Stay With Me: A Karry Short S...

By Allen901

9.2K 223 127

What if Kara and Clark weren't the only kryptonians in arriving to Earth? What if another pod landed in Natio... More

Surprise from Krypton
The New Guy
New Horizons
Time Together
Expect the Unexpected

Human Party and Feelings?

1.1K 35 28
By Allen901

It's been several days since Lena's visit to Kara's apartment to invite her best friend and also Barry who was actually looking forward for his first reunion here on Earth. During this time he and Kara started training and helping with eachother's powers, more her being alongside Barry all the time incase he couldn't mastered every single hability they had, the blonde started easy on him with first mastering the flight which Barry didn't had a problem, then it was the heat vision that for him was so cool and awesome as Winn also told her time ago. Freeze breath and superhearing were a little tougher to mastered with Barry finding a hard time to control this two powers, he admitted having all of this habilities made him feel like a god but at the same time he knew how cautious kryptonians needed to be with humans to avoid an accident.

Kara all the time she spent with Barry helping him with his powers was more than great, she loved to be with him chatting, laughing and joking around. Oh how much she missed him when she landed on Earth, he was the only one apart from her parents that could make her smile and feel happy. Now that Barry was here as an adult and training with his new powers things were getting better and better for her, the blonde had a smile almost all the time whenever she spent time with her best male kryptonian friend, outside Winn, Alex and even J'onn noticed the change of Kara's attitude and mood every time she was with the new kryptonian resident, they knew her problems with Mon-El in the relationship they had but since Barry arrived it was like the Girl of Steel forgot about him and fer focus was completely on the other kryptonian.

Right now both Alex and Winn were watching once again like the rest of this week how Kara and Barry were training and practicing the use of their powers while laughing, giggling and playing around with eachother. The agent was seeing this and slowly became aware of what was happening, she knew that soon or later this was gonna end like this but didn't thought it will be that deep. Alex saw the way Kara was acting with Barry in their training, when they hangout together or with her other friends and even at the DEO. Her little sister was falling in love with her best kryptonian friend and she was a little worried about the blonde forgetting about Mon-El, Winn was seeing both aliens having fun while training and he was slightly jealous wishing he could join somehow.

"Okay I think that's good for today Bare, you are improving so fast and at this rate I think you will be ready. Not even me could be that fast adapting to my new powers, you are indeed something else Barry and I'm glad I can be the one teaching you everything." Kara said panting a little while smiling after another hard and exhausting training session with the male kryptonian, she had her Supergirl suit on as well.

"Thanks, I am loving this session with you as it keeps me practing and practing my powers to avoid a problem. You're the best Kara and again thanks for making time to help me." Barry responded smiling after passing a little towel over his face to clean up the sweat after the training, the sensation of flying, super speed, heat vision and other more was incredible and now he remembered that time on the ship in space years ago.

"I know I am Bare and I hope it stays like that or else I will mad at you." Kara answered back stepping closer to him with a fake angry look while Barry chuckled at how adorable she was whenever she made angry faces or pouts.

"You are and that will never change, so don't worry about that cause no one will be my favorite apart from you Karr." Barry said now warm smiling looking at her now recovered completely after the session, he was now deeply staring at her that the kryptonian didn't thought of what he said.

"You gave me a nickname? Aww you are so adorable Bare." Kara replied with a slight blush but smiling crazily after she received a nickname from Barry which she thought was perfect, and well he was perfect in every aspect with the blonde finding more and more mesmering things about the male kryptonian that made her feel butterflies in her stomach when they were together.

"I did? That is okay to you?" Barry asked confused and now he remember what he said, for some reason he didn't feel any shame or embarassment because it felt so natural for him. Being with Kara was the best time of his life in Earth, yeah maybe him and Winn playing or working in projects at the DEO was cool but the blonde girl always took out a smile from his face.

"Is more than okay Barry I love it." Kara said giggling and once again wrapped her arms around him hugging him without any shame on her for doing this even if Alex, Winn or J'onn were maybe watching. The male just did the same hugging back forgetting about the sweat and proceeding to enjoy having the blonde in his arms, Barry hoped that some day this could be forever without an interrumption or Kara having to go out as Supergirl.

