The Boy of Three

By ImJustNot

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Boy has fire power in superpower world with heroes, but not really More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Halloween Special
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
How Ticks Work
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Universe hopping Filler!
UnF! Part 2
Chapter Nine
Season Two Trailer!?
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
World Hopping Filler?
Into the "Theo"verse Filler.
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 2
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 3
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 4

Chapter 18

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By ImJustNot

The chill one

I'm not doing a season one, not again, so here's a summary of how all of the other residents of Class Z-1 did in their Disasters

Daniel, Ashley, and Que x2

Daniel filled the air above the fire with water, putting out the flames while minimally injuring the clones throughout.

Gwen and Suba.

Gwen starts by having Suba try pulling arrows with strings attached to them. When that doesn't work, Suba pushes it to shore by flying.

Theo was also there and he made sure it didn't flip over.

Emily, Ethan, Harvey, and Kat

Ethan noticed when the small town was beginning to be flooded and kept it at bay long enough for the other three to get the clones out of there.

Johann, Julien, and Lettuce.

Once the rocks started falling Julien did what Ethan did but on a vertical plane. Of course with Lettuce helping him while Johann used his super-speed to move all the clones off the road.

After all that happened, Ted is floating on a wave of fire because he's just figured out he can be lazy with superpowers.

Seb: So uhh, you wanna talk about how fucking strong you are?

Ted: Nope, schools over and I want a lazy day.

Seb: Well, I'm free all day, wanna have an elementals day off?

Ted: Isn't Lettuce also technically an elemental type? Why not invite him?

Seb: Gas isn't an element.

Ted: "Sub-Type of the Wind Element Type: Gaseous, able to control and manipulate any gas. Skilled users may also gain the ability to create gasses whenever they want."

Seb: Where the hell did you read that?

Ted throws a book called "Sub Elements for Dummies" with a bookmark on page 32, down to Seb as they move towards the bus from the hole.

Ted: Bookmark.

Seb: "Sub-Type of the Wind Element..." Holy shit! Why wasn't he with us in that creating challenge?

Ted: Read the next page.

Seb: "Though it is an Elemental Type Tick, its creating ability is zero to none, making it one of the only few Elemental Types without that ability." Why the hell have I never known this?

Ted: Probably cuz you weren't interested. I bought this book because I was interested in what I could get after the second activation.

Seb: Ah, nice dude. What other Sub-Types are there for Wind?

Ted: Page forty-five.

Seb turns to the aforementioned page number.

Seb: "Sub-Types of the Wind Element are: Gaseous and Explosion..." Wait Explosion!?

Ted: Page forty-six.

Seb: "Wind Element Sub-Type: Explosion, causing explosions wherever the user wants by compressing wind and other elements in a small ball and causing an explosion by rubbing the elements together very fast, explosions may vary in size depending on how much is put into the initial ball." The fuck? That sounds more like Earth Element than Wind!

Ted: Read the middle paragraph on the next page.

Seb: "Wind is used to quickly gather and compress the elements, but if you read all that bullshit and believed it you're out of luck."

Ted: The author sometimes puts those fake-outs in their other works as well, the paragraph after that is full truth though.

Seb: "Explosion users produce an explosive gas from their mouths which they can manipulate and detonate at any time."

Ted: We're back bitches!

Seb: Jesus fucking Christ! You scared me!

Ted: Pay attention then.

Ezra: Your classmates and David got back a little bit before you did.

Ted: Nice, well let's get going.

Ren: Wait, where the fuck is Theo?

Theo: Right here bitches.

Theo comes from behind Suba and Gwen.

Theo: Just having a casual conversation with your friends.

Ren: Pretty sure those are Ted's friends.

Theo: That's who I was talking to dumbass.

Ted: Could've sworn you were my bitch.

Theo: It's been a month bitch boy! I'm not your bitch anymore.


A few hours before the tournament

Theo: Oi, copycat, let's make a deal.

Ted: What, burnt bitch?

Theo: If by some magical force, you don't come in first place in every event, I become your bitch till you get your second activation.

