Error x Ink x Nightmare

By Weird_Person222

45.9K 1.3K 859

This is my first story so my apologies if it is trashier than the multiverse itself. This story is also very... More

•|A Little Help|• Chapter 1
•|Rivalry|• Chapter 2
•|Brothers|• Chapter 3
•|Good Friends|• Chapter 4
Little Update | I'm Confusion Rn
•|Let the Games Begin|• Chapter 5
•|Problems|• Chapter 6
Special 2!
Little Update
•|Voices|• Chapter 7
•|Help me..|• Chapter 8 FINAL CHAPTER
Ask and Dare!
Special Chapter!
Ask and Dare is here!
Wait a damn minute-
Some Memes + Apology
Some More Memes pt. 2

Ask and Dare pt.2

457 19 8
By Weird_Person222

Alright, by the time I'm writing this I got 23k reads, and over 700 votes?! Y'all crazy for reading my garbage- I'm a horrible human I feel like I'm neglecting everybody which I probably am-

Sorry ;-; I'm getting personal, shut up me! no-one cares what you think-(;∀;)

First dare/ask:

One by one, one chocolate bar was dropping onto all the characters in this book.

Error was watching Undernovela in his room, and all of a sudden, he felt something hit his head. He was confused until the chocolate bar fell down to his hands.

"Where did this even come from-" Error said, before cutting out to the next person-

Ink and Nightmare were just making out, until they felt something smack down onto their faces. They were confused until they saw the two chocolate bars.

"Snrkk- do you just have chocolate glued to the ceiling??" Ink asked as he couldn't help but grin at the strange occurrence, holding on the chocolate bar with one hand and his other hand on his hip.

"No, how and where did this even come from?? Is there a hole in the ceiling?? But why would it be raining chocolate?-"

"I thought I found all of Cross' chocolate stashes-" Nightmare said, before cutting off to a different person.

Fell was furiously looking around the house, he was looking in the fridge and cabinets.

"Seriously who the f*** keeps taking all of my s***???!" Fell said angrily.

"Why the f*** can I never find any of my chocolate??" Fell said, questioning his sanity.

"Am I just going blind or going through some bad memory loss????" Fell said.

"I seriously can't even tell anym- AGH!" A chocolate bar fell(Pun intended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) flat on his face, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence.

Classic was asleep on the couch, and didn't even flinch when the chocolate bar dropped onto him.


Dream was minding his own damn business, doing his job. And all of a sudden he got hit in the head with a chocolate bar, leaving him completely confused.

Fate and Destiny were talking in Astriva with some other deities like Chaos(not the Chara) and Karma. Fate and Destiny had predicted chocolate bars were already fated and destined to come falling down(I mean it is their job to know-), simply Destiny and Fate caught them, as they are gods they have no need to eat, so they simply made them dissipate into thin-air.

All of sudden chocolate started falling from the sky onto the Charas it was practically a flood of chocolate. Some Charas were l i t t e r a l l y (Pun-intended-) swimming in the chocolate. Others were trying to find a safe place away from the chocolate because they didn't want to be smacked with it. Some others had an umbrella to cover them.

"Omg! We're about to become SUPER OBESE!" One Chara cheered out, laughing.

"Guess Duncle Error is gonna come back to some basketballs!!" Another Chara laughed.

"I'm gonna get so much acne.-" Another Chara said.

"WHO CARES?! I'm gonna eat it so hard that my blood turns into chocolate!!" Another Chara yelled out.

"We're gonna look like some club penguin birds after this, we're gonna be constipated for years-" Another Chara said laughing and breaking CHARActer( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) at the end.

"That sounds more like a future-me problem, sooo." Another Chara said.

"I always knew chocolate was our culture, never knew it was gonna turn into the rain though-" Cross Chara said.

(Ok I need to move on from the Charas before I keep going on forever XDDD)

"Is it just me or did chocolate just dropped from the air?" Killer asked as he went into the living room with the others.