"Rao I love this, can we stay like this forever?" Kara murmured in his chest not wanting to release her grip from him and loving the way they were hugging, she felt warm, safe even if she was Supergirl but the sensation being with Barry was something else that note ven Mon-El gave her for months.

"Maybe but we need to get out of here, I know your sister and J'onn are waiting for us outside. I promise to make it up for you." Barry muttered while still hugging Kara liking the feeling of having the blonde with him, he was starting to feel something in his heart with every second he and the Girl of Steel were together, it was something new and interesting to him making Barry wanting to know more about this.

"No please, we can go with them later I want this to continue now." Kara whined from his chest tightning her grip more after hearing that Barry wanted to go out to report for their director J'onn and Alex who were reading to see them. She wanted to hold him more, to have her best friend with her all the time as he was more important than anything else on the DEO.

"Kara I told you that I will make it up to you later, some pizza and potstickers can work back at your apartment and maybe some movie or musicals as well? How does that sound for you?" Barry replied now smirking unwrapping his arms from the blonde's waist, this made Kara quit the hug and looked up to him with her blue eyes showing that glow and that was everything to him, he knew her answer.

"Fine you win this time Bare, but next time I will not let you go so easily. Not even with potstickers not mattering if they are my favorite food ever." Kara said after groaning knowing she loved her potstickers with pizza too, but admitting that even if she had her food Kara wanted more to be with him hanging out, having fun, hugging eachother tightly and more.

"Okay let's go and see what your sister and J'onn have for us, maybe good news about my training who knows. I am loving my powers but I know that I can't rely on them all the time, the training with Alex is helping me too with the fighting techniques and personal defence which can help us any time." Barry stated while walking out of the training room special for them with Kara right alongside him hearing all of Barry's words about his powers and training.

Barry and Kara arrived to the main center of the DEO were everyone was working hard in their stations, J'onn was there with Alex and Winn was playing again with his toy gun like almost every day, Alex saw it and tried to steal it only fail infront of him receiving a mocking laugh from the IT guy with the agent sticking out her tongue and glaring at Winn who then stopped laughing.

"Good job again in mastering your powers Mr. Allen, at this rate and speed you will be ready to even go out on the field to help Supergirl. Having another agent having Kara's back could be very helpful." J'onn said in his typical serious attitude looking with some proudness at his best resource and hero which was Supergirl and also at Barry who seemed to be a fast learned who was something the martian liked from him.

"What me? Going out as Kara and be like a hero? Well I would love that but I don't feel ready to do something that significant, I want to be continue working, training and doing my best preparing before doing the big jump outside with Kara." Barry responded serious to J'onn saying that he wanted to prepare himself more, to train more with Kara and Alex to be at his best before maybe going out doing what Supergirl does. Kara all the time stayed quite not saying something but her mind was racing all the time with thoughts and thoughts about Barry flying out in National City, fighting crime and aliens. Her senses were alert and her protectiveness as well.

"No you won't Barry, it's too dangerous going out through the city. I want you safe here or at home but I don't want to see you out fighting aliens. I prefer to know that you're here on the DEO safe with Alex and Winn than down town exposing yourself to the world and many other threats." Kara said now sternly and worried at Barry after hearing from J'onn and him about going out into the field to fight alongside her with aliens and even human threats. She wanted to protect Barry from any danger or threat on of this world, she lost him one time after escaping her planet and now that he was here on Earth, she will do everything in her power to maintain the male kryptonian safe just like her friends and family.

"But Kara he is ready I mean, he is like you and Clark he can do the same things. Hell he could be very helpful for the DEO, the city and to you, Barry could be alongside you keeping the city safe and have eachother's back. Another hero on our team is a good option and him wating it, is win/win situation to me." Alex replied now giving her point of view about J'onn wanting to include Barry as someone in their team to help Kara as Supergirl outside on the field just like James as Guardian and even Mon-El who sometimes went with Kara to help her.