Ted: Okay, what if I do?

Theo: Then you have to let me use the sword during the tournament

Ted: Deal.

Theo: Jk I'm not waiting that long, I'll play along for a month then I'll go back to my normal self.

Flashback end~~~~~~~

Ted: You sneaky bitch. Fine. I was tired of you being my bitch anyway.

Ren: You're being chill, unusually so. Why?

Ted: Lazy day.

Ren: That explains... a lot actually.

Ref: Alright fuckers let's go.

Badabadpa time skip.

Ted, Seb, and Lettuce were sitting on a couch, just chilling, all of their eyes are slightly red.

Seb: If you think about it, We've only seen Ref fight once, and he only threw one punch.

Ted: Hehe ha! Guess you could call him the One Punch Man!

All of them laugh.

*cocks gun* that includes you too.

Ted: He ha! cocks.

More laughter ensues.

Lettuce: Hey, Ted, isn't your birthday in like a week?

Ted: Oh shit it is.

Seb: Whadyou got planned?

Ted: I dunno, stuff.

Theo: That means he's gonna spend all day skulking.

Seb: How did you get into my house?

Theo: Door.

Theo motions to the open door showcasing the multiple giant villains running amok.

Lettuce: The Pros got it... probably.

Random pro off in the distance: We do NOT GOT THIS!

Ren: I'll close the door.

Theo: Yeah you do that.

Seb: How do you people keep getting into my house.

Ren: I was with Ted when we all got here.

Lettuce: That is true, he was right next to him when we got here

Seb: Ah who cares.

Lia enters the scene with an empty carton of milk.

Lia: Hey Sebi we ran out of... milk... Why are they in our house?

Seb: We havin' an Elementals day off.

Lia: But today's Tuesday.

Seb: And?

Lia sniffs the air.

Lia: Wait... are you high.

Ted and Seb: Hell yeah!

Lettuce: In my defence, they asked me.

Lia: Just get the fricken milk.

Lia says before throwing the carton at Seb, hitting him right on the head.

Seb: Ow!

Ted: Ha!

Ted is hit with a small ball of water shortly after.

Ted: Ow!

Lia: It's rude to laugh at peoples pain.

Ted remembers that one filler that happened but also didn't.

Ted: Oh really? I didn't fucking know.

Ted says sarcastically.

Five minutes later the three are walking out of your local [REDACTED] with a carton of milk and several bags of chips of varying flavours.

Lettuce: With how you dress I wouldn't think you'd have any money on hand, let alone a credit card with hundreds.

He says referring to how Ted tends to wear mostly sweatpants and tight shirts.

Ted: Oh yeah, I'm kind of rich.

By rich, he means he has several million in his bank account.

Seb: I'm just not going to question it.

Ted: It'd be great if you didn't.

Five minutes later they're back on Seb's couch, but this time with snacks.

Seb: So we got snacks, Lia is out doing something. Gaming Tournament?

Lettuce: But there's only three of us.

Seb: Five if you count those two.

He says then points to Ren and Theo each with a bag of crisps in hand.

Ted: Then let's call up the other zed one guys. Make this a guys night out.

Seb: I like the way you think.

Lettuce: Okay, but there's only thirteen guys in the class, even with those two we'd need one more.

Ted: I know a guy.

Fifteen minutes later.

After ignoring the screams of agony from the dying Pro Hero's, all 13 male students of Class Z-1 were in Sebastian's living room.

Ethan: Why are we here again?

Seb: Because we got bored we decided to get the guys together to have a good old fashioned Gaming Tournament.

Ted: We are well aware that there are only thirteen guys in Class Z-1, that's why Theo, Ren, and another guy I know are here.

???: Sup.

A teen of slightly above average height, wearing a black and white long-sleeved shirt with grey sweatpants and black sneakers, says

Seb: How the hell did you get into my house?

???: Your bedroom window was open.

Seb ran off to check, only to find out there was now a hole right next to his open window.

???: Don't worry! It'll fix itself in about fifteen seconds.

