His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

29.1K 1.7K 324

[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings

221 19 2
By atlas-carter

It was reaching a full year now. The members had been on tour for almost half a year now. They had been so busy and they barely had any resting period, but to them it was worth it since they could see their fans and they could perform. It felt nice to visit different countries and explore new cultures as well. They documented all of their experiences, doing Vlives and BTS Run Episodes during the times that they could go out and explore before concerts.

They were now finished touring though and they were now on the plane back to Seoul. They always felt sad when the touring would come to end, but this were exhausted. Plus, it would feel nice to be back home and to be able to rest for a while.

The members sat down in their seats on the plane, getting ready for take off. Their managers sat in their seats as well not to far away from them.

"Namjoon, do you know where your passport is?" One of the managers asked as he glanced at Namjoon. The others too looked over at him with worried expressions. They remembered that one time where Namjoon couldn't find his passport and they had erupted into a panic since he needed his passport to go through the airport customs successfully. So every time they went on a plane, they always asked him to double check.

"Ah seriously, you guys aren't going to let that go," he replied with a heavy sigh. The others all shook their heads in response.

"Honestly, I was ready to just leave you in the plane while the rest of us went," Yoongi commented with a sigh as rubbed his temples.

"I literally was going to cry," Hoseok added with a nervous laugh.

"I almost swore at him," Jungkook said with a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his head.

"You say that as if you've never sworn before," Seokjin remarked as he nudged Jungkook, who fake gasped.

"Wha-?! Who me?! The innocent maknae of the group?! How dare you accuse me of such a thing hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed dramatically and jokingly. He stared flabbergasted at Seokjin, his expression overly dramatic. He placed his hand on his chest and pretended to act hurt. The other members laughed at his cuteness and his dramatic acting while Seokjin rolled his eyes.

"Hey now, who says you're innocent?" Seokjin asked with a scoff as he stared Jungkook right in the eyes. Jungkook snickered a bit in response as he leaned back in his seat.

"Anyways, getting back to the point, Namjoon do you know where your passport is?" The second manager asked looking at Namjoon once more. Namjoon nodded as he reached into his bag and took out his passport. The second manager nodded in response to that.

"We'll be taking off soon boys, so if you have to go to the washroom then make it quick," the third manager announced as he glanced at each of the members. The members all gave nods, but none of them stood up, signifying that none of them needed to go to the bathroom at the moment. The third manager nodded at that.

Jungkook sighed a bit as he glanced at the other members. Taehyung and Jimin were already watching a movie on Taehyung's laptop. Yoongi was starting to get ready to nap and Hoseok was listening to music on his phone. Seokjin was already digging into the snacks that he bought in the airport. When his eyes went to Namjoon, he noticed his hyung staring at his phone with furrowed eyebrows. This made his eyebrows knit in worry as he sat down next to his hyung.

"What's wrong hyung?" He asked curiously as he casually peeked over his hyung's shoulder. He noticed that the screen was set on an open text message conversation. "Who are you texting?"

"Hm? Oh, just seeing if Oceana texted me back," Namjoon answered with a small smile as he sighed a bit.

"She hasn't answered back yet?" Jungkook asked in surprise. Namjoon shook his head in response, which surprised Jungkook even more. It was surprising for Oceana to not text back or at least check in. They hadn't heard anything from her though for a while now. Jungkook's only way to check on Y/N was through Oceana, but even she seemed to have gone awol on them. Ever since he had seen that little hint of purple glow in the water, he had wanted to check in on how Y/N was doing. Although, he hadn't told his hyungs that he had decided not to let go of Y/N and his feelings for her. He didn't want them to know yet until he was sure that he was going to see her or at least show them proof that he was going to see her again soon.

"I'm beginning to become a bit worried," Namjoon mentioned as he looked over the last few messages he had sent to check in on her, but they had all gone unseen and unanswered.