"I don't care Alex I want him safe and not expose to threats like aliens are, they are dangerous and fearless when they see me or any agent from the DEO. Also Cadmus is still out there somewhere hiding from us, I don't want them knowing about Barry or even getting their hands on him. If can something to keep the people I care safe I will do it without a doubt, Barry means so much to me and he will stay here on the DEO where no one can hurt him or even try to make a move on him, end of discussion." Kara exclaimed back annoyed at her sister before walking quickly out, at the same time she was concerned about Barry's security and protection, maybe she was being overprotective with him but the simple thought of seeing him hurt or worse made her heart totally broken. Alex was taken back at this sudden snap at her, it was a long time since Kara snapped at her or J'onn.

"Supergirl!" J'onn said loud and sternly towards Kara wanting to have an explanaition about this proposal from him and Alex about Barry.

"I said end of discussion J'onn!" Kara screamed back annoyed while walking out going to the balcony she had to think more about this and calm down knowing that maybe she was overreacting, but right now it wasn't the case in her mind.

"Hey let her go she needs some time to cool off. Look I get it, if I was in her position I would the exactly do the same if I want my friends and family safe. Don't be mad at her instead be understanding, put yourself in her shoes so that you can get why Kara is being protective with me." Barry replied now with his arms crossed and a soft look on his face having a point, he wanted everyone in the DEO precisely J'onn and Alex to think about this because Kara was not very please with Barry being out with her as a hero. This stopped Alex from running behind her sister who was not okay and even if her heart was yelling to go with Kara, Alex knew that Barry was right and her sister needed some time alone just like any other normal person.

Later on the day Kara was again on the balcony of the DEO serious looking to the city with many thoughts on her mind about Barry being a hero and going out with her to protect National City. It was a long time ago since she felt scared of someone she loved or cared about from behing hurt or worse, Barry was more than everything for her just like Alex was her sister and Winn a great friend. The kryptonian had a special place in her heart and that would never change, but she saw how rude or cruel this world is with many obstacules, dangers and threats. Kara defeated every single one of them but lost something in the process, she didn't want Barry to go through that like her, he deserved a normal life as a refugee like she was and if he wanted then find a job, a place to live even if she wanted to have him on her apartment as a roommate. Barry was so good and pure to this world and she wanted him to be happy, not worried for aliens threatning the city or terrorist/criminals causing chaos on National for their own selfish reasons.

"Hey Karr." Barry's soft voice was heard behind her making the blonde turned around seeing her handsome kryptonian friend who had a worried look on his face.

"Hi, Bare." Kara simply replied with a small smile still thinking about earlier, she felt bad for screaming at her friends but for some reason it worried her Barry's safety even if he was a kryptonian like her with powers.

"How are you feeling? You want me to go and leave you some space?" Barry asked again moving closer and alongside Kara on the balcony looking at her waiting for an answer.

"No stay, I am better still having some thoughts. But better thanks for checking up on me." Kara responded with honesty giving him a warm smile thanking Barry for his concern and looking out for her after their brief discussion earlier today. Barry nodded and stay there alongside just for her and giving the Girl of Steel some company.

"You wanna talk about early?" Barry said again cautious not wanting his friend to be annoyed at him for bringing back a topic he saw it was delicated to her.

"Yeah, first of all I'm sorry for snapping like that to you, J'onn and Alex. I wasn't thinking correctly and I decided to do that, is just that I don't want you to be in danger Bare, you just arrived on Earth and you are back in my life. I can't risk that for having you around with me being Supergirl, that is not something you deserve, you deserve everything but not that." Kara started saying now turning her attention at Barry who was listening carefully to her, he heard about how much she wanted him safe from any kind of danger in this city and planet which he understood.

"I get why you are worried, is okay to be scared or afraid about something. Don't get me wrong I appreciate you being concerned about my safety but I want some time to go out there and help you. Maybe not now but in the future, I have this powers for a reason apart from our physiology. If I can use them for good then I will do." Barry answered now without taking his eyes off her, he wanted Kara to know that he has the feeling of doing what she does but in the future not now.

"I get what you mean Bare I do had that feeling too along time ago about my powers but I don't want you to be expose, much less that people know about you being another kryptonain and I know I'm being very selfish but I don't care. You mean so much to me and if you are safe then I am good. You being in danger will make me alert almost 24/7, please don't be mad Bare i just can't lose you." Kara said to him with her worries still high for Barry, she will never stop having concernes about her best kryptonian friend. For years she thought of him being dead and now it was the opposite, this planet Earth had many highs and downs, Kara wanted more highs in Barry's life so she wanted to avoid any type of bad situation going on. Her voice cracked at the end and now Barry stepped closer taking Kara's hands with his, he was also closer to her.

