Nobody's Girl (British urban...

By shedontcurrr

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sometimes hate can be the best love. More



621 49 12
By shedontcurrr

 ''Malorie!'' Mum ran into the living with a massive grin on her face.

I sent one back before getting up from the sofa where I had been hibernating on all day, to bury my face in her shoulder. 

She drew the curtains apart, letting in the bright  light. My eyes squinted from the sun as I watch her enter the kitchen, with her red bottom heels clacking at the tiled flooring.

''Hi, mum.''

''Hey big head, how are you?'' she joked, pouring her self and I glass of juice.

''Yep.'' shot my thumbs at her. With a small grin. I sunk deeper into the fabric sofa and pulled my sleeves all the way down to my knuckles.

''I called the Headteacher today, told them about your cold and stuff, and they said you can have the rest of the week off.'' she went on.

Most teenage girls, after receiving this kind of news, would be jumping for joy. Oh, but not me. I was really worried about missing classes, seeing as every single piece of information was vital around these 'exam' times.

Although there was a sense of joy for a whole week off, my joy was only complete when mum also told me that my teachers have sent me some exam practice work in the post so its all good.

''Thanks mum.'' I smiled as she handed me my glass of juice, I swished the liquid in the glass for a couple of seconds before gulping it all down.

She kicked off her heels and joined me under the blanket , holding my waists with her arms.

''So how was work ?'' I asked, trying to sound interested in her financial life.

''Hummmm, it was okay, just the usual. Just had to survive nine hours of absolute bitchiness from those idiots.''

I giggled at her screw face and sunk deeper into her arms.

"Enough about me, how you feeling?''

''I'm fine mum, for the hundredth time!'' I rolled my eyes playfully at her over protectiveness.

''Jheez, cant blame me for being your mum, just asking mate''

''Okay mum, sorry, i'm fine.'' I pecked her on the cheek and gave her a huge goofy grin just to make her laugh.

''Oh Yh!" she snapped out of her trance. ''I've got something for you!''

I gave her a curious look. ''Really? What??''

''Okay, don't get too excited.'' She said running out of the living room before reentering with a white shopping bag.

I was overly excited now, so I sat up on the sofa and watched as she pulled out a massive pack of Kitkat chunkys

I smiled at her and stretched over to grab it from her. "Oh My God,finally something I actually want!''

She grinned at her success and wiped invisible tears from her eyes melodramatically ''I know,I got it right for once''

''Yeah, you did.'' I said, hugging onto it. ''Thanks a lot mum.'

The next day came and went like a ghost. Nothing much happened other than studying and lots of gifts and presents from mum. I don't why she was doing this, but I didn't want to over think the matter so I just left it.

However on Wednesday, something really odd happened.

It was about midday, mum was at work and I was left home alone sneezing my nose off.

I was sat in my bed, with my thick blanket wrapped tightly around my feverish body. The clock on my wall read 12:30 .

Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. After taking me a couple of seconds to gain enough strength to actually lift my weight off the bed, I walked towards the window to look out to see who was there. My eyes came across a bicycle dumped on the pathway that lead to my front door. One wheel was still spinning, as if it had been dropped eagerly.

When I reached downstairs, I was pretty hesitant to open the door. But I did it anyways.

As soon as my eyes met the person at the door, a feeling of total regret of doing so, rushed into me.

For a long couple of seconds we were just staring at each other, neither of us knowing the other was about to do. Well, I knew what I was about to do. I swung the doors shut right in his face. Before leaning back on the door to catch my breath. My heart was beating so fast I lost count. I felt myself slip down on my bottom as beads of sweat rolled down my temples.

''Malorie?'' He whispered behind the door.

Well, that's what it sounded like to me, It was as if everything had become mute as memories of that night rushed back into my head. I'm so stupid to think that I could forget everything about him in the course of three days.

''Malorie?'' he called once more.

I didn't reply, I couldn't. I just laid down on the door mat as my breathing grew faster , it wasn't as if I was scared, I just didn't know. I was so convinced that that night would erase itself from my memory, but I guess not.  

I stayed silent for what I think was a couple of minutes. Eventually I couldn't hear anything from outside, it looked as if he'd gone. 

Just as I opened the front door to check if the bicycle was still there, someone pushed me back inside, and shut the door behind them

At this point I wanted to scream, I wanted to scream so loud that mum would be able to hear me from wherever the hell she was and come and hold me and rescue me and tell me that its going to be okay, like she'd done all my life.

