Charmed the Power of Four

By AmyThomas3

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By AmyThomas3

Primrose's outfit for this chapter

Prue and Piper are trying to convince Primrose to attend their new neighbor's housewarming party but are having no luck

Primrose: I don't want to go to the party Prue I don't know why but I get a bad vibe of those new neighbors I am sorry besides, I am really tired, so I am going to finish reading my book drink my hot coco and then head to bed for an early night

Prue: Trust me I won't be there long either I have an early day tomorrow.

Scene: Outside the manor. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are walking down the stairs heading towards the house across the street.

Prue: So, we're agreed? Twenty minutes?

Piper: Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes.

Prue: Just watch me do a party in twenty minutes.

Phoebe: Prue's party tips - meet, greet, and bail.

Prue: Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job.

Phoebe: And some of us have fun.

Piper: And some of us are having a really bad hair day.

Prue: You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late.

Piper Don't be like that.

Piper: No.

Phoebe: Prue, it's never too late for a party.

Piper: It's never too late, Prue.

Phoebe: Remember my sweet sixteen? (You see a dog in the bushes. They walk across the street and into Fritz, Marshall, and Cynda's house.) Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party and charge commission? It's a great way to make extra cash.

Prue: Hey, I have an even better idea. Why don't you just get a job.

(A man walks out of the house.)

Marshall: The sisters Halliwell. Well minus one Now the party can begin.

Cynda: It's about time you chicks showed.

Fritz: Hey, Prue, I'm glad you made it.

Prue: Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fritz.

Piper: Marshall, the place looks great.

Marshall: Thank you. We're mostly just restoring it. I didn't wanna change it too much. You guys knew the old owners, didn't you?

Phoebe: Oh, we basically grew up with their kids. We probably know the house better than you guys.

Marshall: (to Fritz) Oh, hey, how's the bar?

Fritz: Oh, dry. I'll take care of it.

Cynda: No, my turn. (Cynda crushes a beer can with her bare hands. Cynda walks away.)

Marshall: Try to behave, Cynda. We have guests.

Fritz: You know...sisters.

Prue: Tell me about it.

(Piper and Phoebe look at her.)

Marshall: So, listen, enjoy the party.

Phoebe: Okay.

(Fritz and Marshall walk away.)

Prue: Okay, I came, I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow because I have to wake up early.

Phoebe: No. I mean, not yet.

Prue: Alright, what's going on?

Phoebe: Going on? What do you mean?

Phoebe: Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.

(Prue looks over at Andy. He waves.)

Prue: You guys didn't.

Phoebe: Well, your fingers weren't doing the walking, somebody's had to.

Prue: We've been through this. Okay, cop, witch, is not a love connection.

Phoebe: Boy, girl, lighten up.

(Andy comes over to Prue.)

Piper: Hi, Andy.

(Piper and  Phoebe walk away.)

Prue: We're working on their subtlety.

Andy: Then it's onto ending hunger and creating world peace, right?

Prue: Hmm, what will I do with my Saturdays?

Andy: Funny you should ask. I don't mean to push you but I was wondering if you're not doing anything, I kind of have these tickets but they're for a Warriors game and you probably wouldn't be interested, so...

Prue: Well, the team can't do any worse than they did last year. Did you see him get creamed by the Lakers?

Andy: Impressive. Is that a, yes?

Prue: You know, um, I need to check my book because I might have a thing.

Andy: A thing?

(Fritz walks up to them.)

Fritz: So, Prue, I hear you're friends with a cop.

Prue: Inspector actually.

Fritz: Oh, yeah. I've got these parking tickets.

Andy: My focus is mainly homicide and robbery.

Fritz: Yeah, yeah. So, I have these parking tickets...

Prue: Gotta go. (Prue walks away.)

Andy: Prue, wait.

Cut to outside. Prue walks back over to the manor. She notices the door's open.

Prue: Phoebe.

(She walks inside and shuts the door. There's a dog on the stairs and it starts barking at her. The dog's eyes glow, as Primrose comes down the stairs but stops when she sees the dog

Prue: Prim don't move sweetie

Primrose: Prue what do I do?

Prue: It's okay don't worry

The dog turns around and sees Primrose, the dog lunches for Primrose but before he can see disappears in a swirl of orbs and reappears next to Prue who is shocked at first but she grabs Primrose's hand and they run from the Manor

Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Prim are there.