"Hey look at me Kara, you will never lose me again do you hear me? I just came back and we met eachother on Earth, we have so much time to spent together and see how things will go. But I promise you that now that I am here, you will never see me go somewhere else, I have a new home with good people in it, my home are of course our friends and family. I also consider you as my home, Karr." Barry replied back squeezing tight his hands on her and looking those eyes who were starting to be his favorite sight everytime they were together, his voice was full of honesty, caring, compassion, confidence and love? Kara heard every single word that came out of him and her heart ran so fast, her stomach once again with butterflies was going on and one. And finally her cheeks had a small blush of heat, she loved how Barry with those words got her to be more relaxed even for an instant.

"I know that too, and I trust you. I call this planet 'my home' for giving me a second chance for to live a life, having a family with Eliza, Jeremiah and of course my sister Alex who I love, then it came Winn, James, Lena and well Mon-El but that is apart. After that I thought I have it all but at then I was wrong like always, because there was something missing or someone specifically. And that was you Barry, you are also my home from now on." Kara whispered while seeing those green eyes which she was starting to adore every meeting between them, god everything from him was so perfect for her and it made her feelings go very high.

Barry was now smiling loving how she responded which made him again feel weird, that sensation in his stomach and chest every time Kara was with him that was intensifying right now. Then he took her in his arms hugging her tightly just like loves to do with Kara quickly reciprocrating the hug also wrapping her arms on Barry with her head on the start of his neck resting also on his chest. They stayed like that for several minutes just enjoying eachother's company and their hugs with no one wanting to let go, not even Alex or J'onn could separate them if they wanted.

"Are you feeling better Karr?" Barry asked softly rubbing one of her arms delicate creating a sensation that Kara didn't knew she needed, the blonde didn't responded at first as she was leaned completely under his touch and arms feeling really safe on them.

"I feel better thanks to you, Bare." Kara muttured back with her eyes closed sighing deeply taking the scent from Barry which was addictive at first.

They continued like this on a very comfortable silence not wanting their time to end, but Barry then remembered an important thing they were required very soon, some reunion they were invited.

"Kara do you still wanna go to Lena's party at L-Corp?" Barry asked her with a small smile as they were doing better now being together, she then moved far a little from the hug breaking it but staying close to him.

"Yeah we promise Lena to me there and I am willing to keep it, also cause I am excited to go with you Bare, your first Earth party how great and more of our friends are going to be there." Kara answered now with a big smile indeed feeling better but excited now remembering about Lena's party tonight and even more greater. She was gonna go with Barry together as the invitation was given to then days ago.

"I am looking forward to see how humans have their reunions, I hope their isn't weird things on this party. Other than that I think it will be fun." Barry said now chuckling but kind off excited to see how the party goes with Kara and also Lena, she seemed like a good friend and person so he was interested in knowing more about her trusting Kara that she will alowed him to meet new people.

"Well let's go, we need to take a shower as we have sweat after training and also we need to look good, we need outfits for tonight and I will find one for you Bare." Kara stated giggling and more than ready to go out of the DEO and prepare themselves for tonight's party at L-Corp with their friend Lena who was gonna be waiting for them happy.

Next Kara took Barry's hand and launched into the air flying towards her apartment with Barry close behind her know that he knew to fly correctly without any issue. As they arrived at her apartment Kara started working on her outfit before also helping Barry with some outfit that will maybe good look on him.


It was night time and L-Corp was getting full of all the time who was invited at the party or reunion hosted by her CEO, Lena Luthor who was wearing a beautiful long and black dress that showed her curves and her best sides happy to see that her guests were arriving in time, a small band was playing some music, there was food and drinks available for the people. The environment was more than great and she knew it, suddenly she saw at the distance the two people she was looking forward to see tonight, her best friend Kara who looked radiant and beautiful as well in a white dress with her hair with a bun and of course her glasses also some makeup and gloss in her lips, while Barry was in a tuxedo suit with a small white flower in his left side with his his hair done a little. Lena admitted Kara's friend looked very handsome and clean, he quite catched her eye since she met him back at the apartment.

