The Marriage Law

By Tanny_Ariel

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Hermione | Remus Wilhelmina | Sirius The war is over, hope for happiness and peace now blooms in every healin... More

New Beginnings
Mad Ministry
Letters of Doom
The Partners
Midnight trip
Evil has risen
Words of Seer
Dinner Date
2 weeks for wedding
A Night of Bonding
Dancing With A Boy
The code
The Legend Of Cruthachadh
The enchanted forest
Darkest secrets


1.1K 24 7
By Tanny_Ariel

In the morning when everyone was lounging around in the hall, everyone kept exchanging glances, and Hermione was quick to notice it. She nudged Wilhelmina and gestured towards Molly and Arthur who seemed to be talking lowly while still glancing in their direction every now and then.

"Shoot", Wilhelmina spoke, startling everyone. They looked at her with confusion.
"I know you guys are dying to ask questions, so shoot" she explained.
Everyone smiled cheekily and looked at them.
"Who are you both choosing" Fred asked, finally feeling better now that he had got the question out of his system. Everyone looked at them with curiosity sparking in their eyes.
"I am choosing Cormac Mclaggen" Hermione answered, with a slightly nervous tone.

Wilhelmina frowned at this, her hands went into fists and her jaw was clenched. A sudden fire appeared to be blazing in her eyes. She looked at her feet and took deep breaths to contain her rage. 'Like the hell you will' she thought.

Now everyone looked at Wilhelmina, expecting an answer from her. She took a deep breath, "Marcus Flint" she whispered. Frowns were etched on everyone's faces. Their eyes held confusion. They couldn't understand why she would choose Flint, they were sure that Sirius would be her choice. Sirius however looked like he expected it.

Wilhelmina could feel everyone's disapproving gaze on her, but before anyone could say anything. "Listen, before you guys speak anything. I want to make it clear that this is my absolute decision and I am not changing it." She stated with finality.

"I understand what you are saying Bumblebore, I get it, but I don't understand why I have to hide it." Wilhelmina spoke, her eyes gazing at the black lake that looked as beautiful as ever.
"I can't tell you any more Wilhelmina, everyone will know when the right time comes." Dumbledore looked at the girl with a soft and loving eyes, she was like a granddaughter to him.
Wilhelmina huffed at this and stood up from her place, dusty her pants.
"Okay then I will leave now" she declared.

"I assume that you have reached to a decision regarding your marriage."
"In other words you mean to say 'Wilhelmina I don't know how to mind my business, and also I am a bumbling bambling beard of unrequited and useless curiosity, and I need gossip more than I need food; so please tell me otherwise I will starve' well then if you must know, I choose Flint."
Dumbledore frowned at this, concern and worry filled his eyes.
"This is a serious decision Wilhelmina, it's not ephemeral. You will have to bear the consequences for your entire life. Are you sure that you want to spend your life with Mr Flint ?" He questioned.
"I don't want to, but I have to" Wilhelmina answered ruefully.
"You can at least consider Mr Black."
"No, it's not happening. You already got me to stay in this world, that decision wasn't mine, this one is and you can't change it." She replied stonily and apparated back to her home.

"Finally you are back, where were you ?" Molly asked Wilhelmina, who was practically her daughter at this point.
"Just went to a park, for some quality time" she replied, biting the corner of her lip. She felt guilty to lie to her family, but she knew that it was necessary.
"Oh I understand sweetie, I know all of this must be overwhelming for you, just remember that you will never be alone." Molly spoke with love evident in her eyes, she patted Wil's head.
"Hermione was asking for you, today she is going to meet that Cormac boy. I think she wants to talk to her sister before that. She is in her room"

All the color was drained from Wilhelmina's face, she darted towards her twin's room.
Hermione was getting to meet, and she was surprised when she saw her twin at her door. Panting and paled, with her eyes full of fear.
"Wil what happened ?"
"You can't go"
"Excuse me ?"
"You can't go to meet Mclaggen. And what the hell ? I thought we were conveying our answers 2 days later, why didn't you wait. And why did they arrange the meeting so soon ?" Wilhelmina questioned.
"1. You don't get to choose that, 2. I didn't convey anything, 3. I asked him to meet me, he agreed." Hermione answered with a hard look.
"I won't let you go"
"You can't stop me"
"Watch me"

Just then Wilhelmina whipped out her wand and was about to stun Hermione, but a full body binding spell hit her, and she fell on the floor. Hermione's eyes held a look of betrayal and coldness in them.
"I never thought that you would raise your want against me Wilhelmina." Hermione walked out.

After a few minutes the spell wore off and Wilhelmina was hysterical. She asked Molly about the meeting location and without delay apparated there.

Hermione and Cormac Mclaggen were sitting on a bench in a park, they were eating ice cream and were getting to know each other. Cormac cracked a joked and Hermione managed to force out a fake laugh. She was a bit distracted, her mind kept going back to the unpleasant event that happened. She couldn't shake off the look on her twin's face, as she laid on the floor unable to move, her face was full of desperation. She couldn't understand why Wilhelmina was so against this, when she knew that the only other option was Lucius Malfoy.

Suddenly a loud scream got her attention, she flinched slightly at the loud scream that sounded so close to her. When she turned her head towards Mclaggen, she realized that the scream belonged to him. He was yelping in pain, a beautiful husky had his ankle in his mouth. As seemed to be using the poor boy's ankle as his personal chomping toy.

Hermione sprang to her feet and sternly tried to get the dog off the crying boy. When she pushed the dog away, it started snarling, but when its eyes went to Hermione's face. The dog instantly shut its mouth and backed away with it's head hung low. Hermione smiled at this and petted its head.

"That was a very bad thing to do, now go play somewhere else and leave the boy alone."
The dog grumbled and huffed a bit before running away.

"That evil dog, I want to kill him" Mclaggen spoke with clenched teeth.
"Her" Hermione said.
"The dog was a female not a male." She explained when Mclaggen gave her a confused look.

She then muttered some quick healing spells to put the boy out of his misery.

"I think we should leave now, you still look a little shaken up"
"No I am not shaken up, it didn't even hurt." He gave out a small laugh.
Suddenly a loud bark came from behind the trees.
"Yeah we should totally leave, it was great meeting you." His voice was full of panic and his eyes darted towards the trees. He then left quickly without waiting for response, almost like he was running away.
Hermione sighed and was about to leave, when she glanced at the trees and saw the same dog looking at her. She shakes her head and apparated back to her home.

Author's note - So here's the sixth chapter. I hope that you like it. Any idea as to why Wilhelmina is so much against Mclaggen? Or what is it that Dumbledore wants her to keep from others? Please comment if you like this, or if you have any suggestions or if there's something that you don't like. Thank you. Bye ! Au revoir.

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