Chapter 15

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            "Jo? Josephine is that you?" Dylan says as if I've changed so much I'm unrecognizable. Although maybe I am, last time he saw me I was a sobbing mess clearing out my things from our apartment after I'd caught him cheating for the third time.

"Yup it's me, I'm leaving now, goodbye Dylan." I feel rather than see Hero's eyes dancing back and forth between me and Dylan and I wish that the floor would open up and swallow me whole because this can't be happening. There is no way I've ever done anything to illicit such horrible karma.

"Jo, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I have so much I want to talk to you about, please hear me out?" Dylan has the audacity to say and I hear Hero scoff from his seat across from me and I glare at him, promptly shutting him up.

"Correct me if I'm wrong Dylan but it was three times I walked in on you fucking Scarlett in our bed right?" I say looking him in his eyes, something I wasn't able to do two year ago.

"So much has changed since than Jo I swear to God. Just hear me out yeah?"

"Well Dylan, nothing has changed for me and it never will. You cheated on me with our coworker in our apartment and tried to say it was my fault because I was working nightshift. I'm not going there with you. Ever again. Get it through your head. Bedsides, I'm all talked out for one day. Goodbye boys." I stand to my feet, grab my coat and walk out the door.

I'm thankful for the busy street of bustling people because I'm not much in the mood for strolling and I certainly don't want to look like a crazy person running down the street. This day has been too much for me. I feel drained and it isn't even 2pm yet. Once I'm halfway to my apartment I start to slow my pace a little bit. I debate going for a walk but the air is chilly and I honestly just want to go home, open a bottle of wine, and veg out on the couch.

As the elevator doors open I am met once again with Hero sitting outside my door, this time however, he is actually awake and sees me as soon as the elevator doors open.

"Look, I'm sorry to just show up here like this, I know that's messed up and I promise after today I won't do it again. You just ran out of there so fast... I didn't get a chance to talk to you, see if you were okay. And I didn't know... I didn't know about..." he trails off and I assume he's talking about my conversation with Dylan he had a front row seat to just a little bit ago.

"How were you supposed to know." I offer him a small smile and he returns it, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"I know you have plenty of people to talk to about this but if you ever want a fresh set of ears, I'm here. I know I fucked up but I'm not a total asshole and if you're willing to be in my life, even as a friend I can be okay with that. Mercy and I are doing a joint birthday thing next Saturday, nothing crazy, the baby will even be there and you can see how much he's changed already! Felix and Mercy will be so excited to see you and my mum keeps asking when she can meet the famous Josephine..." I blush at his words, butterflies erupting in my stomach at the thought of him talking to his mother about me.

"No pressure to come I swear, but everyone would love it if you did. I know I would, and you can even bring a friend! There will be plenty of single guys there for whoever you bring."

"What about for me?" I ask cheekily, even though I know I would never and I'm sure he does too. Instead of a laugh I am met with a very serious Hero, not even a smirk gracing his handsome face.

"They all know better than to try anything with you Josephine, I'll make fucking sure of that love."

A small laugh escapes my lips and I look down at the floor, embarrassed that people know about me and frustrated that I'm not more annoyed by his cockiness.

"Send me the details, I'll see if I can make it. I'd love to see Mercy and Felix. And... the baby... of course." I look up at him and sheepishly smile, he returns it with a bright one of his own.

"Of course." And with that he's gone.

I pull out my phone and text Taylor immediately.

How do you feel about going to a party next Saturday?

I Swear It: HerophineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon