Chapter 9

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The house is absolutely at capacity and I've kept myself busy, making sure the food was out, drinks were refilled, and games were running smoothly. Katherine's job is to greet everyone and I happily take on the task of doing the behind the scenes work. Every time someone asks if I'm seeing someone I make an excuse about needing to refill something or other. It's honestly working out perfectly.

I check my phone around 2pm and see a message from Hero. I smile and excuse myself to a more secluded area of the house. I don't need anyone looking over my shoulder seeing what Hero is sending me or asking why I'm smiling like an idiot at my phone.

How's the bridal shower going? Hope you aren't too painfully hungover or tired.

He's sweet, I decide to admit to myself.

It's not too bad. I've started having a drink anytime someone asks her when she thinks her and Jason are going to start trying for kids. I'd say I'll be blacked out by 4pm. I immediately see text bubbles pop up and I have to remind myself that I am a grown woman, not a 15 year old girl who squeals when the boy she likes texts her.

Mhmm sounds like I might need to come get you from your mothers. I wouldn't want you driving and I'd hate to miss out on a drunk Josephine.

I blush, thinking back to how embarrassing I've acted in front of him and how he doesn't seem to mind. Of course he doesn't I remind myself. Why would he mind when you're shoving your tongue down his throat or talking about how you masturbated thinking about him. I shudder at the thought for a few reasons. Before I can answer he texts me again, probably worrying he made a mistake bringing up my drunken escapades.

I'm over at Mercy's, she's giving me the fourth degree about our date. And she's making me hold the baby and I feel like I'm going to break him. I smile at the thought of Mercy interrogating her brother about me and think about how cute he probably looks holding that little boy.

Tell Mercy that you've essentially been stalking me since Friday night and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Also if you're so worried about if you're holding Joshua right you can always send me a picture of how you're doing it and I can give you my professional opinion.

I immediately get a text of a smiling Hero cradling the baby in his arms, he looks a little tense but he looks genuinely happy. I wish I was there. The picture is followed by another picture of Mercy holding the baby, smiling.

My mum had already made me take a picture holding the baby don't feel too special. Also Mercy wanted me to send you a picture of her so you don't forget about her and how she's your favorite sibling. I told her I think I might outrank her soon.

Tell her not to worry, her spot at number one is still secure. I have to catch up on my drinking, I think I just heard my aunt suggest baby names to Katherine and she needs saving. I'll talk to you later.

I pocket my phone and go to find Katherine when I look up and see she's already standing in front of me.

"That was an awfully big smile there sis." She says and I know she's curious. I know she wants every detail but she's the main event today and someone is calling her name.

"Later. I promise."

"Good. I can't wait Jojo."

Katherine and I sit on the back deck of my parents house after everyone leaves, sipping wine and enjoying a moment of silence. My mom has left to take my grandmother back to her assisted living apartment and I decide this is the safest time to tell my sister about Hero. She listens intently with a small smirk on her face, laughing at me when I blush after she brings up if he kissed me goodnight. I wasn't about to tell my sister I accosted him in a booth, not that he seemed to mind.

"So Jo will I meet this guy before the wedding? I mean you are going to bring him right?"

I've thought about it a couple times but do I really want to bring someone who won't know anyone to a wedding where I am the maid of honor? I'll be running around helping Katherine in the bathroom while he stands at the bar with women throwing themselves at him. I think I'll pass. I relay this sentiment to Katherine and I know she's about to fight me when my mother comes through the sliding doors. I give her a silent plea not to bring this up and with a sigh she lets it go.

I Swear It: HerophineWhere stories live. Discover now