No One Wins When The Family F...

By GrnleighBlu

4.2K 325 343

Jacky, Denise, Twinkie, Dorinda, and Karen. 5 sisters that are young and dumb, but they all know when they're... More

✨Summer Of 1984✨


368 17 1
By GrnleighBlu

The Jacksons will be in this book at some point though. I'm including Jackie, Rebbie, Latoya, Michael, Tito, and Janet.


*Press Play*

Jacky's POV

Another summer morning in the Clark household. Since it's only our second week here, I decided to take the girls by the beach so we can soak in some of Cali's rad rays.

Jacky: "Niecy, Twink, Doe, and Kay.... I'm about to go to the beach so y'all better come on!"

Dorinda: "Coming!"

Twinkie drags around the corner, leaning on the sitting rooms white walkway frame.

Twinkie: "D-Do I have to go?!"

Jacky: "Twink... you've been locked in your room for almost a week. Let John go babe. Plus, doctor says that you need to walk around, or the boot will have to stay on longer."

Twinkie: "Fine! I'll go! Let me grab my shades and few books."

I snicker as she hobbles away with an attitude and yell out "Leaving in 10 minutes."

Denise: "Jacquelin Lenita Chiz-hum, don't rush the chef, or imma put pickles
on your sandwiches!"

Jacky: "Free trip to the hospital for me!"

Denise: "Damn it Nita! You're so ....ugh!"

Jacky: "We do this everyday Darchell.... you should be used to me by now...."

Denise: "Shut up bi-"

*Front Door Opens*

???: "Now I KNOW... y'all aren't in here arguing early this morning! Jacqueline Lenita Denise Darchell!"

Denise and Jacky: "Yes papa?!"

Papa Clark: "Cut it out!"

J&D: "Yes sir."

Papa walks up to me and kisses my cheek after he get out his work coat. It's placed in the family's mahogany coat hanger near the front door. After I got my kiss, Niecy, Twink, and DoeDoe got theirs too.

I loaded up the car, and asked niecy and the rest if they were ready. And if so, to sit in the front while I went to see if Karen was ready.

Papa Clark: "I see that we're missing one. Where's my baby girl?"

Twinkie: "S-shes still asleep. The pain pills they prescribed us are kinda strong"

Daddy nodded his head, and asked me to follow him upstairs. When we made it to Ashley's room, he knocked to see if she was awake. There was no answer, so we walked in to see Karen sprawled out on the bottom bunk.

Daddy was better at waking people up, so I let him do what he does best.

Papa Clark: "Baby girl... Valenciaaaaa.... Val... Jacky, wake her up for me please."

Karen laid on her stomach with her face deep in her pillow. Her left arm was bandaged up, and her right had a pink cast on it.

Since sleepy wasn't waking up, Daddy asked me to pick up a now 16 year old Karen while he started her some bath water.

Daddy made her water, filled up the tub and walked out. He came back in about 3 minutes later with some multicolored neon shorts and a white wifebeater on, toting what looked like a mesh bag and a garbage sack.

Karen was wrapped up in a pastel pink towel sitting in my lap with her head on my chest in the bathroom when he returned. Daddy had loosened the bag, and dropped a few pinches of the mini flowers from the mesh bag in Karen's tub water.

Daddy leaned over me, kissed Karen on her forehead, and she "magically" woke up.

Karen: *yawns* "Morning Dad, morning Jacky... where's Mayleen and everyone else?"

Elbert: "Mayleen left for the week to visit her mother. Ashton and Ashley left too."

Karen: "Oh... is it bath time?"

Elbert: "Yes. And Jacky's gonna help you in. How are the arms by the way?!"

Karen looks at dad before rubbing her arm. I know she wanted to break it off so she could scratch her arm, but she's got 4 weeks left. Only way out is staying strong.

Karen: "Itchy. Really... really... itchy!"

Dad laughs and I shake my head. I bet she won't jump out of one of these trees again.

Elbert: "I don't know what we're gonna do with you. Always getting yourself into something new. Tell me how you broke your arm while I wrap you up in this trash bag."

"Well, when we made it you weren't here..."

Four weeks Ago

We had just made it to the house, and one the way we did a little sight seeing from the car. When we walked in, Mayleen greeted us with hugs and kisses on the cheek. She had cakes and cookies and sandwiches and sodas everywhere.

Mayleen: "Welcome Ladies! I'm sorry about your father. He was supposed to be here an hour ago, but I guess they're holding him at work again. But umm, here are my children, your siblings, Austin and Ashley. Say "Hello" guys."

"Hi! I'm Ashley. I'm 16..."

"I'm Austin. I'm 24. I'm only here for the summer..."

The five of us stood still as we looked her children over. Austin kept staring at Dorinda lickin his lips, so I offered him some lip balm.

Karen: "Lip balm?! It's the Cherry-Vanilla ki-"

Dorinda: "KAREN! I'm am so sorry! That was so RUDE of her"

Austin laughed uncomfortably as Ashley doubled over holding her sides. At least someone found my efforts humorous. Since Dorinda just had to be rude, I rolled my eyes at her and pinched her right butt cheek.