"Nah bruh, I got it too." Epic said simply.

"I'M IN THE FUTURE!" Cross said as he held the chocolate bar that had just called from thin air.

"Horror did you get one too?" Dust asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I did." Horror said.

"Then where is it?-" Dust asked before realizing.

"I ate it. Obviously." Horror said, proudly.

Blue was just packing his bags, he was ready to move out to live in Outertale with his boyfriend, Lust. Until all of a sudden a chocolate bar was dropped onto the bed, he was a bit confused before shrugging it off and simply putting it in his pockets.

All of the Papyrus' and Ship Children got their chocolate- don't worry how, they weren't smacked down onto them or anything- noooo. Why would you think that- (._. ;)

Fresh was just out in another AU, until a chocolate bar was dropped onto his face. His glasses switched from [WO ] [AH-], to [??] [??], to [WH ] [AT?]. Clearly confused.

"No Reaper No!" Geno yelled out his face full of blush as Reaper seemed to be closing in on him.

"Awwh c'mon love~ don't you want another kid?-" Reaper was cut off before he was hit right in the face with a chocolate bar that fell from the sky, that was all Geno needed to teleport away. Although Geno also got a chocolate bar he completely ignored it.

By the time Reaper realized what hit him, Geno disappeared.

"Curses." Reaper grumbled to himself.

Lust was also packing, he was very excited to be living with his boyfriend. He couldn't wait to hug him when he saw him. Lust blushed slightly from the thought and had a warming small smile- that was until he was smacked with chocolate that just came out of nowhere.

(Pfff- get rekted Lust-)

Medic was with Sci, they were working on better medicines and cures to diseases, until two chocolate bars were dropped onto them.

"Hehe, I think that means it's break time." Medic chuckled.

"I do believe this is a sign!" Sci chuckled as he agreed.

Outer was walking around his version Snowdin until a chocolate bar gently floated down onto his head, confusing him.

"How is a chocolate bar in space??" Outer questioned.

"Damn humans littering everywhere, even in space!" Outer huffed out.

(This took longer than it should have ._.)

Second dare/ask:

"Oh thanks for asking! Yup I'm doing great! Everything has been going great lately! I'm just really happy that it's finally over." Error teared up a bit as he smiled warmly.

"Don't worry these are happy tears!" Error reassured.

Error wiped the tears off his face.

"I never thought that I'd ever be free, I really thought that I'd be stuck like that forever. I'm just scared that one day, I'll wake up in the Anti-Void and this was all just one big dream. I'm also scared of a multiversal reset happening, I really hope that it doesn't happen. If it did..I wouldn't know what to do..." Error saddened a bit at the end, but quickly cheered up.

"But as long as I have my fiancés and my friends, I'll be happy. I heard from Author had a lot more planned for this book but suddenly had no way of activating them so they just gave up and gave me the 'happy ending' faster as they phrased it. So from that I know that I'm actually free!" Error said so cheerful that it was out-of-character.

Third dare/ask:

(I'm gonna skip the chocolate part since I wasted so much time on that already ;-; sorry if it offends you-)

"My favorite AU is probably Undernovela, I may like how pretty Outertale is, and Underswap I like it because of Blue, but it's definitely between Undernovela and Outertale." Error stated.

"My least favorite AU is most probably between LustFell, Tickletale, and Underlust. I mean I like Lust don't get me wrong but I don't like the concept too much, it's very disturbing- Tickletale is because I plainly already have problems with touch as it is, they would completely disregard my personal space and try to touch me without even knowing of my phobia and that really is terrifying to think about, LustFell for obvious reasons, it's Underlust but so much worse and filled with a lot more rape-" Error said, shivering a bit at the thoughts.