As the strange teen said it would, it fixed itself fifteen seconds later.

Seb: Who are you?

???: Well my friends call me Not, but you can call me Nautilus.

Ted: What the fuck? That's not your fucking name ya fuck nugget.

Nautilus: You don't know that.

Ted points to the nametag on Not's shirt that says, God.

God: Oh yeah, that is there. Not anymore.

The nametag disappeared, only to reappear a second later with the name Nott on it.

Nott: There, I added an extra t.

Skipping past whatever that was, first game.

Because I can't make up a fake name

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Seb: So, easy enough, it's just 1v1's, winner goes on to the next round where we switch games.

Ted: To give everyone a chance, the next tournament will be starting with the game of the second round.

Seb: First up, Daniel and Jay

Well, you know because Daniel is an actual animal, he absolutely demolishes Jay, no deaths, he didn't camp either, he actively hunted Jay down.

Daniel: Daniel.

Translation: Ha, suck it, cunt.

Jay: I wasn't trying anyway, this is stupid.

Ted: Enough of that! Second Pair!

It's Harvey and Seb!

Harvey: I'm not very adept at Shooter Games so I forfeit.

Ted: Understandable!

Third pair! Ren and Galv!

Since neither of them have played a Shooter Game, it's settled by rock paper scissors.

Galv Wins!

Seb and Ted: Fourth Pair!

Nott: So no one going to question why both of them are suddenly all buddy-buddy?

Daniel: Daniel.

Translation: With how much he changes his personality, it was a given he'd make a random friend at some point.

Nott: Nott.

Translation: Ah, well who cares, I'll let him have his fun... for now.

Ominous message is ominous.

Nott: Foreshadowing is foreshadowing.

Ah, fuck off.

Ethan and Theo!

Ethan turns Theo's controller off whenever he's about to kill him, Theo blinds Ethan whenever he's near him, so of course, Ethan wins because he actually got kills, Theo got some grenade and proximity mine kills but that was about it.

Before you ask how the guy who can create stuff using fire blinded the guy with telepathy, telekinesis and a whole slew of other powers. Because he can.

Seb: Fifth Pair!

Ted: Sam and-!

Lia: Oh my fucking God! Shut the fuck up! I can hear you from upstairs!

Lia interjects so rudely.

Nott: To be fair, they were being loud.


Seb: Ayo! Respectfully shut up sis!

Are. They are being loud.

Anyway, it's Sam V David.

David, despite being able to double his reaction speed upwards to 15 times, lost because...

Nott: You know how a while back we said that having the brainpower of more than one person was kind of cheating?


Ted: Having three times the brainpower of a normal person is definitely cheating.

Flashback over~

Well, Sam and "Beast" kind of made up, and now they're working together.

Nott: I mean it's been like a month, he was bound to hear him out at some point.

Haha, skipping over entire character arcs because the story mainly revolves around one person whos not even that interesting is tight.

Nott: We should work on that huh?

That roughly translates to, "Make Season Three mostly about the other characters, get into their backstory and explain their Ticks ya know?"

Nott: Read me like a book, a really shitty book that should not have been made.

Get over it already. Also, did you decide on whether you gonna publish that fanfic?

Nott: God no. Akatsuki Tatsumi will only appear in the shorts or something.

But aren't you God?

Nott: Yep. So are you.

Guess we should cut the whole "Nott" thing then.

Not: Nope.

Because Not and the narrator were talking for so long. It's me, Kevin, taking over for the rest of this singular chapter.

Because Not didn't respond when everyone called him, they decided that Ted should win the round.

In the final pair for this round, Julien forfeited because he had something to do. Making Lettuce the winner of that round.

Little did he know that something was postponed because the building it was happening in was destroyed by the wild giant villains the boys are actively ignoring.

Hey, hi, hello, It's me, Kevin, and whenever I'm around everything goes wrong, or that's what that loser Not told me.

Next game, our eight contestants will be playing a singular round of Dario Car, it's like Mario Kart but more brutal, with lots of blood guts and gore.