Phoebe: How big was this dog again?

Prue: Huge. Did you see the scratches on the attic door?

Piper: What was it doing in the house?

Prue: I don't know. Someone obviously left the front door open again. (Prue and Prim look at Phoebe.)

Phoebe: Why do you always assume it was me? What about Piper or Prim?

Piper: Not it.

Primrose: I was upstairs I came down when I heard the front door open and Prue was here but so was the dog

Prue: I think that Prim has a new power too?

Phoebe: What?

Primrose: I think it was some kind of teleportation so I guess it is like Prue's power but I can move myself and a kind cool way too and it did save me from being attacked by a big dog

Piper: Wow I can't believe that you have a new power already well I am glad that you did

Phoebe: I can't believe that you already have another power, that is so not fair so now you have two active powers. Well, it's not a big deal. We checked the house and nothing is missing except my Pat Boone Christmas CD.

Piper: Now this is really creepy. If there were a dog in the house, then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door, let alone reach the top shelf.

Phoebe: Hey, maybe we should get a security system.

Prue: No, they are way too expensive. Besides, after what happened, Andy will be checking in every five minutes. He was even more worried when I told him that Prim was in the house too

Piper: (to Prue) Oh, you told him.

Phoebe: Convenient. So, what should we do?

Prue: Well, either we could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us or we could remember to lock the doors.

She walks into the laundry room and Primrose follows

Phoebe: That is a really good idea, Prue

(Phoebe walks over and locks the door. Prue wiggles the door handle. Piper and Phoebe laugh.)

Prue: Unlock the door Phoebe

Phoebe smiles and Prim looks at and once again she is able to disappear in a swirl of orbs and she reappears the other side of the locked and she opens it and winks at Piper who smiles at her youngest sister

Scene: Buckland's. Prue's office. Prue's sitting at her desk writing on a notepad. Victor walks in. He clears his throat. Prue looks up.

Victor: I was told that you might be able to help me. (He pulls a ring off his finger.) I'd like to have this (he puts it on the desk) appraised.

Prue: Well, you would be better off going to the...appraiser.

Victor: I've been there. He'd need a week. And I just...I wouldn't feel right without it. It's a family heirloom.

(She picks it up and looks at it.)

Prue: I think I've seen a ring similar to this before. The setting's quite old. At least seventeenth century. (She walks over to a shelf and picks up a book.) The stones look like crystallite. Keep in mind this is just an educated guess.

Victor: Please, (he sits down) guess away.

Prue: I am not mistaken. It's a stone that the Egyptians believed would protect them against spells, curses, evil spirits. This wouldn't be a wedding band by any chance, would it?

Victor: You tell me.

Prue: The stones are set in twos. The symbol of twoality. Man, woman. Like in protection.

Victor: And what does all that tell you?

Prue: Where did you get this ring? What did you say your name was?

Victor: I think you know what my name is...Prudence.

Prue: Get out, (she throws the ring on the table and stands up) and stay away from us.

(He puts on the ring.)

Victor: I'm staying at the Ballmark. What do you say you, Piper, and Phoebe join me for dinner? Let's say tomorrow night. We can talk.

Prue: After how you abandoned us? How dare you.

Victor: Fiery temper. I like that. It reminds me of someone I know.

Prue: I am nothing like you. I would never leave my responsibilities, my family.

Victor: I can see we have some issues to work through.

Prue: Oh, we've got the whole subscription. Now get out before I have you thrown out.

Victor: Is that anyway to talk to your father? (He leaves.)

Scene: At a cafe. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Prim are sitting at a table drinking coffee.

Piper: I wonder why he went to you first? Why not Phoebe or me?

Prue: Piper, it's not like I won the lottery.

Phoebe: What was he like? Did he ask about us?

Prue: Actually, no. (Phoebe looks upset.) Phoebe, think about it. He abandoned us. He was a no show for twenty years and then what, suddenly here he is? Why now?

Piper: Maybe he just wants to be part of our lives.

Prue: After all this time? Don't get your hopes up.

Prim: (to Piper and Phoebe) I know this is like a family thing, of which I seriously don't belong, but don't you guys think he might have something else on his mind. I mean, after all, he did ditch you guys.

Phoebe: He ditched us because mom was having an affair with your dad. Besides, your dad left you too, remember?