"Maybe she's busy," Jungkook suggested, trying his best to not show the fact that he was also worried as well.

"Maybe... busy with what though? I mean, Dr. Kai is in jail and his research is now old news. What's there for her and the other sirens to be so busy over?" Namjoon asked as he shut his phone off and placed it into his pocket.

"I don't know hyung, but maybe she'll answer soon," Jungkook reassured with a warm smile. Namjoon gave a small nod back before looking at Jungkook.

"How are you holding up? You seem to be handling letting Y/N go surprisingly well," Namjoon stated with a wary expression. Jungkook tensed up a bit at that since his hyungs believed that he had let Y/N go and let go of his feelings for her when really he didn't. He wondered if he should lie or if he should tell the truth. He knew he wasn't very good at lying. "Jungkook?"

"Um... hyung, the truth is that I decided not to let her go or let go of my feelings for her," Jungkook admitted with a heavy sigh as he looked away from his hyung and towards the window. Hearing this surprised Namjoon.

"Why not?" Namjoon asked curiously and confused.

"Because when we went to the beach the day that I had decided to let go of her, in the distance I saw this small glimmer of purple. It was the same purple glow of Y/N's tail," Jungkook explained shortly with a small sigh. Namjoon's eyes widened at that.

"Wait... are you saying that you saw Y/N?" Namjoon asked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"I mean, technically I only saw the purple glow, but I know that it was her..! I know that was the glow from her tail...! I just know that it was her..!" Jungkook said in a loud whisper making sure that the other members didn't hear him as he looked back at his hyung with a look of determination.

"So... is that why you decided not to let go of your feelings for Y/N?" Namjoon asked unsure. Jungkook nodded in response to confirm. Namjoon smiled a bit at that before going into deep thought. "I wonder if she saw you on the beach as well."

"She probably didn't, but if she did then I hope she didn't hear what I said," Jungkook said with an awkward look, earning a confused expression from his hyung. He stifled a laugh as he continued speaking, "I uh... I was saying goodbye to her and telling her that I was sorry that I had to let her go, so I'm hoping that she didn't actually hear me."

"Well, how far away was she? Or this glow? How far away was the glow?" Namjoon asked in wonder. Jungkook thought for a moment trying to remember before shrugging.

"I don't know. I mean, far enough away that if she were looking towards us by the beach then we would look as small as dolls," Jungkook responded uncertain.

"Well, unless if she has the ability of super hearing then I don't think she would have heard you," Namjoon reassured with a smile before thinking again, "You weren't yelling a goodbye right?" Jungkook shook his head. "Ah, ok, good because if you were screaming well maybe she would have heard you, but if you were talking normally then she wouldn't have heard you." Jungkook sighed a bit in relief at that.

"Sorry that you're just finding out about this now hyung. I was just a bit worried that you and the others would be upset that I was still clinging onto my feelings for Y/N after I said that I would let her go." Jungkook sent an apologetic look to his hyung, who chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry about it Jungkook," Namjoon replied as he playfully punched Jungkook's arm. Jungkook smiled back in response. "Honestly, it was just hard for us to see you so miserable when you thought about her. We just want our happy maknae back. We were getting worried about you."

"I know hyung and I'm sorry. I just miss her a lot, you know?" Jungkook asked with a small pout. Namjoon nodded in understanding.

"Well, if your heart is telling you not to give up your feelings for Y/N then I believe that your heart is telling you that for a reason." Namjoon gave a dimpled smile to the younger one, who smiled back and nodded in response. "And maybe Oceana will respond back to me soon."

"Heh, you really like Oceana," Jungkook pointed out with a teasing grin as he nudged his hyung. Namjoon let out an embarrassed chuckle and nodded slowly.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Namjoon asked both Jungkook and himself as he leaned back in his seat and stared up at the ceiling of the plane. "I never thought I'd be interested in her, let alone a siren. I know she's taken apart of some pretty gruesome things, but that was in the past and I can tell that she regrets being apart of those things. From all the times we've been around her, she doesn't seem like a bad person or evil like those other sirens are. I mean, she's no Y/N, that's for sure, but I think she's right behind Y/N."

