Faith In Me

By BigSadBigMad

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Takes place in 1979, before fhe cure was made. Basically its going to be based around the development of Robe... More



285 12 28
By BigSadBigMad

Nervously, Robert picked at his nails. He didn’t know how to act, he had never been in a situation quite like this….

Robert’s eyes darted over to Simon, who calmly sat. un-bothered and seemingly nonchalant to the tension in the air. Robert hoped it was just a fuzzy dream, because he couldn’t quite get the thought of Simon touching him out of his mind.

That night, Robert was very drunk and had smoked a decent amount of pot; but he didn’t get drunk enough to forget. How could he forget, it was like anything Robert had felt before. The feeling of simon's warm hands on his skin was still fresh in his memory, and he couldn’t bring himself to act normally.

Barry was scribbling away on some paper, Robert had already forgotten just what he was writing about. It must have been important though, with the way barry had his tongue poking out of his mouth. “Aaaand… paperwork done!” Barry grinned, slapping down his pencil before spinning around and facing the tree boys. 

“It won't be much longer now lads until you can say you’ve released a debut album?” Barry grinned, crossing his legs. Lol smiled, looking a bit down and out of it. Robert and Simon had already apologized for not going to the party, but understood since the storm was so bad.

“How much longer till we can start playing shows?” Robert suddenly spoke up, bringing all the attention to himself since he was rarely the one to ask questions. Barry hummed, tapping his chin before nodding his head, “soon. Very soon- in fact I've already been looking into a few pups and basement shows you can play at, ''Barry said, offering a reassuring smile to robert.

“And remember, the first few shows are always hard. Especially if you;ve never played a show before… Simon, lol you two have played shows before right?” Barry asked, to which both men nodded their heads. “So it’s just robert then..” Barry said, glancing to robert.

Robert set his jaw before glancing at his hands, feeling a bit uneasy at Barry's intense gaze. “You should probably start preparing rob. Don't want to make a fool of yourself on stage.'' Barry said, lifting a cigarette to his mouth and lighting it. 

Robert felt a lump form in his throat and he nodded his head, lowering his gaze once more. Robert didn’t like the idea of failing the band, making them all look bad because he couldn’t meet the requirements. “I’ll do my best..” Robert said quietly, taking in a long breath before sighing and keeping his eyes down.



“Alright robert- one last take!” Barry said through the speaker. Robert was finally the one in the sound booth, as nerve wracking as it was. Robert nodded his head, licking his lips briefly before stepping closer to the microphone and starting to sing the song.

Robert had been singing all bloody day, his throat was sore by now and he was ready for a drink. Robert kept stealing glances at Simon, who always seemed to catch him. Maybe Simon was watching him as well…

Robert felt his chest tighten with nerves and he closed his eyes, hoping that he wasn’t being too obvious. Robert tuned everything out and focused on the bloody song. 

Before Robert knew it, the track ended and he heard Barry screaming from the studio room. Robert opened his eyes and looked over in confusion, seeing Barry cheering and dancing around. Robert guessed he finally nailed the song…

“That was fucking phenomenal robert!!” Barry praised through the speaker, clapping his hands together. “Come on out, i have enough material to master the last few songs!” Barry grinned. Robert smiled and shuffled over to the door, stepping out of the muggy sound-booth only to be embraced tightly by barry.

“I knew you had it in you robert, fucking brilliant” barry squeezed Robert, making him groan and squirm away. “T-thanks Barry '' Robert smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arms. Lol then approached Robert, giving him a hearty slap on the back, repeating the same shit Barry said; however, Robert's gaze was elsewhere.

Robert had accidentally locked eyes with Simon, who had a look of admiration on his face. Simon approached next, watching as Robert grew tense. He liked that. “You did wonderfully robert.” Simon said, placing his hand on Robert's shoulder. “I'm really proud of you!” Simon grinned wolfishly, making robert purse his lips.

Robert quickly looked down shyly, muttering a soft thank you before returning the smile. Barry then ruined the moment, suddenly bringing out a bottle of champagne and busting it open. “Let's celebrate this achievement boys!” Barry grinned, already pulling out 4 glasses.

Robert looked over to Barry, watching as he poured the drinks, though his attention was quickly pulled away when he felt Simon's fingers brush against his neck. Robert turned and looked at Simon, eyes wide with surprise. Simon smiled before tugging a piece of Robert's hair, “your hair is getting long, it suits you rob.” Simon murmured, eyes flickering back and forth between Robert's blue eyes. 