Piper: (warning tone) Phoebe.

Phoebe: Well, there's only one way to find out. Why wait till dinner? Let's go see him now.

Prue: Will you be rational. Don't you find it just a little suspicious that just when we find out...

(A waitress comes up to the table and picks up the dirty plates.)

Waitress: Let me get that for you. (She walks away.)

Prue: Just when we find out we're witches he shows up. But when mom dies, he's nowhere to be found.

Phoebe: He sent us birthday cards.

Prue: Selective memory. Grams always told us he was a threat to us. There's no reason to think that's changed.

Piper: Prue, it's not that I don't see your point but you knew him, we didn't. Why can't we have a chance to know now?

Prue: Because we really don't know why he's here and until we do, we can't trust him.

(Prim takes a sip of coffee.)

Prim: Well, since I shouldn't even be in this right now, I'm gonna go.

Piper: Prim, wait. You are our sister too, just because it's only on mom's side doesn't mean you aren't concerned about our well being too. You really don't have to go.

(Prim shook her head.)

Prim: No, I think I do. But thanks for the offer, Piper. (She looks at Phoebe again and then grabs her purse.) Bye Prue, bye Piper. (She leaves the cafe.)

Scene: A hotel. Phoebe knocks on the door to Victor's room.

Victor: Entrée.

(Phoebe opens the door and walks in. She walks down all hallway and into a room. She sees Victor getting a massage.)

Phoebe: Daddy?

Victor: Well, well. What a nice surprise. (He stands up.)

Phoebe: I'm, uh, I'm sorry to just show up like this. I know I was supposed to wait for dinner but I...

Victor: No, nonsense. Welcome. Let me get a good look at you. This is my baby girl. Little...Piper? (Phoebe looks crushed.) Phoebe.

Phoebe: Yeah. That's okay. People confuse us all the time.

Victor: Are you kidding? I should be slapped and persecuted. Let me make it up to you. How about some room service? (He heads towards the phone.)

Phoebe: I just ate actually.

Victor: A drink? You are legal, right?

Phoebe: Barely but no thanks.

Victor: A massage? I can call Lucy back.

Phoebe: No, really, I don't want anything. I just wanted to look at you.

Victor: It's like looking in the mirror, isn't it? You've got your daddy's eyes, you know that?

Phoebe: I noticed that.

Victor: How about a hug? (They hug and Phoebe gets a premonition of Victor holding the Book of Shadows. The premonition ends. The phone rings and they stop hugging.) They always manage to find me.

Phoebe: You know what? It's okay, I, I'll just see you at dinner, I've gotta go. (Phoebe leaves.)

Victor: Phoebe. Phoebe, wait.

Scene: Outside the manor. A mailman walks up the stairs to the front door. His index finger turns into a key, he unlocks the door and walks inside. He walks up the stairs and up to the attic. The attic door is locked so he breaks it down. He grabs the Book of Shadows and runs back down the stairs. When he walks through the doorway, the book flies out of his hands. He picks it back up but it doesn't let him take it outside. He sees Prue coming up the stairs so he quickly closes the door and he throws the book in the living room. He shape shifts into Andy. Prue walks in.

Prue: Andy, what are you doing in here?

Andy: Uh, door was open.

Prue: Again?

Andy: Yeah, I, uh, came by to check up and it was open. I looked around. Everything seems to be in order. (Prue sees the Book of Shadows on the floor in the living room.) You want me to check upstairs?

Prue: Uh, no, no, no, that's okay really. (She uses her power and the book slides under a stand.) Oh, and, um, about tomorrow night, I've changed my mind.

Andy: Excuse me?

Prue: Well, you'll never believe who popped back into my life after twenty years. Victor, my dad.

Andy: Your dad?

Prue: Yeah, he wants to have dinner and I would really rather avoid that. Too bad the game's not tonight. (Cynda knocks on the door.) Uh, hi Cynda.

Cynda: Hey. Everything okay?

Prue: Yeah, thanks.

Cynda: Bye.

Prue: Nice party last night.

(Cynda leaves.)

Andy: I guess I'll get going too. (He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. Prue locks the door. She walks over, picks up the Book of Shadows and takes it back upstairs. She notices the broken door.)

Prue: What the hell?

Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Prim are there. Phoebe sits down at the table. Prue, Piper, and Prim are looking through the drawers.