"Yeah, Oceana isn't that bad. She's alright once you get to know her," Jungkook said in agreement to that. Namjoon nodded too at that. "Well hyung, if you decide to be with her then I support you and her. I think you'd look good together."

"Haha, Jungkook, maybe before shipping us we should find out if she actually even likes me at all," Namjoon let out an amused chuckle.

"Oh believe me she does, I've noticed her get nervous and flustered around you or when talking to you. She definitely has a thing for you," Jungkook assured with a knowing look. Namjoon smiled a bit shyly at that.

"What are you two chatting about?" Seokjin asked curiously as he sat down close to them. Namjoon and Jungkook glanced at each other wondering if they should share what they were discussing, but before they could decide the loud speakers in the plane went off.

"The plane will now be taking off. Please store all your baggage above you and all your electronics away during take off. Please be seated and be buckled in. Thank you," a stewardess announced over the intercom to the passengers, including the members and the managers. This announcement made Seokjin seem to forget that he had noticed Namjoon and Jungkook talking because he went back over to his seat and started nibbling on some more snacks.

Once Seokjin was far enough away, Jungkook and Namjoon glanced at each other and grinned at each other before leaning back in their seats. The plane took off a few moments later and soon they were up in the air and on their way back to Seoul. It was a 14 hour flight, so it was going to be a long ride. Namjoon took out a book and started to read while Jungkook took his earphones out and listened to music. After about an hour or so, all of the members and even the managers were fast asleep.

The flight was long and boring. The members mostly slept as a way to make the time pass quicker. After 14 full hours, the plane finally landed at the Seoul airport. The managers had remained awake for the last three hours, so that they would be sharp to think when they got off the plane. The members, however, were all just waking up by the time the plane landed.

"Aish, what time is it?" Yoongi asked sleepily as he stood up and stretched his arms out.

"11am," the first manager responded as he checked his watch.

"Ugh, my neck is so sore," Hoseok complained as he tilted his head to both sides while rubbing his neck soothingly.

"That was so long~," Jimin whined with a pout as he let out a loud yawn.

"Didn't seem too long to me," Taehyung remarked nonchalantly as he grabbed his carry-on bag.

"Yeah, that's because you were sleeping for most of the flight," Seokjin argued with a look of disapproval. Taehyung shrugged in response. The other members all stood up as well, stretching and yawning while grabbing their carry-on bags. "Hey Jungkook! Wake up!"

"Hm... five more minutes," Jungkook grumbled sleepily as he pulled his blanket over his head.

"Jungkook, come on, let's go," Namjoon urged as he nudged the younger one in the shoulder. Jungkook groaned when he felt nudge, but reluctantly got up. He yawned loudly before smacking his lips together and ruffling his fluffy hair with his hand. "Come on sleepyhead. You can sleep more once we get back to the dorms."

"Hm? I don't know what you said, but ok hyung..." Jungkook's sleepy voice made the others chortle. He shuffled after his hyungs as they led the way out of the plane and into the airport. Fans were waiting for them, to welcome them back to Seoul. The members did their very bests to not look like they just got woke up, but for Jungkook he was having a hard time. The bright lights on the inside of the airport were blinding, he had to keep his eyes half closed.

Security guards lined up around the members to shield them from some fans that were throwing themselves at the members. The members tried not to be bothered by that and simply waved to the fans while making their way towards the baggage area. Once they received their luggage, they headed through customs then out to where their cars were waiting to take them back to the dorms. They got in and drove off back to the dorms.

The drive back to the dorm was quick and they were back to the dorms in no time. The members sighed in content to come face to face with the building where the dorm is.