Robert’s mouth twitched before he looked down, heart beating too fast. Robert knew Simon was messing with him, or… at least that's what Robert told himself. “T-thanks Simon,” Robert whispered, a small smile appearing on Robert's face.

Simon chewed his cheek before taking his hand away and nodding his head, ‘“sure thing mate” simon said, flashing a sweet smile before looking at robert and seeing that barry had finished pouring the drinks. “Come get it boys!” Barry said, handing out the drinks.

Robert took a glass for himself, sniffing the drink for a moment before looking over to Simon once more; staring at his profile before setting his jaw. Robert needed to know if it were real, if it was really just his mind playing tricks on him or if Simon really did what he did last night. Robert felt an odd sense of hope, but he wasn’t sure what he was hoping for. 

“To the cure!'' Barry said, startling robert. Robert looked away, already lifting his glass out of habit. “Cheers!” lol grinned, lifting his glass before taking a drink. Robert let out a sigh before smiling, glancing down before taking a drink as well.

‘Maybe i am just imagining it…’ Robert thought, suddenly feeling Simon's arms around his shoulder, pulling him into his side. “Cheers’ Simon grinned, his muscular arm holding Robert close gently.

‘Okay maybe I'm not imagining it..’ Robert thought, looking at Simon's face once more before smiling, how he was not supposed to be happy. Things were finally working in his favor. Robert just worried that things would stay like this, easy…


“Hi robert!” Mary's voice sounded happy, but Robert wasn’t. He had forgotten that Mary said she was coming over to Simon's place, he had hoped to have a moment alone with Simon however that didn’t seem possible since lol was there, Mary was there and now Matthew was there. Robert felt on edge and irritable.

“Hi mary..” Robert said quietly, allowing the female to embrace him. Robert patted her back before letting his hands rest on her waist, eyes traveling over to look at Simon who was opening a new bottle of beer for matthew. 

Robert sighed before looking down at Mary, “how are you mary?” Robert asked thoughtfully, not wanting to look suspicious or unhappy to see mary. “Oh, i've been well! Found a new job as a nurse for the time being, I wanted to help you pay for your album!” Mary beamed up at robert.

Robert frowned, “you don't have to do that mary..'' Robert said, pulling away and eyeing her. ‘“Of course i don't, but i want to! I want to see you succeed!” Mary said, batting her eyelashes at robert. Robert frowned, still not buying it. 

“I’ll pay you back” Robert said, patting Mary's head before looking over to Simon once more; freezing when he saw Simon gazing right back at him with a small frown. Robert felt his cheeks burn and he looked away, scratching his cheek before looking at mary. “I-i'll go get you a beer..” Robert said, stealing a glance at Simon once more before shuffling away to the kitchen.

Robert let out a sigh once he was alone, he was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Robert felt bad, he needed to talk to Simon but he didn’t want to upset Mary by leaving her alone. 

“Bloody hell..” Robert muttered, shuffling over to Simon's fridge before pulling it open and taking a peek inside. Robert kneeled down, spotting the cluster of glass bottles near the bottom of the fridge. He began to dig through it, lost in his own thoughts before he felt a hand rest on his head.

“Your hair really is fluffy robert!” Simon's voice said, sounding playful. Robert let out a little laugh, lifting his head and looking up at simon before smiling, “what am i a dog?'' Robert asked, biting his lip before grabbing two beers. “Mmn, no. You are more of a rat,” Simon teased, hand still resting on top of Robert's head.

Robert hummed and stood up, shaking Simon's hand before smiling coyly. “Guess so. Too bad mary and matthew are here huh…” robert said awkwardly, trying to find a good way to start the conversation; but he was struggling a bit.

“What? You want me all to yourself?” Simon smirked, crossing his arms as he gazed at robert. “What- no i didn't mean it like that you pervert!'' Robert barked, pouting his lips before looking down. “Well i just… i need to talk to you, but there are too many people around..” robert mumbled.

Simon tilted his head, wondering what Robert needed before suddenly realizing why Robert kept stealing glances at him all day. Simon smiled, thinking it was cute. “Well.. we could always go up to my room if you need to talk..'' Simon mumbled, eyeing the beers in Robert's hands. “But… mary might start looking for you.'' Simon added, sounding a bit dissatisfied by that.

Robert grinded his teeth together before shaking his head, “n-no.. Maybe later, if they are still here..” Robert whispered, eyes lowering down to the ground.  There was a moment of silence until Simon decided to try something.

