One Chicago Brett and atonino...

By LilyLeclerc16

8K 101 2

Ik there isn't many bretonio stories so I made one this also contains a little bit of dawsey and stellaride u... More

Are you kidding me
Tell people
Are you ok?
Where r they
Is it
This is it
You ready
Gone gone gone
Casey leslie severide
Where is she
Save my girl halstead
Sargent hank voight
Road trip pt1
Location pt2
Ooo ur in trobule
She what
Hospital birthday
Jay day
date night


187 4 0
By LilyLeclerc16

(6 months later)
(Jules is now 11 months old)
(Stellas 9 months pregnant)
Sk-2 days till you get married how are you feeling
Sb-extremely nervous
Gd-at least your having a proper wedding and not in your tern out gear
Sb-yeah but I'm still nervous
Gd-ofc you are your marrying Antonio Dawson there's always something to be nervous about
Sk-yeah I once saw him burn popcorn and toast at the same time
Sb-good point
   (Ten minutes later)
Pr-do you Antonio Dawson take sylvie Brett to be your lawfully wedded wife
Ad-I do
Pr-and do you sylvie Brett take Antonio Dawson to be your lawfully wedded husband
Sb-I do
Pr-I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride
       (They kiss)
(At the after party)
Sb-I know we are I was there
Hu-why is jay rolling in the floor with the baby
Sb-I have no clue
Jh-were playing
Wh-I am NOT related to you
Jh-whatever helps you sleep at night
DJ-who's ready for the first dance between our newly weds
Ad-may I have this dance
Sb-yes you may
  (Jules stands and walks over to them)
ad-really this is our first dance
Ad-omg omg our baby is walking
Ad-I love you so much
Sb-I love you too
Ldc&mr-auntie sylvie
Ldc-is there any candy
Sb-did your parents say you could have candy
Mr-no our pops did
Sb-who's pops
Sb-in that case the candy's by the dino nuggets
Ldc&mr-thank you
Mr-run before our parents catches catch us
Sk-woah slow down
Ldc-sorry aunt Stella
Sk-here take all the kids and go up to the room
Mr-ok so we can take the candy
Sk-yes only if you take all of the kids with you
Ldc-come on let's go get Eva and Diego
      (Evas POV)
Mr-Eva Eva Eva Diego
Ed-what what what
Mr-come with us
Ldc-ummm...why is uncle jay on the floor
Dd-no one knows
Mr les gooooo
   (Stellas POV)
Sk-so yeah basically we got him down from the roof and asked why he was up there and he said he was trying to get his cat down but the cat jumped on him and he fell scaring the cat off
  (everyone's laughing)
Gd-shay would have loved that we wouldn't have heard the end of it
Gd-hey thanks for setting your wedding day on shay's birthday it meant everything to me
Sb-well we know shay was special to you
Gd-she would have loved you sylvie
Ad-she would off
Mc-hey has anyone seen the kids and Kelly
Sk-I gave them the room key
Gd-let's go see them
  (Kelly's asleep on the floor and makayla and Eva are the only ones awake)
Sk-I'm scared to ask
Mr-he was awake singing alone to moana
Ed-I have a video for proof
Sk-send me that Im sending that to the group chat
Gd-you know he will kill you right
Sk-ohhh I know

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