I Swear It: Herophine

By nietsienietsie

39.8K 2.4K 123

A chance meeting between Hero Fiennes Tiffin and Josephine Langford could mean the beginning of something bea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 27

949 65 4
By nietsienietsie

My lips aren't moving. Why aren't my lips moving? I want them to move, I'm fucking dying for them to move, but it's like my brain is too shocked that she's actually kissing me to send the signal to my lips to fucking move. Quickly, way too fucking quickly, she pulls away, shoving my chest to give her room to run as far away from me as she can.

"I'm so sorry Hero, oh my God I'm so sorry." She's literally speed walking to her bathroom to get away from me and thank fuck my feet work as I hurry towards her.

"It's fine Jo I'm sorry I was just surprised is all," I try to explain, reaching out for her as she tries to slam the bathroom door in my face.

"Oh my God I practically jumped you! What the fuck is wrong with me?" she screeches, pacing in her small bathroom, pulling at her hair and barely noticing me close the door behind me.

"Nothing is wrong with you lo—" I try to calm her but it's like she can't hear me.

"That was unfair to you Hero, I'm sorry, really I am. If you don't want to go out on Friday I'd understand, Jesus you probably want to bring pepper spray to keep me away from you. Fuck!" I can't help but laugh at this. A world where I'd want to keep Josephine Langford away from me? Fucking rubbish. I don't try to speak again, instead I move towards her as she paces towards the sink, grabbing her behind her legs and placing her on the counter so she's forced to look at me. Her eyes remain wild as we stare at each other before I take her face in my hands.

"There hasn't been a moment since I met you that I didn't want you around me. And there certainly hasn't been a moment since I got a taste of you that I didn't want more baby."

She lets out a small breathy laugh, closing her eyes and leaning into my touch. When she opens them she's no longer looking into my eyes, instead she's looking intently at my lips and I can feel her overactive brain working. I find myself caught between wanting to wait for my perfect date and just wanting to give into what we both clearly want right here, right now. Which is why I slowly, very slowly, lean into Jo, just resting my forehead against hers, giving her time to back away if this isn't what she wants.

"I had a plan you know. I was going to wait until I was dropping you off at your front door to try and kiss you again. I was going to be a right gentleman the whole night." I say, moving my head just enough so our lips are an inch away from each other's.

"I'm sorry I ruined your plans" Jo says and I can feel her warm breath fan across my face. She doesn't lean in but she doesn't pull away either, which is enough for me.

"I'm not." And I move in, taking her full lips between mine and encasing her small body in one arm while the other cradles her face in my hand. She wraps her arms around my neck as her legs move around my waist and I feel like we move on autopilot. Her hands move to my hair, tugging gently, causing me to squeeze her harder against me. Where other women can make me feel claustrophobic with their proximity to me, she will never be close enough. God I missed her fucking lips. She deepens the kiss, biting at my bottom lip before soothing the sting with her tongue and I briefly wonder why the fuck I ever thought about waiting until Friday to feel her lips on me. I move my mouth down to her neck kissing and nipping at the skin there, wanting to leave a mark to show any man that comes in contact with her that she's off limits. Her quiet moans above me cause my hands to fist her hair tighter in an attempt to anchor myself to this moment, to keep myself calm, and remember why it would be a bad idea to fuck her on her bathroom sink. Not exactly the magical first time I have planned but definitely something to catalog for later.

As her hands fall to my chest, playing with the buttons on my shirt my phone begins to ring in my back pocket. I pull away from her with an irritated sigh, grabbing my phone as she moves her face to my neck, giggling and placing a kiss there.

"What." I say into my phone, not even looking to see who's on the receiving end of my wrath.

"How about you try that again?" My mum responds on the other end of the phone and I feel Josephine's chest vibrate with laughter against me. I move my face to her hair and place a kiss there, smiling to myself.

"Sorry mum, I didn't check who was calling before I answered my phone, I'm a bit tied up right now, I'm at Josephine's apartment." Jo tries to untangle herself from me but I refuse, wedging the phone between my ear and shoulder, wrapping both arms around her, keeping her snug to me.

"Ah I see, well I was just calling to see how my baby boy was doing, making sure you don't forget about your poor old mum. I won't keep you though love, tell Josephine we said hello."

"I will mum, I'll come by soon for dinner. I promise." And with that I hang up with my poor old mum who I know is going to call me again tomorrow to plan dinner and also ask me fifty questions about what's going on with me and Josephine.

"How did you get such a normal mother, if my mum knew I was with you right now she would still be screaming into the phone about what a beautiful couple we'd make." Jo says as she jumps off the bathroom counter, pushing past me to leave the small bathroom we've been occupying for quite sometime.

"Don't let her fool you love, she's forming a list of questions in her head to ask me as soon as she has the chance to. She's probably on the phone with Mercy right now, asking her what she knows." I say with a smile, following Jo back to the living room. She sits on the couch, burrowing under a white fluffy blanket, trying to fight off a yawn. I should leave, I know I should leave, it's getting late, I work tomorrow, I'm seeing her again on Friday, I should leave. I don't want to leave though.

"I should leave. It's getting late and I'm sure you're tired." I say, awkwardly shuffling to her front door.

"Oh yeah. Sure, yeah. Thank you for coming here and helping me out." She says, standing quickly, letting the blanket fall back onto the couch.

"Anytime, I enjoy pretending to be your boyfriend. I think I'm pretty fucking good at it to be honest." The smile she gives me leaves me breathless. God I love that smile.

"Text me when you get home please?" We're standing right in front of each other, my hand on the doorknob, hers playing with the hem of her sweater and I'm trying, really trying, to think of something else to say to prolong this goodbye just a little bit more. I can't think of anything though, so instead I nod my head before ducking down and placing a kiss on her lips, smiling when she leans into my body. She hums quietly before pulling away.

"Get out of here before I decide to keep you any longer." She says with a laugh, placing another quick kiss to my lips before kicking me out and I spend the drive home thinking about being kept by this girl I've completely fallen for.

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