Phoebe: You don't know for sure.

Prue: I know plenty. First someone rips off the attic door, then the Book of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough?

Prue: I know plenty. First someone rips off the attic door, then the Book of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough?

(Piper gets a phone book out of a drawer.)

Piper: Why would somebody want the book? Here. (She hands the phone book to Prim and they both sit down at the table.)

Prue: Well, for one reason, they know what it can do. They want its power, our power. (She sits down next to Prim.)

Piper: That would mean it's someone who knows us and knows that we're witches.

Prue: Yeah, someone like Victor.

Phoebe: What? Dad?

Prue: Look, just think about it. The moment he shows up someone makes two attempts to grab the book. Coincidence? I think not.

Piper: The craft is a chick thing, Prue. It's passed on down through the female line. There's a good chance dad doesn't even know we're Charmed.

Prim: And there's as good of a chance he does.

(Phoebe gives Prim a glare.)

Prim: Hey... (She throws up her hands.) I'm just sayin'..

(Phoebe remembers the premonition she had.)

Piper: What would he want with the book? And why would he take it from us? Phoebe, help me out here. Phoebe.

Phoebe: Okay. Let's just say for the sake of argument that he is after the it. Wouldn't he have taken it with him? He wouldn't have left it behind.

Piper: Okay, we have to call the cops and report it as break in.

Prim: And tell them what? That someone broke into our house to try steal our broomsticks? I mean, please. Besides, Prue said Andy's already been here.

Phoebe: Oh, so Andy was here again. Talk about convenient. Did you ever think about pointing the finger at him?

Prue: He's probably the one who scared Victor away. Until we find out what's going on and whether Victor's involved or not, we've got to hide the book. Either that or we can't leave the house.

Piper: Fine. Then we hide the book because I'm going to dinner tonight. I wanna see dad.

Phoebe: So, do I.

Primrose: I will be here I have to work on my speech for my graduation

Prue: I have already seen him

Primrose: He's not my Father

Scene: Restaurant. Piper, Phoebe and Victor are sitting at a table. Piper's nibbling on a carrot stick.

Victor: Girls, it's so nice to see you. It's not like we don't have a lot to talk about.

Phoebe: We do. I mean, yeah, we have a few questions.

Victor: (to Piper) You know, the last time we ate dinner together, you would only eat food that was white. I'm glad to see you've outgrown it.

Piper: That's right. I was four.

Victor: Phoebe, that would've made you what? One? (She nods.) You know, you couldn't walk yet but you could swim. You were a fish. (Phoebe laughs.) This feels right, doesn't it? This feels natural, almost like normal.

Piper: Almost. It's just, um, well, why? I mean, after all this time, why here, why now?

Victor: Well, I heard the food is pretty good here and it is dinner time.

(Phoebe laughs. The waiter places a plate in front of Phoebe.)

Waiter: Here you are, ma'am.

Phoebe: Thank you.

Victor: Bon appetite.

Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue takes a container of broccoli out of the microwave and pours them out onto a plate. The doorbell rings.

Cut to the foyer. Prue walks in and opens the door. Andy's there.

Andy: My plans for tonight fell through, figured I'd stop by.

(Prue opens the door wider and Andy walks in.)

Time lapse. In the kitchen. Andy's sitting at the table. Prue carries two cups of coffee over to the table.

Prue: And then all of a sudden there he was. He just showed up at work.

Andy: I can't believe it. How are you dealing?

Prue: Honestly, I'm not. (She sits down.)

Andy: I don't blame you. What do you think he wants?

Prue: Dinner. Piper and Phoebe are there with him now. You know, they just don't understand. They don't know him like I do. I can't believe I let them go. I can't believe they went. He's acting like no time has passed, like I'm still his little girl and I'm not. There are things I want to tell him; I want him to know what he missed. You know, like the time I broke my arm or the day that I finally passed my driver's test, our prom.

Andy: Didn't we miss that too? (They smile.)

Primrose comes down into the kitchen with her mug

Primrose: Oh, Hi Andy am I interrupting I just want some hot coco

Prue: You're okay sweetie

Andy: Hey Prim so Prue told me that you are graduating the day after tomorrow

Primrose: Yes, I am in two days time I will be a full qualified Midwife and OBGYN nurse.

