The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

176K 5.4K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
End of Book Two

Platform Nine and Three Quarters

1.3K 53 12
By tooldtobehere

The stormy night had given way to a sunny beautiful day. Lyra sat in her office, all of her windows open, basking in the warmth and the noise of the outside world. A knock drew her away from her papers and towards the doors.

She looked up to see George, in by far the most outrageous wizarding suit she had ever seen him in. Or anyone in for that matter. He wiggled his eyebrows and did a spin.

"What do you think? Fred and I are busting out the big guns for today's trip!"

Lyra shook her head, "what on earth are you wearing George?"

"Finest Dragon skin you can come by. Tell you what it cost quite a pretty penny."

"You're telling me you paid someone for that. They aren't paying you to wear it?"

"You just don't understand fashion, my love. Got too much muggle in you."

"Is it hex proof?" She continued to tease.

"You can't tell me I don't look good."

Lyra tapped her quill against her lips, debating. "Honestly? I prefer you best in nothing at all."

He smirked, "Is that so?"

"Over the blindingly green suit, Yes George." She laughed, "but if it makes you happy."

"Is that what your wearing?" He asked gesturing to her muggle clothes.

"Well no, I've got to change now don't I? Can't have you showing me up." She rose from her seat heading for the door.

George chuckled following behind her. "Like you own anything this flashy."

"No" she laughed, "but if I wore my dress from the Yule Ball I'd probably come close. I'd at least look as strange."

George imagined Lyra, standing in her beautiful dark blue dress waiting for the train. "God I love that dress."

She snorted in response. "Of course you'd actually like that idea.

They had reached the bustling store now, Fred waving from the stairs. To Lyra's dismay, he wore a suit almost identical to George's.

"You know," George said looking at his watch, "We've got a good amount of time, why don't you let me buy you a new dress?"

Lyra sent him a dirty look. "No-"

"Woah Woah, at least hear out my offer first."

She sighed, "alright let's hear it, Weasley."

"You set the price limit, pick out the dress, and I won't ask you to marry me for the rest of the week."

"It's Friday George."

"That's right," he looked at his watch, "which means you have over twelve hours of me not asking."

She crossed her arms contemplating. "Will it make you happy?"

"Over the moon."

"Can I change the conditions?"

"I'm listening."

"You also let me go with Alistor from now on without putting up a fight."

He scrunched his nose, and Lyra had to bite her giggle. "If you're just going to the hogshead, or something similar, and I get to pick out the dress, no price limit."

"We pick out the dress together." She bartered, knowing if she gave him the chance he'd put her in something outrageous.

He stuck his hand out, "deal."

She shook it, not able to keep the smirk off of her face.

Smirking he turned to Fred, "Oi, we're going out for a bit. Meet you at the Station?"

"Have fun love birds."

They took to the busy street. Lyra immediately going towards the leaky cauldron. "Where are you off too?" George chuckled, "got a shop in mind?"

"Well, I figured since we were heading to London anyways we could go to the shops there." She said innocently.

"No no, I see what you're up to," George said wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her to towards the wizarding shops. "Did you really think I'd overlook the fact my money's no good there?"

"Worth a shot." She sighed allowing him to drag her away.

They ended up going to three different shops. Neither being able to agree on a dress.  George kept trying to get her in something blood red, and she supposed at least it wasn't shiny green.

"What about this one?" She asked holding up a dark emerald green dress. "It's close to the color of your new jacket but without that blinding traffic shine to it."

George looked skeptical. "Try it on."

Rolling her eyes she went to the dressing room. Quickly slipping on the knee-length dress. Surveying herself in the mirror, she knew instantly he wouldn't say no to this one.

"You almost done in there?"

Lyra pulled back the curtain and stepped out smiling brightly. "So what do you think?"

"Absolutely not," George said shaking his head immediately. 

Her smile faltered, and she turned back to the mirror. "Godrick I didn't think I looked that bad."

"Stone you don't understand anything at all," he said trying to keep the smirk off his face. "Of course you look stunning in it, that's the problem."

"You know sometimes, I seriously wonder if you've fallen off your broom one too many times. What on earth are you going on about?"

He grinned mischievously. "Exactly what I said Stone. I'm afraid you look too good in it. If you show up to the platform like this, how will I ever manage to keep all your old admirers away from you? You'll start a riot."

Lyra pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to ignore the heat she felt in her cheeks. "We seriously need to workshop your flirting." 

"Oh, I don't know about that," he said standing, "by the color of your cheeks I'd say I was rather successful." 

"Firstly, let's say that I did have a bunch of admirers just waiting to get off the train and confess their undying love for me. Don't act like you would not absolutely revel in wrapping your arm around me, kissing me on the cheek, and watching the light leave their eyes as I politely thanked them for their affections but I was happily taken." 

"Well, when you put it like that you make it sound mean." 

She laughed, "Actually I take that back, they'd probably look at me and be like "Really this guy? in the outrageous jacket?" 

"I think you mean Outrageously stylish jacket." 