Fourth dare/ask:

Alright we'll meet your OC's, if you're down to roleplay it, because I suck at replicating other people's OC's so if you're down, comment on this and we'll roleplay right here. @Midnight_SingerXD

But for now I'll just introduce Jennifer's picture to Ink since it's his thing to see the Creator's drawings-

(Yup I actually found them :p)

"Oh my goodness! They're so cool! They kinda remind me of Cross!" Ink said with stars in his eyes as he was currently in the Doodlesphere with the drawing.

"Hope I can meet them someday!" Ink cheerfully said.

"As long as they're don't steal my fiancés away from me, I'll be fine" Ink giggled as he hung the drawing with the others in the Doodlesphere, of course since the Doodlesphere in this multiverse has been deactivated from having AU's made, so no new AU was made from Ink doing so.

Error noticed the doll that was placed on his bed. He grabbed it and examined it's stitch-work and it's details, putting on his glasses to do so.

"Wow this looks so well made! Thank you!" Error gave the doll, which in result gave you a hug.

"Hehehe~ it feels good to be able to hug you while not actually needing to touch you! I treat it with a lot of love and care, you have my word!" Error said with a very adorable determined face.

"I know this may surprise all of you but we're all switches, because of Error's power and stubbornness, there are rare moments where he becomes dominant on one of us, but if we both team up on him it is pretty much impossible for him to resist~ Of course that is usually only when Nightmare is passive but sometimes even while he is corrupted, and I don't mind being a bottom sometimes, can't let them have all the fun~" Ink said the last part a bit seductively, Ink was still in the Doodlesphere.

"I can explain a bit further but I'm pretty sure you guys get it." Ink said with that stupid s*** eating grin.

"Oh yes I know of Crescent, he's one of the ship children that I sometimes see, apparently he's from another multiverse and came here through the Omega Timeline since apparently his multiverse got destroyed. Honestly I don't mind that he is me and Killer's son, there are many multiverses and another me just made a different choice and fell in love with him, it is what it is." Nightmare said.

"Huh? You have a question for us?" One of the voices said.


"I'd be lying if I say I wasn't expecting this, though I was really nervous when Ink and Nightmare got together, I didn't know if they were willing to go poly" Another voice added.

"To be honest, I had no idea which ship was going to happen for Error, Nightmare and Ink were obvious choices but I was thrown off when those two ended up dating each other." Another voice said.

"I really thought he was going to be with Blue- ;-;" Another voice said.

"I was a bit upset because I wanted a rare-pair and I thought he was going down the Errorink route, but it really surprised me when Error not only got with Ink but with Nightmare! And then I started fangirling because ERRORINKMARE! How often do you see that?!" Another voice said.

"LIKE NEVER!" Another voice said answering the previous voice's comment.

Fifth dare/ask:

"Huh..?" Error seemed to tear up.

Error smiled a very genuine smile.

"T-thank you. I- I- don't know how to thank you- I-" Error said letting out some tears as he tried to wipe them away.

He sniffled a bit.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to knowing everything is just..okay? Like I'm finally free, I feel like I'm living in a dream that was better than I could have ever imagined.!.." Error smiled, wiping his tears once more.

"No, now is not the time to cry, I should be happy not crying. Thank you!" Error gave you one of his most warming smiles.

Sixth dare/ask:

*Ahem* I believe this is a job for the E.P.S. (Error Protection Squad)

All of a sudden I pull out a phone.

"Listen I need you to bring the syringe with that serum and team C, we'll discuss what we'll do to him while he's unconscious in an available torture chamber."

A person started speaking from the other line.

"What do you mean they're all currently full??!"

The person spoke again.

I sighed. "Fine release Nightmare 46GJL19, give him the cure and completely wipe his memory of his experience in the E.P.S. torture chamber."

The person on the other line spoke again.

"Okay get it done in at least 5 minutes, and then come collect this Ink, oh and don't forget to replace his forgotten memories with fake ones, the Nightmare I mean and I want you to put him back in his multiverse, and I want you to get a skilled hacker to replace that Nightmare's Error with a different memory, I don't want him remembering that experience or else he'll look like a little b***** in front of that Nightmare then the whole process might happen all over again. We'll talk about the details later."