"Boys, go flop on your beds for a bit and put your stuff away then we'll go out for something to eat," the first manager instructed with a smile. The members all nodded as they walked into the building and walked down the hallway to their dorm. As they approached their dorm, they halted and stared in shock when they saw Oceana standing there.

"Oceana?" Namjoon asked in surprise as he started walking towards her. When she heard her name being called, Oceana glanced to the side and smiled when she saw them approaching, but her smile seemed more directed towards Namjoon. She walked towards them as well.

"Oh great, not her," Yoongi grumbled in annoyance as he let out a small huff and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yoongi-ah, be nice," Seokjin scolded with a firm look. Yoongi let out a sigh of irritation, but didn't say anything else. Once they were right in front of Oceana, her first action which shocked all of them was her immediately embracing Namjoon. This even surprised Namjoon, but at the same time it made him happy and he hugged her back as well.

"Namjoon," she murmured with a smile on her face as she continued to hug him. The other members all stood there staring in disbelief for a long while before grins spread across their faces.

"Ahem! Yes, please, continue hugging and acting like we're not here," Yoongi remarked sarcastically with a look of disgust on his face. Upon hearing him, Namjoon and Oceana's eyes widened at that and they quickly pulled away from each other, glancing away from each other awkwardly.

"Right sorry, it's good to see you guys," Oceana replied with a smile of greeting to the other members until she got to Yoongi and her smile turned into a scowl, "Well, except for you." Yoongi glared at her in response to that and she sent a glare right back, allowing an intense tension rise in the air.

"Heh, easy now~," Jimin said in a song-like tone as he let out a nervous chortle.

"Anyways, what brings you here Oceana?" Namjoon asked curiously as he smiled down at Oceana.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you went awol on us. Namjoon hyung here kept getting worried because you weren't answering him back," Jungkook teased as he nudged Namjoon, who gave a sheepish smile. Oceana's eyes widened a bit at that as she glanced at Namjoon, who had a flustered look on his face.

"Ah, yeah, I'm sorry about that. I haven't been going on my phone much this past year," Oceana explained briefly as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"But everything is alright, right?" Hoseok asked with a worried expression. Oceana nodded in response, earning relieved expressions from the others.

"So... how's Y/N?" Jungkook asked curiously and nervously. The other members glanced at him worriedly since they still believed him to have let go of his feelings for Y/N, only Namjoon, who knew that Jungkook was still holding onto his feelings for Y/N looked at Jungkook with a knowing look.

"She's doing well. She misses you a lot, but she's doing alright," Oceana answered with a small smile. Jungkook smiled and nodded in response to that. "You miss her too right?"

Before Jungkook was able to answer, Yoongi already piped up, "Jungkook has decided to let go of his feelings for Y/N."

"What?!" Oceana asked in complete and utter shock as she looked at Jungkook, who was sending Yoongi a glare. "Jungkook, is that really true?"

"No, it's not!" Jungkook exclaimed in protest as he shook his head.

"Yes, it is. Seokjin told us that you discussed it with him and decided to let your feelings for Y/N go," Taehyung stated with a slightly confused expression. The others nodded vigorously in agreement to that. Oceana looked from them to Jungkook with a perplexed expression on her face.

"Guys, Jungkook and I were chatting on the plane and turns out he decided not to let go of his feelings for her because he saw her," Namjoon explained curtly. The other members and Oceana's eyes widened in shock as they stared at Jungkook, their faces clearly indicating that they wanted answers. Jungkook sighed in response to that before taking a deep breath.

"While we were on tour, the day I had decided to let my feelings for Y/N go we were at the beach. I had just finished saying goodbye to her and I saw this purple glow in the distance. It was too far away, so I couldn't see exactly if it was her tail, but I know it was her..!" Jungkook declared with determination in his voice as he looked from his hyungs to Oceana, "I know that doesn't really prove that it was her, but I just... I feel it in my heart that it was her and it made me decide not to let go of my feelings for Y/N. I still have hope that I will get to see her again... and talk to her again... and hug her again... and kiss her again..."