"Yes," she said her amusement pouring into him as he ran his hand down her arm and clasped her hand in his, "So stylish, they probably will lose all courage to even come up in the first place with you standing next to me." 

"Alright, Alright." he sighed, "You've convinced me. We'll get this one." 

After they finished shopping, they headed straight out into London for the train station. The bustling city which would have been far too overwhelming for the two on their own was easily navigated with Lyra's muggle knowledge, and Georges unwavering confidence. George picked up quick on things, and besides his outrageous outfit, easily would have blended in. 

It comforted her to know that he adapted quickly to muggle situations, in case he ever had to navigate the muggle world without magic. She made a mental note that they should start making an effort to spending more time away from magic until he and Fred could switch between the cultures smoothly. She'd need to start putting a plan together, and a timeline for everything...

"Whatcha thinking about?" George said squeezing her hand in his as they walked through the large station. 

She smiled at him, "How much I love you." 

He narrowed his eyebrows, not quite believing her, but he didn't get the chance to ask. Just as he was about to, they heard their names being called in the distance. 

"Georgie, Lyra! Over Here!" 

They turned to see Fred waving his arms a group of familiar people standing by him. George let the conversation go for now. 

"Hey Freddie," Lyra said smiling as they reached him.

"Oh for goodness sake, not you to George!" Mrs. Weasley said as the rest of the group joined them, and Mrs. Weasley wrapped her son in a tight hug. "Those jackets are ridiculous."

"Hello, Mum." George sighed, "good to see you too."

She turned to Lyra next. "Oh, Lyra dear you look wonderful! Glad to see you doing so well! Don't know how you bare to leave the house with these two fools dressed like this."

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley." Lyra giggled "and Mr. Weasley." She added seeing the cheerful man standing behind his wife.

"Lyra! You look well, last I heard you were still recovering."

"Doing much better now. Thanks to George and Fred's help."

She turned to Lupin next, who stood a few paces back awkwardly. He did not look any better than the last time they had met. If anything his pallor had only seemed to worsen. Lyra stepped forward and he pulled her into a tight hug. Not surprised this time by it.

"You look lovely." He said softly.

"I wish I could say the same for you. Are you eating okay? Sleeping?"

He chuckled, pulling away from their hug. "I'm fine Lyra. You worry too much."

"No, I've found I worry just the right amount." she corrected with a small smile. "Come by the shop soon okay? I've got some potions that will help."

"There's no need to"

"They are already brewed," she lied, "Extras that will just go bad if no one uses them."

Lupin gave her a knowing smile. "Alright then, I'll swing by soon." 

Lyra said hello and caught up with everyone else. If Alistor was still cross with her from their last talk, he didn't show it. As they waited for everyone else to arrive, an anxiousness began to form in the pit of Lyras stomach..... She hadn't seen most of her friends in person since, well since the fight in the department of mysteries. It felt like it had been months ago instead of days. She'd changed so much in such a short time, she wondered how much they had changed.... how different would they be? 

She felt a familiar hand slid into hers with a reassuring squeeze. "It's going to be okay Lyra Stone." George whispered into her ear. "They're your friends after all, not a group of deadly death eaters."

"And yet," she whispered back, her breath catching as students started to pour out of the secret entrance one by one, "equally as scary."

"Breath love." he said soothingly, "I'm right here." 

Four familiar faces came into view, and Lyras stomach dropped as her heart soared. George pulled her closer to him reassuringly. Mrs. Weasley ran up to them first pulling Ron and Ginny into a tight hug, before moving onto Harry. 

Hermione made a bee-line for Lyra who met her Friend half way colliding in a tight hug. Herminoe could feel her fear, her happiness, and everything in between, as she hugged her friend tightly to her. "I've missed you. The Libraries just not the same without you around." 

"I've missed you too. Godrick there's so much we've got to talk about. So much I couldn't manage to fit into letters." 

Herminoe pulled away. "You're telling me." she said with a smile, "But don't worry we've got all summer. I'd love to come and visit you at the shop, and you can come and stay with me and my parents, I know they'd love for you too."

Lyra was about to answer when there was a flash of long fire red hair, and she was pulled away from Herminoe into another bone crushing hug. "Lyra!" Ginny said as she gripped the shorter girl tightly. "You look amazing, I'm so glad your okay. We've all missed you and the twins. Lee and I have been out of our minds bored without you-"

Lyras emotions finally spilled over, and she felt her eyes grow wet. "Ginny, listen about what happened at- how I left you there- I'm so so sorry. If I had-"

"Shut up you dummy." Ginny said, "No wonder your letter was so vague, you've been holding in this apology all this time haven't you?" 

Lyra sniffled wiping her cheeks, "Maybe." 

"Well just forget it." Ginny said hugging her more tightly, "There's nothing to be sorry for." 

They ended there hug and rejoined the rest of the group. Lyra walking up to Ron and Harry last. She and Harry smiled at each other, the sudden weight of Sirius's death all to new again and all to heavy. 

"Hey," She said pulling him into a hug. 

"Hi." He said back hugging her tightly. 

