Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

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Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



3K 278 77
By Wintershadowassassin

"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mermen" - mermen's language
"Sign language" - both understand

Author POV

Jimin had decided to explore the island today, after almost drowning yesterday, he has no desire to be near the water.

The mermen hadn't been impressed when he had informed them. Mostly so they wouldn't send Yoongi to find him again or anyone else. Not wanting another repeat of the last time they had come to look for him on the land.


"Does Jimin have to go?" Jungkook looked at him with what should be an illegally cute pout on his face.

"Yes, he does" Jimin signed back.

But he was stopped when Taehyung lifted himself up on his tail and latched his arms around Jimin's waist. Using the momentum of his body to pull Jimin down so he was sitting in the shallow water of the bay.

"Tae" Jimin signed his name, fast and it represented his annoyance at being pulled down.

Taehyung jumped back at this, looking at Jimin with sad, puppy dog like eyes. Not understanding what he did wrong, he made an almost whimpering noise.

"Taehyung come here" Jimin signed. Taehyung looked confused, seeing Jimin reach out to him and softly pull him against him.

When he pulled back.

"Taehyung you can't pull me down like that, I could get hurt. You startled me and I was scared. I am sorry I snapped at you" Jimin apologised.

"Tae hurt Jiminie?" Taehyung looked horrified with himself.

"No Jimin is fine. Not hurt, but it could happen if you do it again" Jimin reassured him.

Taehyung didn't look any better, so Jimin pulled his face down and nuzzled his cheek against the merman's. Taehyung made a happy sound at that, content to be affectionately held by his mate.

"Why must you go Jimin?" Namjoon asked his mate.

"I have to keep fixing my house. It is no where near finished. I am sure you also have duties as well. I take up so much of your days" Jimin interjected.

"We do, but we can do both. See you and complete our duties." Jin inputed.

His coral pink tail flicking in the water, sending up small splashes in its wake. Namjoon's silver tail was moving in a similar way, Jimin wondering if it was signalling their agitation at him wanting to spend a day without them.

"How about the day after tomorrow, I will come down and bring a barbecue. I will cook you a bunch of human food to make up for it" Jimin offered.

"You bring the nice stuff too?" Taehyung looked hopeful, Jungkook nodded enthusiastically.

"Kimchi?, yeah I can" Jimin smiled.

If he could get them enthusiastic about it then it would be easier. Eventually he persuaded them, alot of kimchi was included in this deal. And he departed from the mermen who were all making noises of distress wanting him to turn around and look at them. As if they wanting to ingrain his face into their memories. Honestly it was only one day, though he noticed he had been smiling the whole way back to his home.

<end of flashback>

Now Jimin walked across the island, he had taken to being bare foot. All of his memories of the island in his childhood, he had never worn shoes. He had practically lived on the island for more than half of his childhood.

He vaguely wondered how he had never spotted a merman or maid in all of his childhood. Maybe they had only appeared now, since Jungkook was washed up injured on the beach. Plus they called him their mate and all that, so it was probably a contributing factor.

Plus from the way the mermen acted, it was like they had never seen or interacted with a human before. That in itself puzzled Jimin as he remembers them telling him that they had alive for along time and had fought pirates at one point. That had made Jimin stare at them in awe, the mermen had blushed, if it could be called a blush. Going all bashful before him as he praised their strength and courage.

He was knocked out of his thoughts by the sound of meowing. Thinking it to be Latte, but then he remembers he had left Latte in the house to sleep, with the windows and doors shut. So he followed the sound and soon came across a cat, that looked in a bad state much like Latte had been when he first round the cat.

Jimin slowly reached out the cat yowled at him, scratching at his hands as he went to pick it up. Till his hands and arms were a mismatch of scratches and little red lines bloomed with each drag of the cat's claws against his skin.

But soon the cat identified that Jimin wasn't trying to hurt it. Jimin instead shifted the previously distressed cat, now relaxed in his arms. He spotted the cat was a female.

"I'm going to call you Mocha" Jimin declared, the cat looked at him unblinking. Not understanding him at all.

But he continued to carry her over the cliffs to his home. She didn't move or shift in his arms too much. Content to look at her new owner. Jimin petted her occasionally as he moved and sighed in relief when he saw his house appear.

Carrying the new cat indoors, he deposited Mocha onto the worn down sofa and the cat watched as he went to the kitchen. Reappearing with a bowl of cat food, normally used for Latte. Mocha jumped down from the sofa immediately digging into the meal, starving.

Latte had woken up and was now observing the new cat. Jimin watched in anticipation, hoping the cats wouldn't fight eachother. But they merely began to nuzzle eachother. Jimin sighed in relief.

He looked down at the scratches on his arms, they would probably be gone in a few days. He decided now that he was home he might as well get some work done on fixing it further.


So we have a new cat, meet Mocha. The one in the gif above is how I imagine her.

So all I gotta say is kudos to anyone who can guess what is going to happen with Latte and Mocha....

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter.




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