dull {k. nanami}

By TragicLS

67.7K 2.2K 232

a half curse, half human sees nothing but gray. her whole world is gray, that is until she meets this man and... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g t h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
authors note

s i x t e e n

1.8K 68 3
By TragicLS

as kosume finished wrapping up hanami's torso, she said, "you seemed to enjoy fighting todo and itadori."

kosume rented out a small apartment building for a month for hanami to stay in for the time being, where no one would bother her.

hanami nodded and said, "i hate humans, they're nothing but filth, they don't appreciate life and have been abusing it for thousands of years. that was my main mindset while i was fighting, but then i remembered how mahito said that i should enjoy fights more and take pleasure in them."

"i didn't mean to interupt. i'm sorry about that. i didn't expect todo to find me so fast. i underestimated the students." kosume said.

"i'm sorry for being weak. if i keep this up, then i'll never reach my ideals." hanami said.

kosume shook her head and said, "don't worry about it. you're a strong individual. also, i saw gojo before you teleported us away... and to be honest, i felt like i was going to die and seeing him sent shivers down my spine..."

hanami nodded as she laid down. "what are you planning on doing now. i mean about nanami, you'll be in trouble if the sorcerers start looking for him." hanami warned.

kosume let out a sigh and said, "i think i'll need to eliminate him soon."

kosume started putting the bandages away and said, "don't use your other arm too much, and make sure to rest a lot. sleeping will help your recovery and when you feel like okay again, then you can tell me and i can help you recover your other arm."

hanami nodded and thanked the white haired curse before asking, "why do you care so much of me? i'm just another curse you work with."

the reason hanami was asking this was because she remembered how she told sukuna's vessel that she was willing to abandon the mission for her.

kosume really wanted to tell hanami what she thought about her, so she did, "you're precious to me. i have the most respect for you, and i want you to grow stronger and i want to help you achieve your ideals, even if it means i'll have to kill people along the way. i value you a lot."

a soft smile crossed hanami's mouth and she gave a grateful smile.

"well then, i'm off, i'll go home now. i'll come by tonight though." kosume said as she put the first aid kit on the table and left.

she walked down the halls and out the building only to be met by jogo standing in front of the door.

"hello." kosume cheerfully said as she walked over to him.

"is there anything you need? if it's about hanami she's alright." kosume informed.

to be honest jogo didn't really care about hanami at the moment and just came to talk to her personally, but he knew that she loved hanami and that he should listen diligently when she talked about her.

"that's good to hear, but could i talk to you?" jogo asked politely.

"sure, let's take a seat." kosume said as she started walking towards a nearby bench.

the two sat down and jogo got to the point immediately. "can you give me the prison realm."

kosume couldn't believe her ears. "don't act like a fool. i don't have it." kosume said.

"i know that, but could you ask geto to hand it to me." jogo explained.

kosume shook her head and said, "don't get me involved with the prison realm. you know that i'm not actually working with geto and you guys. i may be around and helping most of the time, but i don't want you to think that geto and i are buddy buddy. the only reason i’m helping you guys is because i owe geto my life. and after helping him capture gojo, i'm no longer useful to him, so i'll be disposed of."

"why aren't you mad about it at all? why don't you do something about it? are you fine being treated like this?" jogo exclaimed to which kosume simply answered with, "i don't mind, nor do i have a choice."

jogo couldn't believe his ears, so he decided to ask, "are you perhaps being controlled by geto?"

kosume chuckled before saying, "nope, i'm not fully a curse so he couldn't. i'm helping him on my own will."

"don't you want to be free though?! live without having to follow orders?! aren't you against of killing humans!? your own kind?!" jogo yelled as he julted off his seat.

kosume chuckled and said, "i may have an emotion based jujutsu, but that doesn't mean i'm like them. there are some things you don't know about me so please stay out of this. it's quite simple, i just don't care."

jogo stood there not knowing what to say, he's never seen this side of kosume. everyone including him saw her as the bubbly half curse who was kind at heart and had no bad intentions.

"what about nanami? why haven't you killed him yet?" jogo asked.

kosume stood up and said, "that is something i'm not willing to share just yet. he is my business. but don't worry, i'll make sure to kill him."

and with those words, kosume left jogo standing there dumbfounded, not knowing what just happened.

the white haired curse rushed towards her apartment to make sure nanami was okay after she got a gut feeling that something was wrong.

while she was getting there, a 2nd grade curse grabbed onto kosume's leg, dragging her into an alleyway. it had a tight grip on her leg and kosume felt like it broke it.

it was a deformed monster which had 6 slimy arms which grabbed onto her every limp. its face was drooping down and its legs were short.

it was about to eat her but she immediately planted a lily bud into its wrist and the monster fell face down and kosume excorcised it.

she started running towards her place again, but she slowed down a bit because she started limping, but eventually got there.

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