Lyra didn't ask how he was, or told him she was sorry. Her eyes did not look upon him with the pity that so many others did. Lyra, in that quiet way that Harry had always appreciated about her, just let him exist. It was something he now thought he had maybe overlooked about the quiet girl when she was at school with them. 

Similarly, Harry did not tell her that she looked well, or that he was sorry for what happened, for bringing her to the ministry. He didn't bring up what had happened, how she had been those last moments that had seen each other. 

It wouldn't be until later when they were both older and the pain of his God Father's death wasn't so fresh that the two would talk about that day. Until then, a silent truce had been made as they hugged. Regardless of their growing apart, both knew a loyal friend was only a moment away, and for now, that was enough. Maybe all they could handle really. 

They pulled apart a bit awkwardly, Harry rubbing the back of his head, and Lyra turned to Ron. "You're looking a lot better." She said to him pulling him into a hug also. 

Ron turned a deep shade of red making both the twins and Harry snicker. "Y-yeah. Just some scaring, Ginny said you healed me after those brains attacked... thanks for that I guess."

"Christ Ron, the girls practically our sister, she slept in the room above yours for months." Fred teased at Ron's awkward reaction.

"Don't you mean the room below?" Ginny asked smirking. 

"What? Oh! Right," Fred said with a wink, "The room below." 

Ron just looked at them all confused, While Lyra turned a bright red. As she stepped away from Ron, George wrapped his arms around her pulling her back into his arms hugging her from behind. 

"Is that where you slept?" he teased her nuzzling her neck, "I had no idea." 

"Oh shush," she muttered, "before your mother overhears." 

"So what? We're grown now. Not much she can do about it anymore."

"Still I'd like to not take any chances." 

Lyra looked around the platform anxiously as the others went to talk to Harry's aunt and Uncle. George sensed her unease, pulling her close."

"Hey Ginny?" He said casually interrupting Ginny and Fred's conversation. "You think Neville's left yet?"

Lyra went pink and looked up at him shocked. Wad she that easy to read?

"Not sure... You'd have to check back at platform 9 3/4. I don't think him and his Gran usually come this way."

"It's okay." Lyra said softly, "He's probably already left I wouldn't want to be a bother-"

"No harm in checking." George said, starting to pull her towards the pillar that was the secret entrance to the platform. She allowed him to drag her along. Her fear putting her in auto-piolet. She didn't dare look up from her feet. Didn't dare hope that he was still around.

George stopped short and she almost ran into him. "there he is! Looks like his Grans with him too."

Lyra looked up, and she wasn't sure what came over her. The next thing she or George knew, she was moving, a title wave of emotion driving her through the crowd. It parted for her subconsciously shying away from her emotions.

'shes going to knock him straight over at that rate.' George thought, before cupping his hands over his mouth and yelling "Oi! Longbottom!"

Neville turned just in time for Lyra to Collide with him. If he hadn't been so much taller then her, she would have most certainly sent them both tumbling to the ground.

"L-Lyra?!" Neville sputtered as he realized he wasn't being attacked by some small green blur.

She clung to him tightly, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry Neville. I'm so so sorry. I was a horrible friend. What I put you through at the ministry-"

Neville looked past Lyra to George horrified as he reached them.

George shrugged with a smirk. "She's been a worried mess about you."

Neville seemed to be at a loss for words. "Hey, Lyra please don't cry. Listen I'm not upset okay. I wasn't mad at you. I'm just glad you're okay. That's all I care about..."

She pulled away sniffling. "But I was horrible to you."

"No." He said pulling her back in. "You were desperate, and in pain. If the roles were reversed, I think I would have acted the same way, I know I would of. Just like, I know you probably would have stopped me." 

And just like that every clicked into place, once more the impending future didn't seem so daunting. They had survived after all. Survived the bully's, the Ministry and Umbridge, even the death eaters, even Bellatrix.

"Stronger together right?" She asked so softly she wasn't sure he'd even of heard.


"A-and I can see you this summer?"

"Of course you'll see him Lyra." Came George's reassuring voice. "He's got to come see the shop after all, and you two can nerd out about all your books and plants, and so on."

Neville released her looking to George a bit suprised, but happy. "Right, you should come by too, I'm sure Gran would love the company. She's was pretty impressed with you last time and we can write. Write me as much as you like."

"You better answer."

"Course." He said with both the happiest and saddest smile.

"Neville!" His Gran called from where she stood a few yards away. "Let's go, you'll see them next year!"

Lyra looked like she was about to cry again, and Neville grabbed her hand quickly in his squeezing it reassuringly. "I'll see you soon okay?"


He turned away, running back to his Gran with nothing but a small wave back to them.  George placed a hesitant hand on her back, and Lyra turned to him at once drawing him close and letting it all out. The few left on the platform stared at the two perplexed. How strange they must of looked. Neither cared. He held her until her sobs turned into sniffles, looks be damned.

"You ready to go home love?"

"Home" she repeated a small bubble of joy floating up among her sadness. She breathed it in. Home, with George. In their tiny flat above their beautiful shop, with Fred, their funny loving and dreadfully annoying Fred. "Yes." She said "Let's go Home."

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