Robert was lost in his thoughts, gripping the beer bottles tight in his hands when he felt Simon's warm hands place themselves upon him. This was enough to startle Robert, and with a quick motion Robert lifted his head and looked at simon.

Robert realized Simon was watching him, gauging his reactions, studying him… Robert knew that look, Simon had only used it when playing or when he was wooing some bird. Robert felt a lump form in his throat, he felt frozen under Simon's touch. It lit a fire in robert’s chest, it was like he was in a trance.

“Robert..'' Simon whispered softly, stepping closer to Robert until their chests were almost touching. Robert didn’t pull away, he stood his ground, his eyes locked onto Simon's parted lips; aching for something he couldn't put into words. “S-simon?” Robert finally forced out, feeling Simon's hands slide up his forearms, touching his bare skin.

Robert instinctively closed his eyes, hands shaking lightly due to his excitement, the knowledge that Simon was standing so close was making Robert delirious. Robert could feel Simon's breath fanning over his face, it made his senses go wild; and right when he felt Simon's nose brush against his he heard a sudden angry yell.

Robert’s eyes snapped open and he looked over to the kitchen door, his stomach dropped.

“Fuck you matthew!” lol’s angry voice shouted and there was a sudden crash. “Fucking hell” simon hissed, he was reluctant to leave robert; but he also dind’t want his bleeding house to get ruined because of this stupid qualm between matthew and lol.

Robert and Simon ran to the living room where lol had tackled Matthew to the ground and was punching his face repeatedly. Mary was standing against the wall, looking frightened. “Lol cut it out!” Simon's loud angry voice startled Robert, but it was also kind of hot when Simon was angry…

Simon ran up and shoved lol away, grabbing him and keeping him away from Matthew who sat dizzy with a broken nose. “Fuck you matthew- fuck you!” lol snarled, looking like he wanted to cry. Robert stared at lol before seeing Matthew slowly starting to get up, looking like he was ready to kill lol.

Robert was quick to act, he grabbed matthew’s arm and pulled him back, “stop matthew it isn’t worth it” robert hissed, grip tight on matthew’s arm. “Fuck OFF robert!” Matthew snarled, lashing out in his rage and back handing robert. Robert grunted and stumbled back, suddenly tripping and falling into the glass plate holder.

Robert grimace, hearing a loud crash and suddenly searing pain spread all over his back. “Robert!” Simon gasped, shoving lol away to attack Mathew who had hurt his robert. 

“Bastard!” Simon snarled, grabbing Matthew and upper cutting him. Simon was a beast when angered, he didn't even give Matthew a moment to react before dragging Matthew to the front door and roughly kicking him out. “If you EVER lay your hands on him again ill fucking kill you!'' Simon snarled, slamming the door shut.

Robert stood frozen, hands trembling from the amount of pain he was in. He could feel the glass digging into his skin, he could feel the blood oozing down his back. Robert didn’t dare move, he didn’t want to cause a mess or break any more of the plates. “Jesus robert- here let me help” Mary said, voice shaking as she pushed the glass case back against the wall- or at least what was left of it.

Robert let out a weak noise in the back of his throat, “i-it hurts” Robert whispered, swallowing thickly as Mary awkwardly touched his back. “Dont- mary, you’ll get it stuck in his skin more” lol said breathlessly, stepping out of simon’s way.

“Shit… alright- it’s ok rob just breathe, let's get you to the bathroom” simon said, gently brushing Mary away so he could grasp Robert's hand and gently guide him up the stairs. “I'm going to need help, mary come on” simon said shortly, pushing the bathroom door open.

Robert was in shock really, this was a pain he hadn’t ever felt before. It rocked him to his core really, he simply stood still as Simon took off his shirt; muttering something under his breath before sitting Robert down. “This is going to hurt robert..” Simon said, lifting Robert's face. 

“Just try to focus on where you are, Mary is going to pull the glass out of your skin..” Robert whimpered, feeling the offending hands place himself on his back. Robert grasped Simon's arms, a pain whimper coming from him as he felt Mary starting to pull out the glass as quickly as she could.

Robert couldn't bear to look, so instead he buried his face into simon;s chest, choking back pained sobs and cursing. “Shh… i'm here rob, just breathe” simon comforted robert, watching as blood ran down robert’s slender back. Simon gritted his teeth together, rage seething sided of him.

How could someone just hurt Robert like that…


After about an hour, they got all the glass out. Thankfully Robert didn't need any stitches; but poor Robert was exhausted. Simon cleaned Robert's back and put large bandages on the wounds before giving Robert a drink to ease the pain. Simon had sent Mary home now, he knew Robert couldn’t drive and he needed rest.