She gave me that eye that mamma gives me, and tightened her lips. Our siblings laughed with Ashley, causing Mayleen to join in.

I stood back and watched everyone get their giggles in before planting my eyes on Austin. There's something not right with him. He's getting too eyeballey with our sister, and she's just standing there batting her mascara clumped eyelashes like mama won't come down here in a flash!

Anywho. I looked down at my four sisters and back at Mayleen and her children waiting for someone to say something. No one did so Mayleen spoke up again.

Mayleen: "....well... ummm would you ladies like to introduce yourselves... please?!"

"Well umm I'm Jacky..."

"I'm Denise..."

"I'm Twinkie"

"I'm Dorinda"

"And I'm Karen!"

TCS: "And we're the Clark Sisters."

Jacky: "We're 22,20,18,19, and 16."

Ashley: "Wow! Finally someone who's the same age as me! Hopefully we can become more than Step-Sisters!"

I blushed and hid behind Jacky some.

Karen: "That would be c-cool."

Mayleen: "Well! Now that you ladies, and gentlemen know each other, let's get some food on our stomachs. I plan on ordering in so we can use the projector out back."

My sisters placed their bags and shoes beside the door leaving them in identical white socks.

My shoes came off as soon as we walked through the door, so I broke away from Jacky to catch up with Ashley.

Karen: "Hey Ashley. Can you show me where the bathroom is?!"

Ashley: "Yeah. After we mark our seats at the table...."

Mayleen: "Come on. Chop chop. We must make it to the kitchen first if y'all wanna eat. Yall enjoy the party food!"

Karen: "Good cause I'm hungry!"

Denise: "KAREN!"

Karen: "What! I'm starving! Y'all know that ever since I had the-

Ashley: "...the what?!"

Karen: "I uh- I uh-"
Jacky: "It's okay KayKay, we're here. Take your time."

Karen: "I had a baby. But that's a story for another time. Let's enjoy the nice snacks that Mayleen provided for us today! Hmm!

Allison: "Uhhh sure! Thanks mom."

Twinkie: "Th-thank you Mayleen"

Jacky and Denise: "Thanks Mayleen"

Dorinda: "Thank you Mrs.Mayleen"

Austin: "Yea! I appreciate the snack ma dukes."

Mayleen: "You all are SO welcome. Well, I'll be outback in the pool. Let me know when y'all are done okay?!"

All: "Yes ma'am"

Mayleen covered her eyes with her shades then walked away. After that, Austin turned on some Michael Jackson to brighten the mood. Jacky got a plate full of sandwiches and sat in the phone room to talk to her bestie Lisa Page.

I know Denise, Dorinda, and Twinkie got them a few things thing went upstairs, and Austin left once Ashley and I were alone.

Ashley: "It's nice to know that someone else is the same age as me in this house. I thought my summer was gonna be boring.

Karen: "I bet I'm older than you still, aren't I?"

Ashley: "You are! I was born in April, you were born In November. So you are..."

Karen: "Oh. Well, what do you wanna do? Or like to do?!"

Ashley: "I like to sit in my tree house. And read. Sometimes watch the stars or listen to the radio."

Karen: "Well how about we bring some food with us so we can eat sandwiches in your tree house?"

Ashley: "That's a good idea. Let's go!"

So off we went. Ashley had the cookies and juice, while I had a bag of Doritos in between my teeth, and an arm full of sandwiches to carry. Ashley walked up the tree, and threw this basket down. We were able to put all of the food and drinks in, so I climbed up.

For a couple of hours, we talked and listened to her radio. Ashley told me how she hated that we weren't able to meet sooner. I hated that too.

It was getting a little dark, but we stayed outside and talked some more.

Ashley: "So, you mind telling me about your baby.... that's if you don't mind."

Karen: "I-I don't really talk about him. Just give me a little more time..."

Ashley: "No need to worry. We're sisters, we should be able to talk to one another... you do see me as your sister now right?"

Karen: "That's only if you see me as yours...."

Ashley: "Of course! You're my Kare Bear."

Karen: "And you're my Ally Cat"

Ashley: "....Well, let's get going! Dinner should be served soon. And before you ask, the only way down is to jump. Come on!"

I know this girl...😭😭

Karen: "Okay.... yay! I'm jumping from a tree for the first time!"

Ashley: "Don't be so dramatic. It's an easy jump. Just walk down a few steps and jump. See!"

Watching Ashley do it was seemed easy enough to me. So I walked down a few steps like she did, and as I was jumping down, Twinkie came out of nowhere. She was coming to telling us that dinner was ready, but I unfortunately knocked her down and out causing her leg to break.

Before I jumped, I had scratched up my arm really bad, and even though Twinkie broke my fall, my arm had hit the ground pretty hard.

And that's what happened on the first day of the summer of 1986. I'm sick of myself too at this point 🥲

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