Andy: Wow that is amazing and Prue also told me about your plan to try and open a free clinic at Pastor Williams church I think it is a wonderful idea and if there is anything I can do then please let me know

Prim: Thanks Andy. Prue are you okay?

Prue: I want him to know. I want him to want to know. And I'm sorry but I also want some answers, like where the hell's he been all my life. Why didn't he come back until now? He needs to know that that's not okay.

Primrose: So, go and tell him

Andy: I'll drop you off.

Scene: Restaurant. Prue walks in and goes up to the table. Victor stands up.

Victor: Prudence.

Prue: Did I miss much?

Phoebe: Uh, just catch up. Dad was filling us in. Memory lane.

Prue: Has he mentioned where he's been all our lives?

Piper: Prue...

Prue: I don't understand. If you can afford a spot like this, why didn't you help out when Grams died? We actually could've used it then.

Piper: Give him a chance, Prue. Dad's explained. The money, all this, it's new.

Victor: It's okay, Piper. I'm a big boy. I didn't come back earlier because I was afraid, I might disappoint you.

Prue: Too late.

Piper: I wonder what's keeping that dessert?

Victor: Please, sit down. Have something to eat.

Prue: I'm not hungry.

Victor: Always in a hurry, Prue. You skipped crawling and went straight to walking.

Prue: Ah, we're sharing memories. Well, I got one of my own, your back walking out the door.

(Just as a waiter walks past them holding a flambeau, Victor puts out his foot and trips him. Piper freezes him and the restaurant. She gets up and takes the flambeau out of the waiter's hands. Everyone unfreezes and the waiter falls flat on his face.)

Piper: Who wants flambeau?

(The waiter stands back up and takes the flambeau off of Piper.)

Victor: Nice reflexes. Now let me get this straight. Piper, you freeze time. Prue, don't you move objects? And what's your specialty, Phoebe? Premonitions? Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere.

Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch reading magazines. The mail man walks in. Piper jumps up.

Piper: What are you doing here?

Mail Man: What do ya think?

(Phoebe jumps up.)

Phoebe: Get out now.

Mail Man: No, you've gotta get out.

Phoebe: We've got it under control.

Mail Man: No, you don't because they're on their way back. (The mail man shape shifts into Fritz.) I thought you were in charge. Look, shape shift into yourself and we'll get back to the book later. (Phoebe shape shifts into Marshall.) Nice plan, Marshall.

Marshall: Don't piss me off, Fritz. (Piper shape shifts into Cynda.) How was I supposed to know Prue would come back with her sisters?

Cynda: That little witch was supposed to be out on a date with that cop.

Fritz: You really think you would've been able to trick Prue into getting the book out of the house?

Marshall: Well, we sure as hell can't now can we?

Fritz: So, what now, genius?

(Cynda laughs and then turns into a demon-like creature.)

Cynda: We kill them.

Cut to outside. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Victor pull up.

Cut back inside.

Marshall: Cynda, heel. Plenty of time for that later. Heel.

Cut back outside. Prue unlocks the door. When she opens it, she sees three crows inside? They squawk and fly outside.

Victor: Friends of yours?

Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Piper, and Victor are there laughing. Prue walks in.

Prue: Someone left the window open which is probably how the birds got in. What is so funny?

Piper: Do you remember the day this was taken?

(Piper shows her a photograph.)

Prue: Yeah, family picnic. It rained.

Victor: And your mother packed us all up and she brought us home and we had the picnic right here in the living room. Do you remember that Prue?

Prue: Barely.

Phoebe: Prue...

(Victor picks up another photograph and slowly walks over to Prue.)

Piper: Prue where is Primrose?

Prue: She left a note on the fridge, she has gone to the library to change her books

Piper: What are you doing here?

Mail Man: What do ya think?

(Phoebe jumps up.)

Phoebe: Get out now.

Mail Man: No, you've gotta get out.

Phoebe: We've got it under control.

Mail Man: No, you don't because they're on their way back. (The mail man shape shifts into Fritz.) I thought you were in charge. Look, shape shift into yourself and we'll get back to the book later. (Phoebe shape shifts into Marshall.) Nice plan, Marshall.

Marshall: Don't piss me off, Fritz. (Piper shape shifts into Cynda.) How was I supposed to know Prue would come back with her sisters?

Cynda: That little witch was supposed to be out on a date with that cop.

