Harry Potter and the Exchange...

By ridikkuluswriters

684 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... More

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #2 New Friends?
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #11 Ruined Roses
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter #14 Something there?
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #25 Missing Rat
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #19 Secret Santa

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By ridikkuluswriters

"Stars Remember, you are my favorite Char my favorite star"

Audrie's perspective

Draco caught up to me and said

"Hey, I heard that uh... conversation"

"Great, I'm fine"

"Good, I know you're lying"


"You lower your tone when you lie"


"You just did it"

"Wait. How do you even know that?"

I wanted to know how does he know so much about me. He was trying not to ask too much or it would damage the calm terms we have. I still hate him though.


Harry's perspective

The Astronomy Tower; the tallest tower in Hogwarts silent if you are the only one there. It was nice, calm. Charlotte was sitting there like if it wasn't cold or anything. I could tell I interrupted her since she looked at me and said

"Hello Harry" 

"Hi, so... How are you doing?" 



"You know people think just because you are wealthy, you're always happy"

She launched that sentence as if she had been thinking of it for a while,

"Well, I never thought of you as a person with problems. Sorry if that offends you"

"It's fine... I'm good pretending"

"So your dad..."

"Yeah he is not awesome"

"Well, you are lucky to have parents I don't have any"

"Yeah everyone here knows your story I'm sorry for your loss"

"I just wished I-, forget it" 

"Tell me, I won't make a face"

"I just wished I had spent more time with them"

"You have all the right to feel like that, but don't let go up to your head because she saved you didn't she?"

She pointed at my scar and then I realized...Charlotte and I are so close that I feel comfortable with her that we can even talk about scars, not-so-good dad, and dead parents. After a while it was almost dinner time, so we went down to the Great Hall, where she sat at the Hufflepuff table and I sat with Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

Hermione's perspective

It was weird how Charlotte reacted earlier, but I don't know much of what happened so I can't say much, the plan worked perfectly we got in, found a clue, and got out. Also, Charlotte kicked some butts in there, that was very impressive. Right after Audrie, Charlotte and Harry left, Ron and I were at the Gryffindor common room.

"Do you think Charlotte is ok?"

"Positive, didn't you see that Audrie went after her and Harry is likely with her, I bet she is fine so relax Mione"

"Yeah, I guess you are right. I am excited about secret Santa, I wanna know who I'll get"

"Me too and I wanna know what I'll get. Hey! It's almost dinner time, let's go"

Ron already started eating when Harry sat down at the table.

"Is Charlotte alright?"

"Yeah, she ok"

"What happened?"

"We just touched a really sensitive topic of hers"

"I don't want to sound mean, but how would we bloody know what are sensitive subjects and what aren't when she doesn't talk to us"

Ron said, he had a point but telling us is not our decision to make so I said

"Because we are good friends and we respect her decision to keep it private and she will tell us in her own moment. We only have to be patient and respect her space, besides we haven't known her for that long"

We all sat there silent, I guess we didn't realize that.

"You're right, but as I said before if something bad happens we need to know"

Harry wasn't paying attention he was too busy looking at the only person he cared about tonight, Charlotte. 


It was morning, a beautiful morning. We all decide to meet at the Great Hall. We waited for Luna since we needed to be 6. Audrie looked for her at the last moment, so it was a surprise for everyone. Charlotte had taken care of doing the papers but before everyone grabbed the papers she said the rules

"1. No peeking, 2. gift can't go up from 30 galleons, 3. Please, Please give me a good gift....Okay now that everything is settled..... I will grab the first paper"

After Charlotte, we all grabbed our papers and looked at the name... I have absolutely no idea what to get this person.

Charlotte's perspective

I am so excited to see who I got. I unfold my paper and the name inside couldn't be more clear, I have a gift in mind, I really hope it's a good one. I can't say who did Audrie get, she is very good at having a neutral expression.

Harry's perspective

This is not brilliant, I don't even know this person very well and I have to get them a gift? I can't ask, because we aren't supposed to know each other's Secret Santa, that's why it's called secret.

I really need to work to have a good gift, I wonder who got me.

Audrie's perspective

I'm happy with the person I got, but I want to keep a straight face so Charlotte won't know who I got, I know exactly what to get, I see Charlotte very happy and I think I know who she got but I won't say anything, because I want to know at the moment.

Ron's perspective

Bloody hell, I don't know what to get, if I could just ask, but Hermione won't let me, she is way too excited about this. I need to find a very good gift and I don't have much time.

Luna's perspective

I'm very happy with who I got, but I would have been happy with anyone really and I know we will all get Good gifts from our secret Santa.

