The Devil's Son

Por cescawriter

363K 14.6K 2.1K

What would happen if someone did check on Harry? Remus decides one day that he had to see his cub again, so o... Más

A surprise visit
A progression of mystery
Welcome to hell darling! xx
Honey! I'm home!
Hadrian Morningstar, thank you
A dark night at hogwarts
Knowledge is power
A plan in motion
Chaos at last
Return to Hogwarts
The laughter in the shadows
A deals a deal
No escape
The death of Harry Potter


15.2K 678 79
Por cescawriter

Finally the day came, and Hades found himself being swept up in the excitement of the other students. He could go home again, return to the flames and the screams. He was hoping everyone would be too distracted to notice that he wouldn't be getting the train, as he crept over to one of the many classrooms left bare for the holidays. It took him a second to realise he'd need a creature to leave, and was about to summon a house elf when a small rat scrambled over to him. He grinned, catching the rodent and slicing it throat to belly, using it's blood to summon hell-fire. Just as he stepped into the warm blue flame, his vision of the living world, he heard a voice from the door. "Scabbers?"

Ron walked down the corridor, glancing around frantically. Mum would kill him if he lost Scabbers but the rat just kept running off! He knew the train would be going soon, and in a last ditch effort began glancing into each classroom he passed. "Scabbers?" He called out, and flinched at a strange flash of light, but looking in again, saw nothing. He shrugged, and decided to give up. He didn't want to miss the train, and Percy would never let him hear the end of it if he did.

The cold chill welcomed him, and he shivered, missing the heat, but knowing he was close. He strolled along the wet, dark caverns that led to the river Styx, where Charon would be waiting. Soon enough he heard the sound of rushing water, and scrambled through to the docks, where the familiar oak boat gently rocked. The black cloaked figure that had always led him back home was waiting, silent as always. He grinned, knowing he would get no reply and flipping a gold coin into the skeletal hands. He stepped into the boat and it began to move, the darkness of the caves fading away, as they headed closer and closer to the large stone doors that blocked to way to hell. He peered over the edge of the boat, down to the deep pit where mortal souls would fall and enter torment. Of course as the prince of hell, he got to go the comfy way. He shifted, crawling along the walls and through the gap between the doors. "Father!" He shouted, running through the halls until he reached the throne room, where his father and uncles were gathered. Sloth was slumped in his chair, bored, but the rest ran towards him, and he jumped in his father's arms. He understood now, why the mortals had been so emotional upon seeing their family. He truly had missed them.

Abbadon roared as his son jumped into his arms, holding him close. They weren't usually so affectionate, but their time apart had been awful. And it had felt so much longer in hell. He glared at Lucifer as the demon took his son from him. They'd had this argument for too long, his brother claiming he'd become too attached to the human. Hades hadn't been human since they'd brought him to hell, and Luc couldn't deny that. He knew the Demon prince cared for Hade as well, but simply cared for his role first. His other brothers finally finished greeting his son, mostly by trying to maim him in some way, before he ran back, looking at the two demons through narrowed eyes. "Have you guys been fighting again?" Hades always noticed everything, and it was inconvenient at time. "No/Yes." They answered at the same time, glaring at each other, but Hades just rolled his eyes.

They were always arguing, it was what you could expect from Demons. But he hated it when they argued about him. Hades knew his father and his uncles loved him, but he also knew Lucifer was keeping something from him. Normally he wouldn't care, but the last time he'd been sent to the mortal world. Surely it couldn't get any worse than that? His homecoming wasn't too exciting, at least not compared to how his friends had described. Well, apart from Theo. He couldn't help but think of his friend as his family walked away, returning to their work, and he returned to his room. It hadn't changed, the darkened room looking out  across the vast landscape of hell. In between the towering stacks of rocks that those of sloth had been forced to build, the roaring flames and agonised screams rose up, weaving in and out of every crevice. It was strange, but he didn't feel so at home now. It seemed so...... boring! He never thought that would be the word he used, but it was true. He was bored already.

He didn't spend much time there before walking out. Hopefully they would all be too busy to notice if a few things went missing. He needed presents for his friends after all. A quick check showed that all his uncles were in the lower level of hell, the one he wasn't allowed in, and whilst he was curious, it was a brilliant opportunity to go sneaking. Specifically in Mammons trove. Surely there would be something for his friends in there? He walked over to the steps that brought him down to the crypt, the path ahead dark and forboding. He'd always come down here to hide as a child, in the few times his Uncle Leviathan would play with him. The demon was such a sore loser, so Hade had always let him win. He smiled at the happy memory, before summoning a bright blue ball of flame in his palm, and descending the steps. After a few moment, he reached the bottom, looking across rows upon rows of tombs that weren't to be opened under any circumstances. He walked right down to the end, where Cain had been laid to rest an eternity ago. He'd never heard shouting from this one, and had once asked Satan if he was still down there. Apparently the mortal had given up a long time ago. Since then, hell had been filled with many more souls, and now the crypt held a bigger secret. He lit the torch next to him, and immediately the darkness was rushed away by light, revealing the strange, dark pool that was the ceiling. It had taken him a very long time to figure out how to get in, but once he could transform it was easy. Crawling along the walls, he kept through the watery depths, reaching the other side where a vast cavern held millions of years of artifacts. Most was fold jewelry, and swords belonging to different mortals, but some where more interesting. There was a rose that cursed anyone if touched. He knew his Uncle Satan had used that a few times on some humans. Excalibur was held aloft by the stone statue of the first human petrified by medusa, whose head was tested comfortably next to the minotaurs in a large chest. This is where he looked first, hoping to find something his friends would appreciate. They were all great treasures, but mortal children seemed to have very different interests from adults.