Fritz: You really think you would've been able to trick Prue into getting the book out of the house?

Marshall: Well, we sure as hell can't now can we?

Fritz: So, what now, genius?

(Cynda laughs and then turns into a demon-like creature.)

Cynda: We kill them.

Cut to outside. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Victor pull up.

Cut back inside.

Marshall: Cynda, heel. Plenty of time for that later. Heel.

Cut back outside. Prue unlocks the door. When she opens it, she sees three crows inside? They squawk and fly outside.

Victor: Friends of yours?

Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Piper, and Victor are there laughing. Prue walks in.

Prue: Someone left the window open which is probably how the birds got in. What is so funny?

Piper: Do you remember the day this was taken?

(Piper shows her a photograph.)

Prue: Yeah, family picnic. It rained.

Victor: And your mother packed us all up and she brought us home and we had the picnic right here in the living room. Do you remember that Prue?

Prue: Barely.

Phoebe: Prue...

(Victor picks up another photograph and slowly walks over to Prue.)

Victor: And this one used to be a five by seven. (It is a picture of the family but a piece is missing.) When I was still in it.

Phoebe: I think Grams cut you out.

Upstairs in the attic

I sit down in the attic and try to relax. I am trying to learn to control my teleportation power. I begin to breathe slowly and let the same feeling before building up inside of me.

I concentrate and let it build and build. There is a noise and I am surrounded by blue lights. Then I reappear in the same spot. I smile glad that I am making progress. But she accidentally orbs into the living room where her sisters and Victor are

Primrose: Oh sorry

Victor: "If it isn't the other one,

Prue: "HEY! (stepping in between the two of us) Leave her alone.

Piper: Does anyone want coffee?

Phoebe: I mean one day I'm a member of the 'Y' (ignoring my presence and ignoring what Piper says.) "With average hair and a thing for caffeinated beverages and next I'm a witch.

Piper: Dad did you take cream or sugar with that?

But Phoebe has to carry on.

Phoebe: I just read from a book and WHAM! I'm Tabitha!" The only thing is I got stuck with the power to see the future. How uncool is that?"

Victor: Well from what your mother always said it was always one of the more desirable po

Phoebe: Unless you see things, you don't desire,

Victor: Better than orbing,

Primrose: I have ice powers and what is orbing?

Victor: "Orbing it's that thing you just did. Didn't your father explain this to you?

Primrose: Grams never told me who my Father is

Prue: Well, I am sure that Grams had a reason for not telling Prim about her father, Grams was always very protective of Prim. How long have you known? About us, about our powers? How long?"

Victor: I always knew there would be a chance when your grandmother died. I am guessing that you read from the book of shadows not exactly summer reading do you mind if I see it

Prue gives him a look

Victor: What exactly are you accusing me of Prue?

Prue: Figure it out,

Phoebe steps between the two. She faces Prue and I.

Phoebe: Come on Prue take it easy

"Are you kidding me. Am I the only one who sees what's going on here?

Primrose: Guys


Primrose: "SO WHAT AM I PHOEBE! (with tears in my eyes)



Primrose runs up the stairs and they hear Primrose slam her bedroom door.

Prue: Phoebe that was uncalled for, it is not Primrose's fault that Mom and Dad split up

Piper: Can't we all just take a deep breath,

Prue: Think about it Piper! He whines and dines and now he's back in the house he hasn't set foot in twenty years and the first thing he asks is 'Where's the book of shadows?'"

Phoebe: Prue you are just looking for something to blame him for Prue

Prue: You need to be quiet right Phoebe after the way you spoke to Primrose, Grams never told her about her father for a reason and you rubbing it in her face that is our half sister that was way out of line.

Phoebe: I was only telling the truth

Prue: No, you said it because you wanted to hurt her feelings because she has two active powers and don't have one that is why you took a chance and said what you did. (she turns to her Father) Admit it tell them why you're here!


Prue: "For the first time in your life tell them the truth

"All right fine. You're right I am after the book. That's exactly the reason why I came back...

Phoebe: Dad

Victor: But not for the reasons you would like to believe It would make it easy for you Prue, wouldn't it? If I were evil. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not. I'm here to protect you."

Prue: Yeah right,

Piper: To protect us from what

Victor: From yourselves, that's why I want that damn book! Its where the power of four started and where it must end!"

Phoebe: But it's part of us, Part of who we are!

