Kyoka Jiro x Male Reader

By Victor_TheRiper

92.7K 1.5K 725

18 year old high school hero, Kyoka Jiro not only wanted to dream of becoming a musician, has also yet have a... More

Chp.2 Timeskip
Chp.3 Im Here Now
Chp.4 Planning For The School Festival
Chp.5 Meeting Little Eri
Chp.6 Enter Gentle Criminal
Chp.7 Prepping For The School Festival
Chp.8 Little Eri Visits UA High School
Chp.9 Gold Tips Imperial
Chp.11 Versus Gentle Criminal Pt.1
Chp.12 Vs Gentle Criminal Pt.2
Chp.14 Jiro Shines/Eri Smiles
Chp.18 Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon

Chp.17 Let Us Have Fun Together

4K 67 21
By Victor_TheRiper


And so, after the performance is done, everyone exited the building from the gym, and soon everyone were so amazed and happy to see Class 1-A and B perform to make them entertain...especially (YN)'s solo performance, and yet, his performance  made Jiro happier than everyone, after that, everyone started cleaning up the gym...until (YN) needed have a little talk with All Might, Hound Dog and Ectoplasm about the situation he had against Gentle Criminal...

All Might: I know you came back safe and sound, but you could have at least called us. Running late isn't a crime you know.

(YN): I-I know, I'm sorry All Might. I guess I should have thought about it. It won't and never happen again.

All Might: Hmmm. I hope so. Besides, I have a pretty good idea of what happened based on Ecto's report.

Hound Dog: Listen here kid! Don't think you made the right call. Things weren't that grizzly, so the festival is still going on, but this could have gone real bad! You're a UA student with a provisional hero license. You should have relied on us to handle the job! Your teachers wanted to protect your school just as much you do.

(YN): ...Yes sir. I understand.

Hound Dog: Now put a smile on your face and beat it! The fest is on you better enjoy every minute!

(YN): Y-Yes sir! Thank you!

(YN) goes off with the others...

All Might: Hound Dog, I really appreciate-

Hound Dog: All Might-GRRR!! GRAAGH!

Ectoplasm: Hmmm. He's already forgetting his speech when he's angry. Better Jump in.

Meanwhile, (YN) arrive at the gym as he appeared with Izuku, Mirio and Eri...

Mirio: Oh hey (YN)!

(YN): Hey Mirio, Hey Iz-

(YN) notices Izuku crying, happily crying emotionally...

(YN): What the?? Are you okay???

Izuki: Y-Yeah, it's just that...

Izuku points at the direction to Eri as (YN) sees her smiling...

Eri: Oh hey (YN)!

(YN): Oh hey Eri. You like the performance?

Eri: Yeah I do! Everything was crazy and amazing! Even your song, it was awesome too! I enjoy every last of it!

(YN): I'm glad you had a good time Eri.

Izuki: I am too, Eri.

Suddenly, Jiro walked over behind (YN) as (YN) notices her...

(YN): Oh hey Jiro.

Jiro: Hi (YN).

Izuku: Hehe, I'll leave you guys some space, come on you two.

Mirio: Okay, come on Eri.

Eri: Bye (YN)! See you later!

And so, the three left (YN) alone with Jiro, and so the two were starting at each other, as Jiro blushes and (YN) blushes a little too...

Jiro: I wanna did pretty rad. That song you perform, was sweet and great. You totally killed it.

(YN): Hehe what are you been saying? You're the one who killed it at first? So you should be the one getting more credit than me.

Jiro: Hehe, oh stop it.

(YN): No seriously. You did an amazing job on stage. You were awesome.

Jiro was flustered about it...and that she's with (YN)...she can now finally confess her feelings to (YN)...but she doesn't want to, cause she knows that the song he sang for Jiro, has already gave it away, knowing that he likes her, that song wasn't just to perform for her, it was a message...a message of love...

Jiro: H-Hey (YN). That song you sang...not only did you perform it for me, was somehow a message to me...and it sounded always think of me, cared for me and always liked you have...feelings for me??

(YN): *scratches head behind* Hehe, well if you put it that way...I-I guess there's no hiding it and just tell you-

Suddenly, Jiro places her hands on (YN)'s cheeks as she got closer to him..

(YN): J-Jiro...?!

Jiro: No need to say anything. I know what you're gonna say, so I'll give you my response.

