The New Girl Around

By coconutobsessed

6.8K 213 25

Hope Harper - Hope gets moved to another orphanage, meaning she has to uproot her whole life. Again. She know... More

Chapter 1 ~ The beggining...
Chapter 3 ~ The Project...
Chapter 4 ~ The punishment...
Chapter 5 ~ The Candlestick...
Chapter 6 ~ Ignoring you...
Chapter 7 ~ Lunchtime...
Chapter 8 ~ Mr. Stark...
Chapter 9 ~ The Prank...
Chapter 10 ~ The Dog...
Chapter 11 ~ The Message...
Chapter 12 ~ Its A Date...
Chapter 13 ~ The Date...
Chapter 14 ~ Happy...
Chapter 15 ~ Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 16 ~ The Invitation...
Chapter 17 ~ The watch...
Chapter 18 ~ The deal...
Chapter 19 ~ The 'Date'...
Chapter 20 ~ Adopt...
Chapter 21 ~ Powers...
Chapter 22 ~ The Truth...
Chapter 23 ~ Gossip...
Chapter 24 ~ Date...
Chaoter 25 ~ Orphanage...
Chapter 26 ~ Horror Film...
Chapter 27 ~ I like you...
Chapter 28 ~ I cant...
Chapter 29 ~ The Trip...
Chapter 30 ~ The Aftermath...

Chapter 2 ~ The Meeting...

333 13 4
By coconutobsessed

"Omg! You scared me!" I shout slightly, my hand grasping my heart. He lets out a soft chuckle as a smile spreads across his face.

"Sorry. I just thought I'd uh, let you know that that's my locker. Locker number 33." He lets out another awkward chuckle as he scratches the back of his neck.

I look at the locker and then back to the paper and realise he's right. "Oh. That's probably why it wasn't working." I sigh as I move over to my actual locker.
"I'm Hope, by the way." I say with a small smile, glad the first person I met was someone as sweet as him.

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He smiles back at me as he puts in the code to the locker next to me. "Oh look we're locker buddies." He says with a wide smile.

His smile quickly drops and he squeezes his eyes shut, "That was so lame, why did I say that." I laugh as he tries to look away, clearly very embarrassed.

"Well thanks for the help, locker buddy." I smirk at him, mimicking his words and turn to walk away.

Peter quickly shuts his locker and then runs up next to me. "Do you need help finding your first lesson?" He asked, falling into step with me.

I look down at my timetable and realise I don't know where anything is. Maybe I should've listened earlier...

"Actually, help would be great." I reply, showing him my timetable. He takes a second to look over it and instantly smiles when he reads my first lesson.

"You're in my lesson, it's just down here." Peter starts walking down the corridor dodging the people walking past him. We finally reach the classroom and we walk into people talking and throwing things around the room.

"Wow. No teacher?" I ask, surprised at the lack of control in the room. Peter looks at the desk then back at me.

"oh yeah, she's usually late." I smile and follow him to his table. Before I reach it someone whistles at me, both me and Peter look over to him.

"So, who's the new chick? She's kinda hot." A boy who stands quite short says with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him.

Peter whispers to me, "That's Flash. No one likes him." Peter glances back to flash giving him a slight glare as his jaw tenses.

I whisper back, " I wonder why." Sarcasm drips from my comment.

Flash gets up from his seat and walks over to me, false confidence following his every step. "What are you doing hanging with Parker?" He asks, venom laced in every word. His voice is somewhat high pitched and nasally, making him sound anything but threatening.

"I would be glad to let you hand around with me, I'm sure the others wouldn't mind." He says, looking back at the group behind him. "What do you say?" He asks as a wonky smirk begins to form in his face.

Unable to hold it in anymore, I let out a small laugh, my hand covering my mouth as if that would hide it from him.

Flash looks confused, so I continue, "sorry. Sorry, hold on." I say through my first of giggles. Once I compose my self I say, "I just find it funny that you think I would want to hang out with a self absorbed ass like you." I say, trying to stop the couple of giggles that leave my mouth.

Flash's eyes widen slightly and his eyes dart between me and Peters. I can see the anger slowly surface as he realises I'm not joking.

"You'll realise Parker is a looser soon enough. Then you'll be running back to me. Don't worry, I'll wait." I roll my eyes again, wiping off the small speck of spit that landed on my cheek.

"You could've warned me to bring an umbrella, having a conversation with you is like standing in a monsoon." I cringe as my face contorts into one of disgust.

Flash opens his mouth to retort but I quickly grab peters hand and walk away, not wanting to drown. Peter starts to laugh as he guides me to a desk where a girl and a boy are already sat chatting.

We sit down next to each other, me on the end and him next to his two friends.

They look over at me and smile, the girl starts talking to you, "The way you just rejected Flash, Amazing. I like you." She speaks slowly and calmly as if she doesn't care too much. She has dark curls that are pulled into a pony tail and she's wearing a casual and comfy outfit.

The boy laughs and buts in, an excited look on his face, "Yeah not many girls reject him. Must of hurt his ego." He rushes putting out a hand for me to high five. I slowly high five him back as an awkward smile makes it onto my face. His chubby face holds a wild smile and he just emits pure joy.

Peter coughs grabbing the attention of the three of us. He can sense the awkwardness I'm feeling, which I'm glad about.

"Guys this is hope, and hope, these are my friends, Mj and Ned." They smile and say hi, just as the teacher rushes through the door.

She's tall with black curly hair, and she's holding many books and bags. She drops everything on her desk then stands in front of the class, "I apologise for being late, there were some difficulties getting here, as usual." She sighs brushing her clothes down as if it will make her look more professional.

"Anyway, we have a new student whose name is hope?"I nod as she looks at me for confirmation. "Yes! Hope. We all know how it goes, be nice blah blah blah. So let's get on with the lesson!" She says in a rush, grabbing her laptop and turning it on.

~ In Lesson ~

Throughout the lesson I can feel a pair of eyes looking at me, I look around the room to see Flash smirking at me. Hes slumped back into his chair, as he attempts to look 'chilled out'.

I sarcastically smile back then look back at the work, but I still can't shake the feeling that someone is looking at me. I look back up at Flash and he's turned to the front, finally taking the hint. I turn to Peter while still looking at the board, trying not to catch the attention of the teacher.

"Do you have a feeling someone's staring at you?" I ask in a whisper. Peter doesn't answer so after a while my eyes move away from the board and focus on him. His eyes are glued to mine and I can't move my gaze away.

We both are sat there searching each others eyes as if we are looking into each others souls, getting an insight of eachother.

After a few seconds I finally get some words out, needing to tear my eyes away. "I-I can't remember what I was gonna ask, sorry." I say quickly, turning my face to the work in front of me. I feel my cheeks burning up so I pull my hood over my head and keep my eyes down.

That was weird... really weird.

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