Chapter 33

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Three months. Three months Josephine and I have been together and I'm finding it more and more impossible not to tell her I'm in love with her. I thought about it all night at her sister's wedding in December. I thought about it when she was walking down the aisle in that killer dress. I thought about it during her speech she was so nervous about she made us take shots as soon as we got into the reception. I thought about it while she introduced me to her entire family. I thought about it a lot in the hotel room that night and in the shower the next morning. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it and with Valentine's Day coming up it's next to impossible to focus on anything else. Josephine doesn't really want to celebrate Valentine's Day, she said she usually works that day but I convinced her not to this year. We aren't doing anything too crazy, Jo made me promise not to buy her any gifts which I have decided to ignore despite swearing up and down that I wouldn't buy her a thing. It's a good thing too, because she walks through my door with a large pink and red gift bag and a box of chocolates.

"I thought we weren't getting each other gifts?" I say, planting a kiss on her lips before she can answer.

"Yeah well I found the jewelry box before I left your apartment the other night so I figured if you were breaking our rule I could too. Happy Valentine's Day baby."

She wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me fully on the lips and I momentarily forget about the food on my stove until sauce begins bubbling onto the burner. We sit on my couch, wrapped up in each other while we eat and Jo catches me trying to peak into the large gift bag she brought. She said I wasn't allowed to open it until after dinner and I wracking my brain trying to figure out what she could get me so big it would fit in that bag.

She does the dishes after shoving me away from the sink and I pour us each another glass of wine, finishing the bottle I'd bought for tonight. I feel incredibly nervous tonight. I've never given a girl jewelry before, I thought Taylor and Katie were going to kill me with how many pictures of different pieces I sent them but I couldn't help it. I wanted tonight to be perfect, which meant the gift also had to be perfect.

Josephine dries off her hands and picks up her gift bag, bringing it over to me with a coy smile playing at her lips.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby." She says before kissing me fully on the lips.

The bag is shockingly light and I tear through the tissue paper to try and figure out what the hell she got me for Valentine's Day. I feel something smooth slip through my fingers when I reach the bottom of the bag and I stop, realizing I'm a fucking idiot for not realizing before what she bought me. Well her. But it's definitely for me. My eyes only.

The first thing I pull out is black sheer tights. Next is arguably the most confusing looking piece of clothing I've ever seen. This looks complicated but the throbbing between my legs reminds me it'll be worth it. If I have to rip it off her so be it. It's my fucking gift anyway.

"Do you have any idea what it is?" Josephine laughs to herself.

"Honestly? Not a fucking clue, I know I want to see you in it though so how about you open your gift now so I can enjoy mine." I quickly grab it from my coffee table and hand it to her.

"I can't believe you got me jewelry. Did you make Mercy go with you to help?"

"Nope. Picked it out all by myself. You act like I don't know you." Partly true, I do know her. Better than myself I think sometimes, but jewelry stores are fucking overwhelming and I couldn't exactly buy her everything I thought she'd like. Hence, the hundreds of texts to her two best friends.

"Oh my God. Hero." She says as she opens the box to reveal a Cartier love bangle and any doubts she wouldn't like this gift are gone. Her eyes well with tears as she lightly traces the bracelet but before I can properly pat myself on the back for fucking crushing our first Valentine's Day she panics.

"This is too much money. I got you stupid fucking lingerie and you got me this?! I can't accept this! Oh my God. This is like, like, so much fucking money. Christ and I got you lingerie like a horny teenager! Oh my—"

I cut her off with a kiss. The mini freak out was kind of funny but there's no way she isn't accepting this.

"I don't give a shit about how much it cost. Do you like it?" I ask her.

"Do I like it? Of course I like it! It's perfect! But it's—"

"It's yours. I wanted to buy you something you could wear all the time to remind you of me. So don't say another word about not being able to accept it. I want you to have it. You like it. End of story."

She gives me teary smile, shifting into my lap on the couch. She holds my face in her hands for a long minute before she shakes her head.

"Trust me when I tell you I don't need any reminders of you." She says quietly, almost to herself, "I think about you all the fucking time." She looks at me so seriously and I know this is the moment.

"I think about you all the time too. I've never been so happy in my fucking life." I laugh and she does too and despite the fact she's wiping tears away she is smiling so damn big. "Josephine. I love you. I am in love with you. So much it feels like my chest hurts some days." I close my eyes, overwhelmed by finally being able to say it out loud while I hold her on my lap, only opening my eyes when I hear her sob.

"You don't have to say it back if you're not ready baby, I promise it doesn't change anything." I'm panicking. I'm also very confused. She crying, burrying her head in my neck and holding on to me like her life depends on it. Is this how people normally react when they first hear their partner tell them they love them? I have no idea. Never done it before. Kind of have no intention of doing it again with anyone else.

"I love you so much." She sobs into my neck, my t-shirt wet from her tears. "I've never loved anyone like I love you and that's so fucking scary but I don't even care. I am so stupidly in love with you." She says with a laugh, finally looking me in the eyes and I feel my own tears prickling my eyes. Fuck.

"Thank fucking God. Holy shit" I say before tackling her to the couch, letting the presents fall to the side. We're laughing and crying and kissing and hugging and I think this is the best Valentine's Day of my life.

Eventually we pull apart and I put her bracelet on her before hurrying her into my bedroom to get changed into her present for me. While I'm waiting my brother calls me. He's proposing to Jordan tonight and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Not because I think she'll say no, but because he's wanted to marry her since the day he met her and it's finally going to happen for them.

"Yo, Titan man what's up?"

"Yo brother, you ready to have another sister in your life?"

So sorry for the long awaited update! Life got very busy!

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