So once everyone was gone, Simon let Robert rest on his bed; dressed in only boxers since a shirt wasn’t really an option right now. Simon was rummaging through his closet, looking for extra blankets for Robert until he heard Robert call his name softly.

Simon looked over to Robert, seeing that Robert was reaching for him. “Please” Robert whispered, and Simon immediately went over to Robert's side. “What is it rob? Does it still hurt?” Simon asked with a worried voice, sitting next to Robert and placing his hand on top of Robert's extended palm.

“Lay next to me” Robert mumbled, gazing up at Simon with pleading eyes. Simon felt his heart wrench and he agreed quickly, climbing over robert and laying next to him. Robert slowly moved closer to Simon, laying his head on Simon's chest before sighing slowly, finally being able to relax.

“Thank you Si” robert mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut. Simon felt his heart beat faster and he nodded his head, wrapping his arms around Robert before sighing and pressing his face into Robert's cheek. Simon sighed before kissing robert’s forehead, “fucking hell.. That bastard better not show his face to me again…'' Simon growled, gazing at Robert's sleepy face.

“Im sorry Simon. I thought I could help but I only got in the way, '' Robert whispered, looking sad. Simon frowned, “it's not your fault.” Simon said before leaning down and pressing his forehead against Robert's. “I'm just glad you’re alright..’ Simon whispered, gazing into Robert's sad eyes.

Robert sniffed before sighing and offering a weak smile, “you’re really brave. You threw him out like he was nothing” Robert said, eyes darting down for a moment. That didn’t go unnoticed by Simon, and he was rather chuffed by that. Simon smirked, he wanted to take robert’s mind off of the pain he was in.

“Yeah I know… it sucks though, right when I was about to steal a kiss those blokes got into it..” Simon said, watching as Robert's eyes widened a fraction. There was a beat of science before Robert set his jaw, and pressed his face against the pillow under him. “Simon… did..'' Robert whispered hoarsely, looking apprehensive.

“What happened that night i… I can't understand it, did it really happen? I’m not imagining it am i?” robert said, slowly trying to sit up; but simon stopped him gently. “Don't. you need to stay down robert..” Simon said, gently pressing Robert down against the bed. 

Robert gazed up at simon with a hard to read expression before he pursed his lips, “can't you see simon… things like that- it shouldn't happen..” Robert whispered, turning onto his side so he didn’t have to face the truth. 

Simon frowned, gazing at Robert's back before laying down and sliding closer to robert. “Do you regret it?'' Simon asked quietly, wanting to know how Robert really felt. 

There was a moment of silence before a heavy sigh came from robert. “No.. I didn't, but that’s just it… i really liked it… i can't stop thinking about it.. But I have a girlfriend, and we are both men.." Robert whispered reasonably, sighing softly. Despite all that though, robert still craved simon’s touch- it was all so new and confusing..

“Robert..'' Simon whispered softly, gazing at the back of Robert's head before biting his bottom lip. Robert didn’t respond, he closed his eyes. Robert didn’t want to speak anymore- simon must have known that though because like a strike of lighting; robert felt a soft kiss being placed on the bottom of his neck.

Robert’s breath caught in his throat, and he hoped that Simon didn’t notice. It wasn;t like he could just get up and simply walk away, Robert was at Simon's mercy. Robert wouldn’t admit how much Simon affected him, and soon Simon was placing small kisses along Robert's neck; cherishing the soft skin.

Robert’s breathing was coming out in heavy breaths now, his heart was racing and he could feel himself growing hard in his boxers. “Robert..'' Simon repeated huskily in Robert's ear, his hand making its way to Robert's hip. Robert closed his eyes, squeezing his legs together as Simon dragged his teeth along his shoulder, hands slowly snaking around his waist to hold Robert tightly. 

“Can I touch you..” Simon breathed slowly, his chest pressing against Robert's back; allowing his erection to press against Robert's ass. Robert could feel it- it was hot and a lot bigger than he had expected. Robert felt dizzy with arousal, he could barely think about anything else other than Simon's hands burning his skin.

“P-please… touch me simon” Robert consented, pushing his ass back against Simon's cock; shivering when he heard Simon release a sexy groan of appreciation. Simon pushed Robert's shirt up, hands sliding across the span of Robert's stomach before stopping near Robert's nipples.