If you don't remember who will be in this round it's.


Don't question why Johann and Suba's round was skipped over.

Anyway! Because I can't describe a round of Mario Kart, I will be describing the changes.

Blue shells are now flying spinning blades of death that take out everyone ahead of the person who threw it.

Bob omb is a nuke. Nuff said.

Red and green shells are singular blades, one has a magnet symbol on the blade signifying that it tracks, the other doesn't.

Bananas are spike traps.

Bullet Bill is now nuke shaped and when it's over, explodes.

That's pretty much all the changes I can make up off the top of my head so onto the top 4 of the round.

Daniel came in first place with Galv right behind him.

In third place is Ethan, and fourth, eh I'll give it Johann.

No one cares about the losers.

So, next round is, of course, a fighting game. I think he mentioned the name in a filler once. Lizard Sphere: Cenoverse, it's a parody of Dragon Ball: Xenoverse, course the most obvious change would be that the monkey boy looks like a monkey, he isn't an alien this time, and the short guy with the I'm lovin' it cut looks more like GT Goten.

Because Seb bought all the DLC a while ago, they play with the most broken characters in the game.

Ethan V Daniel.

Punch vs Super Intuition Wukong

If you know, you know.

The battle was surprisingly close, Ethan didn't use any dirty tricks, except you know, using Punch, overpowered bastard.

Though S.I. Wukong could dodge some of the attacks, he did get hit quite a bit.

Despite both being quite evenly matched, Daniel came out on top.

Johann chose a joke character, to give Galv a chance.

Galv, seeing how good the two characters Ethan and Daniel used were, used a DLC exclusive feature, Fusion.

There were two different types, Qotara and Dance. Qotara was objectively better, adding the two characters powers onto each other, evenly splitting the abilities, while the Dance doubled the weaker one's power but added more of the stronger one's abilities.

The drawback is that if the time limit wears off you become half as strong as the weaker one, and you don't get to use transformations and ultimate attacks unless the two characters share the ability to do them.

Johann: I can change my character right?

Seb and Ted: We must consult the council.

Ted and Seb huddle in a corner whispering to each other for a bit.

Seb: We have consulted the council.

Ted: And they have given you ten seconds to choose a different character.

Seb: Starting now.

Johann quickly chooses a big beefy character called Troly who has been proven to be one of the only characters on par with fusion characters.

Ted: Good choice.

So Troly shit stomps the fusion, even allowing it to get some hits on it at the start of the round, His Super Rage transformation that makes him invulnerable for the first ten seconds it's activated while also multiplying his power tenfold was the deciding factor of the match.

Johann: Sorry Galv,

Galv: It's alright Eva. If we do this again I want a rematch.

Johann: Alright!

Final game, we've done a Shooter game, a Racing game, and a Fighting game.

It is now, time for the final one v one.

The character that could kill pretty much anything, versus the character fast enough to break the sound barrier without breaking a sweat.

The last round has to be epic, and it is...



Daniel: Daniel?

Translation: Tetris?

Seb: We didn't want to reuse a genre.

Ted: And Tetris was the first puzzle game that came to mind.

Johann: Understandable.

Fifteen minutes later

Johann: How are you so good a Tetris!?

Daniel: Daniel.

Translation: Get gud scrub.

Sam pats Johann on the back.

Sam: He's just too good mate.

Seb: Now that, that's done, get outta my house. And Ted, tell your weird friend to stop staring at Lia.

Not's weird-ass was openly staring at Liana Melodas, specifically her booba.

Ted: He'll disappear in...

Not vanishes.

Ted: Now, he'll disappear now.

Seb: Good, he was creeping me out.

Ted: He tends to do that.

Seb: Don't care, get out of my house.

Sebastian adds emphasis to his command by shooting a dense ball of wind near Ted's head.

Ted: Leaving now!

Ted rushes out of the Melodas residence with urgency.

Ted: Seeya tomorrow ye bossy prick!

Seb: I'm gonna kick your handicapped ass!

Oh yeah, Ted's arms are still broken, despite his world travelling and being a full month older than he should be.