Victor: That's what your mother believed to, before they killed her!"

We are all shocked at this revelation.

Piper: What do you mean?

Victor: You have no idea what is out there,

Prue: Oh, I think we have a pretty good idea

Victor: Listen to me Prue," That book is a magnet for evil. As long as you use it, you're in danger."

This makes Prue even angrier.

Prue: YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE!" After all these years of being an absentee dad then you just waltz into our lives and tell us how to live!"

Victor: I never wanted you to have these powers in the first place I battled with your grandmother after your mother died. She wanted you to find out your witches when you grew up! I didn't. I fought hard for you! But your grandmother was too strong!"

This brings Piper, who apart from Primrose was always closest to Grams to a boiling point.

Piper: Wait your blaming grams for why you disappeared, she loved us! She raised us!"

Prue: What'd she do? Put a spell on you?

Victor: Believe me nothing short of that would have kept me away. You have to believe me all I want is what's best for you," He looks at Phoebe who is still having a glaring contest with me. "Phoebe you believe me, don't you?"

Phoebe finally looks away and bites her lip clearly uncertain.

Prue: We've done fine without you,

Victor: Prue you can't fight this, I couldn't!"

Prue: I'm not you!

Victor: Are you sure? Are you sure you can protect your sisters forever?"

Phoebe spoke up to defend Prue.

Phoebe: We'll protect each other."

Victor: Then you'll die together!


Prue loses control of her power and sends Victor flying. He hits the door frame and falls to the floor.

Victor: If you wanted me gone Prue you should have said!

Victor leaves the house leaving a shocked and sad looking woman

Next day

It is now morning Primrose was sat at the table with Piper and Prue. None of us have spoken. We are all upset about the night before. It hurts that Phoebe doesn't see me as much of a sister as the other two.

Phoebe comes in and pauses not speaking yet. When none of us acknowledge her presence, she speaks to herself.

Phoebe: Good morning Phoebe. Guys, can we call a truce just for five minutes please?" I have a confession. You know when we agreed not to see dad? Yeah, well um I did.

Piper: Hello I was with you remember!

But Phoebe shakes her head.

"No by myself before dinner (to all of us glancing mainly at Prue and I) And I had a premonition about dad when he hugged me. He was stealing the book of shadows. Yeah, you two were right about him. I didn't want the premonition to be true. I was hoping... praying that there was a good explanation. Hoping that he was really here to be with us. I just wanted him to be back in our lives... He's our dad...

By the time she finishes she is whispering. Prue gets to her feet and approaches her.

Prue: I know Phoebe (she hugs her and it ends)

Piper has tears in her eyes. I get to my feet as well. Phoebe turns to me.

Phoebe: I am so sorry for what I said to you Prim I was partly jealous that you had gained another active power I needed really mean what I said it is not your fault that Mom and my Dad split up

Primrose: All is forgiven Pheebs

They share a warm hug

Piper: (Piper draws the attention her her as she speaks.)"Hey look," she says picking a ring up off of the floor. "Its dads ring. What's it doing here?

Phoebe: It must have come of last night when he um fell

Prue: We can have sent back to the hotel

After spending some time with Prue, we head to the stairs as Phoebe runs into the house looking alarmed.

Phoebe: Dad's not after the book it's Marshall

We meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

Prue: "It's what?

Phoebe: My premonition it wasn't dad Got to find a spell to banish them. (She rushes up the stairs)

Prue: Banish who?

Phoebe: "The neighbours they're shapeshifters. Fitz and Marshall and the-"

She cuts off as we see Piper come in with Cynda. If what Phoebe says is true, she's a warlock.

Cynda: Cookies Just baked.

Fritz: (Fritz then walks in) Hey the door was unlocked.

I look at Phoebe and motion for her to go upstairs while we keep an eye on the two.

Phoebe glances nervously at fritz before trying to go up. Prue and I stay on the landing.

Piper: Where are you going Phoebes?

Phoebe stops and turns to speak.

"Uh just to get something, (turning to Cynda.) Can you save me a cookie?

She nods and smiles widely looking very happy. Primrose gets a cold shiver again and she begin to wonder. As Phoebe goes up the stairs Victor walks in

Victor: Daddy's home

After a few moments of silence Phoebe returns. She glances at where her father is stood.

Phoebe: "Dad. You can't be here. You have to leave now!