Robert choked back a moan, his breathing was rapid now. It amazed Robert that a simple touch like this could make him almost cum in his boxers. It was embarrassing really… 

“S-shit..” robert sighed, feeling simon’s hands pinching his nipples, making them perky and sensitive. Robert squirmed at the sensation, pressing his face into the pillow. Suddenly robert was glad simon wasn’t facing him, robert could only think about how stupid he must look…

“Fuck robert… you’re already so hard for me..” simon groaned, grinding his erection slowly against robert’s thigh, deciding that he had teased robert enough. Robert licked his lips, trying desperately to catch his breath- but it seemed impossible… Simon was just too bloody good at this kind of thing.

Robert looked down, seeing Simon's hands lowering to grab at his thighs, squeezing them and feeling them before finally going to the place Robert wanted them to go. Robert’s body jolted when Simon's hand finally wrapped around his cock under his boxers, he could feel the precum oozing from him, wetting Simon's hand. “F-fuck!” Robert hissed, grabbing the pillow under his head and pressing his face into it.

“Mn… why are you hiding robert..” Simon breathed huskily in Robert's ear, stroking him slowly; cherishing the low wanton moans that spilled from Robert's parted lips.  “Already so wet… are you going to cum so soon?” Simon whispered, pressing his thumb against the head of Robert's cock before placing a chaste kiss behind Robert's ear and pulling his hand away.

“S-simon..'' Robert whispered, sounding desperate for Simon's hand to be right back where it was. Simon his head robert gently, grabbing the hiem of robert’s boxers before slowly pushing them down to robert’s knee’s, being careful not to irritate the wounds on robert’s back.

Robert groaned in frustration, lifting his head weakly to look and see what Simon was doing. “Can i try something robert..” Simon asked sweetly, rubbing Robert's hips slowly. Robert glanced at Simon over his shoulder, wondering what Simon could possibly want before nodding his head. “A-alright..'' Robert whispered, feeling Simon smile against his skin.

Robert turned his head away and gazed at the wall, feeling Simon's hands wandering around his skin once more; sending goose bumps all over Robert's body until he heard a rustle of clothes. In an instant, Robert felt Simon's warm cock pressing against his bare thighs.

Robert breathed in deep, wondering what Simon was planning until he felt Simon's hand wrap around him once more; steadily stroking him into oblivion. Robert closed his eyes, numbingly sweet pleasure making him putty in Simon's hands. Robert choked back a sob of pleasure as Simon bit his neck harshly, there would surely be a mark there later on.

“Fuck… your skin is so soft robert..” Simon groaned, grinding his cock against Robert's thighs before suddenly pushing his erection between Robert's thighs. Simon didn’t want to push Robert too far, so instead he would get off using Robert's thighs instead. 

Robert gasped loudly at the feeling, eyes squeezing shut as Simon thigh fucked him; his hand never stopping for a moment. It was mind numling, all Robert could do was moan Simon's name, squeezing his knees together to give Simon more friction. Robert found himself craving to feel simon cum on his thighs, it was so shameful. 

Robert felt so guilty, but he just couldn't bring himself to stop. 

“S-shit~ simon i-im close” Robert painted like an animal in heat, his hips rutting up into simon’s hand. Robert could feel simon’s cock throbbing between his thighs, wetting them with pre-ejaculate. “M-me too” Simon said breathlessly, wanting Robert to cum before him.

Simon pressed his face into robert’s hair, panting heavily as he pumped robert quickly, enjoying the loud moans that rose from robert until suddenly robert’s spine arched and with the prettiest moan simon had ever heard; robert came all over simon’s hand and bed. Simon felt an animalistic hunger come over him and without a second though he grabbed robert’s hips and hurriedly began to thrust; imagine how amazing robert would feel around his cock, how robert would moan and cry for more. 

That thought alone was enough to send Simon over the edge. 

“F-fuck! Robert~''Simon moaned huskily, his orgasm hitting faster than normal. Simon came all over Robert's thighs and cock, mouth agape with amazement before Simon hugged Robert close and panted heavily, daring not to move.

The two men laid still, breathing heavily from the sinful euphoria they received from each other. However, as Simon's mind was filled with hazy adoration for Robert, Robert's mind raced with a guilty conscience. Robert questioned his sanity, to do something like this was simon- to betray Mary in such a god forsaken way…

Robert felt sick to his stomach; he was disgusted with himself for allowing this to happen. He was disgusted with himself for enjoying it- for letting simon cum all over him..

‘God… im fucking sick..’ 

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