Chapter 31

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We're a mess of hands and lips in the elevator. I can't stop fucking touching her. Her hips, her legs, her ass, anywhere my hands can reach I'm touching, never allowing my mouth to leave her skin. She's just as frenzied, moaning into my mouth, biting at my shoulder when I suck on her neck, leaving a beautiful mark there. Mine.

When we finally reach my floor I am pulling her towards my apartment. I thought about picking her up and carrying her but that seems a little overzealous. I have her against the door while I'm trying desperately to get the keys out of my pocket when I hear her little giggle.

"I can't wait to get inside and talk." She says, laughing harder when she sees my face drop. Fuck being too much. I bend down and pick her up over my shoulder, digging my keys out of my pocket as she laugh hysterically. A quick spank on her bottom stops her laughter for a moment before she begins again at me running through my front door, towards my bedroom.

"The only talking I want from you for the next hour is hearing you scream my name, understood?" I say as I throw her onto my bed. I'm not kidding. If she thinks I have any plan of being done with her anytime soon she's lost her mind. I crawl towards her, wrapping myself around her as she hooks one leg around my waist. We're both fully dressed but that can be fixed easily.

"And what if I just want to talk? Really talk?" She says, but I don't falter.

"We can do whatever you want, as long as you stay in my arms. You wanna talk Jo? I'll talk to you all damn night. You want me to tell you how shit I felt when we weren't talking? Want to hear how I've been talking about you to my friends like a lovesick schoolboy? I'll tell you all about it love." I stop for a moment to admire the bright smile on her face. "Want me to tell you how badly I want to make this official between us? Be able to introduce you as my girlfriend. Take you out, spoil the shit out of you? Where do you want to start baby, I can go on all night." Her eyes shine as they remain trained on me.

"You want to be my boyfriend Uncle Hero?"

"I'd say that's a good place to start don't you?" I say with a smirk and I mean it. I don't know this feeling but I'm pretty sure it's what falling in love feels like. I know that this feels different. A really fucking good different, so if this is what falling feels like then I think that's a good indication that being in love with Josephine will be the easiest thing I've ever done.

"Does this mean I have to call you Boyfriend Hero instead of Uncle Hero? Maybe Daddy Hero? Hmm I'll have to play with it." She says with a giggle, fingers playing with the hem of my shirt.

"You can call me whatever the fuck you want baby. But I need an answer here gorgeous. A real answer. Are we doing this? All in. Boyfriend girlfriend shit. Anniversaries, family dinners, boring work events. I want everything. I want to know you're mine and I'm yours." She's quiet for a moment and I feel like my heart is in my throat while I wait for her answer. And then softly, so softly I need to move closer to her to really hear what she says to me.

"I think I've been yours since the first time you kissed me." I can't stop myself from kissing her. I'm acutely aware of the fact that I just poured my heart out to her and she just barely gave me an answer. But it's all the answer I needed. She's mine. I'm hers. That feels like everything I need to know.

Our next kiss isn't as frantic as the ones before. I think partly because we know now that this isn't temporary, not that it ever felt that way, but we know we have time. We can take our time with each other. There's no rush. We want to be together. We're on the same page.

We stay like that for a while, enjoying being wrapped up in each other, kissing, touching, before her hand slips beneath my shirt, tugging it up over my head. Her shirt follows, then her bra, until there's nothing between us at all. And those frantic kisses return, not because we're afraid we'll run out of time, but because we wasted so much time not having this.

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