I am USAGI! (UA Hero/Villain...

By Chimera_Regarion

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What happens when Aizawa realizes that one of his first year hero students was hiding his true potential? Wha... More

Rules of the Useless ones!
Announcement: Let the game begin!
Heroes Side!
Villains Side!
Preparation Day 1: Costumes
Preparation Day 2: Training
Preparation Day 2: Speechless
Preparation Day 2: Found out!
Preparation Day 3: Back on my feet!
Preparation Day 3: Weapons!
Hero Side Preparation Day 1
Hero Side Preparation Day 2
Hero Side Preparation Day 3
War Day 1: Welcome to the Island
War Day 1: Number 1 is overrated!
War Day 1: Truce
War Day 1: Tricked!
War Day 1: The ninth!
War Day 1: A true villain
War Day2: Vampire Hunt!
War Day 2: Bullseye
War Day 2: Welcome to the Team!
War Day 2: Not that dumb...
War Day 2: What's up with the Drones?
War Day 2: Mystery of the Island
War Day 2: Crazy Cat-Lady!
War Day 2: Stupidity can't be cured!
War Day 3: I said dibs!
War Day 3: Just Why?
War Day 3: On the hunt
War Day 3: Loud ass cockatoo!
War Day 3: Here we come!
War Day 3: Eyes and Ears in the sky!
War Day 3: Let's start the Payback, shall we?!
War Day 3: Horror and Pain!
War Day 3: There was a class 1B? Well now they are gone XD
War Day 3: Are we rooting for him? YES definitelly!
War Day 3: Team up!
War Day 4: The Past
War Day 4: Welcome Dadzawa!
War Day 4: No one is ever safe!
War Day 4: Easy game, right?!
War Day 4: Playing a game of cat and mouse!
War Day 4: It's called SCAREcrow for a reason!
War Day 4: CAT Isalnd for a CAT lover!
War Day 4: May I introduce to you, this is Tiny!
War Day 4: Izuku's new fan club!
War Day 4: Preparations!
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (1)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (2)
War Day 5: Surprise attack! (3)
After Match

Preparation Day 2: What just happened?

29.4K 901 475
By Chimera_Regarion

Aizawa POV:

In one moment I attacked Izuku with my scarf and in the next one I was laying down on the ground face first.

What the heck?

I could feel myself being enveloped in something and although I loved being on the ground in order to sleep this was not a situation I preferred since I clearly remembered attacking Midoriya.

Am I in my sleeping bag?

How did I end up in it?

Wait no, where is my scarf?

Dang it, this is not my sleeping bag!

I tried to get out of it but quickly realized that this was my scarf. I was wrapped up in my own scarf.


All I could do was blink a few times and try to replicate what just happened but nothing could explain what the frick just happened.

Then I felt something pushing me down and in the next moment, Laugher filled the whole area. It was not Izuku who was laughing his ass of no, it was my dear husband that was laying on the ground.

Me: And why are you laughing, like crazy Zashi?

It took some time for him to stop laughing, stand up and come to my side but before he did that he made a picture from us.

Zashi: Okay, little listener, I think he had enough.

In the next moment I elt a lot lighter and I heard Izuku apologizing over and over again. He bowed his head deeply in apology.

Izuku: I am so sorry!

I tried to get out of and stand up but it was too tightly wrapped up around me.

Me: Zashi, do you mind?

Zashi: Pffff-hahahaha of course not!

It took a good 15 minutes until I was free and I was confused on what just happened, pissed at my still laughing husband and somewhat impressed and proud of Izuku.

Zashi: Sho, you need to see this! This is how I found you guys just now!

He showed me the picture he just took and my eyes widen at the sight of it. There was a picture of me tightly wrapped in my own scarf, laying on the ground. That wasn't all! Izuku had a foot on my back in order for me to not be able to stand up, he was forcing me to lay low and not move in a litteral sense and then he had one end of my scarf wrapped around his hand.

This isn't normal!

So what Nezu told us was true!

He is hiding his strength and wits from us!

But why?

Nezu never told us why he would do that.

Flashback brought to you by Mic sharing the picture in the teachers group chat.

Mic: Sho, what do you think Nezu wants from us?

Me: I don't know and stop asking me that.

Midnight: Hmm, maybe there is a villain attack or a lead to them?

Mic: Not that I know off.

Midnight: Maybe a new staff member? Or maybe he gives us some vacations.

Me: Very unlikely.

The rest of our walk to Nezu's office Mic and Midnight were trying to guess what was about to happen or better known as the reason for our beloved Rat school Satan to call for all of his teachers. People liked to call us his demons since we were all a pain in the ass to deal with especially me if they don't give me some quality coffee.

It took a while for everyone to arrive and after every single one of us was there Nezu immediately started to explain the reason we were all here and I suddenly knew why I had such a bad feeling.

Nezu: I have decided to bring the hero vs villain war game back.

I swear to god, he is only doing this because he is bored.

Hound Dog: May I point something out?

Nezu: Why of course!

Hound Dog: There is a good reason we don't do this anymore. After the last class tore each other down and I had to spend a whole year in trying to get them back to be normal, I don't think this would be a good idea.

Nezu: Oh but they won't face each others.

Vlad King: *Exhale* I am so relieved to hear that.

Me: Scared of my class?

Vlad King: Your class is insane! I don't know what you are teaching them!

Mic: Oh I am happy to hear that the little listeners of 1A and 1B won't go against each other!

If they are not then who are they facing?

Midnight: I don't understand. If there is a villain vs hero exercise and they will be the heroes who is going to be the villain?

Nezu: I never said anything about them being only the hero and besides that they are not the only one participating in it.

Me: I am not getting paid enough for this!

Nezu: I will make sure to upgrade our coffee machine!

Me: I never said anything against it! I am in!

Nezu: Thought so.

Midnight: Wait, they will face us?

Nezu: Not all of them but yes.

Vlad King: Who is on our side from all of our classes?

All Might: I can imagine Bakugo or Todoroki being one of them.


Isn't Midoriya your protégé?

What happened?

He was your favorite! Why not mention him?

Nezu: No, quit the contrary they will be in the heroes' team and Midoriya will be with us.

All Might: Young Midoriya is out of it! He hasn't trained in weeks and of top of that is always late or sleeps in classes. He also has some serious anger issues!

Me: And Bakugo doesn't?

All Might: That's different!

Nezu: How so?

All Might: Young Bakugo trains hard and seems to be always angry it's his charm.

Me: What a very lovely charm, screaming DIE in your face!

Nezu: Midoriya will join us and that is final!

Me: Is there a reason for that?

Nezu: I believe he was hiding his true potential from us.

One of my students?

Hiding his potential?

Mic: Why should he do that?

Nezu: I don't know the exact reasons for it but I have an assumption.

And of course you won't share it with us!

End of flashback brought to you by all the teachers laughing their asses off once they saw the picture of a captured caterpillar.

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