Mixed [Shadowhunters]

By Deya0302

5.3K 151 8

Cassandra Rose has known that the last 16 years of her life she hasn't been normal. She can see the distress... More



669 15 0
By Deya0302

I wish I could say my life was relatively normal. But, then I'd be lying. And I'd be probably be locked in a mental asylum just by even saying what my life consisted off out loud.

I wasn't normal by any means. My mom wasn't normal, well she was but there was something in the way she stood that told me that once she had been different. A woman in a world that was too cruel for her.

Since I could remember, mom had always been sick. I knew her skin wasn't always so unnaturally pale and she didn't stumble when she walked.

But, she was the mother right? She was the only one allowed to worry and me, as the daughter I was supposed to enjoy the rest of my teenage days before I turned an adult. Sadly, I turned one too young...

I should not hold a grudge, really. I had never been normal anyway and school wasn't completely satisfying to me, something Magnus always agreed with me. School is boring, buttercup. Besides, you'd have an eternity to go through it. So, enjoy life. Mom always seemed to be annoyed that Magnus spoiled my mischievous ways, that he shouldn't let my pretty eyes wrap him to my will. He was my tutor and I had to obey his rules, not trying to persuade him to be less strict. Magnus seemed always amused, grumbling under his breath, yet almost fondly something about nephilims. Yet, the said nephilims, Shadowhunters were a different subject if it wasn't mom he was talking to.

Magnus detested the half angels. However, he didn't teach me that hatred, always being factual and as if reciting a dictionary whenever I asked about them. It was as if he wanted me to create my own perspective of them, not wanting me to take his own.

It was also why, he usually didn't like me going to the Pandemonium. It was usually their hunting grounds. Sure, it was a common ground for all downworlders like us. The club was a somewhat safe place for warlocks, vampires, the usual Seelie, werewolves, mundanes and once in a while a rebellious demon. Nephilims were also welcomed but apparently they considered themselves 'superior' beings with their laws and accords and blah blah blah. Political talk.

It didn't interest me. The partying part, however....

"Didn't I tell you to stay home, buttercup?"

The music was loud inside the club and for a moment I even considered ignoring Magnus when I saw a guy flashing me wide smiles as I stood by the side of the dance floor. The music pounded within my body, blending with my heart beat. I hadn't drank anything yet, (not like I would be served anything, anyway) and I never needed alcohol to have fun. After all, I grew up with Magnus. The man knew how to party and taught me how without the need of drinking - more to my mother's peace of mind, actually -.

With a lazy flicker of my fingers, I threw my hand up to cover my tutor's mouth without looking, "Please. It's not like you don't have secured this place, Mango. I'll be fine"

Grabbing my wrist, a smooth whirl around for me to face him made him smirk as my pout intensified. A flicker of his fingers and a small flower appeared on his hand, tucking it with a wild, curly brown hair behind my ear, knowing I always found myself flustered for actions like that one. It was the gracing against my cheek. It forced an involuntary blush to appear. Magnus said he always found it adorable. I blame my half human body for reacting that way against my will.

"It is spelled, sunshine" Magnus explained, dropping his hand. I crossed my arms, giving him a pointed look. "Crush it if you will. It'll give you the opportunity to walk away like a Queen"

A scoff left my lips, rolling my eyes "You know I don't like when you do that, Magnus"

Compliments. Flirting. It was awkward. Magnus knew about it and like the annoying person he was, he took every chance to make me flustered.

And no, it wasn't like that. He didn't feel anything for me. If anything, he was the paternal figure I never had. He stepped in and always protected me, taught me how to control my magic. He was there for my mom, who I always suspected had a thing for before she died. Magnus had a way to show affection that always seemed like he was flirting, but he always showed it to me by giving me either a quick spell reminder or an object to protect myself. I was young. I looked like a mundane and I could easily be mistaken by someone vulnerable. (It happened more times than I care to count). Magnus always made sure I knew how to defend myself.

"Now, shoo. Let the adults enjoy the party" Magnus waved a dismissive hand, walking away with a smirk "Just don't have too much fun, chocolate bar"

I rolled my eyes, smiling. Still, I would never change Mangus for a boring parent.

A whoosh of air that blew a strand of hair slightly at my side. I flickered my eyes. A smug looking boy was at my side. My hands went directly to my jacket pockets. This was not the guy I had made eye contact with earlier.

"Nice party" The boy murmured on my ear making me inwardly cringe. Perfect.

Before he could say anything else, my smile turned sweetly, turning to face him. "It is"

"Wanna dance?" The boy asked, his eyes seemingly charming.

My sparkling green eyes flickered slightly, my smile growing. "No"

The boy's smile faded. "No?"

"No" I repeated calmly. "I would have said yes, hadn't you've been trying to encanto me, asshole"

I flipped my hair to behind my back, giving him a pleasant smile, turning around, leaving. This was not the first time. Thanks to one of Magnus's spell books, I created an anti-encanto or mind control necklace. At my first party at Magnus', I had fallen victim by one of the vamps and almost turned to a blood bag hadn't it not been by Raphael, an old friend of Magnus who knew who I was. Since then, I vowed to not let anyone control my mind like that again. To say that vampire had been turned to a squirrel for the next three days was a good revenge.

Suddenly, my arm was grabbed being pulled back. I turned around to protest when I paused. Magnus was unusually tense as he stared right ahead.

"Gus-Gus?" I asked tentatively. He had his nicknames for me so I had my own for him.

"Portal yourself home" Magnus ordered. It was uncommon for him to sound so serious that my eyebrows furrowed.


"Now, Cassandra" Magnus snapped, his cat-like eyes were narrowed, lips pursed in a thin line. He was angry, I noted. He never used my full name if he could use nicknames. I followed his gaze, suddenly understanding.

Unmistakable runned men. Nephilim. No wonder Magnus was angry. I nodded, "See you home?" I pleaded.

If these Shadowhunters were dangerous as Magnus was reacting, I didn't want him to risk his life.

Magnus glanced down at me, taking upon the worrying frown instead of my playful, happy smile and softened, "I promise. And gather everyone" he instructed, pausing for a second "I don't think we're safe"

The Circle.

A breath caught in my throat, suddenly scared. Mom talked about them. I heard her and Magnus one day as they shared Martinis. They were Rogue Shadowhunters that killed Downworlders, going against the Accords.

I immediately understood, turning on my heel, this time able to tell my pounding heart from fear than from the music. I stood at the VIP area, glancing behind my back, my lips turning down in worry but I was given an order. I waved my hands in front of me, red sparkling leaving my fingertips as a portal appeared. A slight wind coming from it blew my hair back. I gave another look around the club, taking a deep breath, running inside the portal.

An image of Magnus' loft in my head. Home.

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