Also, the boost in healing he gets from the small amount of Aura he received from his first time hopping worlds.

Narrator: Which was against his will.

Kevin: No one fucking cares.

Narrator: Just play the short or whatever.

Kevin: This Short is called: "The Worrisome Wind User."

Back to Kevin only narration.

Also, a reminder, Shorts are completely non-canon unless exclusively said so.

Sebastian was worried. His and Liana's mother was coming to visit.

Liana: The fuck are you doing?

Sebastian was pacing a foot off the ground.

Sebastian: Huh?

Sebastian gently floats back down.

Liana: You were pacing on air. You only do that when you either forget you can do that or are really worried.

Sebastian: Oh it's nothing. I'm just a little worried about what Mother would think of our classmates.

Liana: Ah that? It'll be fine bro, don't sweat it. They're all... we're dead.

Sebastian: haaa, if even you think we're dead then we've got no chance.

???: No chance at what?

Seb and Lia: Ah!

Liana: Oh Mom! When did you get in here?

Ms Melodas: Just now. Why is Sebastian pacing on the air?

Liana: What? No, he's not!

Liana says in a joking manner as Sebastian walks into a wall behind her, falling face-first onto the floor shortly after.

Ms Melodas: Disregarding what your brother is doing. How've you been? How's school? Have you made any friends? Does your brother have a girlfriend or boyfriend yet? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet?

Liana: Slow down mom! School has been nice, there were a few people that I don't like but we don't interact enough to have any real problems. I've made quite a few friends. And neither I nor Sebi have significant others.

Ms Melodas: Well that's nice to hear, though I would like to hear more about the people you don't like.

Sebastian, from the stairs: No you don't!

Liana: When did you get to the stairs?

Ms M: What makes you so sure?

Sebastian, right next to them: Because, Mother, it's rather ridiculous.

Ms M: Now I'm even more intrigued. Sit down and tell me about it.

Sebastian: Well, two months ago, when a new student was introduced to the class, there was a simulated hostage situation. During which, he and I went against each other. I was one of the Villains holding the hostages, and they were one of the heroes tasked with getting them out.

Ms M: Go on.

Sebastian: In our bout, he almost beat me. But as a last resort, I destroyed the faux hostages.

Ms M: What does this have to do with Liana?

Sebastian: We're getting there, just wait. Anyway, They were mad because they lost, they aren't like that now though, they're rather chill about losing. But after school, Liana had the genius idea of asking them and their group of friends if they wanted to hang out, the one that was angry about their loss. Once they saw me they started glaring at me before leaving.

Ms M: Again, what does any of this have to do with Liana?

Sebastian: You see, I got over it fairly quickly, but, Lia on the other hand, she was angry for me, and she has held onto that anger since then, whenever they interact it usually ends with one of them leaving the area.

Ms M: I- Liana is this true?

Liana: maybe.

Ms M: That is just ridiculous! How could you hold a grudge against someone who got angry at your brother once?

Liana: In my defence, it isn't just about Sebi anymore, I hate them for me now.

Sebastian: The last time they interacted, they scared Lia so bad, I'm still shocked she doesn't need therapy.

Ms M: Well now I want to give this person a stern talking to.

Sebastian: Weirdest part! They and I are friends! We hang out regularly!

Ms M: Even after what they did to Liana?

Sebastian: That was her fault, I would've done the same if I was them.

Liana: Bro?

Sebastian: Don't "bro" me, you know you deserved it.

Ms M: What did she do?

Sebastian: That is the one thing I won't tell you, it'd be better if you were there. Well, I'm gonna take a short nap. Wake me when a teen with black hair and black eyes stops by.

Sebastian's worries were cleared as he takes a short nap.

That was "The Worrisome Wind Us-

Sebastian: Shit! She might find out who I was talking about when he interacts with Lia!

Now Sebastian was even more worried, sneaking out of his window to watch for the teen known by most as, Ted Theo Cole.

Tell me what you think ._.

See you ya losers!
Auf Wiedersehen

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