"Hi Kara, Barry is great to see you here, I hope you can have fun tonight. Of course you guys look amazing in those outfits." Lena said with her normal british accent which caught Barry's attention as for some reason it was catchy, he liked it. The CEO was happy to see her two friends with her tonight and she took a final glance at Barry before turning her attention on Kara. 

"Thanks Lena you look really good too, thanks again for inviting us to your party here at L-Corp. Congrats again for your achievements." Kara replied with a smile while holding a small pursue in her hands congratulating her best friend and CEO, Barry nodded in agreeing while eyeing the surrounding of the place seeing all those decorations, some people with instruments and music as well he recognized. For the moment tonight, things were good as he expected.

"Thanks and now that you're here, be free to have fun and enjoy the evening, if you need me I'm gonna be around looking that everything is running perfectly. See you soon as well, Mr. Allen." Lena responded with her warm smile before walking out from them going to other direction with some other guests she invited, the CEO also send a small wink at the kryptonian who blushed a little but smile politely at her while Kara's smile faded, she had seen what Lena just did infront of her and for some reason she didn't like it.

Then a waiter with some glasses of champagne arrived giving one for Barry and one for Kara, both said 'thanks' while the male kryptonian was confused at what was this new drink in some elegant and rare container, he was interested.

"What's this liquid thing, Kara?" Barry said eyeing a little the glass seeing some bubbles at the golden drink on his hand.

"That is call champagne Barry, it's alcohol that in humans make you feel like really great but weird sensations. Sadly us kryptonians can't get 'drunk' is like humans called it at feeling weird for drinking this." Kara replied explaining very happily about the glass of champagne and the effects on humans, as kryptonians it had cero effect so they were good.

"Oh okay so we can still drink it without any trouble? That's cool." Barry answered with a smile before taking a little zip from his champagne and he quite like it, the flavour and taste was unique for him. Human drinks were okay for now that's what he thought.

"Wow this tastes really good, humans did a great job. I will take it slowly as I see many people not drinking to much of it, I assume is because of that 'drunk' thing you mentioned." Barry replied back while looking at the rest people noticing the glasses of champagne still intact or they only taking zips of it.

"Yeah they want to be cautious to avoid getting drunk, let's just pretend Bare." Kara said with a small chuckled to him with her glass and whispering the last part so that he could only hear it. She then glanced at Barry while he was focused on watching the whole place loving the decorations and more, Kara saw how handsome he was looking in that tuxedo suit and his hair also was so very well done. The kryptonian wore some cologne he put earlier as a advice from her, but now fragrance was hypnotizing her completely tonight Barry was perfect to her eyes.

Then Barry noticed some waiters having trays full of potstickers that made his mouth drooling over them, he knew that when Kara saw them she will launch into them taking every single one of them in her hands, she just loved potstickers and Barry loved how adorable she looked with her favorite food.

"Kara look they have potstickers for dinner." Barry said pointing the trays of food some meters infront of the couple, inmediately after he said this Kara exit her trance staring at Barry and turned around to where the potstickers were. This made her smile widely and replied. 

"Yes! Hold on Barry I will go for some to both of us, stay here." Kara exclaimed very happy and told Barry to wait for her while she was going to get them some potstickers so they can have some dinner in the party. The male kryptonian nodded while Kara walked quickly towards where the trays of potstickers were at, she could smell the delicious food and wanted to take some. But suddenly she heard a voice of someone that the blonde completely had forgotten in a long time.

"What's your name beautiful?" the voice said to her right making Kara turned around confused, as she did her eyes got widened from the shock for seeing him there on the same party as hers.

"Kara?" Mon-El said shocked to see her here at Lena's party, it was a long time since he saw her after their arguments and of course the arrival of another kryptonian.

"Mon-El? What are you doing here?" Kara exclaimed surprised to see her boyfriend? Well they didn't knew what they were till today as things got complicated after their big argument about the daxamite real identity of him being the Prince.