But then from the side of the house another Victor walks in. Primrose gasps not knowing which one is real.

Piper: Whoa time out what's going on here?

Victor 1: Don't worry about its sweetie. Everything's going to be fine.

Victor 2: Don't trust him!

Piper: Wait last week we had no dad. Now we have two?"

Victor (1): Phoebe, remember, remember when you were little and you were afraid of the dark, and I would leave the hall light on and the door open just a crack?"

Victor 2: Oh, that's original," What kid isn't afraid of the dark?

Victor 1: Prue she's never been afraid of anything,

Primrose That's correct,

Victor 2: Lucky guess. I said I came back to protect you. Now there's only one way to do it. Kill us both!

Victor 1: You're bluffing!

Victor 2: Am I? Just do it because I want to go out with a bang."

Prue: Do it Phoebe

Phoebe: The spell will kill everyone including dad,

Victor 2: It's the only way Prudence,

Piper: Prue, the protection ring.

(Prue uses her power and the ring slides across the table. Victor 2 picks it up. Prue nods and he puts it on.)

Prue: Phoebe, now.

Phoebe: In the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam, (Cynda turns into a creature) rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call." (It gets windy.) "When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam..." (The shape shifters start melting. Victor 2 falls to his knees. He looks like he's in pain.) Daddy!

Victor 2: Victor 2: It's okay, keep it going.

Prue Piper, Phoebe and Primrose: Rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four now heed our call.

(The shape shifters melt and disappear. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe run over to Victor. Primrose stands next to the stairs, feeling left out. Prue helps him up.)

Victor: For a moment there, I wasn't sure what you would do.

Prue: For a moment there, neither did I.

Phoebe: I thought you didn't want us to use our magic.

Victor: I didn't. Not as long as I still thought of you as my little girls. But you're obviously not anymore.

Piper: We're still you're little girls, we're just...

Prue: Witches.

Victor: Yeah, witches. Well, obviously you don't need your old man to protect you from anything.

Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Primrose are there. Prue's on the phone.

Prue: (into the phone) No, Andy, I'm fine really. Dad's gonna be here any minute, so can I take a rain check on dinner? Okay, thanks for the good advice. (She hangs up.)

Phoebe: So, he's dad now?

Prue: Yes, Phoebe, and by the way my dress looks good on you.

Phoebe: I don't have any nice clothes, Prue.

Prue: Dad said it was casual.

Phoebe: I don't care. I wanna look nice for him. Who knows how long it'll be before we see him again?

Piper: You don't think he's gonna stay around?

Phoebe: Well, let's just say I no longer have a romanticised image of him. And I'm glad about that actually. At least dad is real now.

Prue: And at least he's not a monster which is very reassuring considering we share his genes.

Piper: I'm just glad he came back no matter how long he stays. Kind of nice feeling like a normal family again. Whatever that means. (Phoebe nods. The doorbell rings.) Speak of the devil. (Piper answers the door. Piper and two men walk back in the living room.)

Prue: Uh, hi, you two must both be Mr Wyatt

Phoebe: The handymen

Leo: Call me Leo

Ryan: Call me Lucas

Phoebe (looks at Lucas : Gladly

Leo: This was on the steps. (He holds up a large yellow envelope. Prue takes it off him.) This place is, uh, you don't find many like this around anymore.

Piper: Yeah, it's kind of falling apart.

(Prue opens the envelope.)

Lucas : The problem isn't the manor, it's the manner in which it was treated. I'd love to see more.

Phoebe: I would love to show it to you. The attic is right this way. (She pushes Piper out of the way and Phoebe and Lucas head towards the stairs. Primrose shares a look with Leo as he follows Lucas and Phoebe and she glances at Prue.)

Primrose: (to Prue) I'll go watch 'em.

Prue: Guys.

(Phoebe turns back around.)

Phoebe: Uh, I'll be right up.

Prue: He's not coming.

Piper: Who's not coming?

Prue: Dad. He sent this. Um, (she reads the note) "Girls, something's come up, I hate to leave town. Can't make it to dinner. Probably best if we let the dust settle anyway. I know there's a lot you would like to forget but here's what I remember. Love, dad." (She holds up a video tape.)


AN: INTRDUCING TYLER HOECHILN AS LUCAS WYATT. Can anyone guess who he is a love interest for?

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