Draco's perspective

I saw Audrie doing something with papers with her friends, which is great, I guess. Well, this question doesn't leave my mind, I've been (and so did I) asked million times how did a 3rd year named Charlotte beat up a 5th year who is supposed to be a good strong player, YOU TELL ME!

I think it has something to do with how wild she goes when she is super mad, but I'm not sure. I remember her being really mad when I told them that I didn't like them......

July 13, 1985

It was a beautiful morning until they told me I had to hang out with them. They arrived early apparently 'Punctuality is important Malfoy'. Audrie was wearing a grey shirt, with some white jeans and of course her jeans jacket. Charlotte was wearing a white dress with a grey silk headband. We went outside and played for a while until Charlotte decided to paint and Audrie didn't want to play along with me so she grabbed a book and read next to Charlotte, THAT WAS IT!

"Painting and reading? Really"

Charlotte dropped the painting and was about to fight me until Audrie calmed her down and told her something like

"Stars Remember, you are my favorite Char my favorite star"

She calmed down for a while and then gave me a death stare. Audrie was in front of me and Charlotte was a side of her but a little behind. Audrie started

"What's wrong with that Maaalfoy"

"That it's boring and so are both of you"

"Well Malfoy allow me to present my favorite painter, Charlotte"

Charlotte grabbed her red painting little container and came close to me and threw all of her paint on me. My favorite shirt! After a while Audrie said

"I think this is my favorite painting of yours"

"A masterpiece"

Charlotte said. They went inside and I followed them and Charlotte said

"Mom! Draco tripped on my red paint!"

"Honey! Why are you so clumsy. I am so sorry, Draco will clean outside RIGHT?"

My mom said. They left and gave me one last death stare. My dad was so upset with me, he made me take care of the stupid garden and also had to clean the table, which wouldn't take the red paint OFF!

That was the first time we saw each other, of many more times to come. And thanks to that incident I hated having them around. It was unlucky of me that our parents had reunions quite usually, well that was until the Moon family moved to France.

I never actually knew what was wrong with Charlotte, I didn't know how they were so good friends or why that sentence called her down so much.

"Stars Remember, you are my favorite Char my favorite star"

That must have been something of theirs, but the curiosity to know the reason bugged me for a while back then. It's really impressive how some things change and some don't. For example, my perspective of Audrie has changed in a very peculiar way, but Charlotte's weird behavior hasn't.

Audrie's perspective

In a few days, we will do the gift exchange, I have THE perfect gift for the person I got, I just need to wrap it. I wonder who everyone else got and I want to know how is my secret Santa. I normally do secret Santa with my family, but as Myles is gone and I'm here, I might as well enjoy it all I can.


The next day I met up with Hermione in the library, we didn't do anything exciting that day or the next day, she already had her gift, while Harry, Ron, and Charlotte were getting there. I think Luna was also almost finished on hers.

When it was finally the day to hand out our gifts, we all met yet again at the Great Hall, each with the presents in hand.

Charlotte's perspective

We all sat at the table, with our gifts. As nobody said anything, I started

"Ok, Harry, Merry Christmas"

I handed him my gift, it was a painting. The two of us actually, in Audrie's garden, I just thought it was a beautiful scenario so I draw it, but instead of having roses, there were daisies because I couldn't get the roses quite right.

"Wao Charlotte, it's beautiful. Thank you"

"No problema, ok who want's to be next?"

"I'm next"

Said Harry, handing a little box to Luna.

"Merry Christmas Luna"

"Wao, a music box. It's gorgeous, thanks Harry. I'm next, here you go Audrie, Merry Christmas"

Luna handed Audrie a quill feather. It was black, white and blue.

"Luna! It matched the description of the feather in my favourite book! Thank you so much"

"It's nothing, you always talk about how you would love to have a feather like that, so I got you one"

"Thank you, ok. I guess I'm next. Merry Christmas Hermione, it's a book called 'The remains of the Day'."

"I've seen it in bookshops, I found it quite interesting and have been wanting to go and read it, thank you. Ok, Ron Merry Christmas"

Hermione gave Ron 10 chocolate frogs, Ron looked like somebody told him he won a million galleons.

"Bloody hell Hermione! Thank you!"

"No problem Ron"

"Ok, my turn. Merry Christmas Charlotte"

I was surprised, shocked and excited. Ron gave me a plant that I have been wanting for a very long time.

"Thanks so much Ron!"

We all sat there, admiring our gifts, I guess this was a very good secret santa. But I have one more gift to deliver.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ May 03, 2021 - 1921 words - Tysm for 300 reads! We hope you keep enjoying our fanfiction.

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