"Well I was invited by Lena for tonight's evening, well more of I asking her for the invitation and I could come because I wasn't feeling great recently. By the way you look, beautiful Kara." Mon-El responded with the best neutral voice he could make as it was a bit akward and hard for them to not see eachother as a couple right now, after everything they went through.

"And what were you doing all this time? It has been days since I know something about you? You weren't at the DEO or at the alien bar where you work, even Winn didn't know were you were all this time. We haven't talk about, us." Kara stated with a serious look and neutral voice although she wasn't that happy to see him at L-Corp more for the reasons of their issues with their relationship and also cause she was here with Barry.

"I-I know, I just wanted some time alone to think about everything, it hasn't been the easiest of months and weeks recently and I hoped to find something in this days to take my mind off. And at the there wasn't anything so I am still at the same place unfortunately." Mon-El responded back at the blonde telling her where he was and what were his activities during the time he didn't went to the DEO or the alien bar. Kara nodded politely while fixing her glasses feeling uncomfortable with Mon-El right now and he could sense it, hewas feeling the same and sadly things between them were going to worse much to his regrets for not doing the right thing before.

"So I came along to Lena's party to have some fun, the invitation said bring up a date and you know I don't have any and didn't want to bring one either, but still I am here. What about you? You also came here alone?" Mon-El asked a little curious to see of Kara came to the party with someone, he was alone and made it clear that he didn't want a date with someone that wasn't Kara.

"I came to the party with Barry, I asked him if he could accompany me for tonight's evening and he accepted. Lena was very friendly to allowed him to come with me as he is a friend of mine." Kara said with a very discreeted smile on her face thinking about Barry being her date for tonight's party at L-Corp. This made Mon-El a bit jealous and tensed for the thought of Barry being alone with Kara and now being her actual date for the party.

"Oh so you and your kryptonian buddy are here together? That's-nice from, both of you." Mon-El replied with a fake smile but his heart squeezing as he felt a stitch after hearing that Barry was indeed her date tonight, it made him angry cause he would loved to be his date but instead they were in separated roads thinking about what will happen from now on with them, then he saw him with his old crimson red glasses which surprised him cause he never liked them and it seemed like Kara gave them to Barry as a disguised. Mon-El saw that the CEO Lena Luthor was chatting very pleasant with him and for what he saw there was some flirting in between them, so he thought what could happen if Kara saw, so the daxamite replied with a small smile.

"Well it looks like your friend Barry is having a good time with the host of the amazing party, and by the way she looks amazing in that black dress." Mon-El said with a small smirk on his face eyeing both Barry and Lena who were hanging out hinting something else, he did this to see if Kara cared about Barry in the way she did with him and soon he was gonna get his answer.

"What?" Kara said confused turning to look at where Mon-El was seeing and when she did it was a sight she couldn't believe, she saw Lena chatting with Barry and by the looks of it they were having a good time. But what made her see red and feel the biggest hit of jealousy ever was that the CEO was sometimes touching his arm softly, laughing at whatever Barry said to her and the classic one, Lena putting a piece of her brown hair behind her while not taking her off Barry. 

Kara right now had a displeased feeling in her stomach and chest, she felt something that in a long time she hadn't and it was for seeing Barry together with Lena and the blonde didn't like it at all. She was so inside her feelings that for just seeing them talking and flirting that it made Kara used to much of her strength and completely destroyed her glass of champagne who was on her left hand while she had a stern glare, Kara didn't remembered that her glass was full as then the champagne dropped down her hand into the ground. Mon-El saw this and it shocked him because now he had his answer and was something he wished he never told her. Now he understands what was happening simply seeing Kara's reaction at Barry and Lena hanging together some meters in front of them, the daxamite knew these feelings he felt too time ago, his supposed girlfriend was jealous of seeing the beautiful CEO of L-Corp with this guy Barry, together and laughing.

5! is here for all of you guys who been waiting for so long. This is for you, I hope you like it just like me, remember to vote and comment if you want. I love this chapter and wanted dig deep between Barry and Kara, and there's more to come soon guys I promise. This was fun to write and I think I can add more things in the future, for the moment enjoy it and tell me what you think. If there's a mistake I will correct it later to make it better.

I hope you had an amazing day today guys, stay safe, take care and see you soon :)


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