But I couldn't, whenever I'd open my mouth, nothing would come out, I'd just end up shutting it again.

By now I knew who it was. He held onto my waist in attempt to grab me, but I pushed him straight off. I felt myself begin to shake as I backed away from him.

''Malorie, I...''

As soon as he'd said my name, I began to cry silent sobs. Every time he edged closer to me, I'd cry a little louder and he'd stop in his tracks.

''Please, get away from me.'' I mumbled,

''Malorie, this isn't why I came here,''

Soon he'd managed to back me right into a wall.

I was so scared words couldn't explain. My sobs became more desperate as the seconds went by.

''Malorie, please stop crying, I'm not gonna hurt you.''

''Yes you will!'' I screamed in his face ''you always hurt me, Devonte! Always, always, ALWAYS!''

I slipped down the wall and buried my head into my sleeves before sobbing even more.


''What have I ever done to you to make you treat me like this?''

** **


What do I want? I don't even know. All I know is that I'm such a fucking dickhead.

I tried to place my hand on her shoulder but she tensed so I did otherwise.

I was so confused right now I had no clue what to do.

** **


I looked up to find him sat in the corner right next to me. His head was on the wall and his eyes were shut.

''Devonte, please get away from me.'' I whisper, but just loud enough for him to make out my words.

''You make it so fucking hard.'' he whispered, still with his eyes closed. ''why do you make it so fucking hard?''

I didn't want to answer that, because I didn't have the slightest idea what he was on about .

''All I came here to do was to apologize, but you make it so fucking hard...''

I didn't say anything, I just watched as he pulled out his act.

''are you even listening to me?''


''Please, just.... just look at me, Malorie?''

''I cant.''

He didn't reply to that, he just got up and crouched down in front of me..

''Malorie-Jane please?''

I don't know why, but I slowly lifted my head. Of course I was still crying. He even reached his hand to wipe my cheek but I slapped it away before he could.

''Okay, I know you're pissed off with me, but will you give me fucking break?''


''Sorry'' he whispered. ''I don't even know what I'm doing''

''Yh, you really don't.''

''You know what, fine, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened on Saturday, I... I don't even know what came over me to touch a female. I'd never have done it if I was thinking straight. And I know you probably just think I'm a fucking prick, but I don't blame you, I just wanted to let you know that I was sorry. That's the only reason I bunked off third and fourth period''

That was when I realized that he was in fact in school uniform.

"Do you think that I didn't care about what I'd done on Saturday? Because I did. I couldn't even sleep that night, that was how much I'd regret what I'd done. Rhyse wouldn't even speak to me anyways and you've no fucking idea what that means when I live with her. All I'm saying is I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that, that night, and I know it.''

After his little speech he was staring right at me. I felt so uneasy under his gaze but that didn't erase the fact that I hated him so much.

I watched as he grabbed his hoody off of the floor and shoved his arms into the sleeves of it.

He gave one last glance before walking out the door.

Just as the door shut with a silent bang I burst into tears once more.

Why does he have to make my life so complicated?

** **


He dumped me? Can you believe it ? And guess who for? That rat! That psycho weird girl! Robbie dumped me for that bitch!

Pissed wasn't even the word to describe my emotion right now. Every time I think about Saturday night, anger just overtakes my mood. And to think I'd thought I'd have forgotten about it by now, but no! Ever since that evening its all I've been able to think about!

But at least for the whole week so far, I haven't had to set eyes on her. But that still doesn't solve the fact that Robbie dumped me for her!

Whoever had done that to her, to make her cry her fucking eyes out when she saw Robbie, I rate them, but I also fucking hate them.

Saturday night, around about 5:30 or so, Robbie and I were just about to walk into Starbucks as planned. Then suddenly, I see a girl with long messy hair and a red face walk past crying. I didn't notice, cos frankly I really didn't give two shits, it was only when Robbie pointed it out that I realized that the girl was actually that loser in my class, Melinda, or whatever.

As soon as Robbie realized this too, he ran after her, and when she turned around, she burst into more tears and buried her face in his chest.

As this scene went on, I had to standby and pretend to give a fuck whilst she broke down and told him what had happened. Then guess what? He grabbed her and told me he was going to walk her home! Right in the middle of our outing. In fact we'd barely got started. He'd pecked me on the cheek to show he was sorry, but even though I tried my hardest to hide it, I was furious! The little bitch!

I fucking hate her, I don't know what it is precisely, but fucking hell, if I had a chance to kill her at this moment, I wouldn't hesitate.


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