The person on the other line spoke again.

"Alright, goodbye."

Okay so anyways, If you want me to explain E.P.S. and what I was talking about comment down below and I'll answer your questions. Who that was, was just one of the arrangers of the E.P.S. I'm more of a watcher type of gal. I also do other jobs there, because we can change our jobs in the E.P.S. whenever as long as there is room.

And don't worry. He'll be taken care of.

Team C had just injected Ink with the serum. Ink was trying to struggle and use his magic but he was quickly restrained and one of them put a rag over his mouth and nose, and after a few minutes of struggling he dropped limp and was taken away.

Seventh dare/ask:

Nightmare stared at you as you kissed them on the cheek.

Nightmare sighed and smiled.

"I normally wouldn't do this but I'll make an exception just this once." Nightmare leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"I love you too." Nightmare smiled gently at you.

Eighth dare/ask:

Ink laughed and hugged you back.

"Awwh you're sooo cute! I'm so happy I got to meet you!!" Ink had star eyes and started swinging them around in the air like that thing Ruby and Sapphire do when they're doing they're fusion dance in Steven Universe.- wrong fandom-

"I love you too Moonpaint, I hope we get to meet again really soon! Don't give your other Ink daddy a hard time alright?" Ink giggled out, as they stopped swinging them around to carry them, he nuzzled them.

Ninth dare/ask:

"Huh? I am??" Error blushed a bit hiding a bit of their face in their scarf, from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry it's been a really long time since I've heard that from any of you v-voices- s*** I stuttered-" Error cursed at himself and blushed a bit more from embarrassment hiding his entire face as best as he could in he scarf, although it just made him look cuter.

(Don't make it worse enough people already simp for you-)

Tenth dare/ask:

"S-S-SHUT UP-" Error said still embarrassed.

"I bet your better than me! S-so stop flustering me!" Error cried out as grabbed the doll that was given to him and put it in front of his scarf-covered face, as if it covered. Seriously he's making himself cuter without even knowing-

"Me? The best?! No U! no uuuuuu!" Ink yelled.

" may be right about me being amazing but you're the best times three!!" Ink yelled as he added

"How am I the best, I've literally killed people?" Nightmare said a bit confused.

"Though you're not wrong." Nightmare said, proudly.

(Great you added to his already MASSIVE ego-)

Eleventh dare/ask:

I love how you say colour, I'm such a normie for using color ;-;

1) My favorite color is Black and White, I know they're shades and all but can you blame me-

2) Least Favorite Sans or Least Favorite Ship Child of a Sans? I'll say I don't really have a least favorite ship child since there is so many of them and I ship almost everything, I will talk about ships that I don't understand yet still respect some other time. My least favorite sans is probably Gaster!Sans also known as G, why? Well because I don't know just never really liked him all the that much, if not him then it is probably Ticklish!Sans because he is tickle tortured way too much and I just can't- yes he is an actual sans on tumblr and on YouTube go check it out if you want- makes me feel bad that he has to go through all that yet he never gave any consent-

3) Sure lemme show you them!

Their code-name is just Petals because of their unique petal design, if you want to know more about them comment down below but I'll give some quick information, they go by he/him and they/them pronouns. I used to have a Frisk but ever since I got a new phone I lost them, so rip. They're a Flowey Anon you know how some Flowey's ask questions to others on their blogs and get drawn in them yeah, he does that.

So anyways if you have anymore things to say to these characters go ahead and maybe I'll make a part 3 and yes, I promise to not take months, The deadline is next week.

Also don't forgot to check out my other books, I need to seriously get to doing homework but it's 11:53 in the night- and I'm braindead and I've discovered that writing really drains my ideas and keeps me from standing up and walking, I think I found a cure to my maladaptive daydreaming-

Like seriously I have only stood up once and that was when I working on the last ask-

Anyways scroll all the way down before you go-

H A H! Got ya you SImP!

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