The members were all silent for a moment and so was Oceana until after a while she finally cracked a knowing smile.

"You still love her that much?" Oceana asked a bit surprised, but also awed.

"Yes, I still do and I never stopped. It doesn't matter how different we are or that we come from two different worlds," Jungkook voiced in a gentle tone while his eyes held an intense emotion, one that Oceana could identify well... love. Oceana let out a chortle at that as she shook her head slightly before looking up at him.

"You know, Y/N still feels the exact same way. She was unable to give up her feelings for you as well," Oceana mentioned with a smile. Jungkook smiled at that. "I suppose that's why she dragged me across the entire world so she could see you any chance that she got." Jungkook's eyebrows knit in confusion to this. "That purple glow you saw, it was no doubt Y/N."

"Really? You think so too?" Jungkook asked in surprise, but also relief that somebody else believed him.

"Oh, I don't think. I know." A knowing look appeared on Oceana's face. "I know because in every country that you guys visited, we were there to watch you from a distance." The members' eyes all grew wide at hearing this. "It was Y/N's idea, but I figured I'd follow her. Of course, we mostly stayed by the water. Occasionally, there were times when she couldn't actually see you from the water so she would have me find you guys in the streets instead to see what you guys were up to."

"Whoa~, so you were stalking us?" Yoongi asked in a sarcastic, but also joking tone. Oceana scoffed at that as she sent him a frown.

"Tch, keep dreaming," she shot back with a huff before looking at the others, "But yes, her and I checked on you guys a lot throughout your time on tour. So, yeah, that purple glow was undeniably Y/N's tail." Jungkook's face brightened at that. Even though they couldn't be right beside each other, it was nice to know that Y/N still watched over him.

"You know, you and Y/N can come back now. Dr. Kai is in jail and all the news about mermaids and sirens is now replaced with new news," Seokjin claimed with a smile. Oceana smiled and nodded at that.

"Yeah, I saw that in the news a while back. I'll mention it to Y/N. I have no doubt that she will come back. Me, however, I'm not sure yet," Oceana said with an uncertain look on her face. Namjoon's expression faltered a bit and it was clear that he was disappointed by what she said.

"We won't force you, but I think Namjoon hyung here and Y/N would like you to stay here," Jungkook chirped with a grin on his face as he nudged Namjoon's arm. Namjoon nodded at that. Oceana stared for a moment at both before she smiled.

"I'll think about it," she answered as she glanced at Namjoon and sent him a wink. Namjoon smiled widely at that and his dimples could be seen. "Anyways, I won't keep you guys anymore. It was good to see you guys though. Hopefully we'll see each other again."

"Bye Oceana," the members said as they waved goodbye to her. She waved back and sent another smile before leaving the building. Once she was gone, the members glanced at one another.

"Wow, I guess Oceana really does like you," Jimin teased as he wiggled his eyebrows at Namjoon. Namjoon let out an awkward chuckle as he opened the door to the dorm and walked in trying to escape the teasing from the other members.

Jungkook stood outside of the dorm for a bit, staring down the hallway. Hearing that Y/N still felt the same way he did and wasn't willing to give up her feelings either made his heart swell up. With hope, word would get back to her that it was safe to return and soon he would be able to see her again. When she returns, he hoped that he would finally get to tell her how he felt and that he would finally get to say those three special words to her.


Hey everyone!

A new chapter is here! I hope you all liked it!

Ah, I just left my old house and now I'm moving to my new house! I'm so excited!! Ahhh!! >^<

Ooh, so it seems that Namjoon and Oceana are starting to show certain feelings, lolz. SHIP!! Plus, Y/N's going to be returning, yayaya! *3*

I should warn though, that the next couple of chapters are going to be filled with lots of drama. It's kind of like the climax of the story really, if that makes much sense, lolz. So look forward to it. ;)

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming out soon! :)

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