Kyoka Jiro x Male Reader

By Victor_TheRiper

92.7K 1.5K 725

18 year old high school hero, Kyoka Jiro not only wanted to dream of becoming a musician, has also yet have a... More

Chp.2 Timeskip
Chp.3 Im Here Now
Chp.4 Planning For The School Festival
Chp.5 Meeting Little Eri
Chp.6 Enter Gentle Criminal
Chp.7 Prepping For The School Festival
Chp.8 Little Eri Visits UA High School
Chp.9 Gold Tips Imperial
Chp.11 Versus Gentle Criminal Pt.1
Chp.14 Jiro Shines/Eri Smiles
Chp.17 Let Us Have Fun Together
Chp.18 Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon

Chp.12 Vs Gentle Criminal Pt.2

1.9K 55 5
By Victor_TheRiper



It was 9:30am, and yet (YN) only has 30 minutes to get there before 10am, that's the time we're Jiro's performance start and yet the festival has already started since 9:00am,
And now, (YN) will take down Gentle once and for all, as he now is using his quirk's full power, flaming his legs up, his ultimate technique, Diable Jambe!

Gentle Criminal: This is impossible!

La Brava: N-No way!

Gentle Criminal: In the last, lover mode will always help us escape...together! La Brava, stay out!

Gentle puts La Brava down as he goes rushing towards (YN), soon (YN) lifts his left leg up...

(YN): Diable Jambe!

And then, he goes rushing after Gentle as he yet swings his left kick, hitting Gentle's gut...

(YN): Grill Shot!!!

With that kick, he caused Gentle to spat blood out and sending him flying crashing towards trees, Gentle quickly recovers as the two started going at it, and yet they took their fight up on the air, clashing each other...

La Brava: G-Gentle! No! I'm sorry...forgive me seems my love wasn't strong enough for us!

Gentle Criminal: Nothing's certain yet, La Brava. Your feelings will see us through!

Gentle notices (YN) goes rushing to him as Gentle raised his arms up...

Gentle Criminal: Gently Sandwich!

Gentle created couple layers of elastic air membranes above (YN), slamming him to the ground....

Gentle Criminal: The thinner the sandwich, the elegant it's considered. I do regret on putting so many piles of layers, but I supposed it won't be help. Sacrifices must be made to achieve the dreams of my youth. To make certain that history...remembers me! I do not simply hold ambition for myself! If I want my name all over society, I must preserve! You're a UA student, so you must understand what it means to yearn a goal!

(YN) suddenly lifts his leg, kicking the ground hard as he yet started digging underground and yet merging out from it...

(YN): I do. If you understand that, then why target the school festival?! Why ruin things we have worked so hard for?!?

Gentle Criminal: Because...I have no choice!!

(YN) goes rushing to Gentle as he yet started throwing kicks at him as Gentle started diving and blocking them...

(YN): It's for your dream. So nothing else matters?! You'll get the whole event canceled! And take the happiest away from a girl, who doesn't even know the fact how to smile! And ruin my best friends moment!

Gentle: I will do all that! If that what it takes to achieve my goal!

Soon Gentle then yet started fighting back, throwing punches and elastic membranes at (YN), as (YN) dodges them and blocks them with his kicks...La Brava on the other hand was so worried about Gentle...

La Brava: N-No! This isn't right! We use liver mode to escape together, not like this! He usually tries so hard to avoid violence!

Gentle Criminal: You can mock me and say that I'm weak, but..I care not what you think! We will prevail!

Soon, both Gentle and (YN) clash each other, as Gentle strikes his punch and (YN) strikes his kick towards each other...

(YN): I won't mock you! But I cannot let you near UA!

La Brava: Gentle! Don't lose! Win! Defeat him! You have to!

With Gentle hearing La Brava screaming fo him emotionally, her love was giving her more and more strength and power...

(YN) Mind: That girls quirk! It's giving him more power and increasing more!

Gentle Criminal: Tell me boy! Why is it that you want to become a hero?!?

(YN): Wh-Why you ask?!? Cause...Cause...I wanna show a bright future for the ones I cared for and the ones I save!

Gentle Criminal: *chuckles* I see. Yes. In that case...

Gentle then grabs (YN)'s leg as he soon started slamming him and then tosses him away, again crashing towards a he keeps dealing with him, La Brava then rushes over for her laptop and starts to use her hacking skill to deactivate the UA's security walls...

La Brava Mind: My love. I believe in all my heart you can do this! If I can connect to UA's internal network, using the special wireless connection, then I can deactivate their security system and we can get inside! This program we made has to work and-

Suddenly, the laptop won't let her with the internet not connect...

La Brava Mind: Oh no! I can't connect from this far! I need to get closer! Anything to help Gentle!

La Brava soon started to make her way near UA to connect her laptop, Gentle realizes her leaving aka one herself...

Gentle Criminal Mind: La Brava no! You cannot leave at your own!

(YN) Mind: Can't let her leave!

(YN) try to go after La Brava, but Gentle got in the way as he strikes a knee towards his face, knocking (YN) down...

Gentle Criminal: Tell me lad, do you still think I'm worthy of being your opponent?! Of course! Cause now I will finish you off!

Gentle Criminal soon started leaping in the air and jumping around to gain speed to finish off (YN) with one final hit to him...

Gentle Criminal Mind: I will put all away my pride, honor, everything to defeat you! Consider this a sign of respect lad!

And as we go to La Brava, she soon stopped running as she then can see pro heroes coming on her direction, Ectoplasm and Hound Dog, knowing Hound Dogs scent of smell, he knows something was going on...

La Brava Mind: O-Oh no...they're coming!

And we go back to the fight, as Gentle soon goes rushing down to (YN) to finish him off for good, but as soon he got near him, (YN) suddenly open his eyes wide, and yet lifts his right leg, kicking towards Gentle's chin, and yet he stood up as he uses Sky Walk, jumping towards to the air and yet, he started charging up his right leg with a lot of flames, and soon, he seems Gentle barely recovering from that kick as (YN) got hi where he wants him to be, and so, (YN) goes dashing straight towards him with his right leg fully flamed up with heat fire...

(YN): Diable Jambe!!

Soon, (YN) then started tumbling down with his leg outstretched, gaining such amazing speed by spinning, as he yet got close to Gentle with such high speed, he then outstretched his flaming right leg and land a brutal kneel slam above Gentle's head...

(YN): Concasser!!!!

With that brutal kneel slam on Gentle's head, it caused him to spat lots of blood out from his mouth....and soon knocking him out for good...(YN) then stares at Gentle down on the ground as he yet gets on his knees and hold him for him not to fight back...

(YN): ...Gentle...besides the villains I have fight in the were my toughest opponent. Cause you are someone I can understand. But that said...I've got you.


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