Jiro suddenly was getting closer to (YN) soon her lips was about to connect to (YN)'s, and gives a kiss to his lips, soon (YN) was surprised, and yet, he plays along as he then wraps his arm around Jiro, soon Jiro back up from the kiss as she says...

Jiro: (YN), I had feelings for you as well, ever since the day I met you. You were so nice and kind to me, you helped me on everything that I needed, you're always so nice to me, and've always been there for me when I needed you....but...I was scarred to tell you, cause of I do...then...then I get the feeling you won't-

Suddenly, (YN) slowly brushes Jiro's hair with his hand.l and then places his hand on Jiro's chin...

(YN): Don't think about that. I would never reject you knowing that I too had feelings for you as well. Jiro, I always liked you ever since too. You've always inspired me and always there for me as well. And I appreciate everything of what you do for me.

Jiro and (YN) both smile as they place their foreheads towards each other's, and also...Jiro notice the girls aside, smiling and excited to see her and (YN) finally being a thing together...

Tooru: Awww you two!

Mina: You two looks so cute together!

Tsuyu: I agree, Ribbit.

Jiro: H-Hey! How long you've been standing there?!

Ochaco: Couple of minutes, hehe.

Momo: I'm glad the two of you are a thing. I'm so happy for the two of you. Everyone is. We knew the two of you would end up like this.

Jiro: Hehe, thanks.

(YN): Hehe, yeah.

Mina: Hey come on you guys! Let's go to the beauty pageant! After that, we can finally go and play all the fun games!

Tooru: Let's go!

Jiro: Cool. (YN), wanna go?

Jiro then reeachs her hand towards (YN) as (YN) soon grabs her hand...

(YN): Yeah, let's go, and then have the best day at the festival.

Jiro: *giggles* Awesome. Let's go.

And so, (YN), Jiro and the others are now going to have their best day at the festival. And so the festival has began. Everyone were at the beauty pageant as one of the beauty girls showed off their models from their dress, after that, they now have to wait a bit longer for the result to see who will in the beauty pageant contest. And so, the fun begins. Everyone started to enjoy the festival, going on fun games, awesome obstacle courses, a haunted house, enjoying snacks, and board games as well. (YN) and Jiro both we're having a blast together as well, as they went to lots of fun games and yet having a fund time together, and also, they went to a photo booth to take picture of them for memories in the future...and as for Eri, she was having the best day of her life, spending tons of fun with Izuku and Mirio, alongside with (YN) and Jiro as well...she never experienced so much entertainment and information in her life, and yet...she'll keep on smiling no matter what...and also, back at the beauty pageant, the votes were in, as the winner of this year's beauty pageant was Nejire Hado, second place, Bibimi Kenrazaki, and third place Itsuka Kendo...Tamaki and Mirio were happy for Nejire to win the beauty pageant...and so, the festival goes on until dawn already approaches, the festival ended, all the students left home knowing it was a Saturday and yet...Eri had to leave as well, she'll be staying with Aizawa...Mirio, (YN), and Izuku stayed for a bit to say their goodbyes to Eri...

Izuku: Thanks for coming Eri. I'm glad you loved it.

Mirio: Yeah!

Eri was happy to she had a great time, but then again, she was a bit upset somehow...

Mirio: Hey, what's wrong Eri?

Eri: I know I had fun today...but there were no candy apples.

Izuku: O-Oh man. I'm sorry Eri, maybe-

(YN): Hehe, that won't be a problem.

Izuku: Huh??

(YN) suddenly walks up to Eri, as he yet surprisingly pulls out a delicious candy apple for Eri...

(YN): Surprise.

Eri: W-Woah!!

Mirio: Woah what?! From where?!

Izuku: We couldn't find any!

(YN): Yeah, I thought about it too. But I gotta say, it was easy to make, Jiro helped me out making it, the only thing I couldn't get was food coloring, so I asked Rikido and he had plenty. Hope you like it Eri.

Aizawa: Very well, it's getting late. But you three should be able see her again soon.

Eri suddenly gives a bite of the candy apple, and yet, she gave a smile, knowing tasting the candy apple was so delicious for her...

Eri: Yummy! It's the best thing ever! Thank you (YN)!

(YN): Hehe. Glad you like it Eri. I'll make them again, so you have something to look forward too.

Eri: I will!


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