A small while later he walked back into his room with a smile on his face, as he dropped the pile of gifts on his bed. He had a book of factually correct mythology for Theo, whom he was sure would be fascinated. For Draco, he had an enchanted mirror, which would curse anyone other than Draco if they looked into it or touched it. It was a slight jab at the bits vanity, but it could also be rather useful. Blaise had been the most difficult to look for, but he'd finally found something. It was a necklace. Well it was a strip of leather really, with a dragons fang attached. Not only did it look rather intimidating, but it was deceptively sharp, and could be used as a dagger in a pinch. Satisfied, he sat back on his bed, listening to the loud screams and please that could always be heard through the walls. He'd long grown used to them, and as such was able to hear the slightest sound that would have been hidden to others by the noise. It was this ability that allowed him to hide the gifts before his father walked into his room unannounced. "Father?"

Abbadon walked in, grinning with long fangs at his son. "I'm glad to see you've settled back in." He took a seat on the boys bed, who quickly scrabbled over to sit next to him. "Now, tell me everything that's happened since you've been gone. Mammon mentioned you made your first soul contract!" His son grinned at him, and they spent many hours discussing the chaos and fun his child had concocted. A small part of him was disappointed his boy seemed to enjoy the human world so much. He understood it was where Hades truly belonged, but still wanted his son to stay here, in hell. Once the little demon had grown, he would make his own choice on whether he stayed. He could only hope Lucifer was wrong, and Hade would not choose earth. Eventually they were corralled out of the room by Beelzebub, who led them to the throne room. Apparently Lucifer had decided to set some entertainment for his son.

Harry wasn't sure how long he'd been home. It could have been a few hours, it could have been months. With no sun, it was difficult to tell when time had passed. All he knew was that on earth, it was the night of the Malfoy ball, which was why he and his father were now in their human guises, waiting in the hall. "Do you have everything?" He nodded up at the demon, who rested a hand on his shoulder before they disappeared from sight, and reappearing at Malfoy Manor. It was quite a sight to behold, a looming building of dark stone and shadowed glass. His father didn't seem so impressed as the walked along the path that led to the manor. The inside was so much more impressive, with luxury furniture, and beautiful decorations illuminating the marble floors. Wondering through the grand hall where the festivities were held, he quickly spotted his friends, all of whom were gathered with their own parents by the staircase. They spotted him just as quickly, and he could tell they were all restraining themselves as the politely nodded at him. He suppressed a grin, walking through the crowd to reach them. The man guests were staring, and he wasn't surprised. He and his father were quite an intimidating pair, dressed in all black with blood red linings and obsidian broaches that held the mark of his kind. The humans likely thought it was some foreign coat of arms, but were impressed nevertheless. They eventually reached his friends, who greeted him excitedly whilst the adults conversed. He was quick to give them their presents, and was quite pleased to discover their fondness for them. Though Draco had gone slightly red at first. He ignored the knowing look his father gave him as the group split, each moving into the hall to greet friends and coworkers. "Mammon will notice those missing, I hope you realise." He only grinned, and smiled widely at his father's quiet chuckle. Looking around the hall, he saw and endless sea of unrecognisable faces, until one of them caught his gaze.

Severus looked at Lord and Heir Morningstar, as they walked around the ballroom. Lucius had insisted he attend, and had somehow persuaded him to do so. He'd been rather content to stay in the corner, ignoring everyone when the strange duo appeared. He wasn't sure what it was, but seeing Hadrian still unsettled him, and Lord Morningstar more so. There was something wrong about them. A strange aura that he could only liken to the strange darkness that had been swarming the halls of Hogwarts at night. He didn't believe that Harry could have been responsible, but now doubt flooded his mind. Perhaps becoming a Morningstar had truly changed the child. He certainly didn't seem like Potter's son. Nor Lilly's. His eye was caught by the strange symbol pinned to their chests. He had never seen it before, and decided he could perhaps gain Lupin's help in research. The wolf had been writing to him often, rather frantic in his worry for the child. He knew Remus wanted to see Harry, but wasn't sure if there was truly any of the original child left. Whoever this was, it certainly wasn't Harry Potter.

Voldemort stood in the graveyard of Riddle Manor, glaring down at his father's grave. That filthy Muggle had cursed him to be forever impure, and he despised even being here. But the creature had insisted, so here he was. It wasn't a moment too soon, Quirrel barely being able to stand now. The body hadn't lasted long, and would soon die if Voldemort did not leave. Unluckily for Quirinus, the beast arrived. "Are you prepared, Dark Lord, for freedom?"  He couldn't stop the evil grin at hearing the question, and turned to see the familiar, horrifying face of his new ally. "I am." The creature nodded, staring unblinking before the first wave of pain ran through Quirrels body. It was so quick, he wasn't sure it had truly happened, before another came, steadier and longer. It increased each time, and he wasn't sure how long he had endured before he collapsed to the floor. He heaved deep breaths, looking down at the ground beneath him. Dark green grass wafted gently in the breeze between long tapered fingers. His hands were much paler, and he raised his head slightly, confused. In front of him was the grave, only now it lay open, and empty. He shuffled back slightly, brushing the dark locks of curly hair from his eyes, and pausing. He slowly stood, unsteady on his feet, looking down at himself. He still wore Quirrels clothes, but something felt different. Turning to the creature, he realised it was gone, and in its place, a large floor length mirror. What he saw in its reflection drew him to his knees, and for the first time in years, he cried. Crystal liquid fell from young, bright blue eyes, his slender hands running through thick black hair. High, defined cheekbones met a sharp jaw and defined nose, in what many had once called handsome. He had aged some, he was so much taller now, few lines of age around his eyes. But it was truly him. Not just a body of his own, but his body! Tom Riddle had returned.

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