Kai shouted at the second guard as he gestured to Jungkook, who mentally cursed for getting caught.

"Asshole...," the second guard muttered under his breath at Dr. Kai before walking over to where Jungkook was and sitting down next to him. He glanced at Jungkook and Jungkook glanced back at him. "What are you looking at, you punk?!"

Jungkook said nothing since he was unable to, but sent the second guard a glare before looking away from him. Then he got an idea. An imaginative light bulb lit up in his head and he looked over at the guard again. The guard noticed his stare and looked over at him. He tried to say something but it came out muffled. The guard gave him a weird look, so he tried to say something again but still it came out muffled.

"I don't know what you're saying," the guard stated with an annoyed sigh as he glanced over at Dr. Kai to see if he was watching before looking back at Jungkook. He ripped away the tape from Jungkook's mouth making Jungkook hiss in pain from the ripping. "So what is it punk?"

"If you help me escape from that lunatic, I promise to pay you twice of what he's paying you," Jungkook whispered closely to the guard. The guard scoffed at that. "What? You don't believe me? I'm a member of the most popular boyband in the world. Do you even know how much I'm worth or how much money I have?" The guard clicked his tongue but still listened to Jungkook's proposal out of interest. "Untie me and help me escape and I will pay you a chunk of money that will allow you to live in luxury for the rest of your life. What do you say?"

"I say, you've got guts kids," the guard mumbled with an impressed expression before sighing and glancing towards Dr. Kai again. "But we're in a complicated situation right now. I can't just betray him or he'll have me killed as well."

"Even if that's true. Once you untie me then it'll be the two of us against one of him. We're both strong. He won't stand a chance against the two of us," Jungkook mentioned with a pleading look, "Please, look, I know he's paying you a lot, but I swear on my life that if you untie me and help me escape him then when I am safe with my hyungs again I will pay you what he's paying you 5 times over and it will be upfront too."

"Upfront huh?" The guard asked with a raised eyebrow seemingly more convinced with the offer. Jungkook nodded vigorously in response.

"It'll have to be a check, but I promise that I will give you that check upfront once I'm safe with my hyungs who are still back at the research facility," Jungkook promised with sincere eyes. The guard eyed him for a moment seeming to process all that he said before sighing.

"Fine, I'll help you, but you better make good on your promise," the guard replied with an uneasy expression. Jungkook sighed in relief at that and nodded in response as he turned his back slightly to face the guard. The guard nodded back as he turned towards Jungkook and placed his hands on the knots, getting ready to start untying them. He slowly started untying the knots. Jungkook could feel the rope loosening around him and waited for the guard to finish untying him, but the guard stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and glanced behind him at the guard wanting to tell him to get back to it, but noticed that the guard was looking past him. He looked to where the guard was looking at and his eyes widened slightly when he saw that Dr. Kai was looking directly at them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dr. Kai asked as he stalked towards them with a scary look in his eyes. He looked at the guard, who said nothing, before looking at Jungkook, who sent him a glare, then back at the guard. "Why is his mouth not taped up?!"

"Because I couldn't understand what he was saying, so I took it off," the guard explained shortly. Dr. Kai let out an amused chuckled for a moment before his expression went serious.

"You don't need to be hearing or understanding what he has to say! He's going to be dead soon anyways!" Dr. Kai hollered with anger as he snapped the piece of duct tape out of the guard's hands and placed it forcefully back onto Jungkook's mouth. "This tape does not leave his mouth! Do I make myself clear?!" Dr. Kai's eyes bore deep into the guard's mind making the guard sigh heavily.

"Yes sir," the guard answered as he avoided making eye contact with Dr. Kai.

"Good. As for you Jungkook, nice try on trying to get my guard to betray me, but you'll have to try harder next time," Dr. Kai taunted with a dark grin as he leaned forward towards Jungkook and stared him right in the eyes. Jungkook sent him an overly faked smile before leaning back then moving forward to headbutt Dr. Kai, which he managed to do successfully. Dr. Kai yelped in pain and stumbled back while holding his forehead. He inhaled deeply as he rubbed his forehead to ease the pain before looking at Jungkook with his nostrils flared. "This is the second time this punk headbutted me..!! Well, that will not go unpunished."

He stepped forward and lifted his arm up before slamming his fist down into Jungkook's face. Jungkook's head flung to the side and he groaned loudly in pain. He tried to ignore the pain though as he looked at Dr. Kai again, his eyes clearly showing that he wasn't going to go down without a fight. This angered Dr. Kai more and he started repeatedly throwing punch after punch until Jungkook's face was all bruised and covered with blood.

"Sir! Enough!" The guard exclaimed as he held back Dr. Kai. Jungkook was now laying on his side. He struggled to sit back up and his vision was once again all blurred from the impacts.

"Let go of me!" Dr. Kai yelled furiously as he squirmed around in the guard's grip.

"Sir-!" Before the guard could finish, let alone even start what he was about to say, he was cut off.

"Excuse me! What's going on over here?" An unfamiliar voiced asked. Both the guard and Dr. Kai froze in place as they both slowly turned to see where the voice was coming from. Another boat had come up beside them and it was what looked to be a family since there was a man, a woman, and two children: one boy and one girl.

"Uh nothing, don't worry about it. Just a little disagreement is all," Dr. Kai claimed with a fake smile as he bowed respectfully to the family, who looked at him suspiciously. He let out an awkward chuckle as he leaned towards the guard and whispered something to him. "Move Jungkook out of sight."

The guard gave a small nod and a sigh as he walked over to where Jungkook was. The guard leaned down to help Jungkook sit up and he placed a finger over his mouth. Jungkook nodded slowly and weakly as the guard pushed Jungkook a ways so that he was in view of the family. When the family noticed him, they all gasped.

"Excuse me, but what did you do to that young man?!" The woman asked in shock as she pointed to Jungkook. Dr. Kai's eyes widened as he turned to look. He felt his body tense up when he saw that Jungkook was in full view to the family. He looked towards the guard, who sent him an apologetic look. He groaned in frustration at that.

"Ma'am, sir, how about I pay you whatever you want to forget what you saw here and move along?" Dr. Kai asked hoping to make a bargain, but the woman and the man scoffed in disbelief and sent him dirty looks.

"How dare you! We will not take bribes from someone like you!" The man bellowed with a glare as he and the woman tried to get closer to the boat. The young girl and boy looked at Jungkook for a moment before the young girl noticed something familiar and she gasped in shock.

"Mom!! It's Jeon Jungkook of BTS!! They're hurting him!! We have to save him!!" The young girl exclaimed as she pointed to Jungkook. The woman and the man both gasped in realization.

"Is it really?! Oh my goodness!!" The woman remarked bewildered as she and her husband climbed aboard of Dr. Kai's boat.

"Hey! You can't just-!" Dr. Kai protested in disbelief as he tried to regain his balance after the woman and man pushed him aside. He huffed in annoyance as he tried to stop the woman and the man, but they were both quite pushy.

"Young man, please let us help you," the man insisted as he tried to help Jungkook stand up. Jungkook felt relief wash over him at seeing the man and the woman and that they were willing to help him. "Here, let me take off this tape. You probably can't even breathe with that on." The man took off the tape from Jungkook's mouth making Jungkook take in a deep breath.

"Thank you... so much. This man here... his name is Dr. Kai and... he kidnapped me and my hyungs... and he was going to kill me...," Jungkook explained briefly, earning gasps from the woman and the man.

"Don't worry, we will get you help," the woman reassured Jungkook as she smiled at him. He smiled back at her in thanks before she turned to look at Dr. Kai with a scowl. "You should be ashamed of yourself kidnapping this handsome, talented, and kindhearted young man, you evil doer!" Dr. Kai grit his teeth in anger as he watched the woman start to guide Jungkook to her and her husband's boat, but before Jungkook could step on, Dr. Kai pulled him back forcefully, so forcefully that Jungkook ended up falling over the side of the boat into the water. The water made a loud splash as Jungkook's body hit the surface.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he fell deep down into the water. He could see the faces of the guard, Dr. Kai, the woman, the man, and their two children staring down at him from in the boat. When his body had made contact with the water, he shivered from how cold the water was. He could hear the family exclaiming fearfully as they continued to watch him go further and further down into the water.

Small air bubbles escaped through his mouth and nose. He noticed that his blood from his face from all the impacts were floating along in the water. He glanced around to see that the sharks were beginning to notice his presence. His eyes widened and fear formed within them as he started to wiggle around trying to escape the rope. He wiggled and wiggled, loosening the ropes each time, but not as fast as he wanted. The rope was still too tight around him for him to escape them and the sharks were closing in on him. Plus, he was starting to lose oxygen in his lungs.

As the sharks were only a boat length away, he could feel his energy completely draining away as well as his oxygen. His wiggling slowed until he was barely moving, mostly just floating there in the water. The air bubbles came out one at a time until no more came out, signalling that he had run out of air. He started at the sharks that were headed his way while his eyelids slowly began to close.

He had put up a fight the best he could, but now he knew there was nothing more he could do to save himself.

He was in the water, bleeding, beat up, out of oxygen, out of strength, and out of hope with sharks closing in on him ready to shred him into pieces.

Was this really his fate? To die like this? It certainly seemed like it. As eyes finally closed, he said his last goodbyes to the people he cherished even though he knew that they wouldn't be able to hear him and everything turned black.


Hey everyone!

A new chapter is here! I hope you all liked it!

Oh no!!! Jungkook!! Is he dead?! Ahhh!! I know, I left it on a cliffhanger. We don't know if he's dead or if he'll survive. T~T

And did Oceana and the sirens manage to help the other members escape the research facility? We'll have to find out in the next chapter. '^^

This is the second part. The next chapter will be the third part. Let's hope everyone manages to survive. >~<

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming out soon! :)

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